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This Holocaust Author's Auschwitz Blog

This blog describes my thoughts and experiences in visiting Auschwitz, Belzec, Majdanek and Sobibor and Anne Frank's House from 2014 to 2018

I blogged my preparations for my visit, I posted daily during my visit to Poland...there are also my ongoing thoughts posted here; in the aftermath of my visit...
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In Other Words

Uncategorised Posted on Thu, October 05, 2023 16:08:11

“..Those who have not lived through .. experience will never know ..those who have will never tell ..not really ..not completely.” Elie Wiesel.

I cannot even begin to comprehend what those like Elie Wiesel went through, and through our communication, I declined to ask him that question. For me, the depth of support necessary for me to broaden out the breadth of search for understanding is in my commitment in Always to Remember, Never to Forget. This search for me is more necessary for 6,000,000 very good reasons, all of whom are Jewish. It occurred to me, as I came away from each of the 6 Death Camps that Hitler had erected in Poland, that I had felt something strange, unknown, even spiritual, a belonging of sorts. By my last visit, I had not wished to return to Poland, for varying reasons, least of all the exhausting impact each visit had upon me.

“..We travelled by train in 3rd. class passenger coaches ..arrived early in ..morning at another camp ..Belsen. ..We had never heard this name before and had no idea what it was like. soon as we marched into ..we could see that it was even larger than Westerbork ..and much worse.  ..barbed wire ..guard towers ..electrified fences ..SS ..with bloodhounds ..machine guns ..searchlights. ..a real concentration camp.” Paul Oppenheimer.

But! I had fulfilled my promise to a Jewish Survivor who had simply suggested I visit, the Death Camp he had left, Belsen. I was disinclined to even suggest that I had seriously focused the need to present only 6 Camps, which exemplified the criteria set aside for the systematic, mechanised and industrial Slaughter each Death Camp was designed for. The ramifications for me have been immense, while attempting to hold true to this clear understanding. It then emerged that many Polish Survivor’s, communicated their strongly held belief that Poland, and the gentile Poles hated them. I could never accept in such sweeping terms, such generalisations that would condemn more people than necessary to the accusation of a hatred for their fellow man.

“..Bitterness ..pain fill ..Children’s recollections of those poles who hunted them ..betrayed them ..handed them to ..common enemy ..of cruelties perpetrated by other children ..of every human ignominy. ..there are few such testimonies ..reason ..simple ..painful ..children ..are not here to record their stories.” Maria Hochberg-Marianska.

In that, I could not in all honesty, accept that all Poles hated the Jews even when it was apparent many Polish Jewish Survivors felt this so profoundly, and expressed it coherently. I decided to go back to Poland to visit those Museum’s and their Curator’s to see for myself if such a profound bias, bigotry and hatred as antisemitism is, would the government of the day within Poland allow for the unvarnished truth to be on display within such institutions as were dependent upon Polish government sponsorship, and even tolerance. It was of little  consequence to the Polish Jewish Survivor that I was helped to get to Sobibor by a Polish Lady, a Lady who proved a great person. Also! I was assisted on my return from Belzec by another Polish Lady who proved equally a generous soul. Even though these were just two Polish People who sought to afford me assistance, and proved their human traits, this could not answer for what the Survivor truly held a belief in.

“..I didn’t want to go back to Poland. Poles were killing a lot of Jews who returned to claim property ..other possessions. My Parents were dead. There was nothing to go back to.”  Bianca Lerner.

Bianca’s Father had been Murdered in a Ghetto while her Mother was transported away from her and was Gassed within Treblinka, and quite literally, there was nothing to go back to. Nothing was left of Family, really. Nothing was to be allowed to be reclaimed from those who stole from the destroyed Jews, of their former Neighbours. Matched to what I was learning however, there were occasions where Poles either were being obstructive, once misdirecting me toward Treblinka, or were completely ignorant of the role they played within the Polish infrastructure of travel. On another occasion a coach driver, who left me stranded on the wrong side of Belzec, when his Coach clearly passed the front gates to this Death Camp, left me with a long trek through knee high snow and minus 18 degrees of cold. But all things considered, the Poles I spoke to and with proved friendly and listened to me about my work. Most of these Poles knew of the depth of Polish wrongs, which their government were seeking to set aside, and the level of anti-Jewish feeling that had permeated their Country, before, during and even after Hitler’s forces had relinquished their hold upon their Polish territory.

“..attitude of ..non Jewish population ..almost all Poles ..was hateful. They rejoiced at our misfortune ..enriched themselves with Jewish property.” Betzalel Papial.

The demand to hold tightly to what had not belonged to them, and deprive more than 3,000,000 Polish Jews a right to what should be passed down, leaves an indelible stain upon the morality and ethical well being of the state and its People. Bias, even antisemitic bigotry, could not dissuade many from this next generation away from the truth that hatred is so pervasive, it infects as it infests the well being of entire nations. I have found from certainty from what Elie Wiesel declares, and that while not all victims were Jews, All Jews Were Victims. For myself, I would add to that to ensure, and that remains a given in my search within my research, that while not all Poles are guilty, Not All Poles Are Innocent. Also, and we need not just insinuate our accusation to know of the persistence of the Polish Pogroms against Polish Jewry. It is unedifying to attempt to defend the indefensible. My journey began with 4 year old Tovah ‘Tokele’ Olshak, Murdered in Sokoly by gentile poles on February 17th. 1945, along with 6 other Jewish Survivors murdered by locals, Tokele, is included in these shameful murders.

 “..When ..Poles saw how ..soldiers were victimising us they piled on ..too. ..a German guard was marching me ..some other men to ..nail factory. ..a Polish boy ran up ..stabbed me in ..hand.” William Schiff.

Remember, this is even after the Reich’s killers had left and this situation for Polish Jewry was repeated all too often too followed on July 4th. 1946 when 42 of Kielce’s Surviving Jews were murdered by local Poles. Can this be considered post Holocaust, and not allowing for them to join with the more than 18,042 of their fellow Jews of Kielce who were murdered. In total, and so as to satiate the same Hitler hatred, these Jews of Kielce are as the other Jews of Kielce, Murdered within the same framework as Hitler demanded. I always bear this in mind when we think we know what we must need to know in relating facts to the integrity of those People we apply them to! In this, and while we cannot be certain that only 6,000,000 Jews were consumed, we can be practically be certain that such is their number, lost, concealed within the detail of such an account, human beings perpetrated the worst crimes ever contemplated upon an innocent People, purely because of their Jewish heritage. That all said, we must acknowledge that far in excess of that number of 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews is a more highly probable prospect. We deny this very fact at a cost to loss, and to all of those who have been consumed, particularly as we search for that rightful need for learning, the integrity of their truth binds us to them more certainly.

“..I was trying very hard to obtain statistical material about ..Jews ..found out that at ..beginning of ..War there had been about 15,000,000 Jews in ..whole world. ..6,000,000 Jews ..murdered ..meant a proportion of 40%.” SS Sturmbannfuhrer Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl.

Clearly, while we know that, on Sunday December 7th. 1941 Chelmno opens its murderous operations, and some of Kolo’s Jews were first to be extinguished, they are murdered and are dead here. So on December 8th. 1941, when what remained of these 700 Kolo Jews, who were eventually gassed at Chelmno, this was all accomplished alongside 2,300 of their fellow Jews, also brought to the doors of the Schloss and murdered. This equates to more than 3,000 Jews Murdered on just that day alone. On subsequent days, like December 10th. 1941, we are also aware that 1,757 Jews of Turek were Murdered at Chelmno. On January 16th. 1942, and with the first resettlement of 10,000 Jews from Lodz brought to Chelmno for resettlement there, what now begins is the resettlement of all of Lodz Jews and those Jews from the areas surrounding this Polish City, and the Villages and Shtetl’s once vibrant with Polish Jewry.

“..Germans seized ..Vilna ..80,000 Jews lived there. ..Sonderkommando was set up at 12 Vilenskaia Street ..under ..Schweineberg and Martin Weiss. ..broke into ..Jewish houses ..dragged away ..herded them into certain buildings near ..village of Panarai about eight kilometres from Vilna. ..hardly one returned.” Abram Gerzevitch Sutzkever.

When we arrive at an historic milestone in The Holocaust narrative, on January 20th. 1942, and The Wannsee Conference is convened, The Final Solution had already extinguished the lives of vast numbers of Jews. We simply travel back to September 29th. and 30th. 1941, and to 33,771 Jews of Kiev who are no more, to add implicitly to the terms of The Holocaust. Here too, we can be certain Hitler has already been fully appraised of The Final Solution of more than 1,000,000 Slaughtered Jews at the hands of der Einsatzgruppe. With that certainty, and with Chelmno feasting upon the Jews from the surrounding areas, that consumption rose to the tune of more than 300 Slaughtered Jews every hour, we can calculate a summary that rethinks what we are supposed to know. With this, we surely must mean that some 120,000 Polish Jews having already been gassed here at Chelmno, are additional to what Hitler’s conference was convened to complete.

“..When this black hell broke down on a bend ..they ran away on all fours ..yellow like smoked.”   Tadeusz Wojtczak.

Such testimony as can be verified, by those like Tadeusz Wojtczak concerning Chelmno, must be recognised for the pertinence. The inefficiency of many statements, regarding both the numerical atrocity, and their human implications, must ensure the stricter adherence to dates, which do not allow for all atrocity perpetrated against the Jews of Europe, must be corrected. When all of these killings, in the Black Gassing Vans of Chelmno, are added to the more voracious approach of the Einsatz aktion killing squads spreading out across the length and breadth of Eastern Europe, and the Baltic States, we can be both certain the starting point to The Holocaust is even prior to these, and even before The Wannsee Conference is allowed to stake a claim on its hold over the commencement of the Catastrophe for European Jewry.

“..At ..beginning of May 1942 SS Oberfuhrer Brack from ..Fuhrer’s chancellery suddenly came to Lublin. With Globocnik he discussed resuming ..extermination of ..Jews. Globocnik said he had too few people to carry out this programme. Brack stated that ..euthanasia programme had stopped and that ..people from T4 would from now on be detailed to him on a regular basis so that ..decisions taken at ..Wannsee conference could be implemented. As it appeared that it would not be possible for ..Einsatzgruppe to clear individual areas of Jews and ..people in ..large Ghettos of Warsaw and Lemberg by shooting them ..decision had been taken to set up 2 further extermination camps which would be ready by August 1st. 1942 ..Treblinka and Sobibor. ..large scale ‘Vernichtungsaktion’ extermination programme ..due to start on August 1st. 1942.” SS Untersturmfuhrer Josef Oberhauser.

When all assaults and destruction of the Jewish People, and I would include any Jew Murdered as a consequence of Hitler’s rabid hatred, even back to 1932, when these are all added together, we reach a far more formative figure than the World seemingly will allow for. With 11,293,300 Jews still be be progressed through the annihilation machinery, as the Wannsee Conference would suggest, all too many different assessments of how many Jews are present for Hitler to target are raised, and they ar in error of the facts. When we then arrive at how many Jews of Europe were still actually available to Hitler for The Final Solution at the beginning of 1942, and remained to be resettled after the auspices of Wannsee had consigned them, how many Jews are to be annihilated on top of those already consumed within the hatred.

“..groups from other towns converged in Budapest and joined forces . From among themselves they selected typically Aryan looking men who equipped themselves with false papers and ..joined .. Hungarian SS. These spies were then able to warn of impending persecution and raids.” Bruno Bettelheim.

When the tide had fully turned then, and Hitler’s 1,000 year Reich was to be consigned to History, but one Jewish Community remained intact, virtuall, Hungarian Jewry. When we look to what the World failed to achieve, and they could so easily have bombed the transports capability to deliver Hungarian Jewry to Birkenau, we recognise the futility in suggesting reasons other than apathy and indifference plagued the World. Then, as we are left with the impression of what humanity is capable of in the form of Count Folke Bernadotte, Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Country of Denmark, Varian Fry, Carl Lutz, Oscar Schindler, Chiune Sugihara, Raoul Wallenberg and Nicholas Winton, the grief over 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews grows exponentially. While these are barely a few names of those who shame this World for its inactivity in saving just one more Jew from the Slaughter, if but 6 million individuals had but saved ONE Jew each, how many of those 6,000,000 Individual Jews would not be our loss.

“..wicked flee when no one pursues but ..righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1

I have learned from a past steeped in my catholic upbringing, and from learning how best to behave, and by virtue of that very fact, how not to misbehave. I hold not a single belief system. I do not adhere to any other credentials but what is moral and ethical. I know my failings. I know I have had to come through those to become what I consider, considerate. In her letter to Pope Pius XI, Edith Stein pleaded her case for saving the Jewish People from what she recognised was both immoral and unchristian. Her words fell upon deaf ears and the silence of the catholic church, while Catholics acted individually, is telling. Even as a collective in a Monastery or Convent suggests that such a mere depreciation of humanity’s values have proved an unethical response. To such an immense Catastrophe as The Holocaust has become, the church’s silence does not act in response to any christ like demand.

“..As a child of ..Jewish people who ..grace of God ..for ..past 11 years has also been a child of ..Catholic Church ..I dare to speak to ..Father of Christianity about that which oppresses 1,000,000’s of Germans. For weeks we have seen deeds perpetrated in Germany which mock any sense of justice and humanity ..not to mention love of neighbour. For years ..leaders of National Socialism have been preaching hatred of ..Jews. But ..responsibility must fall ..after all ..on those who brought them to this point and it also falls on those who keep silent in ..face of such happenings. Everything that happened and continues to happen on a daily basis originates with a government that calls itself  ‘Christian.’ For weeks not only Jews but also 1,000’s of faithful Catholics in Germany ..and ..I believe ..all over ..have been waiting and hoping for ..Church of Christ to raise its voice to put a stop to this abuse of Christ’s name.” Edith Stein.

So please forgive what may seem flippant in my commentary upon belief and their systems, and in response to some, I summarised my own refusal to belief as such. What did conversion achieve for any Jew, least of all  Edith Stein. Edit Stein pleaded with the then pope, pius xi, to at least intervene or issue a command to save the Jews. Edith Stein was Murdered, none the less, as a Jew but was still given a sainthood so as to reclaim her. Edith Stein was identified as a Jew but was an abandoned Jew by the church she professed to belong to. Her Murder remains confronting to a complicit church whose failure in The Final Solution, led an ever-increasing number of Jews to resolve for Hitler, The Jewish Question.

“..How abysmally asleep is a conscience when it must be aroused to be told there is something morally wrong about pressing candy upon a little boy to induce him to enter a gas chamber of death.” Michael Musmanno.

Even without the inducement of candy, without the sliver of hope which a slice of Bread can seduce, Jewish Children and Jewish Adults were force fed the Mobile and Static Gas Chambers at Belzec, Birkenau, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka. Here, in both versions of the gassing apparatus, whether static or mobile gassing facilities, the Jewish People were forced to cling to the last ounce of oxygen they could. With sheer brutality at times, and without any sense conscience at all times, moral efficacies were sidelined in favour of the destruction of the Jewish People, no matter how it was achieved. While Poland looked on at such close quarters, and as the World stood by in a chosen isolation, so ended the lives of countless 1,000,000’s of Jewish People, 6,000,000 of which has become the representative number.

“.. It was perfectly clear to me that this order spelled death to 1,000,000 s of people. I said to Eichmann ..God grant that our enemies never have ..opportunity of doing ..same to ..German people ..Eichmann told me not to be sentimental was an order of ..Fuhrer’s and would have to be carried out.” SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Dieter Wisliceny.

And this is the point of bargaining we reach with the Survivor, in asking them to accept their loss is but a number we cannot be certain of. We also ask them politely, and for our benefit, a demand that these Jews hear all too constantly, so as to tell us more of what terrors the horror of what they have been forced to live through can inform us. In essence, such was that life of existence, it was a death the Jewish Survivor emerged from so that a morsel of what they clearly knows and haunts them, should and must testify for us. These Jews, whose very Survival marks them as extraordinary human beings, does not always work in their favour. While they already cannot forget what we insist they remind us of, and the tragedy that befell their People stalks them, we allow for the horror to be ever present, without respite, even though their minds ability will not let go of their trauma. We, on the other hand, are always insisting there is more for us to know, and the truth is there is much more that we are set to become the witnesses to.

“..Those masses who were brought here from all over occupied Europe and were not annihilated upon arrival ..found themselves in a universe parallel to ours today ..with its scientists and laborers ..believers and non-believers ..theoreticians and artists ..poets and merchants and poor ..ignorant and learned ..speaking all languages and practicing all trades. In this place one witnessed an antinomian ingathering of ..exiled. Death in gas chambers replaced Redemption.” Elie Wiesel.

As you stand outside the Death Camps, or alongside these places of extinction, what the Jews encountered, those who entered these spaces, where intentionally they were met with what could not be endured, we seek their return to such memories. For those outside, who witnessed the very terms to what was the extermination they could not hide from, they remained passive, even unconcerned as these being Slaughtered were just Jews. For that reason of bias, bigotry or sheer hatred alone, each of the 6 Death Camps in Poland places a marker where conscience and concern was abandoned. In one place in particular, I stood on a ground were more than 1,100,000 Jews alone were consumed, and as I pointed out to a Survivor I had just become acquainted with, there still Was Smoke Over Birkenau. This though was from the forest of leaves and the detritus of Autumn, merely being set alight. But it was a pointer, a poignant moment which added to the disbelief that so much could have happened to so many Jews in such a small place of confinement. In comparison to such numbers as these, one cannot begin to imagine the relative size of any City which could be required to detain them all.

“ ..For a variety of reasons ..women s situation was a good deal worse than that of ..physical endurance ..coupled with work more arduous and degrading ..agonies of disrupted families ..and ..haunting presence of ..crematoria ..located right in ..middle of ..women s camp ..inescapable ..undeniable ..ungodly smoke rising contaminate every day ..every night ..every moment of respite or illusion ..every dream and timorous hope.”  Primo Levi.

Any human concern that was supposed to be Worldwide was abrogated to such silence as reached all of Polish Jewry. When the wider European Jewish Family was so comprehensively, loudly and more fully extinguished, this was not achieved in silence, it was not conducted in a vacuum. The ramparts where once 1,000,000’s of Jews stood, where emptiness filled the line which awaited ever more Jews, and with gasses or smoke billowing from the backs of Vans or tall towers, or from open pits, the congesting of the surrounding air billowed with the scent of Jewish decay. From the rotting corpses of discarded Jewish life, thrown so recklessly into pits to decompose the memory of what they suffered, no sense of outrage from Polish communities. However, quick was their response so as to exploit such savagery as these grave robbers of Poland became invested in tainting further the despoiled history of Poland.

“..1941  ..At 6:00 in ..morning ..awoken from a deep sleep. Report for an execution. Fine I’ll just play executioner and then gravedigger ..why not? 23 had to be shot ..amongst them 2 women. ..We had to find a suitable spot to shoot and bury them. After a few minutes we found a place. ..death candidates assembled with shovels to dig their own graves. Two of them were weeping. ..others certainly have incredible courage. ..Strange ..I am completely unmoved. No pity ..nothing. That’s ..way it is and then it’s all over. ..Valuables ..put into a pile. ..2 women are lined up at one end of ..grave ready to be shot first. ..As ..women walked to ..grave they were completely composed. They turned around. Six of us had to shoot them. ..job ..assigned thus ..three at ..heart ..three at ..head. I took ..heart. ..shots were fired and ..brains whizzed through ..air. Two in ..head is too much. They almost tear it off. ..a few bodies ..rearranged with a pickaxe. ..I came back dog tired.”  SS Hauptscharfuhrer Felix Landau.

The Child in The Holocaust

Uncategorised Posted on Wed, September 06, 2023 17:08:21
            The Child in The Holocaust.

“..If this Book should contain just 1,500,000 words would never come close enough to ..form of our detestation to register for ..Jewish Children’s loss.” Patrick Dempsey.

This then is my latest Book on The Holocaust theme, and has been screaming out at me ever since I was introduced to Tovah Olshak.
For Tokele, this 4 year old Jewish Girl, whose life was so treacherously cut short, has cornered my attention for so long, it feels that I personally know her, and seemingly very well. To our utter shame, we People who acclaim our humanity, when Survival had all but been secured for this Child, amongst the Survivors of Sokoly, Tovah suffered from that same hatred Hitler witnessed from within Poland. For the grave loss that is these 1,500,000 Jewish Children, who are just like Tovah, their lives too were forfeit to Hitler’s rancid and febrile nature. Hitler’s mind was so warped by such a hatred, he would even abandon even those most ardent of his follower’s who were to suffer for doing so much he had demanded of them.

“..Children are not ..People of tomorrow ..but people today. They are entitled to be taken seriously. They have a right to be treated by adults with tenderness and respect equals. They should be allowed to grow into whoever they were meant to be. ..unknown person inside each of them is ..Hope for ..Future.” Januscz Korczak.

Sadly, there was this persistent argument that was sought to distance the murderous act from the Jewish Children, but the slaughter itself all about the Jewish Child, and for whom we know:

“ of ..women ..children ..old people ..700 of them ..taken to ..wooden barn. ..forced inside. ..Nazis opened gasoline cans ..spread gas all around ..barn ..and set it on fire. Flames soon gutted ..entire structure.” Yehuda Adelman.

        They Should have been saved, 

“..After my Mother was Murdered ..I was deported together with my Father to Transnistria. We have spent many weeks on a penal trek of sorts. For days we have been slogging along roads deep in mud ..a lengthy convoy surrounded by Romanian and Ukrainian soldiers who flog and shoot at us. Father holds my hand tight feet no longer touch ..ground. ..sound of ..water slices at my legs and my hips. It’s dark all around ..apart from Father’s hand I don’t feel a thing. Truth to tell ..I don’t feel his hand either ..since my hand is already partly numb. If I move just a little I’ll surely drown. Even Father won’t be able to pull me out. Lots of Children have already drowned this way. I fall asleep ..still clutching his hand. But not for long. While the sky is still dark ..soldiers light up ..convoy with sniping and gunfire. Father holds my hand and tugs me. ..mud is deep and I can’t feel ..bottom. I’m still half asleep and tremendously afraid. It hurts. I call out. Father hears my call and answers at once.” Aharon Appelfeld.

        They Could have been saved, and 

“..first victims were ..Jewish Children ..and I shall never forget ..harrowing scenes and ..blood curdling incidents when men ..cruelly attacked Children. ..Even today ..cries ..shrieking of those Children are clear in my mind.” Adolf Berman.

        The Final Solution ensured that they Would not be saved.

“..pure myth ..Jews ..merely passive. ..Jews fought back a degree no other community anywhere ..would have been capable of. ..they fought against hunger ..starvation ..disease ..a deadly Nazi economic blockade. They fought against murderers and ..traitors within their own ranks ..and ..were utterly alone in their fight. ..forsaken by God and ..surrounded by hatred or indifference. ..there was much heroism ..little beauty ..much toil ..suffering glamour. We fought back on every front ..biological ..economic ..propaganda ..cultural ..with every weapon ..possessed. In ..end ..ruse ..deception ..cunning beyond anything had ever ..seen ..accomplished what hunger ..disease ..terror ..treachery ..could not. What defeated us ..Jewry’s unconquerable optimism ..eternal faith in ..goodness of man ..even a German ..a Nazi ..could never have ..renounced ..own humanity as to murder women ..’children’ coldly ..systematically. ..when we finally took up arms ..we inscribed in of history epic of ..Ghetto Uprising.” Michal Berg.

There is this continuing myth, that such were the protestations of the nazis and the nazi killers also, that the Jewish Children would be spared such as their Parents were delivered onto. Eventually though, the veil of such hypocrisy slipped and all of this, a mere proposition which such hatred, as was cancerous within Hitler’s very being, would not allow for any Jew, Young, Small, Tiny or a Babe in Arms, to survive. True, many Nazis and their collaborators balked at the thought of killing Children. But the very idea that the Jewish Child should not be treated as all Jews were to be discarded and with disdain, certainly with disregard and with total contempt, this was merely a feigned illusion of supposed human behaviour. Its inhumane outlet was to see both Parents, other Adults and all the Children crammed together and assailed and then murdered.

“.. Korczak’s Children did not romp ..on ..manicured lawns ..but languished in ..dark slums of Warsaw. He set up orphanages ..lived his life among Children in real life ..not just in imagination ..for he saw them as ..salvation of” Betty Jean Lifton.

All of which was etched into such a killer mindset, that all of this was to be easily dismissed by the perpetrators in favour of the total Slaughter of even the smallest Jewish Child . No Jew would ever escape both Hitler’s attention from their certain isolation, and inevitably their complete evisceration and destruction was guaranteed. This reality for the awakening Jews to such a prospect could not fail to see every effort Hitler’s legions made was including the mass murder of 1,500,000 of their Jewish Children. It has become all too evident, and recognised widely, that for so many Hitler apologists, the Jewish Child was to be somehow spared, if but initially. For these miscreants then, who continually sought to remove the Jewish Children of all of Europe from Hitler’s Worldview, it is as distasteful as it is completely untrue.

“..How calm was this Woman ..perhaps just a lit­tle younger than me in ..middle of unparalleled uproar and ..general anxiety in When it became clear ..heads would leave ..Dr. Rotstein did not hesitate and took everything under her control. ..Children walked by themselves ..with only some of them being carried away in arms. Adult patients were usually transported on stretchers. This was horrible ..incomparably more horrible than a procession of healthy people walking towards their demise.” Dr. Henryk Makower.

It is evident that with Hitler’s Weltanschauung, he saw both a wide expanse of territory for his own realm and a broadening of his erstwhile goal. This multi layered effort, a Lebensraum that would run alongside The Final Solution, was to ensure all lands would become totally devoid of all and any Jewish presence. This most certainly did not preclude the Jewish Children from being considered an otherwise threatned body. So let me remind them, those with blinkered souls, biased and bigoted ideas and blinded minds, their defence of anything Hitler envisaged is savagely wrong. The very fact is certain, and that no Jew could be left alive who could, should and even would avenge what was done to the Jewish Hopes and Dreams of the Jewish People living freely amongst the nations and peoples of Europe they had previously adopted.

“..I was in Auschwitz. 1,000’s were killed there. ..a law and had to be done ..SS camp leader Schwartzhuber said at ..instructional session. ..They said there must be gassings. ..necessary to exterminate ..Jews. When we asked ..women ..children too. ..everything Hitler did was law.” SS Rottenfuhrer Stefan Baretzki.

It is a tragic reality that for all Jews, who were finally removed from the reality of civilised existence, and with their lineage and persistence wholly destroyed, there was no alternative view. Escape had never truly been an open door and as the noose tightened around them within Europe, the World was engaged in a spectacle that saw the birth of what Genocide fully came to mean. Even for those history seekers who measure this with the Madagaskar Plan, must see there was futility in Hitler even suggesting such an attempt. To move more than 11,000,000 or 12,000,000 Jewish People to this malaria infested island could never have been logistically managed while a Hitlerite Worldview was being anticipated. While the Jewish Family’s were set upon a path then, with their total life force being wasted on the whim of a lunatic, the Jews of Europe were summoned by law and decree, and they simply complied. Even as a killing operation was presented to them, which levied its extreme brutality upon every Jew, we see no variance in the vicious and vile treatment for any Jew, even despite their youthful age.

“..Perhaps I will be invited to participate in building a new order in ..or in Poland.” Januscz Korczak.

Everyone of the Jews under attack, now lay beyond the bounds of a humanity being discarded, and the integrity of the entire Jewish Community was to be laid to waste. Sadly too, and for all of those just like Januscz, he was not allowed to live long enough to even see a World order, let alone a Poland that would invite those like him to remain or return, because he and they were Jews. Here though, while the Jewish Child would face the full force of what Hitler demanded for all of the Jews of Europe, any World order was being decapitated. I would take you back for an instant, and into the space of a few square kilometres that are The Warsaw Ghetto. Here, there were crammed, crushed, and essentially forcefully dying Jews, who were Jews who somehow thrived on all of this carnage with competing aims. For some of these, and like all the Jews ever to have existed, Family was a major focus that could be maintained right up to the gates of the Death Camps or even alongside the ridges of those Killing Sites reserved for them all. Despite having been immersed in such scenery as has been presented to us, it is impossible ever to come to terms with what these Jews and their Children became a witness to, and a testimony they could never bring forth.

“..Dr. Rotstein received called number of life and could attempt to rescue herself. Instead ..she voluntarily entered ..wagon with her patients considering it her duty to do so.” Dr. Adolf Polisiuk.

Here too, and not solely within this the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto, but in every single containment space registered as the Ghettos within Poland, there were many Jews who doggedly catered for many 1,000,000’s of their fellow Jews. For each Jew, who was isolated from the reality of their former existence, they fell back into the depths of a squalor they had not envisaged. But here in the Polish capitol, there was the largest congregation of Polish Jewry that was to be incarcerated. Here, as throughout Jewish existence, it was an essential concern as to how best to nurture and to protect the Child, and their Children. Now, more and more Jewish Children were placed in the care of those Elders, and Pedagogues like Januscz who would be charged with their protection. For the survival of any of these Jewish Children, we have much to be thankful for, with more than 5,000 years of Jewish dependence upon Family, and those values which bonded them so closely to each other. Sadly too, this had as its counter point, the very fact that the complete evisceration of the Jewish People, as Community from so many places, would be total and complete for all too many established Jewish enclaves throughout Eastern Europe especially.

“..Part of ..trolleys and rails originated from ..sawmill that bordered ..Sobibor camp. Additional trolleys and rails arrived by train from Trawniki. ..locomotive of this train came later ..about two months after ..trolley was in operation. At ..beginning horses pulled ..trolleys. ..trolley was transport ..sick ..handicapped Jews from ..arriving trains to Camp lll. ..these people ..handicapped and sick children ..particularly infants ..taken to ..Lazarett ..were shot by those serving in Camp lll. ..known ..Lazarett was used ..for ..extermination of ..people.” SS Oberscharfuhrer Hermann Erich Bauer.

As Jewish Parents died, or were killed, as more and more Jews headed toward the ramparts for resettlement transports, many of their Children were left behind and filled the streets. It seemed necessary to heap more and more anguish upon the Jewish People by separating their Family line, though every effort was made to ensure the wholesale slaughter of all within the Family unit would ensure no legacy would be left behind. Even then, and after the Jewish Children’s Homes could literally take no more, and the Judenrate had no space left to allocate to them, the beseeching cries of beleaguered, starving and traumatized Jewish Children, rendered the air of this, and all other Ghettos with pleas, protestations and tears voluminous with the ravages of hunger and the mounting pain anguish of not knowing what was approaching but what was seemingly a disaster awaiting them around every corner. There was the hue of such an immense desperation, and which would only be fully quelled within the Gas Chambers of places like Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor and Birkenau. This was certainly true for the many 100’s of 1,000’s of those Jews being gradually removed away from the Warsaw Ghetto enroute toward Malkinia. For these Jews in the main, who took everything of value with them, and most especially for the Parents, it was to be their Children who would be alongside them and consigned to an eternity together.

“..We shot women as if they had been cattle. ..a large quarry where 10,000 men ..women ..children were shot. They were still lying in ..quarry. We drove out on purpose to see it. It was ..most bestial thing I ever saw.” Lieutenant General Fritz von Broich.

Here, like Januscz Korczak or Dr. Halina Rotstein, and I have no wish to exclude anyone from this roster of human compassion, we recognise all that civilisation presents is being eroded and then erased. For all of those Jews who did not allow for their charges to be abandoned, it is for us to reassure the world that not only should they be remembered, they should be recounted as the best of us. Indeed, for those Jews especially, who entered the wagons together with those they were charged to care for, and from the many places just like Warsaw’s Umschlagplatz, for these now enroute to Treblinka, or from the many places earmarked for the embarkation of Jews toward the Death Camps and the East, their heroism is exemplified. We sit in awe at what a human being can achieve knowing we too have an obligation to this past, so as to ensure their lesson is well taught, it is learned, and we must learn from it. It has never been enough for me to become a witness to what we allowed to happen to 6,000,000 Jews, and especially to all those 6,000,000 Jews who were Slaughtered, but we must assess the entire loss as it matters to us as it confronts our own humanity.

“..Each person carries an entire world within himself ..and everything exists twice: once ..way it is ..other ..way he perceives it with his own eyes and feelings.” Januscz Korczak.

About My Books

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, August 27, 2023 11:43:05

“..Each individual was a world in himself ..unique in his aspirations ..feelings ..hopes ..his past obliterated ..his future cut off at ..roots. Each and every one deserves his place in posterity ..just as he deserves a grave and a tombstone of his own. mentions only a few and we pray that this book will serve as a communal monument for those who have been inadvertently passed over without mention.” Avraham Levite.

Memory is always important to that vibrancy in any History which links us to the past we seek to earn from. Everything I write is personal to me and matters more than 6,000,000 Jewish lives ever proved to matter to the World! As a writer on The Holocaust,  I have been enabled to process my own grief, through recognising the immensity of a grief I have yet to comprehend. In a World that proved so intolerable for 6,000,000 Jews who were removed from it. Also, and I’ve learned this from the sense of that very loss I have encountered time and time again, that to learn of the Jewish suffering is in part to own their loss. For me, and so as to add further to such an incomprehensible atrocity, I do not choose to write on that part of my own past which has so impacted me, personally. So I am here exclusively, to remember these 6,000,000 Jews and in particular within the pages of my work, words and Books.

“..In my opinion ..Jewish People were neglected by ..first requirement of their heritage ..their Religion ..and betrayed by ..racial intolerance and human indifference within Man.” Patrick Dempsey.

My latest Book couldn’t be more important to me as it relates such devastating a loss that rendered 1,500,000 of the Jewish Children superfluous to our own humanity. While there are others of my own Family to remind me of our combined loss, I am mindful of the deeper penetration of loss that reaches the Jews of this World. For these Jews, and more consequentially for Their Children written about here, who now is left to remember them. True! As a Jewish collective, the Jews remember there was once a great more Jewish People in the World and for whose grief we must share. The Jews of today must require from us to share with those who see in The Holocaust all that must matter to humanity. As a State too, Israel recalls the burden of that huge and immeasurable loss that has not weighted as heavily upon a world as it should have done. 

“..Someone who was not there could never really grasp how unreal ..situation was.” Benjamin Berell Ferencz.

In a  World which oversaw the dark shadow of such expressed hatred as has consumed these Jews, newer expression of our remorse is sought. For much that I acclaim, there are parts of my very being carefully written into each page of the words in all and any of these books, works and their effort. It is through each and every Book I have written that I truly consider that they are my works for the loss of the 6,000,000 Jews who were so cruelly taken. For that very reason, we are morally obliged to remember them all with more than a vague recollection of whay they were so lethally destroyed. I have detailed within each of my works what I consider is a sincere effort to deliver what I feel 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews have long deserved, apolgy in memory. That they are deprived of all that becomes necessary, in much of their memory that is forever lost to us, we must dig ever more deeply for the barest traces of who they are and what they must have left to us.

“..There are some works you have to return to reprise ..essential necessity of what has been written and what requires an evidenced gain from a futures proof. For me even to attempt to appreciate ..calm dignity of those who Survived ..I aim to ensure nothing I have said has caused such offence as to be somewhat spoiled in my effort.” Patrick Dempsey.

For me, there is also an anger, and though this has to be somewhat subdued, as it must and should not detract from that essential in remembering them all through their bitter strucggles with the rancid nature angered with hatred. What I aim to achieve, and what remains hidden beneath that more important effort, is in always allowing my effort to further add to their memory. This also sees in my own inner conflict a very grave need to know the why’s and the wherefores of how and why all of this was allowed to happen. While I attempt to barely conceal the rage, I am certain as I allow a prominent grief to inflict its loss upon me, upon more of us, I will not read other works without that sense of despair converting others thoughts into my own words. This all then adds to ensure that those destroyed Jews have a reminder for the future that is not removed from us entirely.

“..I built a physical site for visitors ..which tells and presents ..history of The Holocaust. I expanded and research of ..subject and laid ..foundations for making a world center for commemorating ..memory of The Holocaust and its heritage. ..Despite years of lack of diplomatic relations with ..countries of ..Communist bloc in Eastern Europe ..I have been able to establish working relations with archives in these countries and obtain 100’s of 1,000’s of documents relating to The Holocaust there.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.

My major effort has always been, as I have researched, and as I have trawled so many other works, that intricate search is for more of what is still missing. There is still within me the hope that I can find even one more name that would be otherwise stay lost or be forgotten. So as to be added to what we may already know, to ensure some of what might yet be forgotten, this is a demand I place upon myself in my search that fills my World with images I cannot, not own. I have thought long and hard about this effort in my first Book’s title, and as I explored the Testimony and recognised there was approaching this Fading Memory in the Holocaust. I was talking to a Survivor at the beginning of my journey and recognised in his words, ‘We are fast approaching our own passing’, and knew we owed more to their importance and than just the recognition and urgent testimony to that fading memory they were facing.

“ own first Book should have been forming merely ..initial chapter in of my continuing and accusing narrative to ..Catastrophe.” Patrick Dempsey.

We are all too soon losing even more access to all of those Survivor’s we will never know, and even from all of those who knew them, there is this urgency to recall some if any of the lessons they left to us. What is certain too, and in any of my books, is the fact that they contain my words and they cannot be distorted. Nor can they be edited away from their intention to record the digust humanity must still show for what 6,000,000 Jews were forced to deal with. Not one iota of my effort for these Jewish People can be removed from an emphasis I have truly placed upon my own efforts for them. The words I have truthfully written into The Holocaust pages will remain forever to posterity as they were always intended. The words I will continue to write will then remain in truth as a catalyst to the integrity which history fully demands.  

“..pure myth ..Jews ..merely passive. ..Jews fought back a degree no other community anywhere ..would have been capable of. ..they fought against hunger ..starvation ..disease ..a deadly Nazi economic blockade. They fought against murderers and ..traitors ..and ..were utterly alone in their fight. ..forsaken by God and ..surrounded by hatred or indifference. ..there was much heroism ..little beauty ..much toil ..suffering glamour. We fought back on every front ..biological ..economic ..propaganda ..cultural ..with every weapon ..possessed. In ..end ..ruse ..deception ..cunning beyond anything had ever ..seen ..accomplished what hunger ..disease ..terror ..treachery ..could not. What defeated us ..Jewry’s unconquerable optimism ..eternal faith in ..goodness of man ..even a German ..a Nazi ..could never have ..renounced ..own humanity as to murder women ..’children’ coldly ..systematically. ..when we finally took up arms ..we inscribed in of history epic of ..Ghetto Uprising.” Michal Berg.

Indeed, and nor can the intention of my works be lessened by others whose accusations rouse the neglect they infect all of history with. I understand the tenure and tenor of their often times vitriolic protestations of works solely dedicated to the Jewish loss. However, I do not deny the weight of a global loss, nor do I stand aside from those who might seek to distort even that. And for some, that effort I am deeply assigned to see’s so many to this day who are somehow fed by that same hatred which consigned the Jews toward oblivion. All of this mounts to my growing demand for those I accuse to bear witness to all truth which is neither tainted by denial nor distorted by bias or hatred. In fact, there is no room for such hatred as its invalid status has proven. The hatred has not yet been fully consumed destroying these Jews of Europe as it still flourishes amongst people and nations who seek to continually gain.

“..The Holocaust ..which ..World should clearly recognise is ..most unique ..unparalleled and unprecedented assault upon any People ..and that this World has ever known ..was waged on a People because they are a Jewish People.” Patrick Dempsey.

Tragically, genocide’s continue that have learned the wrong lessons of what 6,000,000 Jews could not survive. I have no personal axe to grind, other than in conducting myself with concern for all that humanity has lost. It quite amazes me that some, in a search for their own distortion, will accuse the very truth I bring to my own words. For some the truth is unnecessary so they accuse my words of being somehow contrived or in some way contrary to all that truthful intention must deliver. In particular, for those words I have given over to those Books I have already delivered, they stand in all honesty as a truth to a witnessed testimony to all of those who afforded us their vacant space for us to fill with words. My own accusations not withstanding, my words then are aimed first and foremost at those who are the culprits, the perpetrators and the participators in all that was achieved.

“..circumstances of my present life ..impossibility of reaching a large library ..loss of my own books have made me dependent upon notes and ..memory. Both ..supplementary reading and..research demanded by ..very laws of ..craft ..have been denied me.”  Marc Bloch.

For those, who stood along the wings of the gravest tragedy ever to be inflicted upon a group of People, and purely because they were a Jewish People, I add to the library of grief. For those who did nothing to prevent what was done, those of nations or corrupted states, they too are terminally damnable. It was always my essential, that for the 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews of The Holocaust I would raise my voice. That this is understood, realised and repeatedly conveyed forms the essential my words hope to deliver. I understand fully, that at times I am too easy to distract, more particularly when corresponding on media or internet platforms. In assuming those who ask the questions, that they suggest they are searching for exactly what I seek, the correct answers I deliver are not always what they want from my work.

“..I thought I had learned of what I needed to know as to write this 1st. Book which would be on ..A Child of The Holocaust should be based clearly on what I knew ..World knew.” Patrick Dempsey.

As I give the exact same truthful answers, and they are always truthfully delivered and are never untruthful, I will not sway from what matters. However, once the questions have been asked, and as I find myself responding to what does not matter to my search, let alone to these Jews I speak of and for, the Jewish Child required more and more of the time I would need to deliver for them. I know all too well that there are efforts to detract from what is my aim, to make 6,000,000 works or words possible to add to a missing evidence for 6,000,000 ritually Slaughtered Jews. These Jewish People, taken too liberally from all existence, have us as an accused for such a shameful indifference that is yet to be measured more fully. While it became evident that it was not yet possible for me to write on other than The Holocaust as a whole, the idea for that first book on the Child of The Holocaust would have to wait.

“..first victims were ..Jewish Children ..and I shall never forget ..harrowing scenes and ..blood curdling incidents when men ..cruelly attacked Children. ..Even today ..cries ..shrieking of those Children are clear in my mind.” Adolf Berman.

What I had earlier sought was only ever to deliver what is within me to write and that position remains a delivery upon the factual truth that is its very integrity. As I was first given the image of the 4 year old Tovah ‘Tokele’ Olshak, which presented itself to me in my search for a literary output, how could I then pass by and not relay my concerns through those exact same words I would use for her, and not for her own community of these 6,000,000 Jews. In that deep tragedy for Tovah, who was never allowed to live so as to thrive, my emerging words on her behalf will now have to suffice for her loss to all she might have been. So I set out to research all that could be learned, and I realised much of what has been done in our name is as intolerable of humanity and intolerant of Tovah as indifference of the 6,000,000 has allowed for.

“..fact too is ..testimony of my actual 1st. Book ..2nd. ..3rd. ..4th. Books for those Jews who stood as Jews and were separated out ..incarcerated and destroyed for that very certainty.” Patrick Dempsey.

When I was first introduced to the Survivor, who we are fast running out of, and as their first hand evidence will fade and disappear, we will lose ever more of the truth we seek. This too is the basis of my first book on the Testimony and Fading Memory in The Holocaust I realised was being lost. It was an undertaking then for me to ensure that what I presented was accurate, factually true and holding with the very testimony each and every Survivor would recognise. Tragically too, and running concurrent with the faded distance between then and now, there is an ever present intention by too many, to distance us from the entire truth. Fuller memory is essential, and in each of my books there is no opportunity for any forgetfulness in this search. Words make lines in paragraphs which add to chapters of meaning and that meaning has consistently resigned itself to the fact that not much is being learned from the words to teach.

“..That there has been and is being considered in Hitler’s headquarters a plan to exterminate all Jews from Germany and German controlled areas in Europe after they have been concentrated in ..East. ..numbers involved is said to be between 3,500,000 and 4,000,000 and ..object to permanently settle ..Jewish Question in Europe.” Dr. Gerhart Riegner.

Of course, there are the doubters, the deniers and the distorters who do not buy what it is I have to say. Nor in fact do they read my works and all the while they are criticising them continually. For 6,000,000 reasons, those who are thus critical without understanding the truth I deliver, they must first recognise what truth ensures. In not one of my books can distortion present itself and my works are not to be altered and they cannot be altered nor corrected for obvious reasons. The debt owed to 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews is the fixed notice which presents the reader with nothing other than that very certainty. I am sure I have often stated, and while I have presented many of the facts that are known to History, I have installed a resilience in the memory for 6,000,000 Jews that has me written across it.

“..The Holocaust strands of atrocity which was exacted in front of them ..there is an accusation which is not fully measured by ..sheer weight of loss of these 6,000,000 annihilated Jews of Europe.” Patrick Dempsey.

I have much to gain from my writing and it is with an understanding of what matters in all life and what must be accomplished to secure for all of that life which must matter. With this my second book, der Einsatzgruppe and The Destruction of European Jewry, this book emerged from some of the detail in my first book. Everyone who has studied the full tenets of The Holocaust knows full well its leading term is The Final Solution. However, all too conveniently we allow for all too many, who are ignoring that very fact, that this was Hitler’s resolve for The Jewish Question and his will to do so as completely as he could. Also, and the reason for this second book is in the emergence of that one single and murderous goal which was the single minded and determined effort of his tawdry  existence. 

“..Up to 3,000 bodies were burned at a time. About 70,000 corpses were dug up. ..gas vans brought more corpses.” Senya Borisovich Berland.

What Hitler conducted within the field of expansionism, his Weltanschauung, was clearly identifiable so that The Holocaust would more fully come into being. It is to be recognised also that this was a murderous rampage raged by specially focused killing groups, which were in aktionen well ahead of the creation of the Death Camp system. All too frequently though, and by the endorsement of some and the suggestion of others, these mass murders have become somewhat subjugated to the meaning given over to a more static effort. For the Jews in the Death Camps, we look to this premise of separation as it is suggested, to recognise details in The Holocaust. Though we must accept, and so as to allow for any untruthful suggestion that The Final Solution had not long commenced, even when Chelmno came into operation.

“..To hurt a fellow human being have ..capacity to inflict pain upon another person is a terrible indictment which we have inflicted upon mankind.” Patrick Dempsey.

In the mean time, paper’s were filed and memos criss crossed the Reich filling Hitler and hundred’s of the higher echelons of his administration and military, with what was being achieved against the Jewish People. It is still true that other’s fell, who were killed and were murdered but these were outside the remit I seek to recognise as The Jewish Question. As the Wehrmacht drove deeper into neutral territories, nations betrayed their own Jewish Community and in no way ameliorated the treatment meted out to those not on der Einsatzgruppe’s kill list. Also, and there are still many who seek to signal, that with the gradual emergence of the Death Camp system, along with what Hitler’s Einsatz legions were achieving, that this too was a starting date for the overall atrocity that is The Holocaust.

“..I am awake to ..prospect that was denied ..Jews of The Holocaust to find sanctuary ..find allies or at least ..weapons necessary to fight ..common evil of Hitler’s Reich.” Patrick Dempsey.

Regrettably, with the emergence of the Chelmno Death Camp, this would exclude in excess of 1,000,000 already Destroyed Jews from the tentacles of the annihilation intended for them. In such a case, this would be excluding those numbers from being included in the overall assessment that is the overall tragedy that became The Holocaust, particularly prior to The Wannsee Conference. With  this lack of an incremental appreciation of the course of these events, is it not fair to be true, and even as Chelmno was now in operation gassing Kolo’s Jews, can we ever be irresponsible enough not to include such losses. Also, added to this burgeoning assessment is the huge losses of those Jews of the Ghetto, who had been assigned to death through starvation, assault and brutal murder. Each of these converging aktionen, adding always to the overall assessment still to be made, and even after that fact, we must ensure the inclusion of all Jews Slaughtered as a result of Hitler’s rabid hatred, are equally recorded. 

“..I also needed to inform those Jews who Survived ..that a non-Jew would spend ..time to inform ..accuse and research well what intolerable atrocity’s these 6,000,000 People faced ..simply for being Jews.” Patrick Dempsey.

An evidence which saw more than these 1,000,000 already executed Jews, in both Chelmno and by der Einsatzgruppe, all added to the emergence of Hitler’s resolve and the escalating terms of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question.  All other c onsiderations must add more deliberately to what becomes entered into this realm of The Holocaust period. The proposal, that with the conducting of The Wannsee Conference, this signalled the commencement of The Holocaust itself. However, this failed suggestion is incorrectly broached, and is a complete smoke screen to divert attention away from those Jews already being murdered, killed and allowed to die and by whom. This I suggest will only detract from the fuller truth which Slaughtered ever more Jews prior to such contentions, as themed at Wannsee, and even by der Einsatz operations. For me, this series of distractions is intentional, as I feel the presenting of this conference as the commencement date for The Final Solution, excludes ever more Jews from the terms of Hitler’s slaughter. This obfuscation, is also the premise by which too many seek to remove the very terms of The Final Solution away from Hitler’s Worldview.

“..after all these years ..Jewish Children would be clearly identified as from amongst ..1,500,000 Murdered Jewish Children of ..6,000,000 Jewish People ..who are The Holocaust.” Patrick Dempsey.

This aim of world domination, Hitler’s Weltanschauung, which began with Hitler’s deliberate  enactment of World War II, beginning on September 1st. 1939, ensured that Lebensraum, the necessary room to assail 3,650,000 Polish Jews became fully available to him. Initially, Poland was to prove the testing ground for this annihilation of Polish Jews, and eventually this would completely resolve, for the remainder of European Jewry, that this plan too would eventually follow them into extermination. There is always this confusing demand shrouding some elaborate search for a start date to Hitler’s plan for the Jewish People. Personally,  and I feel all of this is presented to disguise the fact that the massing of Murder toward the Jews of Europe was always in preparation, even prior to those initial steps with a gained power in 1932. That being the case however, and definitely since the Polish Invasion, perhaps more than 1,000,000 Jews are already brutally Murdered and Slaughtered even before World War II was fully in motion, in competing for that Worldview.

“..I do know that ..intention was to ensure NO Jew ..Male ..Female ..Child ..Infant or Baby would Survive ..tenets of die Endlosung der Judenfrage Hitler had ordained them.” Patrick Dempsey.

This murderous effort against the Jews is all in accordance with Hitler’s parallel attempt in the World of war. This has all been linked by Hitler’s warped view of a World he demanded would be fully subjugated to his will. Then, and with a hatred for the Jews that would see both Jewish and World views as consequences to be crushed under foot of his design. With the formative Einsatz entering the field in 1939, The Final Solution of The Jewish Question was never to be limited to role to be played by the Death Camp System. The Wannsee Conference itself recognised this combined effort of mass destruction, and of its own role in adminsitering toward it. The Conference itself represents nothing other than the inveigling of all areas of the Reich in the full knowledge of what The Final Solution intended for all of European Jewry. In 1939, 1941 or even 1942 alone, and with each of  their corresponding dates, these alone cannot stand over The Holocaust as a de facto identification of the earliest role for Hitler’s resolve for the Jewish Question.

“..Perhaps I ought to go away from this Town which I loved above all else ..but which had become a tomb of all my memories ..from this country ..only one I knew ..which had turned into a vast cemetery inhabited by 1,000,000’s of unavenged ghosts.”  Janina Dawidowicz.

It is somewhat obvious that there is a contention in this, a seeming intention to then deny ever more Jews a space within the atrocity designated specifically for them. I recognise what those who intrude into World History appear all too keen to augment with obfuscation and confusion. Those who seek a distancing from ever more guilt cannot be allowed to deny the presence of the Jews who are resident within its troubling detail. But let us assure History, we will not forget what 3,000 mass Murderers of der Einsatzgruppe achieved, let alone the 10’s of 1,000’s who were the willing tools of the Camp system and the million’s of others whose pliability ensure 6,000,000 Jewish losses. But not just these, all of those with any ability that sponsored and promoted with the logistical assistance of the entire Reich, an assault upon the Jewish People which resulted in the carnage of a civilisation brought to its knees.

“..I want my work to have validity ..and I do not simply want to communicate ..condemnation ..of all that was done against ..Jewish People ..but I roundly condemn all those who perpetrated these crimes ..without us learning from ..process.” Patrick Dempsey.

We must include, alongside the bureaucracy of the Reich, the Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, Police Units and those locals in fullest collaboration, all of these who colluded in a combined killing force. Such force alone was totalling of over 90,000 or 100,000 personnel in all, who were detailed to commit the shootings, and killings, on the ground. So that my work does not stand alone as a connector between the rise of Hitler and the Destruction of over 6,000,000 Jewish People, I consider my accusation well. That said, it became clear, and from the midst of my 2nd. Book that there appeared an atrocity, within the fullest terms of The Holocaust itself, which stands out. From the depths of these deviant and apparent horrors, we venture toward the ravine that sits outside the Ukrainian City of Kiev. To my mind, the line toward destruction of 33,771 Kievan Jews marching towards their destruction is fixed firmly into my consciousness. 

“..On 7th. October.1941. In agreement with military command ..all ..Jews of Kiev were ordered to appear at a certain place on Monday ..29 September 6 o’clock. This order was publicized by posters all over by members of ..newly organized Ukrainian militia. At ..same time ..oral information was passed that all ..Jews of Kiev would be moved to another place. In cooperations with ..HQ of EGC and 2 Kommandos of ..police regiment South ..Sonderkommando 4a executed 33,771 Jews on September 29 and 30.” Operational Situation Report.

That is what necessitated the essential need for me in the writing of my 3rd. Book, on Babi Yar-A Jewish Catastrophe. Such is the devastation that was evidenced here, with every affront to human decency and compassion delivered, a learning curve had become understood. In this singular atrocity, we are at once brought to the forefront of what other measures are sought for the overall horror soon to be inflicted upon the remainder of Jewish People and not just here in Kiev, or the Ukraine or the wider Russian Front, but throughout the whole of Europe. The sheer capacity to destroy an acknowledged 33,771 Jews of Kiev, and over a 2 day period, from September 29th. to September 30th. 1941, is the single most and concerted atrocity ever perpetrated during entirety of The Holocaust period. In its enactment alone, one man stands out as a mass murderer, and on such an industrial scale, that Paul Blobel is recorded as such and his role too is pivotal in leading and orchestrating the final effort to destroy what Jews there were that stood before him.

“..memory of what happened to 6,000,000 Jews ..1,500,000 of whom are Jewish Children ..has to resonate with purpose for everyone so as to ensure their loss is not forever in vain.” Patrick Dempsey.

Also, and toward the ending days of The Holocaust itself, as the realisation that Hitler’s Worldview would be shorter lived than his projected 1,000 year Reich, Blobel would return to seek to erase the evidences of what was a supposedly an idealistic undertaking. In that failed yet eventual endeavour of destroying every single Jew in Europe, the detailed assessment remains an atrocity that is beyond compare. Even though Blobel’s effort is etched into the destructive capacity of 33,771 Jews here at Babi Yar, and worse still, when we are at pains to consider what 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jewish lives must mean for all of humanity, we are confounded. There is a combined loss to civilisation too which has been gruesomely assigned to it, and that can never be measured by the human appreciation of what the societal norms must bring to civilisation.

“..From as early as 1933 ..with a view being gained to administer ..enemies of ..Reich ..and 1935 ..Belsen came into view.” Patrick Dempsey.

Of course, and once the need then arrived, including here at Babi-Yar, and that the very effort to cover up the disgraceful deeds of a despicable crime were progressed, we unravel the criminality of such murderous deeds. When there then came the need to completely eviscerate all traces and evidences of what The Final Solution was, the subject Blobel arrived on the scene to disinter and cremate many 1,000,000’s of Jews from Killing Sites, and including the Death Camps. What is particularly specific here at Babi-Yar though is what Hitler was enabled to conceive of and would fully realise could be achieved. Given Hitler’s realm, and his oversight of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question, it is astonishing at all that any of European Jewry finally managed to escape his hate filled intention. We surely owe credit to thsoe Jewish Survivors who not only managed to Survive, but they were clear in the need to deliver to all of History what can be achieved if hatred for our fellow man is not fully checked.

“..Belzec was born out of Kozielsk Hill and Hitler’s desperation to rid Europe of its Jews. This place was to be Hitler’s Endlosung.” Patrick Dempsey.

My 4th. Book is somewhat of an enigma, even to me as I had earlier sketched the outline of a book that was to be my fourth and sought out the advices of some in the arena of The Holocaust. The responses were mixed, though in earnest, and some even suggested I choose other routes. I looked deeply at what Elie Wiesel had remarked and put this work, an effort I had been engaged in for a couple of years on hold. It was only during my visits to The Death Camps, and Belzec in particular, that this eventual book appeared to me. When I finally sat down, especially after visiting Auschwitz and even Birkenau, and while there was a distaste for the promotion of both these Killing Centres as somewhat of a tourist attraction, I was confronted by Belzec as the forgotten sibling in the wilderness of the Death Camp apparel. Belzec alone, one of the smallest of these Death Camps by size, produced an astonishing destructive rate against Galician Jewry, and the wider European Jews, that its mention cannot be ever consigned to a mere footnote.

“ of ..6 Death Camps in Poland ..Belzec ..Birkenau ..Chelmno ..Majdanek ..Sobibor and Treblinka ..we recognise their spaces in ..fuller analysis of annihilation process.” Patrick Dempsey.

Alongside this concern, and while there was this ongoing debate raging in Poland, and concerning Poland’s position within The Holocaust, and with regard to these Death Camp’s in Poland, I sought to measure the Jewish loss and deliver it back to Hitler’s ownership. The established system of all 6 Death Camps, and with their very placement upon Polish soil, has irked the Polish consciousness toward a fundamental denial of what was achieved upon Polish soil. For all of these exacting reasons, my 4th. Book was conceived and full ownership to Hitler’s demand places Belzec, and with rightful ownership to Hitler himself. Belzec shines an illuminating light so as to try and pierce the greater darkness that is recognised in such an organised, mechanised and industrial scale operation toward Jewish annihilation. All too many distortions has sought to deny, doubt and even evacuate Hitler’s presence within The Holocaust, let alone The Death Camp system. While it is patently obvious, that Hitler was the director of his own calamity, the Death Camp system does not register Hitler alongside them, until now.

 “..destructive demand was on ..insistence of a decree we recognise is The Final Solution of The Jewish Question. As this played out across ..length and breadth of Continental Europe ..6,000,000 Jews were laid to waste.” Patrick Dempsey.

Hitler apparently, the dictator of all he surveyed it seemed was to remain but except that he would not appear to directing 6,000,000 Jews toward their eventual extermination. This was all very convenient, and in promoting the greatest mass murderer in all of history as an absentee, we were being forged toward a rehabilitation of Hitler’s position as the formative evil doer of all time. Then, and after my visit to Belzec, I was certain I had found a further recourse to serve the proper memory for even more Jews consigned to such inglorious places. I cannot forget here also, that the danger I was placed in, 40 minutes walking through 2 foot of snow, in minus 18 degrees, was a poignant reminder of the footsteps I was following in. I thought then of the Children being swallowed up, neck high by the Snow, and before being engulfed by the gas fumes awaiting them, that The Jewish Children in The Holocaust required my effort.

“..It is clear here that I speak highly of anyone who stands so much taller in ..midst of ..Catastrophe even when that personage is an SS Kurt Gerstein was. In that assessment I have written of his position in my Book on Hitler’s Belzec.” Patrick Dempsey.

Belzec too consumed a part of me, and as I met its gates, this was as a ritual reminded me, and that I was somewhat relieved by a welcome knowledge that I would still walk back out of there. Tragically though, I knew that all too many Jews who had entered those gates, Their Children too, would never emerge again from such a space. Eventually then, and after piecing together my deep sense of their loss, the idea of marrying Hitler’s ownership of all he commanded to demand, and a near forgotten space steeped in the blood of 884,700 Jews and even more, this 4th. Book was brought forward. The evidence of the overall atrocity is unequivocal, and with it there is such an immense sense of loss, that there is a quite debilitating effort in recollecting the scale of the horror here. Nothing prepared me for what I met with at Belzec, and the huge sense of loss that is emotionally charged as it ust be, convinced me to find the words to add to the Jewish loss here.

“..Gerstein was a witness to and subsequently advanced to ..World what he knew of The Death Camp system ..particularly at Belzec and Treblinka.” Patrick Dempsey.

Here too, and what we must recognise in Hitler, and with his go forth and deliver motif, of what was a demand, Belzec is to paraphrase Hitler’s intention for the Jewish People, and all of this must be acknowledged. Then upon a World stage, Hitler required the industrialised processes of the extermination effort, to fully exact his total hatred for the Jewish People. All of these Hitler demands were driven on after 1939 and at Chelmno and then after with a more methodised, static and even standardised format in all the other 5 Death Camps. Hitler, it must be remembered, placed this effort against the duty he should have had for the German and Austrian people he sought to speak for. Toward the end of this organised and ritual slaughter, Hitler would waste the lives of countless other’s in achieving his ultimate aim in slaughterig as many Jews as was physically possible. Along with an escalated intensity for mass murder, in the form of places like Birkenau, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka, the capacity too at the little killing space that is Belzec was erected, and all of these spaced added a greater record of the gassing of the Jewish People, and from within Poland.

“..My permanent motto stands for ..Jews of The Holocaust and for very good reason ..I ensure Always to Remember ..Never to Forget.” Patrick Dempsey.

While we begin to recognise today that at Auschwitz and even Birkenau, both these Camps now appear as somewhat vulgar reception centres for human visitor traffic. We see however, and in Belzec in particular, and even in all those other 4 Death Camps, an almost forgotten aspect of the slaughter that must never be minimised. We cannot become all too busy with certain aspects of The Holocaust so as to not know what had transpired elsewhere. Here at Belzec, for whose responsibility Hitler must be registered to it, these annihilation centres cannot become a forgotten arena in the dark gloom that surrounds the Death Camp system. After my visit to Belzec, I sought to return the entire killing apparatus for Jewish Destruction, and its rightful ownership, to the febrile mind of its original creator, Adolf Hitler. While the ink has not dried upon the legislation Hitler delivered to those who became his willing accomplices, no need of any written decree can excuriate Hitler from the midst of this huge undertaking.

“..We shall regain our health only by eliminating ..Jews.”  Adolf Hitler.

It was apparent too, that here at Belzec, History sought to diminish an ever larger presence for those Jews that were slaughtered there. Evidence and Testimony stand to deliver 1,300,000 Jews or as many as 1,500,000 Jews to the gates of Belzec. However, this accounting though speculated down, and whereas I have delivered my own assessment at 884,700 Jews slaughtered at Belzec, it still remains an under stated assessment we will never guarantee. The final accounting, which still records an evidential loss to humanity of 1,500,000 Jews, must not be discounted. The compassion for the value of loss then, cannot be expressed more accurately, and while loosening the hold we retain for those Jews we cannot account for, we must fully retain the local evidences and immediate testimonies that differ heavily from our own. All too easily, we set aside these specific accounts so as to submit to History what is a lessening account for the overall catastrophe that is to be charged against us.

“..while exclusivity exists in ..realm of The Holocaust which all Jews were Victims is clear that not all victims of ..War Hitler waged were Jewish. However ..The Holocaust was an exclusive effort ..and detailing as such for solely detailing Jews for their confinement within its grasp.” Patrick Dempsey.

As the media seldom works for other than what profits an agenda, my books, as with any Book written with a wished for integrity that is always searching for the fuller truth, my work must uphold its legitimacy. I make no comparison here, whatsoever. What I have sought to learn of, and what I have learned, cannot know in any remote sense of any knowledge, what exactly those like Rudolf Reder knew, intimately. What I have sought to deliver however, always looking back, are as many of the factual truths to have emerged from such a space as is Belzec. The Holocaust owes to History what it is we must learn from in order to not repeat what we must learn from. However, and in order to restore some balance to the commercialism swilling around Auschwitz, it is essential that Belzec, as with Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka are recognised equally as spaces of such devastation towards those Jews, ad many other’s deposited there. For Jews like Rudolf Reder and Chaim Hirszman, who are recognised as only 2 of 3 Jews who Survived Belzec, we owe it to them to record what they have left behind to remind us of all that has been left behind.

“..criminal German monster spread lush vegitation over ..Jewish grave of 1,000,000 at Belzec.”  Rudolf Reder.

With the evidence that the Rabbi of Blazowa also survived, and this is clearly identified, his position does not afford us any further testimony for corroboration. It is extremely important though to recognise, that we do not allow anyone to ever exempt Hitler from the horror which is Hitler’s Belzec. With that all still resonating clearly in my mind, I was presented with an impression of what all of that means, and it is a shocking reality that so many Jews can be denied so much, and be afforded so little consideration in simply remembering them. While it is true that great strides have been made in recognising the enormous debt humanity owes to these 6,000,000 Jews, at places such as the gates to Hitler’s Belzec, let us not forget that there are at least 884,700 Jewish People who are confined here. The weight of words necessary therefore, to even attempt to clarify the depth of loss, will never be quantified in the words sought out to add o their memory.

“..negative aspects of ..frustrating effort for all of History ..which persuaded me to focus my intention where it belonged on The Holocaust and with 6,000,000 Jews whose extinguished voice called out for a chance to speak.” Patrick Dempsey.

Here then, and as I move on, and in the image I placed on this my 5th. Book, and as it features heavily on the discourse of The Holocaust, the Jewish Children are brought to mind. I again set forth my accusation for a memory that has clearly interrupted the lives of those most innocent and in need of protection, Children. The image I sought for this, of a small group of Jewish Children, is both harrowing and aware of what they could never expect in their tiny lives. But, for The Child in The Holocaust, who are clearly removed from the fabric of life, the word imagery is disguised by the colour of their blood which synthesises our responsibility toward them. What is almost obscured by the words the image must present, are not lost to those of us who seek to recall what no Child should ever experience. The loss of that hope they have invested in Older humans, who were placed before them to safeguard their futures. In the context of these words, Jewish Children were force fed into an apparatus of sheer destruction we can never excuse, nor forget. I am mindful too of those many Jewish Survivors who will choose not to forgive, but for me, We cannot ever forgive what was done to other’s, and here within these words, are the memory for these 1,500,000 Jewish Children specifically.

“..If this Book should contain just 1,500,000 words would never come close enough to ..form of our detestation to register for ..Jewish Children’s loss.” Patrick Dempsey.

Here too I have used words that are no longer mine as they belong more appropriately to these 1,500,000 Jewish Children, lost from us and taken before they had decided to go. As my words are etched, they have sought to add to what was done to all 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, not allowed to object to their own annihilation. Here, and by a devastation that was always intended for the Jews of Europe, and eventually, World Jewry, I bring to bear my own lasting image of what remained of my two Sister’s, as they were borne away from us. This was of their tiny White Coffins as they were placed in a hearse, and such was this respect that was not made available to these Jewish Children. I am mindful too that there were once 1,500,000 Jewish Children, placed in Cattle Wagons, Gassing Vans or just deposited in Gas Chambers from which there was no release. These Children, nestled as they were alongside a supposed civilised society that was sworn to protect them, abandoned them, degraded them and suffocated them from existence. And of them, these destroyed Jewish Children, exterminated for being Jews, much of their entire Family line expired alongside them.  So the cover to this Book, is a stark White, and this is a reflection of innocent lives lost that were once Jewish Children as these Children themselves depict.

“..There is a picture which emerges still ..and it is with ..Jewish People as ..concerted effort for Hitler’s abject  hatred for ..Jews. With their systematic Slaughter ..which was Hitler’s focus since he first sought to articulate his enmity for ..Jewish People ..words could not conceal ..deeply held conviction of this hatred.” Patrick Dempsey.

Elie Wiesel and His Words to Guide us.

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, August 06, 2023 14:13:34

“..Open your eyes ..visitor ..and gather your inner strength ..what you will see here may put your mental sanity and moral quest in peril. You will see here all that cannot be seen anywhere else ..infinite ability of tormentors and also their victims’ endless agony.” Elie Wiesel.

In terms of what The Holocaust must mean, and in certainty that those Jews who were the intended victims of this, we must educate the World into accepting that equality is the common goal for all people. This right of passage through this life is the only role to be expected for All People to enjoy and hold onto. For that reason, gaining control over the narrative of what secures for Jewish Memory the very facts of what The Final Solution was meant for, is important. What was perpetrated against and ensured for 6,000,000 of the Jewish People, was The Jewish Question as it became answered in its ferocity. It is both factually correct and binding to the narrative that is truthfully told, that we neither adjust to some alternative assessment nor lose sight of the very fact that the Jews of Europe were chosen for elimination. And unless we shed the bonds that the usurpation of Jewish loss, that some would seek for us to shelve, we will be tied to such distortion, and we will be perpetually bound by an historical disregard that is a corrupted history. We remain the slaves of those demands placed upon us, which must further the truth beyond the prejudice and bias of those who wish to circumvent all honesty. That what was perpetrated, and given all that was allowed to be ensured against 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, we must guard this fact as its integrity demands.

“..God of Auschwitz ..know that I must Remember Auschwitz. ..I must remind you of it. God of Treblinka ..let ..sound of that name make me ..and you ..tremble now and always. God of Belzec ..let me ..and you ..weep for ..victims of Belzec.” Elie Wiesel.

There are those who supposedly uphold some covenant with a god like entity, and so fundamentally, as to allow for the poorest to die from want and starvation, or the Jews from a form of indifference that is both callous and immoral. We must allow that to be a lesson, with all sense of moral probity affixed, and an ethical surety recognising within a humanity that is sacrosanct, these principles were disregarded when it came to the Jews of Europe in their historic moments of greatest need. As appallingly as this detail of humanity’s greater need is reflected, it is not true when it should have been delivered to 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews. Subsequently, and for and to those Jewish Survivor’s who sought to inform us of so much, in the lessons of toleration we have learned little. For the sheer brutality exhibited throughout the period we seem content to live with, we do not salvage much of human dignity from the betrayal of human compassion. Basically, in acknowledging what has been taken from the Jews, and even after their Slaughter, we see that there are still the gluttonous wealthy, who consistently gorge themselves upon the riches they have deprived these Jews of. It is essential that all facts must fit all truth’s, and this must not be given over to some facet of any governmental or political agenda seeking to hide, shieled or even deny these facts. It is essential today for us to allow the Jewish People, particularly those who survived all that was thrown at them, to repossess all that they had previously owned and was taken from them, and their People.

“..How could human beings first imagine then commit such inhuman actions against other human beings. Is it that here it was human to be inhuman.” Elie Wiesel.

For such need, as it is moral and equitable, the surviving Jew must be made capable of securing what had been divested of them. It is inhuman not to do so, and if that ethical response is to ensure the Jewish People secure the lands, businesses, property’s, goods and personal items stolen from their slaughtered community’s, then their vanquished voice will and must be heard. If there is to be a fairer distribution of what the World has detained, in any wealth not belonging to the Jewish losses, then progress can be made in making amends to those Survivor’s, for what was taken from those 6,000,000 Jewish lives taken. That certainty can only be secured for all of those Jews whose memory is not only fading, but it is being lost in the clamour to deny them ever having existed. In order to protect the looting from the Jewish People, which occurred as a consequence of The Final Solution, fuller restitution must be made. If the stolen resources of the Jewish World are to belong to the Jewish People of the World, greater significance must be given to what protects that right. Any morality that dissipates, as it is likely to from theft, and the deceit with which any Surviving Jew who seeks to re-own what has been taken from them, is bound by such efficacy, that even whole faith systems have been built upon.

“..In this place of ultimate malediction ..human condition entered its ultimate metamorphosis ..with ..enemy inventing new ways of torment ..torture and murder ..unprecedented in recorded history.” Elie Wiesel.

In such space in time, and we have now come to a fork in the road, one which leads in an criminal way toward ever more riches for the very few, we lose sight of the recognition owed to what we allowed to happen to 6,000,000 Jews. For a fairer acceptance of what is owed, and most certainly what is and was owned by 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews, it is a Justice so far denied them. Then, if we accept all moral responsibility, we will see fewer Jewish Survivor’s leaving this World behind them, as destitute as 6,000,000 Jewish Lives have been marked. The other less likely road we cannot afford to travel, will not see change in what has been taken from these Jews. For any people who profess any moral compass in this World, and in order to deliver back to those whose ownership has been denied, we cannot move forward anchored to such crimes as the past has secured and positively anchored us to. The wealth, peace and tranquillity in the World cannot be denied to the masses of these Jews, only to be owned by the few who deny them the lasting rights which Hitler too would have denied them.

“..Selections ..hunger ..humiliation ..crematoria this place evil attained ..dimension of damned divinity ..its killers came from prestigious institutions and families whereas their victims were Sons and Daughters of an ancient People ..only one of Antiquity that survived Antiquity.” Elie Wiesel.

We must cease stop and decline, from within Society, any such acclaim for what civilisation seems to represent as a Justice for all while it cannot be gained by all, and for all. Within the framework of what the Nuremberg Trials focused our attention upon, Justice is neither fully addressed nor is it correctly achieved. While the military might, and industrial capacity of Hitler’s Reich was set aside for the destruction of in excess of 12,000,000 Jews, Hitler’s legions were ensuring anything and everything of worth was to be detained and brought back to the Reich. I do not need to enter into what remains of the plunder of Europe, what became the rape of Europa, but I am certain that 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews have delivered a bank roll worthy of any gangster or mobster has ever perceived. For half of that number of these 6,000,000 Jews of Europe alone, and even more, this is The Holocaust from within Poland, of 3,000,000 Slaughtered Polish Jews and it seems the Slaughter was not quite enough. The Poland after the loss of 3,000,000 of Polish Jewry was quick to ensure the Jewish People could not simply come back, and from near extinction, to reclaim all that Poland wished to hold onto and for which Poland still languishes upon.

“..Those masses who were brought here from all over occupied Europe and were not annihilated upon arrival ..found themselves in a universe parallel to ours today ..with its scientists and laborers ..believers and non-believers ..theoreticians and artists ..poets and merchants and poor ..ignorant and learned ..speaking all languages and practicing all trades. In this place one witnessed an antinomian ingathering of ..exiled. Death in gas chambers replaced Redemption.” Elie Wiesel.

For that which has enriched any national state, and for Poland itself, it has feasted upon much of what a further 1,500,000 of those Jews who were expelled from all over the Continent deposited into Polish soil and hands. These ill gotten gains, which have filtered through to a Polish state, and which it keeps in perpetuity, is bereft of any morality. Apology now becomes a benign word, so as to deny further rights to what was once Polish Jewish owned and can no longer be Polish Jewish claimed. For close on 4,500,000 Jews then, sent to be detained and decapitated in burial sites, Death Camps and Ghettos within Poland, what is the worth to be taken from such grievous acts of inhumanity, immorality and unethical delivery. From Elie I have gained a certain perspective which had been summarily grounded in what I assumed all religious belief engendered. I have since afforded only those words in any of these of my own Books, an offer to our great loss, that accuses many for which, 6,000,000 memories are being denied.

“..Open your heart ..visitor. And your mind. And your soul. As you walk through ..exhibition ..SHOAH and are enveloped by ..sights and sounds of ..past ..hear ..voices of ..victims ..see ..drawings of ..Children ..touch ..names of ..murdered. Be this place’s messenger. Take with you a message that only ..dead can still give ..that of remembrance.” Elie Wiesel.

I am a visitor here though, and not as other than a human being speaking out against what we humans did to other humans simply because they were Jews and for what we continually fail to achieve in their name. I have no wish to deposit merely a few scant words which do not accurately identify the World’s shame for what it allowed to breech all of civilisation’s need. I have taken fully on board all that The Holocaust terms means, and while I fully appreciate the crisis those who might see in the Shoah a more representative image of what the Jewish loss means, The Holocaust is for me, my own resolve. As it was mentioned, and intended for assessing the steps leading from the Final Solution and what it sought to resolve, it is a most valuable term by which we commemorate such losses as history can barely comprehend. I am still one of this place’s messenger’s too, still seeking to add an ongoing memorial existence to any and all Jewish life. For me, in remembering all that has been taken from these 6,000,000 Jews, we owe way more than we can practically say. For these Jewish People, no longer allowed to persist, but who are a living memory as long as we all chose to recall them, we give further and future meaning to an expression of their loss.

“..We should never think that it is finished. With imagination ..with passion ..with fervour ..begin again. It’s up to you now ..that my past does not become your future”. Elie Wiesel.

For me then, and in order to abstain from the unreal effort to remove any trace of the Jews from what catapulted them into eternity, I persist with linking them all through the ramifications of The Holocaust. With direction, The Final Solution became a measure of what The Holocaust defines in The Jewish Question, and this surely does not only belong to a past we must never forget. There are of course the untruths still being told, and we must ensure that the veracity within the fact is sought out, so as to remove these blemishes to the very integrity which has consumed 6,000,000 Jewish People. I have written to some of the great Writers of our time, and given that I have chosen to write on The Holocaust, which delivered 6,000,000 Jews to an annihilation of humanity, it is not a coincidence that these Writer’s are both Jews and the Survivor’s of what was intended for them as Jews, and within Hitler’s role for The Final Solution of The Jewish Question.

“..Now everyone got into ..act. Novelists made free use of it in their work ..scholars used it to prove their theories ..politicians to win votes. In so doing they cheapened The Holocaust ..they drained it of its substance.” Elie Wiesel.

Even in the language which expressed it most profoundly, die Endlosung der Judenfrage, this is an undeniable affront to that vastness of humanity. As the Jewish People were assailed, broken and brutally tossed aside in favour of this The Greatest Hatred, I do not relent upon the term The Holocaust gives to them. For that which has been measured, and over 2,000 years, to somehow climax it reach toward The Holocaust, I stall at giving way to what The Holocaust has always meant since its term came into use. It has been my essential, borrowing where I can from those who brought forth their message from what was always meant to detin them, and I lend all that ?I have to say, and have been saying for more than 30 years now, The Holocaust is the Uniquely, Unprecedented and Unequalled Slaughter of any People, and this, merely because these were The Jewish People. In my research I remember writing to Elie Wiesel, after I remembered reading this, from October 31st. 1975, and asked him if my effort was in keeping with what he considered the substance of The Holocaust. The article was when Elie delivered a master class on what must be appropriate, and most certainly what remains inappropriate in the jurisdiction of The Holocaust.

                              Elie Wiesel – For Some Measure of Humility.

“..One generation later, it can still be said and must now be affirmed: There is no such thing as a literature of The Holocaust, nor can there be. The very expression is a contradiction in terms. Auschwitz negates any form of literature, as it defies all systems, all doctrines; to confine it to a philosophy is to minimize it, to distort it. Ask a survivor, any one of them, and he will bear me out. Those who have not lived through the experience will never know; those who have will never tell; not really, not completely. Here you will find books to be of little help; paltry commentaries, they merely serve as guides. Between the memories of a survivor and their portrayal in words, even his own, there exists an unbridgeable gulf. The past belongs to the dead and the survivor does not recognize himself in the images and ideas which presumably depict him.

                              A novel about Auschwitz is not a novel, or else it is not about Auschwitz.

The very attempt to write such a novel is blasphemy, as is any attempt to explain or justify, for any explanation is a form of justification. Here ignorance borders on falsehood and deceit. This you must know, if you haven’t understood it yet: Auschwitz means death, total, absolute death of man and of all people, of language and imagination, of time and of the spirit. Its mystery is doomed to remain intact. The survivor knows. He and no one else. And so he is obsessed by guilt and helplessness. Bearing true witness: a painful and fearful task. For the fact that he has survived commands him to bear witness. But how can he speak up without committing treason against himself and others? A dialectical trap from which there is no escape: the true witness must be silent.

Even if he succeeded in speaking the unspeakable, he would not be understood. And yet, in the beginning, in a world still in ruins, he forced himself to come forth, and at least partially to lift the veil, not in an attempt to free himself of the past, but rather out of loyalty to it. In his eyes, forgetting meant that the enemy had won. The executioner always kills twice, the second time to cover all traces and evidence of his crime. To forget is to become his accomplice. One had to testify, in order that there be no forgetting. A painful and thankless task, causing fear and remorse. The words which the witness strung together, the images he summoned up seemed all too pale compared with their substance.

The essence defied expression, resisted utterance, remained unspoken, on the other side; there was more intensity, more weight, more truth in what he left unsaid. The panic in the eyes of the old people, the whispers of children turned old in the face of death, the silent, solemn march of the victims as though drawn to the flames and to the night; the selections, the mass graves, those who said Kaddish for their own death and for the living: he couldn’t describe it and yet he had to. A special language and vocabulary should have been invented to say what no human being had ever said, nor ever will. Have you read, really read the stories told by the survivors? They seem as though written by the same man. Reluctant and fearful, he testifies quietly and says little; he speaks in a whisper, as though guilt ridden; he writes not with words, but almost against them.

Rather than communicating the experience itself, he reveals his inability to fully express it. The testimony of survivors inspired awe and humility. At first, the question was treated with a sort of sacred reverence. It was considered taboo, reserved exclusively for the initiated. The great novelists of our times, the likes of Camus, Mauriac, Faulkner, Silone, Agnon, were careful not to tackle the subject. They acted out of respect for the dead as well as the survivors. And they were also concerned about the truth. In this peculiar domain, truth is stranger than fiction, which they understood. Here, the imagination pales by the side of reality. Their artistic and intellectual integrity barred them from venturing on grounds haunted by so many ghosts and buried under ashes.

The stories which were published resembled documentaries. These real-life stories could engulf the reader like a nightmare, causing his heart to pound, instilling a feeling of poignant excitement. This, one felt, was not an artist’s creation, but rather something transcending art and literature; something altogether different. Following the protagonist in his delusion of expression, one was carried away by his voice, one tried to share his despair, but that was all. One remained outside and behind. No one passed judgment, no one dared, not yet. For want of a yardstick, a guideline, the survivor was granted the right to forge his own style, to choose his own form and mode of expression. A measure of humility still prevailed. But popularization and exploitation soon followed.

And then, with the passing of time, it all began to deteriorate. As the subject became popularized, so it ceased to be sacrosanct, or rather was stripped of its mystery. People lost their awe. The Holocaust became a literary “free-for-all,” the “no-man’s-land” of modern writing. Now everyone got into the act. Novelists made free use of it in their work, scholars used it to prove their theories, politicians to win votes. In so doing they cheapened The Holocaust; they drained it of its substance. The Holocaust was now a hot topic, fashionable, guaranteed to gain attention and to achieve instant success. To ward off survivors’ criticism, the exclusive right to that title was taken away from them. Suddenly, everyone began calling himself a survivor.

Having compared Harlem to the Warsaw Ghetto and Vietnam to Auschwitz, a further step has now been taken: some who had spent the war on a Kibbutz, or in a fancy apartment in Manhattan, now claim that they too have “survived” The Holocaust, probably by proxy. One consequence is that an international symposium on The Holocaust was held recently in New York without the participation of any Holocaust survivors. You are amazed? The survivors don’t count; they never did. They are best forgotten. Don’t you see? They are an embarrassment. If only they weren’t there, it would be so much easier.

Please understand: I am not saying that the event should not be studied, explored and commented upon; quite the contrary, it should be. Nor do I deny the fact that some writers and scholars, including close friends, have helped to sensitize the rising generation to its various implications: their encounter with The Holocaust has profoundly altered their thinking, heightened their awareness and made their personal outlook more genuine. Some have become more religious and others less; all have moved closer to our people. I have nothing but respect for them, and they know it. The profanity of facile and vulgar discussion; I am referring to the others, the majority, those in whom the theme inspires no humility.

I am referring to all those who in their all-knowing arrogance become its profaners. They bring vulgarity into this domain too. They remind one of Job’s false friends. Do you remember? Job suffers and it is they who speak. Worse yet: they explain his pain to him. Yes, it is true, the survivors will soon be unwelcome, intruders. No more do we listen to them. Their assassins are now in the limelight. They are shown in films, they are scrutinized, they are humanized. They are studied at first with objectivity, then with sympathy. One movie shows a young Jewish girl in love with a militiaman. Another tells of the loves of a Jewish woman and a former SS. Gone are the days when the dead had their special place and gone the days when their lives commanded respect.

People are more interested in their killers: so handsome and attractive, such a pleasure to watch. One forgets that there are still survivors among us. And that they remember. And that they know. But then who cares? Let their feelings be hurt. Their sensitivity is nobody’s problem but their own. This attitude exists among Jewish and non-Jewish intellectuals alike. They say it openly in Journals and speeches. They blame the survivors for being obsessively attached to the past, for rubbing salt into their wounds, for engaging in self-pity, for exploiting their suffering. And to top it all, those who are so vulgar as to say this in public are the same ones who use the Holocaust in their own writings time and again. For today a book about the Holocaust is a book like any other, produced by literary technicians. Anyone can write it: words, words which are carefully weighed, measured, borrowed for their market value, words distorted to satisfy some sort of thirst for vanity, or intrigue, or revenge. It is as though the survivors no longer existed. And yet, they are there. And they hear you. And you are being judged by their despair.” Elie Wiesel.

I have read, in lengthy passages, how the attempt to diminish or even dissolve the Jewish presence from within The Holocaust is proceeding. I am unsure too whether the Shoah could be so liberally transfused as to become diluted in all its efficacy for what it surely stands for. There is also the khurbn, a term very rarely used, but which identifies with the Jewish loss to us all as human beings, or at least those human beings who identify with all People as being worthy of human concern. The Holocaust term though, that I too would contend is beyond being abandoned, and that I am always obliged to use, remembers well the position of the Jewish People as Hitler’s intended victims. Here we are at liberty to ensure what Elie has always insisted, and that while not all victims were Jews, All Jews Were Victims. Here too, the attempt for all too many, who would remove the Jews from the term which fully confined 6,000,000 of them, were All Jews. Also, and while I borrow from all of those I consider know all that I need to know of the struggle for Survival that the Jews of Europe were forced to effect, I seek to honour them in Memory. I also serve to deliver back, in my own words, a testimony to what all these Jewish suffered and failed to endure.

“..Rather than communicating ..experience itself ..he reveals his inability to fully express it. ..Testimony of survivors inspired awe and humility. At first ..question was treated with a sort of sacred reverence. It was considered taboo ..reserved exclusively for ..initiated.” Elie Wiesel.

Then there is the abiding question over these all too many, who could have done much to save even more of these Jews. From the vantage point of History, we are aware of what could have been achieved in saving the Jewish People, while knowing what should not have been achieved in securing for Hitler far in excess of what he could have mastered without cooperation, collaboration, complicity or duplicity in the most heinous crime to confront all of History, The Holocaust. I now take from Elie and add to what will add a further measure of my own resource to confront, confirm and console those Surviving Jews whose evidence, warmth, grace and their outstanding nature, which has allowed me room to manoeuvre my own words into the place of telling their story of that Survival.  

A novel about Babi-Yar is not a novel, or else it is not about Babi-Yar,

A novel about Belzec is not a novel, or else it is not about Belzec,

A novel about Birkenau is not a novel, or else it is not about Birkenau,

A novel about Borki is not a novel, or else it is not about Borki,

A novel about Chelmno is not a novel, or else it is not about Chelmno,

A novel about Delatyn is not a novel, or else it is not about Delatyn,

A novel about Liepaja is not a novel, or else it is not about Liepaja,

A novel about Majdanek is not a novel, or else it is not about Majdanek,

A novel about Ponary is not a novel, or else it is not about Ponary,

A novel about Sobibor is not a novel, or else it is not about Sobibor,

A novel about Treblinka is not a novel, or else it is not about Treblinka,

A novel about Tuchinka is not a novel, or else it is not about Tuchinka, and

A novel about The Warsaw Ghetto, let alone the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is not a novel, or else it is not about either nor any of these.

“..Having compared Harlem to ..Warsaw Ghetto and Vietnam to Auschwitz ..a further step has now been taken ..some who had spent ..war on a Kibbutz ..or in a fancy apartment in Manhattan claim that they too have survived ..The Holocaust ..probably by proxy.” Elie Wiesel.

I have sought also to define who I would class as the Jewish Survivor, and exclusively  as those Jews who were extracted, or who somehow managed to remove themselves, or stayed hidden and out of harm’s way. As 1932 beckoned, the move away from the rhetoric of Hitler’s Jewish hate to the manifestation of Hitler’s demands for their mass slaughter, grew in intensity. It is essential to state that these are not the Jews of America, who were not present when Hitler set the seal upon The Finals Solution. Of the close on 12,293,300 Jews targeted at The Wannsee Conference, having assessed as already Slaughtered as many as 1,000,000 Jews at Chelmno or by design, and der Einsatzgruppe, these are the Survivors after the toll of the 6,000,000 has been reached. Here too, and we have all become a witness to the denigration of the term, The Holocaust, which I choose to cling onto, as a mark of respect for 6,000,000 very good reasons.

“..The Holocaust became a literary free for all man’s land of modern writing.” Elie Wiesel.

The Holocaust is not an oil slick, nor is it the collapse of fish stocks or the wish to capitalise upon the term to secure further gains in an absorbed literary marketplace. We are not, at least we should not be presented with the failure of History to own its own terms in relation to the historical narrative they are approaching. I am weak and tired of seeing The Holocaust as an adjunct or prefix to historical works which cannot stand upon their own veracity in translating their route through history. All too often the term has been sought to detain the view of a catastrophe which is not defined by the term, and is not appropriate to what is sought to be defined. All atrocity is written with graven images and genocide marks the escalation of that mass of killing into a newer realm. But! And this is the imperative, The Holocaust supersedes all such references to mass murder and even newer genocides, and not merely by its magnitude, but by its unparalleled nature, its conformity to no structural morality or ethical encounter and by the very systematic nature of the People chosen for such an industrialised and mechanised Slaughter, The Jews!

“..For today a book about The Holocaust is a book like any other ..produced by literary technicians. Anyone can write it ..words which are carefully weighed ..measured ..borrowed for their market value ..words distorted to satisfy some sort of thirst for vanity ..or intrigue ..or revenge. It is as though ..survivors no longer existed. And yet ..they are there. And they hear you. And you are being judged by their despair.” Elie Wiesel.

My Books are exclusively about the Jews, who are The Holocaust! Alongside these books, and up to now I have blogged close on 1 million words. These words are all in memory of those Jews who were Slaughtered and whose loss confronts all of history. These words of course, are Not ever enough to compensate for even 1 Jewish Child victim, let alone the 1,500,000 Jewish Children who were totally eradicated. Though I add each word willingly and I seek to secure ever more books which will deliver even more to their memory, it is obvious, such work is an unfinished resolution I have need of. It would appear too, that in perhaps a further 30/40 years I will have afforded all 6,000,000 of these Jewish People a word apiece, so as to add further to a Memory for them we must hold onto. For me, there is no equivocation here, The Holocaust itself belongs solely to those Jews I have chosen to add my words toward remembering. This too, as a testimony that must fully secure such loss as has never before been achieved, this effort must ensure The Holocaust belongs to the Jewish People it was intended to destroy.

“..One day ..we saw 3 gallows ..3 black ravens ..erected on ..Applepaltz.  Roll call.  ..SS surrounding us ..machine guns aimed at us ..usual ritual.  3 prisoners in chains ..among them ..little pipel ..sad eyed angel. ..SS seem more preoccupied ..more worried than usual. To hang a child in front of 1,000’s of onlookers was not a small matter.  ..head of read ..verdict. All eyes were on ..child. He was pale ..almost calm ..but he was biting his lips as he stood in ..shadow of ..gallows. This time ..Lagerkapo refused to act as an executioner. 3 SS took his place. ..3 condemned prisoners together stepped onto ..chairs.  In unison ..nooses were placed around their necks. Long live liberty. ..Shouted 2 men. ..boy was silent. ..Where is merciful God ..where is He ..someone behind me was asking. At ..signal ..3 chairs were tipped over.  Total silence in On ..horizon ..sun was setting. Caps off. Screamed ..Lageralteste. His voice quivered. As for of us ..we were weeping. Cover your heads. Then came ..march past ..victims. ..2 men were no longer alive.  Their tongues were hanging out ..swollen ..bluish. ..third rope was still moving ..Child ..too light ..was still breathing. And so he remained for more than half an hour ..lingering between life and death ..writhing before our eyes.  And we were forced to look at him at close range.  He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red ..his eyes not yet extinguished. Behind me ..I heard ..same man asking ..For God’s sake ..where is God. ..from within me ..I heard a voice answer ..Where is he. This is where ..hanging here from this gallows.” Elie Wiesel.

Sadly, and for all of those who are Survivor Jews, and who sought to bring the truth of such an abomination as The Holocaust is, not too many wanted to listen to their evidence’s in the immediate aftermath of the cruellest atrocity ever conceived. All too often too, this Survival Testimony these Jews brought to us, was compounded upon return, by objection and an aggressive rejection by so, so many who did not wish to hear such evidences as proved society so guilty of. Particularly, within Poland, in Hungary, The Baltic States and other Countries, the Jew was already an outcast in many ways. The Jewish Survivor was still an unwelcome claimant to anything they previously owned if they finally managed to survive what so many had wished or hoped for them. Death constantly awaited the Jews and further migration was imperative to save so much of their life that was being constantly eroded. So the very essence of what is now demanded from these still remaining Jewish Survivor’s, is to give hope to them liberally that we have more than learned from their past. For us, and to give memory an elongation of first hand evidence’s for their own 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews, we owe it to them to listen longer and more earnestly. For all of those Jewish People who were finally removed from the instancy of that direct and evidential testimony, while Survivor’s are fast passing from our demands we now place upon them, we must continually urge them to let us know ever more of the horror they endured!

” ..How is one to explain ..Hitler nor Himmler was ever excommunicated. ..Pius XII never thought condemn Auschwitz ..Treblinka. ..among the SS a large portion ..remained faithful to their Christian ties. ..killers who went to confession.” Elie Wiesel.

My Books Are A Reason to Write.

Uncategorised Posted on Thu, July 20, 2023 00:48:03

“..To contribute to an effective awareness of ..destructive forces of racism on nations is necessary to combat bigotry ..prejudice ..intolerance ..its basic ingredients.” Maja Abramowitch.

It is essential to those who not only choose to write, but need to write, and who seek to select the words which must exemplify the genuine concerns they have, is to own their integrity. But not simply just to gift to posterity exactly what we learn of what is known, but to ensure we are learning the exactly truthful lessons of the past. With that intrinsic knowledge, and for that very need to share in this demand, so as to deliver a clarity of truth that is so obvious, we learn of what 6,000,000 Jews succumbed to. My whole body of work on The Holocaust, is drawn along by this essential integrity, which in all of History must ensure truth is what truly matters. All of this has seen my concern, and while all of this has all too often impacted upon my own person, this has brought sharply into focus what must have stunned, shocked and detained all Jewish understanding of what civilisation and society abandoned them to.

“..By clumping Jews together with Soviet citizens ..commemoration turned into empathy for ..Soviets at large rather than specifically for ..innocent Jews who were ..targets of ..majority of ..deliberate mass civilian killing.” Felicia Carmelly.

There is a 2,000 year old hatred that was levelled against the Jews of Europe, and is still being directed against the Jews to this day. But my concern lingers over the period during which its most fevered assault upon the integrity of the Jewish People, consigned 6,000,000 of them to eternity, this is The Holocaust. This expression though, and still existing to this day, which I will not disregard, but it must  not allow for The Holocaust narrative to veer away from its relationship to time and place. The very constraints in a period of that time, where enactment and cause sought to satiate Hitler’s demand in the blood of the Jewish People. As the lessons from a lost humanity are still being enacted, they are reverberating and being played out for other genocides to leech through and contaminate the future of us all. The pressure placed upon any and all further meaningful life has not derived from the sure lessons to be gained from the most despicable genocide ever to be perpetrated against a People. The human dignity of life, human persistence and even the very dignity to be afforded to all People must not be lost to the vagaries of a hatred for the Jewish People that still manages to troll the Earth.

“ lack of love for German nationality or lack of a feeling of national dignity but also not to underestimate ..harmful Jewish influences upon German culture and national interests.”  Cardinal Adolf Bertram.

For all that we search through, for everything that remains that is pertinent to the study of such a human atrocity, and which signifies the presence of this oldest hatred, can no longer afford for us to continually look to religious intolerances, and as they are clearly expressed. With a continued antisemitism that is both vulgar and conforming to what The Final Solution of the Jewish Question did not fully accomplish for Hitler, we cannot ever allow for what denial and distortion seeks further to strip away from these Jewish People. What Hitler fully sought out, and in terms of the fullest magnitude of a genocidal achievement, this must not be the learned lesson we take forward. Of all of what must have any meaning to all of humanity, and toward the very expression of what the term Never Again must mean, we must learn positively. For us to override all primal considerations, and mean exactly that never again must never repeat atrocity on any scale at all, mass murder on such a scale as was experienced by the Jews, must never be allowed to happen again. Unfortunately, history has proved all too readily that the lesson of what can be gained from such Slaughter, has awakened a very brutal presence for mankind to occupy.

“..How abysmally asleep is a conscience when it must be aroused to be told there is there is something morally wrong about pressing candy upon a little boy to induce him to enter a gas chamber of death.” Judge Michael A. Musmanno.

For a man who stood before the alter of judicious propriety, so as to judge Adolf Eichmann, and for that very reason for all Justice to become a demand, I look to all of history before I let semantics arbitrarily form opinions based upon only a part of that History. The Holocaust is beyond the comparisons some seek to make, but as Michael Musmanno states, for those pressing the Child into extinction, for simply being a Jew, this is a criminal act beyond all moral or ethical efficacy and bears no comparison. For this very reason, I have adopted the much fuller and broader term of Always to Remember, Never to Forget to remind the World of such a descent of humanity toward as complete an inhumanity as has ever been recorded or recognised. This is for me, and so as to ensure we hold onto every single memory of the testimony to what 6,000,000 Jews could not endure, and that we add to their memory, my reason for adding to the words, works and even the books I produce. For us to ever become uncompromising in what we now demand for all future People, we must become apologetic over what happened in the past to those Jews of Europe who were massacred as we stood aside and allowed it to happen. 

“..whole complex had forty-six retorts ..each with ..capacity for three to five persons. ..burning in a retort lasted about half an hour. was theoretically possible to cremate about 12,000 corpses in twenty four hours ..4,380,000 a year. ..well-constructed crematoria fell far behind at a number of camps ..especially at Auschwitz in 1944. In August cremation reached a peak one day of 24,000 ..still a bottleneck occurred. Camp authorities needed an economic and fast method of corpse disposal ..dug six huge pits beside Krema V ..reopened old pits in ..wood. ..late 1944 ..pit burning became ..chief method of corpse disposal. ..pits had indentations at one end from which human fat drained off. To keep ..pits burning ..stokers poured oil ..alcohol ..large quantities of boiling human fat over ..bodies.” Filip Muller.

In this, and for what the civilised World allowed to happen to these innocent Jewish People, because they were Jews, drives this need I have, ever forward. The book deal I had initially made, did not take a fuller account of the personal investment my attention and involvement would demand, I gained an even greater impression of my own human concerns. In order then to be in some form of ethical and moral order, I prepared the words so as to gain publication. All of these words, would thus add to the works I have to deliver on the Jewish Holocaust, and this was quite clear to me. I would write at least 3 Books on the terms of The Holocaust, and so as to express my own accusation for what was allowed to happen to these Jews, I sought the truth all too often being hidden. For all of the Jewish People that were sought out for Slaughter, they require whatever memory we can provide to ensure they are Remembered more truthfully than some would allow. 

“..As long as we live ..they too will live ..for they are now a part of us. As we remember them.”  Felicia Carmelly.

This need for memory cannot ever be allowed to be remotely forgotten or somehow divested of its terrible legacy for society. We are in the grips of many attempts which seek to deny to Hitler any semblance of that demand for the complete evisceration of the Jews, as a People he is responsible for as he secured. For over 12,000,000 Jews of Europe, who were a live, vibrant and essential community, still yet to be recalled for posterity as Hitler sought the moment to act genocidally, we have a duty of concern to build upon. While it remains true, that in memory we cannot be so selective that we can choose to forget what is important in telling the truth of our search, we must place the signature of Hitler before the physical omission, and which is essential to honest study, we look to 6,000,000 destroyed Jews to give us the example we need to save all future existence. In essence then, any form of distortion is negating all of history’s scientific demands, and my own work is focused on attempting to ensure the maintenance of that truth.

“..Some ..commandants not ..interested in ..affairs of ..prisoners and gave full power to their deputies leaders. ..commandant Weiss out of gratitude and as a proof that among ..despots of ..concentration camp there were also some with human feelings. He introduced many pleasant changes in and checked personally if his regulations and orders were observed. He forbade ..deliberate beating of ..prisoners by ..Capos and camp seniors ..he personally inspected criminal reports ..he himself determined ..punishment and was present when it was carried out ..lest abuses were introduced. He also removed an abuse ..namely that ..prisoners had to be close-cropped and had to have a still shorter strip called ..path in ..middle of ..head. To preserve ..prisoners strength for ..armaments industry ..Weiss permitted them to receive food parcels which made it possible for a large number of prisoners to keep alive in until the end. Often he also showed a fundamentally good heart to us ..special prisoners ..and procured manifold facilities for us. In ..last phase he became inspector of ..concentration camps”. Bishop Dr. Johannes Neuhausler.

What words I use, that would at least take us upon a positive journey, and toward an ever more comprehensive and fundamental surety of our understanding, these truths are always sought. This too is my reason to keep searching, and while this alone would not recognise the very nature of the incomprehensible details of this inhumanity, it would bring us closer to a comprehension we have yet to grasp. It is never my wish to be abusive, or indeed confrontational, but there is a monumental abuse which those of church and state sought to ameliorate. In the very terms of atrocity, which 6,000,000 Jews from everywhere in Europe could not finally endure, there is a church and states that stood aside and refrained from all moral responsibility in saving human life. While this truth of neglect of conscience remains, and is regardless of whether the abandoned People were Jews or even non-Jews, the fact remains that no much effort was focused upon saving any of the 6,000,000 Jews consumed in bullets, flames and the gassing they were never expected to survive. 

“..I was a member of ..hard labor groups called ..Hundertschaft ..because we worked in units of 100. Mostly cleaning ..with very little of ..standard equipment such as buckets ..brooms ..rags water was usually turned off centrally as added torture by ..sadistic ..Kommandant. I was also assigned to work for ..Czech farmers in ..surrounding area ..marching out early and marching back into late. Always under Czech police guard. These farmers who supposedly ..knew nothing of what was going on ..had contracted for our cheap labor with ..SS commander.” Charlotte Guthmann Opfermann.

The sheer lack of morality, of seeing the extent to which slavery in the camp system did not impose its moral objection here, particularly upon those of faith, is both unethical and hypocritical. It is an imperative too that we realise and recognise in the meaning of all truthful research, that we appreciate all which must remain within our humanity so as to secure it. It is here, in that continuing search, where the not so civilising consequences for society are to be met, that we recognise more than just the lives of these Jews is lost. My initial work, Testimony and Fading Memory in The Holocaust, which sought for me to ensure my own appreciation of that needed search, leads me towards other works. Clearly, and for an understanding of the sheer lack of comprehension, that not even a Survivor’s testimony would properly secure, we recognise what all too many refuse now to acknowledge. We have barely moved further down the road than when we become a witness to what places like Babi-Yar, Tuchinka, Belzec or Treblinka resonates with.   

“..In order that we should succeed in our war against ..Jews was essential that we should take possession of Poland ..since here Poland ..there was a natural fertility of ..Jewish people. It existed only here and in no other place. Following ..extermination of ..Jews of Poland ..from ..point of view of ..essence of their blood ..future of ..Jewish people had been totally done away with ..for only here were there Jews who had children.” Governor General Hans Frank.

There is, and particularly from within Poland, the entirety of a nation which failed in its moral responsibility to act with compassion. For a nation to ensure the sanctity of all Jewish life, and that the Jews were going to be protected, it needed more of this nation to stand for the Jews of their own Community. Not just that, and from within Poland itself, the ability for hatred to engage liberally with delivering the Polish Jewish People into the Death Camps and oblivion, has been real. The formative in this need to deliver to posterity all testimonial evidence’s that ensure the truth is factually recorded, leans heavily upon a truth that proves distasteful to the accused. All of this unwillingness amongst some states to come to terms with such truths, has seen history being compromised, and in newer distortions, corrupted. Of course, the fading nature of that very evidence has recognised our mounting loss for all of those survivors who are the very witnesses to a systematic atrocity we look to delve into.

“..In Majdanek and everywhere in Poland. They gave what is in humanity. I have it all my soul ..letters written to me by many. Everything is possible spite of other manifestations. I ..myself have never experienced any animosity toward me and what I represent. There is always ..goodwill and hope.”  Halina Birenbaum.

Also, and for all of those Jewish Survivor’s who finally came forward, who brought with their testimony, a reality so horrifying, we wonder at why so many sought a certain silence. For them was the searing text of what they have actually survived and have been continually asked to endure over and over in testimony. For these Jews, and for our search, they are those very people who must therefore step away from the security of a tenure of that safety existing in forgetfulness. The Jewish survivors are perpetually devastated by the oppressive nature of such a memory as we expect and demand they relay, and constantly. Tragically too, and for the Jewish survivor’s continuing passing from us, our drain upon their first hand resource is all too rapidly approaching. We can be certain too, and with our demands, what is placed upon what we needed to visit in The Holocaust of history, is a devastation the Jews have fought to escape. Thus recognised, their approaching loss is to us all, and as we seek to secure ever more truths and evidences we measure all future loss of such resource as ever more devastating.

“..This book has been difficult to research and to write. One does not wish to believe ..facts revealed by ..documents on which it is based. America of refuge ..offered little succour. American christians forgot about ..Good Samaritan. Even American Jews lacked ..unquenchable sense of urgency ..crisis demanded. Nazis were ..murderers ..but we were ..all too passive accomplices.” David S. Wyman.

These Jewish losses must be the very detailed accounts of such is our condemnation, and delivered with our most compassionate concern, that all of history will finally resonate with the humanity these Jews were deprived of. There is always an urgent need to learn All that must Never be forgotten now, before the final passing of the Jewish survivor deprives us of any first hand evidence’s. The grief over their loss, that will then leave us with no first hand rendering and testifying of their truth, which we most surely need, is to be deeply regretted. My 2nd. Book then, der Ensatgruppe and The Destruction of European Jewry is a provocative assessment of how both this effort to destroy all of Jewish existence is met and exactly how it came into the historical domain. The very nature of the accounting, which led directly from the sites of Jewish destruction to Hitler’s table, became the immediate knowledge of a burgeoning horror for the allied powers to recognise. All of which will exemplify, in my own position taking us on a journey that takes us all the way through from book one till I will complete all the books I have yet to deliver.

“..Nazis were responsible for this tragedy it is they who murdered most of 3,000,000 Jews who lived in Poland before World War II.  ..Germans were able to mobilize segments of ..Polish society to take part in their plan to hunt down ..Jews and help them carry out their Final Solution.” Jan Grabowski.

For me, and this has seen in the position of two books by distinguished writers on the subject of the ‘Jews For Sale’ by Yehuda Bauer and the very fact that such a title like ‘The Abandonment of The Jews’, as asserted by David S. Wyman, can resonate so deeply with me. These books are both an accusation I seek to resolve and a remonstration with those who committed such acts of atrocity with an impunity and unconcern that is astonishing. For the debauchery of the perpetrator fully demands our damnation of these, and the participator in such culpability as is complicit, we recognise the depths to which so many descended. That role is examined in my 3rd. Book too, Babi Yar a Jewish Catastrophe, and as this is clearly a detail so well accounted for in Nazi documents, 33,771 atrocities are liberally recorded. It is apparent in all studies of The Holocaust itself that this is the single most and significant atrocity to be waged by Hitler’s echelons. For such an atrocity, whose enormity was waged over such a short period of time, just 2 days, the tragedy for the Jews of Kiev resonates alongside the name of one man, Paul Blobel.

“..Jews attempted to save Jews from ..Nazis through negotiations and for varying motives a few Nazis entered into such discussions. Most ..failed ..some succeeded. But considering them might be of importance ..because they raise a host of historical ..philosophical ..more issues.” Yehuda Bauer.

After my 3rd. Book had been written, I sought advice from Elie Wiesel, not knowing if my 4th. Book would be given the go ahead. Taking Elie’s advice, and having listened to the strongest of opinions forwarded by other Survivors, I instead sought to research The Death Camp Belzec. This space, an apparent obscenity obscured by focus placed upon Auschwitz, opened me to me to a physical link back, in part, to what some of the experience right up to the gates might have been like. For Belzec, this rather obscured Death Camp, is somewhat overlooked by all reference to Auschwitz. And that is certainly true for mention of Birkenau, Auschwitz’s fully established Death Camp factory. Both of these spaces are publicised above and beyond any focus upon any other of the 5 remaining Death Camps in Poland, including Belzec. After visiting Belzec, I realised there was this incentive to disclose such ans onerous place to further scrutiny and to the fuller rigours of informed research and study. I was quickly made aware that if no study of The Holocaust could be definitive, no such completion of that search could be reached without clearer definition of the space occupied by Belzec. Clearly, and as a Death Camp of such gravity, it is generally overlooked as some form of outpost of all that was achieved by such establishments.

“..Belzec was both a testing and proving ground in extermination ..The Holocaust was fully borne.” Patrick Dempsey.

To be certain, that we could be more than understanding of Belzec’s place within The Holocaust term, the space had to be more clearly defined than has been formerly recognised. It is clear too, that from within The Aktion Reinhard system for Jewish destruction, Belzec is supremely registering of atrocity beyond those previous records presented. Of course, alongside all of this, there was the abounding tragedy of Poland’s misguided wish to misrepresent even The Holocaust in their own history and from their own back yard. Given that the very nature of The Holocaust commenced with Hitler’s World View, and The Final Solution of the Jewish Question was Hitler’s abiding demand, Belzec came into view atop Kozielsk Hill. Also, and what emerges from Hitler’s fevered vision of this Weltanschauung, and that this is his derived essential in die Endlosung der Judenfrage, this is the very nature of The Holocaust that we recognise Hitler’s fingerprints upon and in every detail.

“..middle of January 1943 ..they woke us up. We saw that we were surrounded by SS men who were stationed around ..Sanok ghetto. They ordered us to line up in ..courtyard ..allowed each one to take a blanket ..and led us on foot to ..Zaslaw camp. At Zaslaw they put everyone into one hall and kept us there for 3 days and 2 nights. They didn’t give us any food or drink. They didn’t allow us to go outside for our personal needs. We relieved ourselves inside this hall. Everything. In front of each other ..women ..children and men together. On Friday morning they put us into railway wagons. In ..morning we heard that a train was arriving and we saw that there were 10 railway wagons. At ..railway entrance SS men stood with dogs ..they commanded us to get into them crowd into these wagons. We didn’t resist and we boarded ..train. We no longer had any strength left. Very simply ..we wanted it to end quickly. After so many years we did not have ..strength to resist any more. We were 1,300 souls. And we were lucky. I counted ..people in our wagon ..there were 103 of us. This was a French freight wagon ..there was a notice on ..door 8 horses or 40 people. I read French. When they put us in all together into ..wagons ..there was no place to stand or sit. Some ..people sat on ..floor ..some stood ..then every hour we exchanged positions. We relieved ourselves in ..corner of this wagon. There were women and children and old people together. They closed ..door. were already shut ..and also secured with barbed wire. I was in that wagon from Friday morning until 2 o’clock morning. They gave us neither food nor drink. They didn’t even allow us to bring snow into ..wagon. We wanted to quench our thirst with snow ..even this they forbade ..and they shot into ..wagon ahead of us because someone had brought a little snow into it. Towards noon ..train moved. We could notice through ..aperture in that ..train was travelling in ..direction of Przemysl ..after that in ..direction of Jaroslaw. We knew that they were exterminating ..Jews of ..surroundings in ..Belzec. We decided that if ..train turned to ..right in ..direction of Rawa Ruska ..we would try to burst out of ..train. To ..right was in ..direction of Belzec ..and left in ..direction of Krakow. We still had only a spark of hope that perhaps they were transferring us to Plaszow ..a labour camp near Krakow. We knew it because they announced and night ..that they needed ..trains for their victory. We couldn’t understand that nevertheless they found ..time to transport ..Jews for extermination all the time and to use trains for them. On every train there was an inscription ..Wheels must roll for ..sake of victory. At that time I didn’t believe that ..programme was to destroy ..Jewish People ..despite ..fact that I had heard reports from Belzec. We received reports ..but ..spark of hope ..nevertheless ..still flickered in our hearts and we hoped that ..perhaps ..despite this ..some miracle would occur. They kept promising day and night that they were stopping ..deportations ..exterminations. For from ..moment that we saw that ..train was going in ..direction of Belzec turned in ..direction of Rawa Ruska ..some spark was ignited. We managed to force ..window open and several of ..people in ..train jumped out. We saw someone jumping and some spark was kindled within people who wanted to save themselves. Each time a person jumped out ..we heard shots. On each wagon there was an SS man with a machine gun. At approximately 2 o’clock in ..morning ..this was beyond Jaroslaw mother pushed me from ..wagon and told me to jump. I jumped from ..wagon. As I said ..we wanted to die more quickly. There nevertheless was an impulse. I wouldn’t have jumped ..if my mother hadn’t pushed me forcibly. I left behind mother brother. I hid in ..snow. They halted ..train and began to shoot in my direction. I crossed to ..other side of ..track and dug myself into ..snow ..I remained in ..snow for 2 hours until I heard ..train moving. I didn’t see my mother after this ..nor any members of my family.” Yakov Gurfein.

What is, and what cannot be definitive in any of this search, is the total loss to humanity that we recognise as far in excess of these 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews of Europe that is so often presented to us. Not even Belzec affords us the fuller records of what can only be suggested as to the total losses to be recognised here. What we are made aware of is that some 1,800,000 Jews were detained here at Belzec as the Head Teacher of the Belzec School, Eustachy Ukrainski suggests. Perhaps though we strike a differing accord with the Mayor of Belzec, Ludwik Obalak, who reasoned that some 1,500,000 Jews entered Belzec without ever leaving. Struggle as I might, I cannot ever come to terms with these figures becoming abandoned to a supposedly acceptable yet uncertain and under representative level. All too readily the World seems accepting of such a figure as 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews without properly identifying with this as a rather conservative estimate. 

“..midsummer ..early autumn 1942 ..arrived at Treblinka from Belzec. ..Malkinia station ..already dark by ..time I reached Treblinka. In there were bodies lying everywhere. ..they were all swollen. ..dragged through to ..upper section by Jews. ..working Jews were forced to keep moving by ..Ukrainian guards ..also ..Germans. ..saw them being beaten. ..tremendous confusion and a horrible din. ..went walking around ..established ..some ..guard squads were with girls and ..put down their rifles. ..I established order. I reported to Wirth in ..dining room Wirth ..Stangl ..Oberhauser were there. day longer ..bodies lying around. ..about 9.00am ..transport arrived. ..already standing naked in .. reception yard.” SS Untersturmfuhrer Kurt Franz.

I have found for myself, and what has been far in excess of what has been otherwise suggested, so as to add further to the overall assessment of loss here within Belzec. Though the relationship between the loss of 884,700 Jews here is conceivably made, and as these Jews remain within the pits dug in Belzec, and their ashes are interred for eternity, we stand over an estimate which is as unsure as it certainly is incomplete. The fact too that Hitler’s Belzec has recorded each and every estimate, will not allow the growing dissent within Poland to point us away from what happened to Polish Jewry on Polish lands and at whose behest. My own assessment, and this too is perhaps a rather conservative estimate, of the total contempt for Jewish existence here, it must stand above what we have been previously expected to accept. For Poland to come to terms with both its Jewish Community being sold and their physical abandonment, we might yet give rise to a more comprehensive study of the Jewish loss within the lands of Poland.

“..As always it was good to hear from you again. A major part of ..problem is that there were only two confirmed survivor of Belzec Rudolf Reder and Chaim Hirszman. ..latter was killed in 1946 by an anti- Russian Polish militia. ..battle for memory gets harder year after year as ..survivors as well as others on ..scene fade away. Our task is to keep it alive. This battle will go on long after we’re gone too. Hoping you are well and always regards.” Aaron Breitbart.

Erica, Righteous and Hungary

Uncategorised Posted on Sat, June 24, 2023 13:09:59

“..power that comes from daring to continue to be vulnerable.” Erica van Beek.

It merely takes a thought and I am asking myself questions which should have been answered during the period of the Jews most direst need. A Woman I consider a very good friend, her communications to me were both inspiring and awful memories of a past she declined to leave behind. She had Survived what her Mother was not allowed to, Hitler’s intention for all Jews. I recall an apology I made for the language I used to instil into memory what the Jewish Survivor knows all too well. Intimately. Terms like Slaughtered, Liquidation, Extermination, Annihilation, Evisceration, Destruction all illicit a provocation of what horror the terror on 6,000,000 Jews must have been. Erica was quite assured though. The World cannot know these terms of intention while we ameliorate its sensitivity to what was perpetrated and what was allowed to happen.

So we reached agreement. What I continue to find difficult is in what Erica assured me was a lasting memory of the last sight of her Mom, within Birkenau’s last assault upon the Hungarian Jewish population. You see. Erica’s Mother had been Murdered on Tuesday September 8th. 1942 in Birkenau. If this wasn’t tragic enough. Erica pinned her hopes upon the memory of an image of a Woman whose extraordinary likeness kept Erica believing her Mother lived till 1944 when the Hungarian Transports arrived at Birkenau, in 1944. Who am I to dismiss should a hold the past has upon a fractured memory, an immense loss which compelled her to hope, both images were of the same Mom she knew, loved and had taken from her to be devoured within Birkenau. So I continue to write, and here in particular upon Hungarian Jewry so as to allow many other’s to know, the Jewish experience was more than Death, even Killing or Murder.

It was a more atrocious end of 6,000,000 innocent People, and all because the were Jews, Even Erica’s Mom, Olga Bock, taken too soon, and from a Child who continued to Remember her long after she had been Slaughtered. In all I wish to add to Erica’s memory, there is no need for me to ever trust the status of any nation whose Jews were impacted within all terms associated with, The Holocaust. For whatever reason, and sovereignty seemingly provides the best excuse for deniability, complicity and even the duplicitous deceit in covering this all up, the abandoned Jews were cast aside. We are all aware of what Denmark was capable of, and what other states should have sought to achieve in all manner of humanitarian concern. However, of this fact which allowed for 6,000,000 Jews, who were merely pawns in an unsavoury display of pretence, by immobile concern, and which saw their systematic Slaughter, The Holocaust accuses the World of such indifference, it stacks high amongst what antisemitism confirms. Hatred for the Jews as Jews.

There is this continuous and constantly cynical ploy, in accusing Jews of going tamely into The Final Solution. While choosing carefully to ignore the fact that those Jews were civilians, we cannot allow this to distort what confronted innocent Jewish People. If Hitler’s Wehrmacht could overrun all of Europe in weeks, and against Military trained armies what was it that the Jews could do. Back in time, while we know that from August 16th. 1941, when the Atlantic Charter sought a commonality of purpose for all People everywhere, that fact was rather mislaid. This did not include the Jews of Europe facing extinction as Death Camp after Death Camp came upon stream and the brutal efforts of der Einsatzgruppe continued. On August 25th. 1941, and with more than 15,500 Jews expelled from Hungary to Kamanets-Podolsky, we know Hungarian Jewry is now under an immediate and deadly threat. These Hungarian Jews in Kamanets are Slaughtered within days.

Once more, and on December 13th. 1941 Goebbels diary confirms again Hitler’s final solution and intention for World Jewry. This is fully endorsed when, on  December 16th. 1941 Hans Frank affirms Hitler’s resolve for Jewish extermination. Further on, The Wannsee Conference on January 20th 1942 concentrates the coordinated effort of the entire Reich upon the continued effort to the murders of a further 11,293,300 Jews of Europe. On April 16th. 1943 Hitler fully briefs Hungarian Regent, Admiral Miklos von Nagybania Horthy on the progress of The Final Solution. This murderous effort was to be relentless, and even as Hitler’s War was certain of Allied victory, Hitler’s resolve for the Jewish People never wavered, never dipped and continued toward a total solution. On January 19th. 1944, as the Germans take control of Hungary, it is more precarious than 800,000 to 900,000 Jews fully knew.

On March 15th. 1944 “..Hitler also objected to ..fact that Hungary has not yet introduced ..steps necessary to settle ..Jewish Question. We are accused, therefore ..of ..crime of not having carried out Hitler’s wishes ..and I as charged with not having permitted ..Jews to be massacred.” Miklos Horthy.

The Nazis implement its tried and tested practices of dealing with the Jews by defining them, by the confiscation of their property, by the temporary process of ghettoization, and by the final deportation to of them all death camps. This then is the implementation of the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Hungary and will take less than four months to reach such a crescendo of Slaughter as Birkenau had not witnessed before. Remember in this also, and specifically, if we are dealing with either 800,000 or 900,000 Hungarian Jews, we cannot be accurate with the total loss to any of these Hungarian Jews, even when accepting the immense loss is an incalculable one. On March 16th. 1944 Admiral Horthy accepts Hitler’s Policing control of his country as Hungary fully accedes to the Jewish deportations.

“..I feel again at one with ..persecuted ..oppressed ..that is where I belong. Among ..Jews ..Jewish Marx well ..all oppressed peoples that come up in revolt who flash through my mind.” Erica van Beek.

On March 18th. 1944 Hitler orders more German troops into Hungary and when, on March 19th. 1944 Hitler sends his 6th. SS Panzer Army forces into Hungary, and this is purportedly to stem the flow of Russian advances, the Jewish Question is closer to being resolved here. As all of Hitler’s forces within Hungary are surely coordinated to ensure the continuance of this final resolve, the Slaughter of Hungarian Jewry reaches another unprecedented level of atrocity. This then is the precursor to ensuring all of Hungarian Jewry does not evade The Final Solution to Hitler’s Jewish Question. As many as 900,000 Hungarian Jews now stand transfixed before the delivery of them all toward Birkenau. There is a congress that was held on the 3rd and 4th of April, 1944, in Krummhuebel, and was organised by Rudolf Schleier, and this was drawn up so that nothing would distract from that final resolve.

Even whilst the personnel propping up the Death Camp gates, legions of these mass killers, divisions of them, could have better served the Axis power in shedding less quickly its young. There was no let up or easing of The Final Solution to that Jewish Question despite the blistering degrading of Germany even as an entity. Elsewhere, and away from Krummhuebel, Eichmann was busy orchestrating the final removal of the largest remaining Jewish grouping in Europe, Hungarian Jewry. On April 4th. 1944 itself, as US Reconnaissance Aircraft photograph Auschwitz and Birkenau, we are left to ponder. As the mass deportation of Hungarian Jewry has yet to begin, can we not imagine if only, and instead of Film, Bombs were dropped to prevent any further transports reaching Birkenau.

On Friday April 7th. 1944 “..Cautious estimate of ..number of ..Jews gassed ..Birkenau ..April 1942 ..April 1944 by Country of origin

..Poland ..transported by truck   300,000 Jews

..ransported by train                      600,000 Jews

Holland                                              100,000 Jews

Greece                                                 45,000 Jews

France                                               150,000 Jews

Belgium                                               50,000 Jews

Germany                                             60,000 Jews

Yugoslavia }

Italy           }

Norway     }                                         50,000 Jews

Lithuania                                             50,000 Jews

Bohemia    }

Moravia     }

Austria }                                             30,000 Jews

Slovakia                                               30,000 Jews

Camps foreign Jews in Poland     300,000 Jews

Total                                             1,765,000 Jews.”  The Auschwitz Protocols.

This Auschwitz Protocol was composed by Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, just two more escapees from the Birkenau Death Camp wishing to inform of the truth for the Jews, disbelief met with incredulity and even hostility toward such a factual truth. Integrity only ever mattered when the truth could be somehow swallowed by disbelief and a continuing belief in the humanity within mankind. On April 16th. 1944 the Hungarian Government registers Jews as the Hungarian Government confiscates Jewish property. Hungary deported its Jews and those were all brought from surrounding Villages Botiza, Falien-Glod, Glod, Ieud, Kechnia, Rozavalea, Sacel, Salistea, Strimtura, Sieu, Slatina and a further 3 other smaller villages to the Dragomiresti Ghetto 3 days after Easter Sunday April 9th. 1944. Dragomiresti is now declared Judenrein as 40 cattle trucks with some 90 to 100 Jews to each are transported toward Birkenau.

This is the precursor to the planned extinction of some 800,000 to 900,000 Hungarian Jews and even as Hitler’s reich is in tatters, The Final Solution of The Jewish Question has still to be fully resolved and is given every resource necessary to accomplish its horrifying terror. It is clear there will be no let up in the progress to achieve Hitler’s prescient claim upon All Jewish life. On April 29th. 1944, with a transport of 1,800 Jews from Budapest, Hungary, Hungarian Jewry is being deported toward extermination at Birkenau. On April 30th. 1944, a further transport of 2,000 Jews from Backa-Topola, Hungary are deported toward Birkenau. At this time the relentless progress toward the Slaughter would feed the inferno in Birkenau without cessation. On May 2nd. 1944 two transports from Budapest and Topola, Hungary arrive at Birkenau for processing. 1,102 of these Jews are given a temporary reprieve as forced labourers, both Jewish Men and Jewish Women, the remaining 2,698 Hungarian Jews, Men, Women and Their Children are Gassed.

The mounting Slaughter of Hungarian Jewry is escalating in earnest an unprecedented atrocity within the most unprecedented, uniquely unequalled terror in all of History. As with all things such as consideration related to the 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews, who are The Holocaust, differences and opinion constrain reasoned assertion in every biased sense against those Jews totally targeted for extermination. The truth, as evoked within the fully demanded terms of the science of History, holds sway over distortion, and especially must push back consistently against denial. Always, and as we approach those anniversary’s, be it of the threat to Hungarian Jewish existence, or all of European Jewry, dates will always alter the emphasis to be placed upon Hitler’s effort to add over 800,000 or 900,000 of Hungary’s Jews to The Final Solution.

We are barely into 1944 and tomorrows date will see the day when Wisliceny informed the Jewish leadership of the impending approach of their devastation. On May 8th. 1944 Dieter Wisliceny informs Rudolf ‘Rezso’ Kasztner that all of Hungarian Jewry is to be deported. On May 12th. 1944 at Munkacs, plans for Hungarian Jewish removal toward The Final Solution is completed. On May 15th. 1944 Eichmann, with the assistance of his own Kommando and the Hungarian Gendarmerie, begins the systematic deportation of the vast bulk Hungarian Jewry in estimates well above 50% of all Jews there. From May 15th. 1944 until July 9th. 1944, and over a 55 day period, there are 147 Transports averaging 3,419 Jewish People in each of these transports totalling 502,491 Hungarian Jews delivered to Birkenau for Destruction.

The full scale horror of the deportation of Hungarian Jewry steps up its murderous pace, and as Rabbi Dov Weissmandel is made aware that there are 10,000 Jews being Slaughtered every day within Birkenau, Hoess is fully prepared. It is yet to be recognised exactly what this transportation means for the vast majority of All Jews. What is certain though is their fate is sealed in cattle wagons en-route to the worst experience within humanity’s experience. But for these Jews, removal to some other destination is a new start, a work place for the Jews to be concentrated. How tragically such an assertion would become for all thos Jews who still believed, even moderately, in the goodness in mankind. Put on a transport on May 24th. 1944, the Jews of Bilke, from the Carpatho-Ruthenia region of Hungary, are then to be seen arriving at Birkenau Death Camp.

These Jews are those very Jews who haunt our lasting memory of the conduct of hatred which fed what is presented in The Auschwitz Album on May 26th. 1944, as a vast tragedy to humanity. It is also, and again for the Jews of Hungary, being continuously deported toward Birkenau, a more murderous wreck to humanity. On May 29th. 1944, as these next Jews arrive on May 31st. 1944, they are amongst those Jews to be witnessed alighted toward extermination as three photographs taken by the American Air Force. 3 days after the arrival of the deportation documented in the Auschwitz Album, we are now witnesses to an atrocity beyond compare. What these glimpses reveal to us also compliment the Lili Jacob’s Album as Hungarian Jewry is an image of their final moments gifted to us. On June 7th. June 1944, the completion of the removal of Carpatho-Ruthenia’s Jews is realised as Jewish Community after Jewish Community within Hungary is decimated.

“..If I have ever had ..illusion that humanity has become wiser and better is now absolutely over. ..I still had hope. Ethnic ..Nationalist wars ..civilized ..Europe have broken out ..make me realize ..humanity has learned nothing.” Erica van Beek.

For me, and with Erica still holding out some form of hope, but there are people who will use the definition of numbers to promote a cynical game. The instance of Poland is typical and as there were 35,100,000 of the Polish population during World War II, we recognise with the 3,650,000 of these were Polish Jews. When we are reminded that there are 7,232 Righteous of Poland, this represents just 1 in every 400 Poles who sought to save their Jews. We know this to be the extent of the Jewish abandonment within Poland of over 1,800 years of a Jewish presence with Poland’s borders. The loss of in excess of 3,000,000 Polish Jews, Slaughtered while Poland looked on, is an even greater Polish calamity than is admitted to. In comparison to this, there were 8,729,000 of the Dutch population during World War II overtaken by Nazi Germany.

“ ..time. At each address it must look as if I belonged. And a child who complains about when Mutti was returning ..was a danger for her surroundings. ..questions and even ..memory was so very quickly suppressed and eliminated by ..mental and physical coercion from outside. And ..multitude of impressions ..all relocations and new environments and ..induced fears ..memories indeed disappeared. Nobody ..apart from my Father ..had ever talked with me about my Mother.” Erica van Beek.

Erica van Beek, my Friend, and her Mother Olga Bock were amongst the 140,000 or so of these Dutch Jews, pretty much unassailed by Hitler’s anti-Jewish slogans or threats. There are 5,982 Righteous  of Holland and they stand against the loss of about 1 in every 20 of the 102,000 Dutch Jews Slaughtered. Erica van Beek was one of the lucky few, and while her Mother Olga was not so fortunate, it is not clear to me how long Erica held onto the tangible hope that her Mother would some day return. Even though gifted to Erica was the hope that the image in the birch wood before Birkenau might have presented an impression which resembled her own Mother, how was there hope that she would even survive what Birkenau had in store for over 1,100,000 Jews of Europe, including Olga Bock, Erica van Beeks’ own Mother.


I have known you- and not known you my child  

I have a picture of you, that is called Jacob;

An image of rebellion, fury and suffering

That binds you to my past.

I have built a picture of you, my child,

That put his arms around me and held my hand.

Not the boy who destroyed his life

But one who finds life fearful and unlivable.

That scared and angry and on the run

in life never found a shelter

and disbanded from his fear by his death

I loved you, my child that we knew.

And powerless, I watched how you

have wounded yourself so deadly.

Who wants to hear how trumpeter grief

Who will not run away for my nocturnal crying.

Hear how the land shakes under my feet thumping looking crying

Screaming for my children their hunters continue to be injured

And flee for my boundless grief

About him and his name can turn around

Flights as I approach come seeking solace

I want their names not know him forget

Never love again no more do not be complicit

Do not come closer I liked you even trust

Again memories should be to what was.” Erica van Beek.


Uncategorised Posted on Thu, May 18, 2023 20:15:08

“..Germans arrived from ..Lida. ..Jews from Ghetto ..Radun ..pushed toward Grodno.” Avraham Aviel.

I can state with certainty that some 50,000 Jews from Grodno were Slaughtered and within Birkenau and Treblinka. Also, and within killing sites, they were annihilated too. What we fully need to recognise though is that not all of these were Grodno Jews, those impacted by their transporting to the Ghettos there. Also! While we look back to trace those Grodno Jews missing, that unfortunate necessity recognises, their names are ever more important. But! We need to know if those Jews were simply transitory arrivers at the Grodno Ghettos, or were in fact Grodno Jews. Such is the case for names like The Vagshul Family, who are abundant in The Holocaust, but are themselves lost within competing communities and places of destruction.

“..We lived as hunted animals in ..woods ..chased by German ..Lithuanian ..Polish and Ukrainian patrols.” Rita Yelgin.

It would be impossible to relay here the Jewish presence within Grodno as it commenced, grew, gained and was nurtured. We do however recognise that a thriving community persisted ever since the first Jews began to settle here. I give a less than in depth coverage of that very dominant Jewish persistence in life as it is well recorded in History. But my effort sadly, is involved wholly in the struggle to any life the Jews were forced to relentlessly endure. The absolute disconnect between humanity, and the intolerances of those whose hatred hounded 6,000,000 Jews into non-existence, is a cause. It is imposssible too to become certain as to the entire Jewish loss within Grodno, as figures can be confused by the influx of other Jews from around the area. Jewish neighbours, some from outlying areas of Poland, who either assembled or were forced to accomodate the empty spaces created.

“..From ..beginning I was not following their orders. bring home something to ease ..gnawing hunger.” Bronka Klibanski.

These Jews are a mix now of Grodno Jews and other Polish Jews settling into a transitory position they could not as yet appreciate. But, those Jews of Grodno who are forcibly transported to their deaths, or are simply shot in at least 4 Killing Sites dotted around the region, leave behind spacves for incoming Jews to fill. The Jews of Grodno, one of the oldest established Jewish Communities in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and then Poland was to perish almost entirely. Jewish merchants first settled and established themselves here in the 1100’s. These Jews went on, refined and defined their persistence through diligence, learning and a mutual economy that also served their gentile neighbours.

Founded in 1907, was the Grodno Teachers Seminary, seeing Grodno as the second largest City in the Bialystok region. Tragically, Jewish influence grew with the increase in significant pogroms. This was as regular an occurrence within Poland as history presents and occurred in Grodno going back into a 800 year History forged by political expedient, the church and Military groups, including Cossack units. The Cossacks’s, attacking the Jews of Grodno in 1915, abused and killed those Jews who got in their way. The inter war years however, saw the need for the rise of Jewish pressure groups and self defence battalions. These, who fought against the antisemitism that persisted within, and could be regularly promoted by the Polish government.

When, in July 1920, and with the Polish Army carrying out its own pogrom, it was clear, Jewish persistence was never going to be a Polish accepting principle. 250 Jews were Murdered and many more were injured as the Jewish Quarter was burned down and nearly destroyed, totally. There were News Paper articles that were wholly antiemitic, flagrantly published and Jewish Synagogues and even Cemetery’s constantly desecrated. On June 6th. 1922, and despite it not being in the least bit wealthy, Grodno’s Jewish Community raised relief funds for those Jews of Russia and Ukraine who were facing starvation. It was only in 1927 that Poland allowed for its Jewish communities to form part of a constituton that had been reserved nominally for only Polish non-Jews.

While this did not prevent resentment, as the vast majority of enterprises and businesses, more than 1,300 of them, were Jewish owned, the Jewish People conformed to an acceptance of peace prevailing. If not now, then someday. However, with this envy came a resulting boycott against the Jews of the City and another pogrom in Grodno that was initiated by their gentile neighbours. With all of this on their plate, on May 1st. 1933, the Jewish community of Grodno managed to present to the League of Nations, a petition wholly protesting over the continued persecution of Germany’s Jews. 1935, after the death of Marshal Josef Pilsudki, witnessed an unbridled series of pogroms that was raged against Polish Jewry.

On June 6th. 1935, some 300 Jewish Businesses were impacted, 50 Jews were assaulted, brutalised and 2 Jews, Gedalia Becher and Yisrael Shraga Feivel Berezovski were Murdered. Shlomo Pozniak was so seriously injured he was taken to hospital. On July 7th. 1935 there was a further Grodno pogrom, a Polish government sponsored assault upon Grodno’s Jews was initiated and carefully orchestrated with one Jew being killed. On May 24th. 1937, Grodno’s Jews responded to these growing assaults by shutting their businesses to trade. Though impacting upon their own fiscal concerns it was none the less depriving the city of much of its financial viability.

On October 20th. 1937, the Grodno Jewish Community, appalled at educational institutions insisting that Jewish Students be restricted to sitting on designated benches, ‘The Ghetto Benches’, protested vehemently. Emigration became a wished for demand for so many Jews, resources were spent establishing routes out of Poland. Sadly, all too many nations barred the way to Polish Jewry while many insisted upon strict quotas allowing only Jews, under certain criteria, financial, commercial and even educational was placed in the way so as to stem the influx into places like Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Israel surreptiously, Mexico and Peru amongst some. All too many of these escaping Jews, at liberty to both leave and gain entry, did however refuse to leave, as their Families were excluded from such a detail.

On October 28th. 1938, with Germany expelling 17,000 Polish Jews to Poland’s border, 8,000 are stranded at Zbaszyn. This is the precursor ‘Kristallnacht’ with the Jewish Community of Grodno coming to the rescue to some of these. Offering assistance to these Jews stuck in a no man’s land with Poland not accepting them, and Germany demanding they move on offered a human concern to such an inhuman process. In fact some of these Jews, a few of them even, Grodno Jews, were taken back to Grodno, situated on the Niemen River it was a large and industrious centre. With almost half the population of Grodno Jewish, as Hitler’s forces swept in in 1939, there were some 22,000 Jews awaiting Hitler’s design for their extinction. Temporarily, the plan for The Final Solution was not immediately recognised, even though the formative Einsatz was let loose to kill more and more Polish Jews.

Some 400,000 Polish Jews sought to escape from German threats and headed out and especially for Russia. Between September 18th. and 21st. 1939 the Jews faced a further Pogrom, composed by the the local Justice Mikulsky, killing 25 Jews. When they were under Russian jurisdiction though, and after partition on September 22nd. 1939, the Murders and abuses eased. The population of Grodno grew appreciably to far more than 25,000 as Jews sought to escape from the German controlled Polish demarcation line. There were 1,000’s of Polish Jewish Soldiers, now better placed to now surrender to Russian forces rather than to German ones. With the expansion of the Jewish Community, and with the creation of the Jewish Ghetto, Jews from outlying areas, districts, Shtetl’s and Villages, more and more Jews were being confined to a deadly intention.

On June 20th. 1941 many of Grodno’s Jews, denounced as dangerous, harmful activists, they were deported to Siberia. Then, as Operation Barbarossa commenced on June 22nd. 1941, Grodno was pounded to ruins for the day and with the Jews immediately impacted, as units of Third Panzergruppe passed through the following day, Jewish existence in Grodno was fast fading. Encountering Jews fleeing East, Wehrmacht units forced the Jews back to Grodno. Many though were trapped on the road to safety and were overtaken by the forces of Hitler’s Reich. Many of these Jews were systematically Murdered before they could return to those former homes and from where their future annihilation would be enacted. On June 24th. 1941, the rolling stock deporting these Jews of Grodno away from harms way was attacked by Hitler’s Stukas just outside of Baronovichi and many of them were killed.

Those who survived here were then processed, and served with the same fate of their Family and Community they had left behind in Grodno. A Judenrate of 10 was formed on June 28th. 1941 around Noah Bass, Dr. David Brawer as the Chairman, with Izhak Grozanski, N. Sarnatzki, I. Suchowlanski, O Szulkes, Avraham Zadai, and Aharon Rubinchik in charge of the internal police. The committee was further expanded to some 24 members as the community was to be split between the emerging two ghettos demanded by the Nazis. On June 30th. 1941 Artur Nebe’s Einsatzgruppe B had jurisdiction over the killings in the region and pledged to fully accomplish his task. He ordered Einsatzkommando 9 to Grodno and at the same time it became mandatory for the Jews of Grodno to wear the identifier, the Star of David.

On July 5th. 1941″..EinsatzKommando 9 ..located at Grodno. building has been requisitioned for the main office in spite of objections from commander Colonel Pickel. Documents and photographs have been secured from ..NKVD office. Pogroms are being initiated ..heavy destruction ..shops looted and demolished situation bad. Church attendance is high.” Operational Situation Report 13.

On July 7th. 1941 over 100 professional Jews from Grodno, and some from Lida, were detained and Murdered by units of SS Standartenfuhrer Alfred Filbert’s EK9, as the usual measures designed to impact brutally upon the Jews were fully implemented. German troops and Einsatz members looted at will and with complete impunity. Also, two relatively small groups of Grodno Jews were shot by German killing squads near the village of Navumavichi and in the Gory Kredowe Hills. The numbers related to these atrocities is scarce to identify, so it must be suggested that any Jew murdered was in keeping with Hitler’s plan.

“..On Friday July 17th. 1942 ..a young man of 35 befriended my father in ..Ghetto shul. His name was Tevke ..from ..Radun near Vilna. ..He told us ..about massacres of Jews and death camp deportations in all ..small towns around Vilna. We simply could not comprehend this. ..killed only because they were Jews.” Rita Yelgin.

On September 7th. 1941, the Judenrate was further expanded to include a membership of 24 and on November 1st. 1941, a Jewish Grodno was divided into two, Ghettos, A and B. All told, 30,000 Jews were segregated and placed into these compact areas. Ghetto A held 20,000 Jews in the Shulhof area, the olde part of the City and Ghetto B detained 10,000 Jews in the Slobodka district. Along with the continued influx of refugee and expelled Jews from the outlying areas, this swelled the population to more than these 30,000 Jews. The estimate of course must take into consideration we are completely short of the actual assessment needed to verify the numbers we come to use, knowing all the while, these are individual Jewish People.

“..went on food missions 15 to 20 kilometers from our camp so as not to disturb ..local peasants who might inform ..Germans.” Rita Yelgin.

It is in Grodno, with a hive of Partisan activty, that we recognise from amongst whom Chasya Blinka, Liza Czapnik, Bronka Klibanski, Ania Ruth and Rita Yelgin are known to us. There is a Jewish resistance that is all too often not recognised in the history of The Holocaust. In February 1942, Bela Hazan, a Dror kasharit, came to the Grodno ghetto to inform Bronka Klabinski that she was summoned to Bialystok for a national meeting of Dror leaders. The Jews of Grodno realised by now the predicament of their fate and began to forge ties with Bialystok, Vilna and Warsaw to establish Partisan groups. Also, there was a mass attempt to flee and even to assassinate the chief executioner of Grodno Jewry, Otto Streblow and his competing mass murderer Kurt Wiese.

“..I was not afraid ..and I would not get caught.” Bronka Klibanski.

On November 2nd. 1942 mass shootings began and both the Ghettos were sealed with 4,500 of Grodno’s Jews transported through the Kielbasin Camp and on to the Death Camp Treblinka. On November 9th. 1942, and following the liquidation of some within Ghetto B, 4,000 Jews from Ghetto A are transferred over to replace those Jews sent to the Kielbasin Labour Camp. Kielbasin was also a transit Camp for the Jews toward Birkenau and Treblinka and itself, a place of death for the Jews transported there. On November 14th. 1942 6,000 more Jews were gradually being transported to Kielbasin and onto Birkenau where they were then Murdered.

“..Kielbasin ..Jews from ..villages were taken and from where transports were assembled for Auschwitz and Treblinka.” Rita Yelgin.

On November 15th. a transport of 1,000 Grodno Jews is split between Birkenau and Treblinka and then on November 21st. a transport of 3,000 of its Jews are also transported to the Death Camps at Birkenau and Treblinka. We are thankful to Danuta Czech, who was the archivist of the destruction to face the Jews who entered into the Slaughter house that was Birkenau, for all we have learned of the process within Auschwitz and even Birkenau. Here, Danuta has detailed the arrival of these 5 RSHA Transports from Grodno and as we are made aware, and though it appears some were saved for Survival, all those 1,789 Jews who had been set aside for a work detail, were so severely impacted by the strains of their endeavour, they too succumbed to the treacherous state of existence within Auschwitz and certainly Birkenau. Tragically, it has been a fruitless search to discover of those 9,861 Jews immediately gassed, that we cannot know how many of these were Their Children.

“..On January 20th. 1943 2,000 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these ..256 Jews were detailed for Work. ..155 Jewish Men and 101 Jewish Women. Some 1,744 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

“..On January 21st. 1943 2,000 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these ..287 Jews were detailed for Work. ..175 Jewish Men and 112 Jewish Women. Some 1,713 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

“..On January 22nd. 1943 3,650 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these ..594 Jews were detailed for Work. ..365 Jewish Men and 229 Jewish Women. Some 3,056 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

“..On January 23rd. 1943 2,000 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these 426 Jews were detailed for Work. ..235 Jewish Men and 191 Jewish Women. Some 1,574 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

“..On January 24th. 1943 2,000 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. Of these 226 Jews were detailed for Work. ..166 Jewish Men and 60 Jewish Women. Some 1,774 of these Jews were immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

“..A Total of 11,650 Jewish Men ..Women and Their Children arrived from Grodno. In total some 1,789 Jews were detailed for Work. ..1,096 Jewish Men ..693 Jewish Women were detailed for Work with 9,861 Jews immediately Slaughtered.” Danuta Czech.

From January 7th. to 19th. 1943, and on a daily basis, all told some 11,650 Jews from Grodno were transported away from the Ghetto. Leaving in the direction of the Kielbasin Labour and Transit Camp, this endorsed the fear that labour was to be extorted from them. Tragically, the vast majority of them were forwarded to a Death Camp where they become extinguished immediately upon arrival at Birkenau. At this moment it is thought that barely 5,000 Jews now remained behind in the Ghetto for future processing.

“..I’ve always considered myself ..a coward. Yet ..I was able to escape ..Grodno Ghetto in February 1943 even though it was surrounded by armed German soldiers. ..I then lived for almost 2 years in ..depths of ..Lithuanian Forest as a member of a Jewish partisan group until I was liberated by ..advancing Soviet army.” Rita Yelgin.

In February 1943 Liza Czapnik returned to the Ghetto of Grodno, and disguised as a worker she gained entry for a specific effort. She stole away her 10 year old Niece Alloczka, and smuggled her back to Bialystok where Alloczka’s Parents had just returned to the Ghetto there. On February 13th. 1943 though, practically all 5,000 of Grodno’s Jews were transported to their deaths in the Death Camp at Treblinka. At the same time, all members of the Judenrate were taken out from the Ghetto and were shot. On February 14th. 1943 there were still Jews of Grodno Jews being transported to Treblinka, as there was on February 16th. 1943, draining Grodno Jews away toward Treblinka.

On March 12th. 1943 the final 1,000 ‘Useful Jews’ of Grodno, now a remnant of what had been Jewish Grodno, were transported to the Bialystok Ghetto. All told, there were over 30,000 Jews of Grodno who were dispatched toward their eventual destruction in Birkenau and Treblinka. Many other Jews from the Ghettos were shot and otherwise Murdered. On top of that, there were some 20,000 other Jews from the surrounding areas of Jeziory, Krynki, Kuznica, Lida, Ostryna, Pruzhany, Radun, Sokolka, Suchowola and Wolkowysk. Of course there were many more Jews from other areas, and all were Murdered in either Birkenau or Treblinka. It goes without saying that shootings were a regular occurrence in situ, as they were being physically removed from their homes or taken to kill sites.

“..on June 16th. 1943 ..we heard gun shots and started running into ..swamps to escape. Everyone ran in different directions from panic and fright.” Rita Yelgin.

We have to remember too that of all of these Grodno Jews, there were some other Jewish People from some 22 City’s, Towns, Villages and Shtetl’s from across Poland. They either all who found their way through the 2 Ghetto of Grodnos or from the Labour and Transit Camp at Kielbasin enroute toward extermination of Hitler’s Death camps at Treblinka and Birkenau. On July 14th. 1944, Russian troops liberated Grodno, but not before the surviving 15 Jews, who had been kept alive to maintain the Nazi occupation of what was left og Grodno, were Murdered. There were though, as many as 180 Jews still in hiding who finally managed to Survive the end of the War at least. That is in thanks in part to good Poles who risked all to save some Jews, Jews who were all chosen to die, without exception and so Grodno is rightly celebrated for its Righteous few.

A gathering of some 2,000 Jews began to settle back into Grodno, and these came from many communities ccompletely decimated during The Holocaust. Some of these who returned to Grodno were Hasia Bielicka, Liza Czapnik and Ania Rud. However, Grodno was no longer the home for so many Jews, and all too many of these found it necessary to part to many corners of the earth. Signs of age old prejudices toward the Jews was never far rom the surface. By 1955, even the Jewish cemetery was plowed up and locally, 4 mass graves were left untended except by those Jews still seeking their past.

In 1960 the Soviet authorities erected a monument to the victimes of Hitler’s fascism, at the site of the Navumavichi mass grave site. The authorities completely ignored the fact that there had been a systematic effort to destroy the Jewish People. It remained too that of the 2 surviving Synagogues needed to be returned to Jewish use, neither were and were detained by gentile businesses. For Grodno Jews and many other Jews, it is apparent that with no mention of the Jews was to appear upon this monument, as any Jewish presence to be recorded, is not as acceptable as it should have been. In 1993, with a simple a plaque erected at Zamkowa Street, and near the entrance to the former Ghetto A, signs of any past presence of the Jews would be too few and would still not be detailed here.

“..To ..memory of 29,000 inmates of ..Ghetto ..victims of fascism. In this area 1941 – 1943 ..a ghetto was located.”

It does not mention the very fact that the community of Grodno Jews were not only incarcerated here, they were held captive until the time of their transportation toward the Death Camps became assured. Here too, all I can do is afford memory to those few Jews, who might be already recognised, and others who are definitely lost within a forgotten status. In a question to me, and in a reference to a Jewish Family, the VAGSHUL’s, ths Family were taken away from Grodno and are now lost within The Holocaust. This Family Vagshul, from amongst the 30,000 or so Slaughtered Jews of Grodno, are still some of the missing we will not find.

We have to remember too, that even from within this list of names there will be ommissions, gaps in our essential knowledge. It is imperative though, that while we look for traces of those who have not be mentioned by full name, or without a forename, they are mentioned. There are those too in The Holocaust history, recollections of a certain Family, a Butcher, a Tailor or even a Candlestick Maker, recalled to posterity without any further identifier. In this is imperative in remembering one more Jew, a Jew who was always expected to be forgotten after destruction.

Abramovitz, Avraham; Abramovitz, Berl; Abramovitz, Dr Emil; Abramski, Bezalel; Abramski, Leon; Adin, Aharon; Adin, Michael; Adin, Shabtai; Adin-Lipnik, Moshe; and Arkin, Ashkenazi.

Bachaluski, Noah; Bachrach, Feigel; Baranchik, Rabbi Yoel; Bass, Noah; Becher, Gedalia; Berezovski, Batia; Berezovski, David; Berezovski, Noah; Berezovski, Shaul; Berezovski, Shraga Feivel; Brawer, Dr. David; and BURDA.

Chalaf, Chaim; Chapnik, Grisha; Chapnik, Liza; Chayat Etke; Chazan, Chaim Arye; Chertok, Dr. Shimshon; Chochlin, Rabbi Zvi; Cigelnitski Kalman; Cohen, Oria; and Cohen, Yaacov.

Darshan, Yitzchak; Dashevski, Misha; Dashevski, Peter Pinchas; Dimant, Asher; Dimant, Esther; Dimant, Hannah; Dimant, Kadish; Dimant, Peshe; Dimant, Shmuel; Dimant, Yitzchak; Diskin, Zerach; DRUKER; and Dzhibak, Shmuel.

Efron, Yaacov; Einstein, Yisrael; Eisenberg, Benyamin Buna; Eisenstat, Barzilai Yehoshua; Eisenstein, Barzilai Yosef; Epstein, Dr. Borke; Epstein, Guta; Epstein, Mordechai; and Epstein, Shalom.

Fainsod, Yeshayahu; Fainsod, Sukenik Chasia; Fein, Nissan; Finkel, Dr. Moshe; Fis, Arye Laibl; Fis, David; Fis, Efraim; Fis, Yisrael; Fisher, Moshe; Freilichman, Yosef; Friedberg, Avraham Shalom; Fruchterman, Yehoshua and Frumkin, Yaacov.

Gabovitz, Simcha; Galgor, Eliezer; Galgor, Yekutiel; Gan, Itzke; Gelbord, Avraham; Shalom; Gershuni, Dr. Gershon; Gershuni, Dr. Rachel; Gisser, Ruma; Gordon, Ethel; Gornitzki, Shmuel; Gozhanski, Michael; Grozanski, Izhak; and Gutmann, Dr. Shmuel.

Haber, Yitzchak Isaac; Halprin, Liuba; Halprin, Menachem; Hazan, Hirsch Yehuda; Hazan, Teresa; Helfman, Axelrod; Helfman, Peretz; Helfman, Zerach; Hepner, Gershon; Hirsch, Zvi; and Horvitz Yosef Ossip.

Iberski, Dr. Sarah; Issakovna, Bertha; Itzkovitz, Yankel; Ivri-Tikotzki, Sarah; and Izablinski, Benyamin.

Kabak, Aharon Avraham; Kabakfein, Miriam; Kaminski, Eliezer; Kaminski, Yedidya; Kaplan, Nachum; Kaplan Ben Meir, Yaacov; Kapulski, Yaacov; Karol, Zvi; Kassin, Alexander; Kichman, Sorke Moshe; Kimchi, Zecharia; Kimovitz, Rabbi Chaim Eliezer; Kleinbort, Mulke; Kliatchkovski, Arye Leib; Kobrinski, Wolf; Korngold, Benyamin; Kotovski, Moshe; Kramer, Shoshana; Kravetz, Nachum; Kulkin, Merkl; Kupinski, Meir; Kustin, Leah; and Kustin, Mordechai.

Lampert, Grandzhitzki Zalman; Landa, Yisrael; Lapidot, David; Lapin, Bezalel; Leibovitz, Daniel;
Levin, Yehoshua; Levinstein, Yitzchak; Levkovitz-Grabinska, Sinia; Lieberman, Aharon; Lifschitz, Dubin Grunia; Lipnik, Dr. Avraham Wolf; Lipnik, Dr. Chaya; and Luner, Moshe;

Maisel, Rachel; Maisel, Shohat Hannah; Maisel, Vilenski Leah; Marcus, Daniel; Marcus-Alterman, Dr. Rachel; Marder, Shalom; Margalit, Yehuda; Matos, Henia; Melamed, Yosef; Menker, Liza; Menker, Victor; Milishkovski, Nachum; Miller, Arye Leib; Miller, Yisrael David; Mirovski, Leah; and Muravski, Avraham.

Nachbi, Avraham Hillel; Neiman, Dina; Neiman, Dr. Netaniel; Neiman, Adin Zippora; Neiman-Chorgin, Nocha; Niviazheski, Bertha; Nomberg, Chaim; and Notes, Moshe.

Onas, Felix; Orenstein, Pnina; Ostrinski, Lipa; Ostrinski, Meir; Ostrinski, Moshe; Ostrinski, Shmuel; Ostrogorski, Alexander; Ostrogorski, Moshe; Ostrogorski-Malchina, Dr. Anna; and Ovseevich, Yehoshua.

Paikovitz, Reuven Yosef; Paikovitz, Shmuel; Palnitski, Eliezer; Palnitski, Nachum; Palnitzki, Shlomo; Pinchanski, Arye Lonczik; Pinski, David; Pinski, Frieda; Pinski, Shmuel; Plotkin, Shmuel Aharon; Polonski-Schluss, Nechama; Pupko, Miriam; and Purkovitz, Efraim.

Rabin, Baruch; Rapp, Nachum; Ratner, Yehezkel; Reizer, Leib; Reizner, Leizer; Reizner, Yehoshua; Reizner, Yisrael; Rip, Hannah; Rip, Lima; Rip, Zelig; Rochlin, Yentl; Rosenkranz, Yosef; Rossianski Yosef; ROZOVSKI, There were 3 sisters Rozovski; Rubinchik, Aharon Avraham; Rud, Anye; Ruten Dr. Sarah; Ruten, Yitzchak; Rutenstein, Golda; and Rybaikov, Avraham.

Sait, Dr. Yehuda; Sarbrani, Michael; Sarnatzki, N; Segal, Reuven; Serebrani, Gittel; Serebrenik, Noah; Shaiman, Yisrael Yona; Shapira, Shainke; Shebchovitz, Isaac; Shereshevski, Azriel; Shereshevski, Yosef Ossip; Shevchovitz, Ida Idina; Shiffers-Gornitski, Miriam; Soloveichik, Dora; Soloveichik, Zvi; Sorin, Arye; Sorin, Bela; Stamler, Frumke; Stantzki, Daniel Dashke; Starodov, Faitche; Steinberg, Augustin; Steinberg, Baruch; Steinberg, Dov; Steinberg, Yaacov; Stuchinski, Gedalya; Suchowlanski, I; and Szulkes, O.

Tankus, Aharon; Tankus, Eliyahu; Tankus, Hanan; Tankus, Hannah; Tankus, Moshe; Tankus, Nachman Nochke; Tankus, Yehuda; Tankus-Tanin, Shlomo; Tolkovski, Aharon; Trilling, Michael; Trop Moshe; Trop-Krinski, Bezalel; Tsharna, Shalom Yona; Tzafenet, Mordechai; Tzirolnitzki, Yehuda; and Tzirolnitzki, Zelig.

Unterman, Isser Yisrael Yehuda; Uriashzon, Michael; and Urinovski, Ben Or Aharon.

VAGSHUL, A Family; Vaiksman, Genia; Varshaver, Eliyahu; Vasilisheski, Yitzchak; Velitzker, Dr. Chaim; Vidritski, David; Vigdorovitz, Reuven; Vigdorovitz, Yosef; Vilbushevitz, Benyamin; Vilner, Asher; Voroshilski, Dr. Nahman; and Vulkovstein, Olga Golda.

Waldman, Moshe; Warshavski, Yitzchak; Weissbrom, Dr. Zecharia; Weller, Arye Leib; Weller, Benyamin; Wohlgal, Baruch; Wohlstein, Yaacov; Wolf, Shaina; Wolfson, Moshe; and Wolkin, Aharon.

Yacobson, Benyamin Vladimir; Yaffe, Avraham; Yaffe, Bezalel; Yaffe, Dov; Yaffe, Dov Ber; Yaffe Frieda; Yaffe, Hannah; Yaffe, Leib; Yaffe, Sarah; Yaffe, Yitzhak; Yanovski, Moshe; Yanovski, Zvi; Yelgin, Tzvia; Yellin, Shoshana; Yezerski, Yitzchak; Yonas, Shlomo; Yoselevitz, Avraham Eliyahu; and Yoselevitz, Meir.

Zadai, Avraham; Zakheim, Bernard; Zakheim, Clara; Zeitsel, Paula; Zhuravski Chaim David; Zilberberg, Zerach; Ziman, Natan Netta; Zimmel, Simcha; Zimmerman, Koppel; Ziskind, Alexander; Zonnenberg, Yehuda; Zupowitz and Chaim Yehuda Leib.

Assessing Loss

Uncategorised Posted on Thu, April 27, 2023 19:09:08

“..In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of ..nations. ..deduction from all this  ..following antisemitism based on purely emotional grounds will find its ultimate expression in ..form of ..pogrom. An antisemitism based on reason ..must lead to systematic legal combating and elimination of ..privileges of ..Jews ..that which distinguishes ..Jews from ..other aliens who live among us Aliens Law. ..ultimate objective ..legislation ..must ..irrevocable removal of ..Jews in general.” Adolf Hitler.

The ability to assess the overall loss to the Jewish People is as immeasurable to us as it remains incomprehensible to the Jews. The sheer level of Hitler’s hatred, as it was recorded toward the Jewish People is seen here to raise it to a status above and beyond any hatred he would form toward another alien living amongst him. Of course, such hatred was only applied incrementally, both vocally and expressed, and then aggressively until being murderously adapted. Here, even back in 1919, this letter of Hitler’s to herr Gemlich lit the touch paper of such an immense atrocity, it had to be redefined as singularly vicious and without precedent. That all meant a certainty for 6,000,000 People, who were forced to die because they were of the Jewish People. 

“..I have struggled hard to overcome ..hatred of those who cruelly destroyed my early life family and almost succeeded in exterminating my people. ..I have come to realise ..there are no basically evil nations or racial groups. ..There are only evil people ..seekers after wealth or power.”  Maja Abramowitch.

Hitler saw in them too, this diverse but widespread Jewish People, a profit motive, a racial slur and a radical hatred that would deliver him to power. A destabilising War alone and that fact which would also deliver both the destruction of the Jews in enormous numbers and a wealth beyond imaginings came into being because of one man. This, and the destructive larceny that was to be further proof of those lost Jewish lives that was all the while benefitting much of the World, was Hitler’s view of the World. Posthumously too, and from all that The Holocaust would mean, the wealth og the World grew exponentially as the Jewish presence depreciated sizeably. In 1932, with Hitler’s coming to power, the emboldened rhetoric could then become a demand placed upon the German people, a degenerate proposition so eagerly adopted.

“..The Holocaust ..Shoah in Hebrew is ..most tragic era in ..history of ..Jewish People 1933 – 1945 when ..Germans and their collaborators perpetrated genocide against them.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.

If, and from this time onwards, from 1932 and 1933, or even prior to this, one Single Jews was Murdered because Hitler gave vent to do so, is this not a founding stone to The Final Solution, which is The Jewish Question. It is essential that we, who venture to lok deeper and from th outside, cannot know the Jewish loss loss until we know what it is that we have truly lost. By merely assessing The Holocaust at 6,000,000 Jewish People, this does not, in the least, allow us to know any one of them individually, as a Community or as the homogenous grouping Hitler had labelled them. What I do not defend is the indefensible, and The Final Solution has absolutely No defence and we in history are all at fault in accepting such losses as cannot be fully measured. 

“.. November 9th. 1938 ..aktionen against …Jews ..their synagogues ..are not to be hindered. ..important archival material be taken. Preparations ..for ..arrest of between 20,000 and 30,000 Jews. Wealthy Jews in particular. ..Jews ..found in possession of weapons ..most severe measures be taken.” Heinrich Muller.

That said! Nowhere in any of my Books do I come to terms with such losses as cannot be measured by analytical assessment alone. Nor can we retrace any of these omitted or mssing losses by the ethical principles of our own moral efficacy. That ethical morality, clearly set aside was abandoned before the Gas Chamber doors and atop the ridge of an abyss filled with Jewish existence. Here, and I do damn each and every single state and nation for what they allowed to happen, for within The Holocaust that call for assistance went unheard and as such they are all complicit in what was allowed to happen to each of their own Jewish Citizens.

“..One of our companies held out for 40 minutes and another ..for more than 6 hours. ..mine set in ..brushmakers area exploded. Several of our companies attacked the dispersing Germans. Our losses in manpower are minimal. That is also an achievement. Yechiel fell. He fell a hero ..machine gun. I feel that great things are happening and what we dared do is of great ..enormous importance. Beginning from today we shall shift over to ..partisan tactic. Three battle companies will move out tonight ..with two tasks ..reconnaissance and obtaining arms. Do you remember ..short range weapons are of no use to us. We use such weapons only rarely.  What we need urgently ..grenades ..rifles ..machine guns ..explosives. It is impossible to describe ..conditions under which the Jews of the ghetto are now living. Only a few will be able to hold out. ..remainder will die sooner or later. Their fate is decided. In almost all ..hiding places in which 1,000’s are concealing themselves it is not possible to light a candle for lack of air.  With ..aid of our transmitter we heard ..marvelous report on our fighting by ..Shavit radio station. ..fact that we are remembered beyond ..Ghetto walls encourages us in our struggle. Peace go with you friend. Perhaps we may still meet again. ..dream of my life has risen to become fact. Self defense in ..Ghetto will have been a reality. Jewish armed resistance and revenge are facts. I have been a witness to ..magnificent ..heroic fighting of Jewish men in battle.” Mordechai Anielewicz.

The courage that befits such a reistance to such an inhumanity is barely written, though it has been etched upon 6,000,000 individual Jews unable to respond. The choices these Jews were not allowed to have, delivered both the Norwegian Jew to the same place as the Greek Jew and neither one of them knew why and what they were being delivered toward. It remains a cold and actual fact that, as the truth of what Hitler fully intended for the Jewish People became more widely known, it is conceivable that not all 6,000,000 Jews knew what the Western Allies and Russian intelligence services most certainly did know.

“..I went to ..10 Camps. ..scenes of death and inhumanity were identical. ..difficult to describe You carry that with you for of your life.” Benjamin Berrell Ferencz.

That each and every country within Europe lent part of its soul to implementing what Hitler sought to resolve in The Jewish Question, is no minor detail. That the murderous answer to such a question is a Hitler resolve that knew no bounds, is a truth beyond argument. It is also as immeasureable an affront to human decency, human compassion and the wiles of religious pronouncement as these innocent 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews can be. Individually then, and within each and every nation too, these Jews are to be clearly recognised, as individually destroyed. For each then, of those of its own citizens who stand taller, and above the blood stained and ash filled abyss, they are to be further remembered from those who failed the test in time. 

“..I fought ..Nazi Germans and their Lithuanian collaborators. ..murderers of my family ..murderers of my people.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.

There are those who would accuse me of being on the wrong side of History in protectng the memory of the more than 6,000,000 we seek to restore to their place in all of histories truth. That I am not a Jew is more defined by other’s whose hatred for Jewish existence preceds my concern for thei memory. There was the latest spat to come from a communicant in Lithuania who accused me of defaming her people. To be clear, I did not and do not accuse anyone, individual, state or nation for what those whose Testimony fully ascribes to. That truth will Not be altered by any of those who would insist its veracity remains at some distance from any of those who were witness to it, and Arad was one of those whose testimony is in knowing.

“..People cannot find a place in their consciousness ..their imagination ..or finally have ..courage to face remember ..unimaginable horror. It is possible live in a twilight between knowing and not knowing.” W. A. Visser ’t Hooft.

It is indeed a tragedy, that for the conduct of some in crimes of perpetration, inhuman crimes against their own Jewish People or others of European Jewry, that they cannot identify with this truth. There simply cannot be any other truth but to name the guilty and accuse those  who denounce the truth. It is incredible to think, that while it can be proven that Lithuanians acted against their own Jews, and Jews from the wider European Continent, they resist history as if it will not confront them. That they also acted against those who sought to save those few Jews that could and should have been saved is another chapter in a deeply offensive betrayal of truth and the demands of the inherent service that justice must serve all.

“..10’s of 1,000’s of Jews from abroad were brought here. I saw them walking with their suitcases ..many of them well dressed. Young men and women in good spirits ..relaxed. They observe everything around them. They look at our city with curiosity. They were told that they were brought to work and were ordered to bring their best clothing with them. Afterwards they were murdered at ..Ninth Fort. It was said that these young people had no suspicions of anything bad happening to them and they even danced in ..evenings. On ..following day ..they were taken in groups of 50 and shot. Lithuania earned ..label  ‘cemetery of ..European Jews’.”  Helena Kutergiene-Buividaite.

There is no more truth identifiers in that brief statement by Arad than will ever need processing as Helena too adds weight to the condemnation of all that sought to destroy the Jews of Lithuania. It is for History, which must not be stained further by the denial which is now being presented as a distortion that some would wish to seek. So as not to admonish those who did not act cruelly and murderously, and ensure we are not at liberty to acquit any of those who were so guilty, we realise that in both, this also defames the memory of all of those who acted both morally, and with an ethics we should all come together to recognise.

“..After my Mother was Murdered ..I was deported together with my Father to Transnistria. We have spent many weeks on a penal trek of sorts. For days we have been slogging along roads deep in mud ..a lengthy convoy surrounded by Romanian and Ukrainian soldiers who flog and shoot at us. Father holds my hand tight feet no longer touch ..ground. ..sound of ..water slices at my legs and my hips. It’s dark all around ..apart from Father’s hand I don’t feel a thing. Truth to tell ..I don’t feel his hand either ..since my hand is alreadly partly numb. If I move just a little I’ll surely drown. Even Father won’t be able to pull me out. Lots of Children have already drowned this way. I fall asleep ..still clutching his hand. But not for long. While the sky is still dark ..soldiers light up ..convoy with sniping and gunfire. Father holds my hand and tugs me. ..mud is deep and I can’t feel ..bottom. I’m still half asleep and tremendously afraid. It hurts. I call out. Father hears my call and answers at once.” Aharon Appelfeld.

Remembering her what Elie Wiesel has always stated, and that while it clear that not all the victims in World War II were Jews, All the Jews who now constitute the furthest reaching vagaries of The Holocaust, Were Victims. Also, and it is more abundantly clear to all in history that as a consequence of Lithuanian participation, both Lithuanian and other European Jews died and were murdered by their hand. That is without doubt a crtainty. If we are somehow then to deny the very fact of a Lithuanian Righteous, are these not to be recalled alongside a Lithuanian who murdered a fellow gentile Lithuanian for saving a Jew. With that then attached to a corruption of Lithuanian history, it is not only that Lithuanian History is corrupted, but all of History remains distorted by such a biased and unpleasant view.

“..conspiracy or common plan to exterminate ..Jew ..largely has succeeded. Only remnants of ..European Jewish population remain in Germany ..countries which Germany occupied ..and in those which were her satellites or collaborators.” Robert H. Jackson.

Knowing too that the entire scientific study of History demands nothing but the factual truth, and the fullest veracity of its integrity, this ensures History will not be corrupted, and as t should not be. I have taken a leap of faith in hoping that all of you who can all assess my work on The Final Solution of the Jewish Question, recognise it as truthful and fully upholding the memory of all those Jews now in need of Remembering. Personally, and as it involves me almost exclusively in my writing world, The Holocaust has more import than what others seek to disguise or make ambiguous. In terms so monstrous, even Genocide barely covers the loss of 6,000,000 Jews so systematically sought out for Slaughter.

“..We continue to uncover German concentration camps which conditions of indescribable horror prevail. ..have visited one of these ..I assure you ..whatever has been printed date has been understatement. If you could see any advantage in asking about a dozen leaders of Congress and a dozen prominent editors to make a short visit to this theatre in a couple of C-54’s ..I will arrange to have them conducted to one of these places where ..evidence of bestiality and cruelty overpowering as to leave no doubt in their minds about the normal practices of ..Germans in these camps. I am hopeful that some British individuals in similar categories will visit ..northern area to witness similar evidence of atrocity.” General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

It is essential therefore that we recognise, that no ordeal whatsoever can ever compare to this human atrocity that is The Holocaust. While it remains clear, and while you may not understand my non-Jewish reasoning for a human catastrophe, you can more understand the moral morass the World has descended into. It is clear too that what the World does Not know, and whether or not that amounts to the 50 or 70 are the millions dead of World War II, we look deeper to find their analysis, in scorching the memory of all 6,000,000 Jews in suspicion and doubt, a need to obfuscate the truth under terms selected to preserve their acquiescent role.

“..It is with sorrow ..with hope that we ..disclose ..deliberate slaughter of more than 1,000,000 innocent ..defenceless men ..women ..children. ..tragic fulfilment of a program of intolerance and arrogance. Vengeance is not our goal ..nor do we seek merely a just retribution. We ask this Court to affirm by international penal action man’s right to live in peace and dignity regardless of his race or creed. case we present is a plea of humanity to law.” Benjamin Berell Ferencz.

All of that said, we are still expected to somehow accept that the World can insist no more than 6,000,000 Jews were systematically Slaughtered. In what we know of what Hitler fully set in motion, we cannot look definitively at what his atrocity fully achieved. Within that rather conservative estimation, is also the distressing fact that some 1,500,000 of these Jews are their Children. In that, between 1,250,000 and 2,000,000 of the overall Slaughtered Jews was a constructed endeavour entirely conducted by Hitler’s cohort of Einsatzgruppe. This fact alone informed the Wannsee Conference of what could be achieved in the murderous operation that had been set in motion. This included Jewish Parents, and as previously suggested, they sought to conceal their Children under their coats and between them, until the same shots hit them and catapulted them into an unaccounted abyss that buried them, unidentified.

“ of ..women ..children ..old people ..700 of them ..taken to ..wooden barn. ..forced inside. ..Nazis opened gasoline cans ..spread gas all around ..barn ..and set it on fire. Flames soon gutted ..entire structure.”  Yehuda Adelman.

In that, while we cannot fully assess the loss of these 700, 1,000,000, 1,250,000, 2,000,000 or even these 6,000,000 Jews, we cannot do so without uncovering the steady progress toward this final resolve. The eventual effort to be made by all arms of Hitler’s Reich, in establishing such a slaughter, was conducted both efficiently as it was systematic. With the year 1932, Hitler’s coming to power fully assured European Jewry that his hatred merged with an access to his use is abject use of personal authority. In Germany, the German Jewish People were set along a path where such an immense hatred would consume them, it fully led toward actively seeking an annihilation of the entirety of the Jewish People within Europe.

“..German authorities carrying into effect Hitler’s ..intention to exterminate ..Jewish people in Europe.” American State Department.

We ultimately recognise, and from the many Holocaust Scholars, and other Historians, what it is we are in need of, and so as to appreciate all such losses, all loss now requires stating. I have sought to gain information from what I have searched through, but not just that. Within certain pages there are identity’s of those Jews lost, some not recognised by many in History, and in a hope we can add further to the losses the Jewish People have had forced upon them. Also, and while we are not only delving into works to find a finite position, we are searching through the testimonials for some reasoning to comprehend.

“..Hitler’s Third Reich ..1933 to 1945 ..legalized ..destruction of an entire race of People ..created a vast machine for ..purpose of human destruction ..operated it with ..cold logic of a railway timetable.” Michael Berwick.

That any limit to what we do search through will not prove substantial enough to deliver a fuller understanding of something so incomprehensible, we will remain along the margins of The Holocaust telling. It is almost with irony that we register here what it meant for someone mass murderer’s like Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, Globocnik, Ohlendorf, Blobel, Hoess and Eichmann, and for them all to deliver such hatred in its incomprehensible nature. There are still some in history who continually seek to extract Hitler from the implementation of his most preferred demand. It is evident too, that those who were the administrators of Hitlers design acted as all like Eichmann did, administered Hitler’s final resolve.

“..On April 17th. 1943 ..In Poland ..state of affairs ..cleared up ..if Jews ..did not want to work ..they were shot. If they could not work ..they were treated like tuberculosis. ..hares ..deer when infected ..have to be killed. ..Why should ..beasts who wanted to bring us Bolshevism be spared.” Adolf Hitler.

With a level of autonomy all converging upon the end game, the mass slaughter of the Jews of Europe, Hitler prophesised and ensured his words were acted upon. Hitler, demanding the onslaught which led to the slaughter of the Jews, commanded those who were the forming architects of that very timetable. Himmler delivered the words that Heydrich messaged till Blobel led the shooting and Eichmann delivered the trains from every corner of the Reich’s reach. Eichmann proved he was no ordinary bureaucrat, administrator or civil servant as much as Blobel proved such an able technician of mass murder.

“..we were taken to a building ..known in Majdanek as ..Red House. I was with a group of Jews from Slovakia. I had a friend who slept next to me. He knew them. He also indicated a further number of names of all ..officers he had seen ..amongst them ..Eichmann.”  Ya’akov Friedman.

The administering of such Death Camp details, to deliver those many 1,000,000’s of Jews to such composite spaces, is a gigantic undertaking. That they were established deliberately in Poland, and was exercised from the top down in the leadership of his Reich, Hitler’s Reich, is clear. In each and every one of these 6 Death Camps too, purposefully built in Poland as has been detailed, ensured Hitler’s demand was exercised. Here, where the Jews arrived and were exhausted from their very existence, notice was served upon them in unequal terms. To be clear then, my own Books detain only the veracity necessary, and in their factual truth, and its very integrity to inform us, what is completely essential.

“..Jews were convinced ..things could not get worse. ..truth is that every stage ..ultimately ..was something worse and more terrible. This developmental dynamic is ..very essence of terror.”  Yisrael Gutman.

For us to know all we are in need of knowing, there is still a heavy demand placed upon the Survivor to inform us. As of yet, we have an incomplete truth permanently missing the Jewish evidences of 6,000,000 testimony’s. For that physical, terrifying and brutal certainty, which mounted and escalated after 1939, with a formative group of killer’s who acted with impunity against Polish Jewry, these forerunners of der Einsatzgruppe after Barbarossa, proved as brutal as they proved effective in mass murder. So by the time The Death Camps in Poland had come on stream, 1,250,000 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children had already been shot to Death. In all of this, the estimates are a scant regard of lost lives we have come together to memorialise.

“..Surviving as a prisoner of ..Nazis was a hard and bitter struggle. In ..face of ..generous freedoms ..our persecution was even more difficult to translate. I felt pain ..lots of pain ..but I had to suppress it. I envied everyone everywhere who had escaped this terrible ordeal. 1949 people had already heard of Hitler and his deeds and were not eager to hear more. Only later generations wanted to know what had happened to ..European Jewry. By this time a new term had arisen to identify ..Nazis’ mass murder and torture of millions of European Jews The Holocaust.” Benjamin Jacobs.

This search for loss became the content of my 2nd. Book, delineated as such as der Einsatzgruppe were set the target of destroying all of East European Jewry. Here, and without equivocation, all elements of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question was mapped out and emerged terminally as The Holocaust. For me at the time, the most devastating effect of what Hitler had clearly intended for these Eastern Jews of Europe is played out here, outside Kiev and at the Killing Site that is the Babi Yar ravine. This then was the reasoning for my 3rd. Book which was to extrapolate from all that is known to deliver a more certain truth than can be ignored.

“..Peace is of life. It is sunshine. It is of a Child of a Mother of a Father ..togetherness of a family. It is ..advancement of man ..victory of a just cause ..triumph of truth. Peace is all of these and more and more.” Menachem Begin.

Alongside this is a knowing consensus, already evidenced from amongst allied ‘intelligence’, that was the sheer scale of the worsening atrocity of crimes impacting upon the Jewish People. Here at Babi Yar it will be recalled, where 33,771 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children were destroyed into this ravine, and in just 2 Days. Not only that, it is this fact that is so well known, as it is written into the very detail of the Slaughter conducted by the killer’s themselves, then telegraphed to Hitler, and intercepted by allied intelligence agencies so as not to escape us. The telling truth though, much in history does not seek to inform us of such major details as what was known and when.

Tuesday October 7th. 1941   ” ..put at ..disposal of ..population. ..available through liquidation ..36,000 Jews ..September 29 ..30 ..1941. ..Jews ..Kiev ..ordered to appear ..Monday ..September 29 by 6 o’clock. ..In co-operation ..HQ ..Einsatzgruppe C ..2 Kommandos ..police regiment South ..SK 4a executed 33,771 Jews ..September 29 ..30. ..Gold ..valuables ..linen ..secured. army ..approved ..measures taken.” Operational Situation Report No. 106. 

What we have to remember! The killers went from mass shootings to delivering the details of the Slaughter just so that Hitler could become appraised of their effort. The fact too, that such transmissions were intercepted, gives active rise to the assertion that not only were the Jews being destroyed, they were being abandoned, and as expendables. It is safe also to assert, that when the Wehrmacht began its assault upon the Russian State, der Einsatzgruppe was in close proximity, fed by the logistics of that military need. Operating as an arm of Hitler’s effort, his Weltanschauung, a World view denied to all Jews, all of this was to be raged and logistically aligned to the overall military operation.

“..Only one thing remained reachable ..close and secure amid all losses ..language. ..In spite of everything remained secure against loss. had to go through ..own lack of answers ..through terrifying silence ..through ..thousand darknesses of murderous speech. It went through. It gave me no words for what was happening ..but went through it. Went through and could resurface ..’enriched’ by it all.” Paul Celan.

With the overall objective being the complete evisceration of the Jews of The Final Solution, we now recognise that the Jews from all over Europe are more clearly marked. The symbol of that identifying factor is the association of a community that was not wholly interlocked, inter-dependent or equally aware of what was emerging for the destruction they were now to encounter. Right now, and for more than 5,000,000 Jews of Byelorussia, Ukraine and Russia, they were under direct threat from a now well oiled and murderous machine sent to kill them all. These 3,000 operatives, acting without compunction, were set upon adding a 5,000,000 further darkness’s.

“..We still don’t know what they did to ..Jews. There are terrifying rumours coming from ..Lukianivka Cemetery. ..impossible to believe. ..Jews are being shot. ..Jews are being shot with machine guns ..all of them. thing ..clear ..all their documents ..things ..confiscated. ..chased into Babi Yar and there. ..something terrible ..horrible ..inconceivable ..cannot be understood ..grasped ..explained. ..We know ..we already know for certain ..blood from Babi Yar flew ..was flowing at a distance of kilometers from ..cemetery.” Iryna Khoroshunova.

If we then assess that many millions of all of these Russian, White Russian and Ukrainian POW’s were encircled and incarcerated, their deaths too were certain. We must surely know that the initial drive, by der Einsatzgruppe, would here encounter its Jewish prey, and in situ, destroy them at will. That said, the Russian narrative of the period of this history does not seek to include the Jewish People in any part of the Russian consideration as singled out. To Stalin, the Jews were merely targeted as enemies of Hitler’s Reich, a combining force sent to subjugate the whole of Russia. As such, the Jewish People were thus considered nothing other than the victims of the Fascist’s and their aggressive effort.

“..In Kiev ..German military authorities shot 85,000 Soviet Citizens.” Soldat Paul Schroeder.

Along with this stubborn insistence, which undoubtedly precludes the very systematic nature of the attack upon the Jews, we lose sight of those Jews systematically murdered. Far too many 1,000,000’s of Jews, who would have been adding to what we conservatively assess as 6,000,000 Jews of The Holocaust remain outside this remit. With certainty it seems, and in the assessment of loss worldwide of maybe 50 to 70 million People during World War II, there must be room to assess an even greater Jewish loss than is being admitted to. We know from the OSR’s, intercepted by Allied intelligences, that at Babi Yar 33,771 Jews were Slaughtered in a 2 day period. That is a fact which is to cement Babi Yar as the ultimate killing zone ensuring its murderous capacity would far exceed the daily excess of any of the Death Camps.

“..Auschwitz may be 100’s of kilometers from Hungary but it is part of Hungarian history. ..This Death Camp was ..scene of ..inhumane suffering ..humiliation and death of nearly 500,000 of our compatriots.” Janos Ader.

As Paul Schroeder admits to the overall and extended atrocity, he adds testimony in May 1942 to these 85,000 People, but does not refer to them specifically as Jews. Through knowing the Jewish Survivor, and through researching their testimony and the factual truth of what they bring to us, I have grown to know these are Jews who complied with Nazi demands to have them removed, though ostensibly to a work detail which turned out to be the ravine which detains them. Of the 6,000,000 Jews who are The Holocaust, perhaps more particularly, I have grown to know more of them through an empathy that is seeking to correct the imbalance of intolerances and even indifference shown toward them.

“..only a few hours away by air there dwells a nation of nearly 70 million of ..most educated ..industrious ..scientific ..disciplined people in ..being taught from childhood to think of war as a glorious exercise ..death in battle as ..noblest fate for man. ..nation which has abandoned all ..liberties augment its collective strength. ..a nation ..its collective strength and virtue is in ..grip of a group of ruthless men preaching a gospel of intolerance and racial pride unrestrained by law parliament or public opinion. From their new table of commandments they have omitted ‘thou shalt not kill’.” Winston Churchill.

The whole of humanity is evidently damaged by what was done and not just by this level of atrocity  but by what was seriously not done in attempting to alleviate at least some segment of the Jewish suffering. It is evident that not even Belzec nor Birkenau struck so deeply at the Jewish presence, in such a short space of time as these two days at the Yar. The further tragedy is what we knew, and this fact was relayed to Hitler, intercepted by allied intelligence agencies there and then and as it was enacted. For that very reason, I sought to deliver to the ownership of the Death Camp Belzec, the fact of its personal incitement to Hitler. Linked by his hatred, and with all of the 6 Death Camps in Poland working in unison, that demand for a resolve to the Jewish Question clearly belongs to Hitler’s insistence. Through Hitler’s ownership, the individual Jew is delivered in such numbers, and it is cataclysmic in relation to such an immeasurable loss, we can barely contemplate assessing their loss to what remains the actual toll of Jewish losses.

“..When I first came to London ..nobody wanted to know. They all had their own problems ..loss of their own loved ones ..part of me said ..forget it. Build a new life. Move on. ..But I couldn’t forget it. What you will read ..I live with that ..every night ..every day. Every Holocaust survivor does. This is not complaining. This is not poor me. It is a simple fact.”  Sam Pivnik.

The Move to Destroy

Uncategorised Posted on Tue, March 28, 2023 23:36:11

“..Christianity ..said have no right to live among us as Jews. ..secular rulers who followed ..said have no right to live among us. Nazis had at last decreed have no right to live.” Raul Hilberg.

As I set out upon this odyssey, an edifice over which hangs such despair, and in terms that are written as The Holocaust, it has always been my deepest concern for and about 6,000,000 Jews. My first Book, Testimony and Fading Memory in The Holocaust (2002) came into being to inform the World of how much I had still to learn and what little I knew that could all add up to the most despicable crime ever contemplated, let alone committed in times of civilised society. For me, this was a juxta position between what I knew we might and were learning and what the evidence’s to be brought forward which might as yet be lost.

“..we ..went to Piotrkow  ..Polish children shouted at us calling us Jews. ..Dad stayed in Piotrkow ..we sneaked back to Lodz. We obtained some letters from him ..then .. correspondence stopped ..I never saw my dear Father again.” Hana Svirsky.

The purpose of this first Book, and it was a 7 year endeavour, was also to share with the reader the words of many who suffered. Interspersed with these are the memories for those who could suffer no more, and their memory is infilled with the mind numbing reality that perpetration was a human device. In my wish to then inform the reader that my research was as in-depth a search as I could sustain, it was essential to find out from the Survivor, more of these lost Jews than have been already recorded.

“..The Holocaust was an unprecedented crime against humanity ..aimed at annihilation of ..entire Jewish population of Europe ..down to ..last Man ..Woman ..Child. It was ..planned ..deliberate policy decision of a powerful state ..Nazi Reich ..which mobilised all its resources to destroy an entire People.” Robert S. Wistrich.

But ostensibly, my unfaltering position is in trying to find and facilitate the Jewish space that is occupying the Jewish place for them in The Holocaust. With my second Book, on der Einsatzgruppe and the Destruction of European Jewry (2003), it was essential then to point out those who Murdered in excess of 1,250,000 Jews, and as many as 2,000,000 Jews or even more. So the central focus is upon those Jews, totally removed from all existence and by the sheer brutality of scale that was wielded initially by over 3,000 Einsatz. To resolve the Jewish issue though required as many as a further 100,000 personnel fully involved in the Slaughter. All the while, the continued concern is toward recording the Jewish loss and with identifying them with that destructive removal.

“.. conventional wisdom is .. Wehrmacht soldiers were part of a gigantic apparatus of annihilation ..were participants in ..if not executioners of .. unparalleled mass murder. doubt .. Wehrmacht was involved in criminal acts ..from .. killing of civilians to .. systematic murder of Jewish ..Men ..Women ..Children.” Sonke Neitzler.

When it came to my third Book, Babi-Yar A Jewish Catastrophe (2005) it was imperative to align the destructive capacity of Hitler’s legions in destroying these Jews of Kiev. The figure of 33,771 Jews Slaughtered over this two day period, September 29th. 1941 till September 30th. 1941, attests to what such hatred adapted militarily can manage against defenceless Jews. The argument to denial thus becomes not only what was done but also, what the military might of Hitler’s Reich could achieve against innocent and civilian Jews. It is certain that what was managed against these Jews of Kiev, and if this was to be replicated, 11,293,300 further Jews of Europe could become extinguished in a period of just under 2 years.

“..Final Solution of .. European Jewish Question ..willed and ordered by Adolf Hitler ..distinguishes itself from all previous recorded tides of human destruction through its unprecedented ..systematic ..and wholesale murder of ..Jews.” Gerald Fleming.

I was then persuaded by Elie Wiesel that my fourth Book should not be the one I had been researching to write, and though it was nearing completion, I stalled on it. All along in this, my proposed 4th. Book, this was to add contemporaneously to that detailed progress already maintained in assessing the overall Jewish loss at Babi-Yar. I was thus stalled in a literary wilderness, a fourth Book nearly complete and a decision to find another chapter in my search for the Jewish presence. As I set off on my journey to visit all 6 Death Camps in Poland, I set about and established My Blog space. I had begun to abandon those many media platforms which refused to restrict the open hatred displayed against both what I write and why I write it.

“..We Jews have no order to award ..we have a good and long memory. ..German Jews will not forget how often you have helped them.” Hans Friedenthal.

Personally, I sought no accolades nor awards for my effort, as I only wished for those who might read my words would know, that not all non-Jews would have stood aside. No Pasaran had become common parlance for that stand to be made while facing down the very deliberate effort of too many to dictate the terms of their own hatred. As I sought a reference point to further add to the progress of my own endeavour, words were added to fragments of those Books I felt I would write. It was not until I had visited the last of these Death Camps, that Belzec gained prominence in my thought process. 

“..While ..leaders of ..countries plotted ..pushed ..hundreds of thousands of Eastern European citizens continued their work a day lives unaware pawns ..their lives were about to change forever.” Shirley Lebovitz.

It is so blindingly obvious to be True, that so many Jews were exterminated here within Belzec, and in far graver numbers than History admitted to, that the Death Camp at Belzec needed to be more widely known. The genesis of Hitler’s Belzec (2016) was borne and ownership of what was perpetrated in Poland was fully attributed to the mindset of a hate filled leader of the Nazis. Also, and there were many Survivors who looked at Poland, and gentile poles, in less than favourable terms so I sought to add to such an apparent generality. Many Survivors too were obviously filled with the vexation that betrayal by their former neighbours engenders. I was therefore looking to find if objectivity could be delivered on behalf of what Polish Jewry suffered and was made to suffer at the hands of unchristian poles.

“..I too .must walk this inner path that leads from Here towards ..untold sufferings of my people ..and gropes onwards out of ..pain.” Nelly Sachs.

So here I am. Dealing still in the death and destruction of the Jewish People and looking to secure, in memory, their unique place in The Holocaust. I remain convinced that the detail should remain specific to the awful truth of what was forced upon these Jews and the many forms of atrocity which brought about the overall catastrophe. My effort in this is now 4 Books long and with 6,000,000 words of soul searching questions to unspeakable answers. There has been a concentration of effort for over 6,000,000 of the Jews of Europe who are totally obliterated from life. Book after Book opens the gateway to newer searches and the pathway to more research that has occupied me.

“..To ..relatives who lost their lives shot in ..street or camps needlessly ..those who dug their own graves ..those who committed suicide will never ever be forgotten. To my grandparents ..Siegfried ..Sophie ..Oskar ..Erna ..and to my Dad ..thanks for making me.” Sandra M. Scheller.

I only name in passing the many who perpetrated, participated and otherwise led the Jews toward their destruction to add fully to the depth of the terrifying horror inflicted upon these Jews. For those, whose words I borrow from, I can only judge the huge grief and pain of loss as an hugely incomprehensible suffering to is bound to continue. I speak here of their pain of loss as I do not wish to be drawn into conflict over the emergence of the State of Israel. For me, Israel should have been in existence some 5,000 years and brought forward to this day alongside that fact and Christianity’s acknowledgement of that truth which is 2,000 years old.

“..I owe more than it is possible to express. ..My largest debt to ..Survivors ..each one ..expanded my knowledge and enabled of this book to go forward.” Dorothy Rabinowitz.

Israel’s status was confirmed and then sponsored in 1948, and by some who sought to salve the conscience of a World whose unconscionable and intractable indifference led 6,000,000 Jews toward eternity without our simplest concern. I look back at realising the many criminals to escape justice and know more words must be raised against them. That Franz Six escaped his crimes, then worked for Porsche and the CIA, is both galling and an affront to our own humanity’s decency.

“..Natzweiler ..had been a tool of .. Hitler’s  Final Solution. Medical experiments ..on Jewish inmates prove ..inferiority of ..Jewish race ..Untermench in Nazi speak.” Damien Lewis.

Worse too, many others, including SS, SD, Gestapo, Einsatz commanders and even Concentration Camp kommandants who flooded the ranks of allied intelligence agencies. There was the Gehlen Organisation, headed by a man steeped in the wiles of wherefores of Hitler’s needs. This was a group which also had the brief to hold onto those Nazi files that were specifically detailing the murderous efforts of other Nazi War Criminals. This evidence was including files to indict those who were accused of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. All the while, Allied intelligence was employing far too many of them to spread further and deeper into nation states they had formerly sought to vanquish, extinguish and destroy.

“..It reads like fiction. Surely ..real life is not so cruel devastating extreme. Real life does not threaten death every day ..split families ..dehumanise ..dignity of ..elderly ..make Children ..specific target of people bent on their painful ..frightening destruction ” The AJR.

It is perhaps more disturbing once we realise that even Israel was engaged with such a cohort as had extorted life from so many of the 6,000,000 Jews who are, The Holocaust. The relentless progression, of what is this pernicious evil, the very distinct nature of this Jew hatred, acclimatised itself to periods in time. The Jews though, who perpetually suffered for being Jews, are belonging to all of history, and theirs is but one damning voice. Throughout what we might consider, Our moral history, this is a shameful episode that continued for over 5,000 years and then 2,000 years of Christian and Moral probity. As we may well reflect today, and more widely upon what we accept antisemitism presents to the World, The Holocaust rises above the torment of abuse to propel all of History into a genocide beyond human comprehension.

“..Jews were hunted down with a fanatical hatred ..reserved for them alone. ..killed amounted to over half more than two thirds of all European Jews ..between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 ..not including those who died of hunger and disease in .. ghettos.” Norman Cohn.

But, and for me this is crucial, antisemitism is but a fraction of what has propelled Hitler to consider the mass murder of the Jews. That this was undertaken, and upon such a genocidal level, speaks volumes for the sadistic intention of those soon to be involved in delivering the overall atrocity for Hitler. With a broad sweep of accusation also, and against those who did so little to save any one of these Jews, my work finds newer meaning to accuse. With this as a certainty, antisemitism does not, nor can it ever define the fuller remit for what The Holocaust represents. However such is the term of this Jew hatred itself, and that forms much as is recognised as antisemitism, must stand in full accord with what Ken Stern stressed is the hatred of the Jews for being Jews.

“..There are events of such overbearing magnitude that one ought not to remember them all, must not forget them either. Such an event is The Holocaust.” Rabbi Israel Spira.

But here the term  antisemitism itself merely shrouds The Holocaust in that same hatred that has persisted and lasted for more than these 2,000 years. The notion then, which would partially dissolve the unique status belonging to these 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, who are The Holocaust, does not present what is the most destructive endeavour ever contemplated in destroying a People, as a People who are Jews. Such contention, around these 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews, and for those who are still amongst us, these Survivors are uniquely qualified to be uniquely and reverentially treated. These Jews cannot escape the fact of their terrifying position and what proves counter productive in The Holocaust meaning.

“..pages before you are segments of  contemplation and memory. Memory ..elusive ..selective holds on to what it wants to hold on to. I won’t say it retains only what is good and pleasant.” Aharon Appelfeld.

That essential is to not only and amply recognise the words of those who survived to inform us, but to accept the very veracity of the truth detailed in the factual relationship they have toward them. As I initially formed the opinion that The Holocaust followed a less than rigid framework, an almost fluid delineated set of opportune moments, I recognised all who adopted or adapted to its reach, did so in an ever changing cauldron. The Final Solution of the Jewish Question emerged from the limited consideration of the expulsion of all Jews under Hitler’s gaze. The proposal to deliver untold misery to the Jewish People to be sent to Madagascar, as both France and Poland had previously proposed, was too logistically unsound.

On October 25th. 1941 “..It is good that we are preceded by an aura of terror for our plans to exterminate Jewry ” Adolf Hitler.

Eichmann too had his Jewish reservoir in the Nisko project yet none of these proposed the Slaughter that was to come. This brutality, that is Hitler’s exponents of such forms of antisemitism, forged the greatest hatred and most pernicious evil ever to be recognised. This most detestable absurdity ever envisioned by mankind though, has brought with it unrestricted comparisons to the unique position which The Holocaust holds. However much we try, antisemitism does not allow for the uniqueness, which is what The Final Solution defines as The Jewish Question. This is where the lines of historical parity, and any seemingly comparable likenesses must divest themselves. Everything I write on the atrocity, that is The Holocaust, is only inspired by the necessity to know exactly, What Happened to these 6,000,000 Individual Jews.

“..On November 11th. 1941 ..Himmler ..has just come from ..Fuhrer. ..He told me ..destruction of ..Jews is being planned. ..Final Solution of ..Jewish Question.” Felix Kersten.

In that, it is the Survivor I look to constantly to provide some answer to an incomprehensible loss that is added to all of civilization. All too often then, as I revisit those works I gained inspiration from, and that is every single Book in my, The Holocaust Library. I find newer emphasis to add ever more to what must be said. As I now pause for thought, I am looking to the testimony of those Jewish Survivors, and the Jewish Children who also managed to survive, to add their own testimony to our historical need. While I do not discount antisemitism from The Holocaust, I merely reflect upon it as a containing poison and detaining spur. This slur, this hatred, which cannot alter my persuasion as to Hitler’s unique intervention as being more extraordinarily brutal than history itself has ever conceived of, is omnipresent still.

“..I am hiding in this crate what I have written ..noted and collected ..with thrill and anxiety that it may serve as material evidence ..corpus delicti ..accusing testimony when ..Day of Judgment comes.” Avraham Tory.

All of that said, the unparalleled wrong that is The Holocaust is a uniquely placed horror which must now be spaced firmly in times between 1889, and 1945 to 1946. What is pledged in memoriam, for those relatives who perished during The Holocaust, and I have come to know such an immensity of their grief, it is a borrowed pain for me to act within. Through Survivor’s, I have repeatedly placed the names of those many of their lost, these names held before time, that will last beyond time due to memory. Also, my visit the Death Camps has been done and somehow adds to the emotional connection I have gained. But! This does not release me from the urgent need to know why all of these Jews were allowed to perish, were given up upon the mantle of abandonment and left with searching for the answers to why.

“..some 2,000 of .. city’s Jews had been dispatched to ..extermination camps. time Mannheim’s ..attracted ..Allied Bombers.” Damien Lewis.

Here too, when I reached a major acknowledgement of what so many family’s have registered as loss, and this amounts to a grief beyond compare, it so shocks me even still. For those we never knew and for all of those many more we are not going to know, the tally of loss is vast. There are more pages transcribed with such a detailed account, in an effort even to read of such horror, we cannot come to terms with what we read. What Auschwitz , Belzec and Sobibor can bring is matched by what Birkenau, Chelmno, Majdanek and Treblinka delivered. That these spaces resonate so loudly in the overall atrocity for so many losses is clear. What echoes through also is the great loss owed to where places unknown to too many of us and have taken those Jews we seek to recall. In all too many places, where Jewish life could be extinguished, ashes over time still dwell where these Jews were eventually destroyed.

On December 31st. 1942 “..Fuhrer ..regards campaign against gangs

 ..August                             31,246 Jews

 ..September                     165,282 Jews

 .. October                         95,735 Jews

 ..November                      70,948 Jews

 ..totals                               362,211 Jews

executed during ..period 1st. September to 1st. December 1942″ Heinrich Himmler.

For me, it is an imperative that the participants in the terrifying and inflicted horror are recognised for their crimes. Also, and as much as we cannot ignore the duplicitous nature of all of those involved in the Slaughter of the Jews, it is worthy of a more concerted search to extricate them from the obscurity they seek. It concerns me also, that while all future proprietary rights to the words I have constructed, they may not be altered from their intention. While the words I have formed are issued, they are merely to place before history what those 6,000,000 Jews could no longer endure. What the Jewish Survivor then brings forth in a lived testimony, adds to the experience that makes us the custodians of that testimony. The truth of the very detailed aspect of such an atrocity is all too often played down by many who do not wish to confront what ordinary human beings are capable of achieving in line with what hatred dictates.

“..For 5 years ..starting in 1938 ..we lived in a time without a future ..a dark present overhung by a confused .. indistinct nightmare ..which enveloped us after September 8th. 1943.” Piers Sonnino.

What should and will remain integral to my intention for both the 6,000,000 Jews and the Jewish Survivor, is intentionally formed and must ensure that any future search cannot allow for these facts to be altered. Such is my hope for all the artistic and intellectual integrity of these words, as they are firmly ensconced in any and all my Books, I wish for them to remain there. I have been aware for a long time, that the best requirement in that which we recall, has to be those vey names of their own People that they knew, and who are now testified to as the lost. I was preparing to annotate somehow, a measure of that need by naming those, which some of the formerly Child Survivors put into any particular Book we learn from to remember.

“..To ..past ..way has been barred ..And what do I need past for now. What is there. Bloodied flagstone. ..a bricked up door. echo ..That still cannot die away ..However much I beg.” Nonna L. Bannister.

I expect what must retain the very integrity of memory is in fully honouring those 6,000,000 Jews to whom the memories belong to. These, and of all of my words, are wholly gifted to the memory of those 6,000,000 Jews, whose future testimony has been so sorely denied. That these Jews are the constituent parts of The Holocaust must not be diminished, diluted not denied. In our own effort, and for us to know of  whom we choose to remember, the very names which are to emerge from the Catastrophe are the one constant. When I looked through those named, at the back of those Books who credit their names, I realised the effort involved had been achieved. I could do no more than reflect back upon the depth and pain of loss that had endured. But! Could I ever add further to memory by duplicating the terrible loss the Survivor has ascribed to paper.

“..Being a member of ..Jewish community was never a problem. It was proudly claimed by my father ..for cultural reasons ..not religious ones. ..In his eyes ..if ..Jewish people were to remain ..chosen people was because they were People of ..Book ..People of thinking and writing.” Simone Veil.

This position cannot ever be changed, nor altered or even be less than future proofed for those who are still to learn. It has now become evidential that certain words can be altered in editing a book so as to conform to the norms of another days acceptance. For me! There can be no diffusion of The Holocaust term particularly for a People of thought and words. Therefore, no dilution of my particular intention to confront the grave wrongs perpetrated against 6,000,000 innocent Jews can ever be considered. Here too is the very contention which deserves to stand, and which must not be altered and cannot ever be changed. Hitler led a latter day crusade of such hatred, 6,000,000 Jews are confined within its ugly reaches.

“.. Hitler .became overweeningly confident of a continued run of easy success. Even when he came to see that further ventures might entail a war he felt it would be only a small one ..and a short one. His moments of doubt ..drowned by ..cumulative effect of intoxicating success.” Basil H. Liddel-Hart.

It is in fully regarding those criminals who committed these atrocities that we add a dimension to our search which much of history has sought to dismember. Also, and for all of those crimes, and all of those who placated the very route toward a genocide that required a uniquely descriptive and structured edifice of atrocity, all of this has delivered us to The Holocaust. There is also the fact that World opinion progressed both incrementally, and with acquiescence, and toward the abandonment of the Jewish People. Steadily, and toward an eventual extinction of 6,000,000 of their People, we witnessed the stalling of any effective or firmer intervention in favour of the Jewish People. The very tenets of The Holocaust is therefore written in both the blood and destruction of these Jews. But, and it is also in the eternal shame of those who either perpetrated and participated in the crimes or stood aside to allow this all to happen.

“..Having tried for ..last 65 years to forget and erase from my memory my teenage experiences in Auschwitz and other Nazi ..camps ..I am now ..persuaded ..I owe my family and others to write them.” Felix Weinberg.

There is a complicity growing in the 1930’s, that is of the future sanctioning of the Slaughter of the Jewish People. There was not to be a World wide attempt at responding positively, not an intervention to the horror that was steadily emerging. Although there was not a world’s effort, any moral compassion that drew so little positively, in containing the huge atrocity being undertaken, a systematic approach to the Slaughter was fully condoned as it was engaged. This was clearly witnessed early on within Poland in 1939, while dealing with 10’s of 1,000’s of Polish Jews being rounded up and Murdered. We cannot fail to take account of this burgeoning Slaughter let alone come to terms with the eventual tragedy written 6,000,000 times over in Jewish desperation and destruction without recognising its genesis was given over to a supplicant national community only too willing to ignore what was happening to Polish Jewry.

“..I am here in this World ..having endured ..survived The Holocaust ..remain purely alive purely by chance.” Anna Podgajecki.

It is clear also that any allowance for chance must play no part in any survival for any Jew, even though chance is credited by so many Jews who did in fact Survive. There should then be no ambiguity nor confusion over who Slaughtered these Jews nor who allowed for the slaughter to happen. For all of those others, complicit or duplicitous, we accept they fell under Hitler’s influence, and with an unnecessary cruelty they fully adopted Hitler’s vengeful gaze. But, and for those who stubbornly resisted the moral efficacy involved in intervening, so as to attempt to prevent such an immoral massacre, History stands to accuse them all. We can and do excuse those who took it upon themselves to resist the tide of hatred. We recognise their righteous nature and realise fully the cauldron in which they had to manage their humanity.

“..Polish women. ..write secret messages ..Poland has not yet perished ..even though perished a long time ago. there is Western Ukraine here .there is communism .. everybody is equal and that’s what hurts them. ..that they can’t say You bloody Yid. They still say it ..but in secret.” Renia Spiegel.

Today as I write, I am mindful that every single work cannot mask the accusation aimed at the level of inhumanity that is to be expressed tellingly. But those who stand as witnesses to the depravity of this voiding of morality, they are present to record what adds to our ethical descent. For the very morality which absconded, and from that place of Jewish urgent need, we now look back at the decimation such an immobile indifference caused. There were clearly those who blatantly stood aside as the Jewish People languished before the gates of those Death Camps. Within all 6 of these Camps of annihilation, all increasingly vying for the complete destruction of the Jews sent to them, atrocity expanded upon atrocity to such levels of depravity, we have never come close to comprehending what it is we are reaching to understand.

“ Poland ..our train made a stop. ..There was another train. ..loaded with Jews heading for .. extermination camps. pitiful ..dressed in rags ..not seen food for ..a long time. Some human skeletons thin ..they looked like death.” Nonna L. Bannister.

Also, and there are the very many, with craned necks poised as they stood atop the abyss watching what was interfering in what humanity is. Such spaces, which swallowed as many as 2,000,000 Jews wholesale, and we are at liberty today to be able to recall the scant regard reserved for such Jewish pain. For all of these innocent Jews, who are rounded up, fully detained and then driven systematically toward destruction, their sojourn was not complicated by a World’s compassion. It is with certainty that we recognise in Hitler’s world view, his Weltanschauung, that this led the charge toward the near total obliteration of all Jews under Hitler’s gaze and for whom, migration did not serve enough of the Jewish People.

“..There was a pronounced military weakness in those states which depended for their existence on foreign trade. As our foreign trade was carried on over ..sea routes dominated by Britain was more a question of security of transport than one of foreign exchange ..which revealed time of war ..full weakness of our food situation. ..only remedy ..and one which might appear to us as visionary ..lay in  ..acquisition of greater living space a quest which has at all times been ..origin of ..formation of states and of ..migration of peoples.” Adolf Hitler.

Along with the lean toward, War, Space and other such declarations, the evisceration of these People, for being Jews was to be advanced. Hitler was Never to relinquish his hold on the one aspect of his ultimate demands, and to the very end of his own miserable existence, this was to be The Final Solution of the Jewish Question. The very intention to extol Hitler’s clear lack of any virtue, is witness to his composite intolerance that was completely formed. Hitler would confront totally those intolerable levels of a hatred which would then devour the Jews of Europe with a qualm of a moment of conscience. For the World, conscience was abated and excuses relevant to sustaining both personal prejudice and perhaps a certain enmity toward Jewish existence led the Jews further down the track toward complete annihilation.

“..Jews were expelled. ..No foreign government protested. ..British Foreign Secretary ..Halifax ..ruled .against giving unnecessary offence to Hitler.” Peter Calvocoressi.

Readily recognised, and heavily featured in Hitler’s Weltanschauung was the formatting of a Total War that would exorcise the Jewish People. Yet to be written as a matter of more grave an urgency, a resolve to end Jewish persistence was designed, though initially it aimed toward an emphasis upon total World dominion to disguise its inception. However, what was inevitably geared toward a confrontation with the persistence of World Jewry, is not as hidden as many in History would propose. In that eventual confrontation, The Final Solution of the Jewish Question was unequivocally answered in such brutal terms we required newer meanings to understand this incomprehensible slaughter. This atrocity fully resulted in the single most dedicated accomplishment of Hitler’s most devoted aim. All of which emerged in the form of the atrocious Horror for the 6,000,000 Jewish People who were massacred.

“..10 o’clock .. morning ..May 5th. 1945. ..courtyard ..Mauthausen. ..Gone ..sweetish smell of burnt flesh. ..night before ..last SS ..had run away. .. machinery of death had come to a stop. .. crematorium no longer operated.” Simon Wiesenthal.

I find it impossible here to compensate the Jewish People for what has been done to them in an ostensibly christian name. While I offer my words in some way as a consolation for what other people allowed to happen to them, it can never prove adequate enough. I have shaken the hand of many of the Survivors and I hope in some way to have gifted them that outreaching hand of a deep sense of friendship. For that which was not offered up to them, and from so many of those of past generations who failed to do so, our eternal sorrow will be forever an accusing voice. Such however is the failing of humanity, in an ambivalence and indifference to the Jewish struggle, the whole of civilisation is weighted with a sickness we cannot repair.

“..Nazis ..have tragically demonstrated that in a large proportion of mankind ..impulse to inflict torture exists ..and requires only opportunity to display itself in all its naked horror.” Bertrand Russell.

The truth of that ailment, of the realisation that far too much was done and not enough that could have been done wasn’t, we cannot come to terms with what we now measure. So as to save any Jews from adding to the 6,000,000 of their People who are so cruelly slaughtered, we look at those who exemplified the terror of the atrocity. So for those Survivors of you who have experienced the Nazi Camp system, I offer my words now when a simple word was absent then. For those of you who have even managed to Survived the Death Camp system, and latterly, for all those who wish to understand, I lend my words so that I too may attempt appreciate all that is lost, which I am certain I will never fathom.

“.. Holocaust Survivors reaching ..end of their lives began to tell long suppressed stories and now sought a measure of justice for what had been stripped of them. People make history and a few People provided ..sparks that ignited ..kindling of unsatisfied justice.” Stuart E. Eizenstat.

Here though, and separated by more than 50 years from what Hitler and the Nazis rise delivered, Fyodor Dostoevsky recognised what was in the hearts of some of human kind. Since then, and there are a further 30 years for us to learn from, we exist in a World apart from the experiences we must bring to the fore to make sense of the insensible. My experience of visiting the 6 Death Camps in Poland have not given me more than a fearful collision with what must have been a monstrous series of events delivering innocent People to these places because they were Jews, different from us in no other way.

“..Here there is a world Apart ..unlike everything else ..with laws of its own of dead as nowhere else and a People apart.” Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

That the Jews fell victim to such an enormous human failure, and with an escape from the morality which grace lends us, all of this reflects purely upon our own fight against inhumanity. For all of this, we owe far too much to the dominance of a Hitlerite mania, which squashed humanity into a degrading abyss. In as much as this hatred should be detained within the terms of The Holocaust, and while it can still be expressed, we are not learning. An historical lesson is being obscured by what we have learned of the fraught struggle, and with a philosophical uncertainty, we match its truth an immense and gaping wound. The Holocaust’s theological presentation oversees a continued bias and it is within the psychology of a recanted sociological indifference that still measures it. With a firm resolve that continues toward the persistence of that exact same hatred, there is no guarantee that it will be levelled at the Jewish People exclusively.

“..Scenes of biblical fury and transgression took place all across Germany.” Alon Contino.

Along with the rather weathered religious corruption that has been clearly exposed, what is laid bare is the conceited irrelevance it measures. What is given over to a belief system that revokes any compatibility with the tenets of any moral essential, is a belief system which must be dismissed from human following. There should be an incandescent rage to be instilled within the tenets of this, as a lessening of the Jewish tragedy, for there is the Jewish abandoned, left languishing with ignominy as it winds its course through our forgetfulness. Even our literature hones newer skills to express our utter contempt for those, whose seeming capacity is capable of every and any excess against the Jewish People. So as to render all manner of meaning to the meaningless absurdity that became The Holocaust, we reflect gravelly upon 6,000,000 losses which were preventable.

“..justification of a murderous purpose was penned by ..Hitler he point by point built for annihilating ..Jewish race. execute a plan ..The Final Solution of the Jewish Problem.” Hal Lindsey.

However, and fully cloaked in the terms of The Final Solution, the Jewish Question remains at the epicentre of what marginalises the Historical society we seek to inhabit. I am certain too, and despite many an effort to promote The Holocaust in learning, the exclusive presence of the Jews, as the sought out and systematic victims, is not an acceptable position for all too many. These 6,000,000 Jewish People would not be allowed such a position in the overall history of the period, and simply because they are Jews. The Holocaust term itself has been so abused by those seeking to dilute it’s very meaning, and for all of those Jews it was intended to enclose. What then, for a term that must reflect the heinous nature of all hatreds, as it is exemplified by its investment against these Jews, can we allow history to ignore such a fact. Also, and with such grandiose schemes of commemoration to represent them, the Jewish presence is so begrudgingly delivered.

“..sheltered by Christian Poles without whose help my Family and I would not have survived. At ..end of ..war I resumed my former identity ..determined to put ..past behind me. I wanted to forget ..person I had tried so desperately to become forget that which ..forced me to become someone else forget even ..Christians who had helped me ..stay alive. ..Thirty years later my memories started to stir. They called for attention.” Nechama Tec.

However, what was designed to divest all too many Jews from life and meaning, and while the expression of that hatred for the Jews still flourishes, we realise that where such ignorance unravels the positive lessons we must learn, bitterness will swamp our every effort. The hatred for the Jewish People has henceforth become a self propagating assault upon the Jewish Survivor, and all Jews in general. With any suggestion of apology, and this is always allied to a recompense of restitution that is sourced, it is meant to benefit all of those Jews who were the intended victims. This then all becomes a disputed truth, as too many others seek to retain all that they gained in preventing all surviving Jews reclaiming anything of all that they have lost.

“..To put up with .. discrepancy between imagination and fact. Not to invent another imaginary system that will agree with a new fact. Better to say I suffer than This Landscape is ugly.” Simone Weil.

What we recognise, for any fact of restitution and reparations to add any means to such form of compensation, there is nothing that will ever repair the loss of 6,000,000 Jews. To seek a rejected ownership of all that was allowed to be taken from these Jews, it is to express such disdain for any ethical source to afford any moral efficacy. As we continually look back, we adorn memory with a hopeful conscience that is morally grounded and ethically based. While it is then apparent that what we owe, by way of alleviating anything of the pained loss the Jews suffered, this must not and cannot be weighted by any bias. In seeking to deny what is a morally bound attempt to repay even something of all that is owed, we deliver All to those Jews to which All is owed. In that certainty we will enable all of history to move forward with its integrity mindful of the truth it posits and the facts of that veracity it must maintain. For 6,000,000 Jews, the loss is terminal and for us, it is an interminable atrocity which will measure us as human beings throughout what remains of History.

“.. Every time I see my Children and Grandchildren ..I out to my dear Parents. Look. ..These are your Grandchildren. Be proud ..your lifelong devotion ..your selfless love .are reflected in ..faces of your Grandchildren. Through them and your future generations will forever.” Mala Kacenberg.

The Weight of Injustice

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, February 19, 2023 23:13:42

“..privilege of opening ..first trial in history for crimes against ..peace of imposes a grave responsibility. ..wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated malignant devastating ..that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated. That 4 great nations flushed with victory and stung with injury stay ..hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to ..judgment of law is one of ..most significant tributes that Power has ever paid to Reason.” Robert Jackson.

In this, I bear reference only to penalty’s which should be equated with the atrocious detail of The Holocaust. We might argue over who amongst those indicted, in any of the trials ordered, should have been more appropriately convicted. Those, who are not the guilty are not presented in those trials, despite what acquittal might suggest. Even then we might agree who may not be the wholly innocent. In assessing those indicted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials of the Major War Criminals, all were none the less guilty of promoting Hitler’s World View. Hitler’s Weltanschauung ran alongside The Final Solution of The Jewish Question and was promoted beyond what inhumanity would recognise.

“..I will go to Nuremberg. I feel ..crushing responsibility that I bear on this journey. I pray that ..vanished souls of ..martyrs will manifest themselves through my words. I want to speak in Yiddish ..any other language is out of ..question. I spoke about this with Ehrenburg ..prosecutor Smirnov ..and all ..others. I wish to speak in ..language of ..People whom ..accused attempted to exterminate. I wish to speak our mameloshn. May it ring out and may Alfred Rosenberg crumble. May my language triumph at Nuremberg as a symbol of perdurance.” Avrom Sutzkever.

For all of those facilitating Hitler’s charge toward infamy, or those charged with crushing Jewish existence, both are equally guilty. The differences occur though, which fully manage to contort our own view of what justice must represent. What I would suggest however is that for all of those who should be criminally charged, we ignore this demand at our own peril. We must also consider those, who brought about these Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity are the most heinous of beings of the human race. We must also recognise that the norms of civilised society can only be retained in favour of a leniency these criminals denied to the 6,000,000 Jews they dispatched without conscience.

“..I do not feel guilty of any War Crimes ..I have only done my duty as an intelligence organ ..and I refuse to serve as an ersatz for Himmler.” Ernst Kaltenbrunner.

It is with a deep concern that the many, like Kaltenbrunner, who are giving of no apology for what they themselves conducted, escaped all manner of conscience. Nor is it to be neglected, even if these acted in accord with Fuhrer orders, that their moral probity was left outside of the Death Camp gates or above the abyss of the Killing Ravines and other sites. What is significant though, and more so in the case of der Einsatzgruppe, those who admitted to no guilt whatsoever were treated the more leniently and invariably escaped the death sentence they so clearly deserved. Regardless of their indictment and subsequent conviction as War Criminals and for their Crimes Against Humanity, evidence was not deemed a substantial enough proof to warrant their execution alongside their fellow mass murderers.

“..conspiracy or common plan to exterminate ..Jew ..largely has succeeded. Only remnants of ..European Jewish population remain in Germany ..countries which Germany occupied ..and in those which were her satellites or collaborators.” Robert H. Jackson.

All the while there is a continuing debate over what must constitute Justice and what is then presented as its essential requirement. In that certainty, we know the corrct element of justice did not exist for the Slaughtered Jews, as it was proposed to represent. When we are even expected to focus upon the Death Penalty, as other than a vengeful response, there is a disparity of issuing. So as to deliver Justice away from revenge, we must consider the crimes are proportionate to the sentence enacted. For those being hanged, the likes of

Wilhelm Frick,

“..sixth man to leave his prison cell and walk with handcuffed wrists to ..death house was 69 year old Wilhelm Frick. He entered ..execution chamber at 2.05 am ..six minutes after Rosenberg had been pronounced dead. He seemed ..least steady of any so far and stumbled on ..13th step of ..gallows. His only words were ..Long live ..Germany ..before he was hooded and dropped through ..trap.” Joseph Kingsbury-Smith.

Alfred Jodl,

“..Fuhrer exercised ..strongest influence. ..who formed an opinion whether ..expenditure of time and materiel was justified by ..tactical value and by which he decided which of ..various constructions proposed should be undertaken. .. selection of terrain was left by ..Fuhrer to ..local staffs in ..West ..but he himself decided on. ..plan was brought up to date every four weeks.” Alfred Jodl.

Wilhelm Keitel,

“..Efficient and enduring terrorization can be achieved only either by capital punishment or by measures to keep ..relatives of ..criminal and ..population in ..dark as to ..fate of ..criminal. This aim is achieved by transferring ..criminal to Germany.” Wilhelm Keitel.

and Alfred Rosenberg,

“..Prosecution contends that it is a matter of a premeditated plan for ..plundering of ..cultural treasures of other states. In reality ..following was true We were dealing with an unforeseen situation. A colleague of mine had accompanied a press delegation when ..German troops marched into Paris and noticed that ..Parisians were returning almost completely with ..exception of ..Jewish population that all organizations and institutions in that category of ownership were left behind empty well as ..residences ..and mansions of these leading personalities to say ..ownerless. He suggested that research into property ..archives ..and correspondence should be made. I reported ..matter to ..Fuhrer and asked whether he approved of ..carrying out of this suggestion. This letter of mine to ..Fuhrer was submitted to me in ..preliminary interrogation but was not submitted to ..Tribunal by ..Prosecution. Thus ..even though ..documentary proof of ..reason for this entire transaction is at hand ..Prosecution have ..maintained ..charge of a premeditated plan. ..order of ..Fuhrer ..issued at ..beginning of July 1940 ..and since a large number of art objects addition to ..archives ..was found in a dangerous position in many mansions ..safekeeping and ..transporting of these objects of art into ..German Reich was decreed by ..Fuhrer.” Alfred Rosenberg.

are their crimes any the more atrocious than that of those, also guilty, who were only given prison sentences or even reprieves.

“..I regard this trial as a god willed world court ..destined to examine and put to an end ..terrible era of suffering under Adolf Hitler ” Hans Frank.

Are these others, the likes of Karl Doenitz, Walther Funk, Erich Reader and Fritz Sauckel, are they any lesser the criminal for their crimes. We can pick over the levels of what they were involved in, War Crimes as opposed to Crimes Against Humanity, but each constitutes a level of atrocity that has been the common denominator in the acquiescence to Hitler’s demands. Some others of these too, Hans Frank, Ernst Kaltenbrunner or Julius Streicher are at the bottom of what is a lowly regard within humanity’s reach. Should all of this not be argued over in relation and with regard to the immensity of the overall catastrophe for 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews. All the hanging’s, which took place on October 16th. 1946 barely afford the necessity that recognises the gravest wrongs ever perpetrated in History.

“..I must reject an indictment for conspiracy. ..antisemitic movement was only protective.” Alfred Rosenberg.

Are any of these few then, the imprisoned and the sanctioned War Criminals any less evil than those who also promoted the mass Slaughter of the Jews. The real truth then of the Nuremberg Trials is for me what is clearly written in terms of serving what must be more than just a composite form of justice, is clearly just enacted in tokenism. One also has to question too the efficacy of any sought out justice while some witnesses were as guilty as the accused. Following are a group of the most self serving individuals who appear as witnesses at the First Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, and for the prosecution.

There was the Higher SS Police Leader Eric von dem Bach-Zelewski, odious and guilty but only, and eventually warranting a life sentence.

“..I am ..only living witness but I must say ..truth. Contrary to ..opinion of ..National Socialists ..that ..Jews were a highly organized group ..appalling fact was that they had no organization whatsoever. ..mass of ..Jewish people were taken complete by surprise. They did not know at all what to do ..they had no directives or slogans as to how they should act. This is ..greatest lie of antisemitism because it gives ..lie to that old slogan that ..Jews are conspiring to dominate and that they are so highly organized. In reality ..they had no organization of their own at all ..not even an information service. If they had had some sort of organization ..these people could have been saved by ..millions ..but instead ..they were taken completely by surprise. Never before has a people gone as unsuspectingly to its disaster. Nothing was prepared. Absolutely nothing. It was not so ..antisemites say ..that they were friendly to ..Soviets. That is ..most appalling misconception of all. ..Jews in ..old Poland ..who were never communistic in their sympathies ..were ..throughout ..area of ..Bug eastward ..more afraid of Bolshevism than of ..Nazis. This was insanity. They could have been saved. There were people among them who had much to lose people ..they didn’t want to leave. In addition there was love of home and their experience with pogroms in Russia. After ..first anti-Jewish actions of ..Germans ..they thought now ..wave was over and so they walked back to their undoing.” Erich von dem Bach Zelewski.

An SS Panzer Army commander, Josef (Sepp) Dietrich who directed all manner of brutality’s and retributions. There was atrocity upon atrocity as an ideological element to the following and Dietrich led his forces, those like Peiper, toward Malmedy and other atrocities.

“..I recognize that after …battle of Normandy my unit was composed mainly of young ..fanatical soldiers. A good deal of them had lost their parents ..their sisters and brothers during ..bombing. They had seen for themselves in Cologne thousands of mangled corpses after a terror raid had passed. Their hatred for ..enemy was such ..I swear it ..I could not always keep it under control.” SS Standartenfuhrer Jochen Peiper.

There was a Death Camp Commandant, Rudolf Hoess who varied his testimony from having Slaughtering 4,000,000 Jews to the lesser offense of butchering 2,500,000 Jews within Birkenau. Hoess was hanged in Auschwitz for he knew he could, would and did achieve in Hitler’s charge for The Final Solution of the Jewish Question.

“..I commanded Auschwitz until December 1943 and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning ..while at least another 500,000  succumbed to starvation and disease ..making a total dead of about 3,000,000.” Rudolf Hoess.

There was an Einsatzgruppe D Commander, Otto Ohlendorf, who by his own admission had commanded the force which Slaughtered 90,000 Jews enroute toward Crimea.

“..I didn’t shoot them. Firing squads did that. I didn’t approve of it.” Otto Ohlendorf.

There was the man charged with the plunder from 6,000,000 Jewish lives, Oswald Pohl. Hanged June 8th. 1951.

“..Hoess ..was commandant at Auschwitz ..employed by ..Reichsfuhrer SS in the final solution of the Jewish question. ..the extermination of Jewry. ..Jews brought to Auschwitz ..were gassed there. ..I ..estimate ..I have talked to Gluecks ..we estimated ..about 3,000,000.” SS Gruppenfuhrer Oswald Pohl.

There was a Jewish expert on The Final Solution, Dieter Wisliceny of the RSHA Office AMT IV A 4 who led Eichmann’s effort in Slovakia.

“..There were 3 distinct periods of activity affecting ..Jews. ..first period covered ..time from 1937 when ..Jewish Section was founded till 1940 ..during which ..policy was to accelerate and compel Jewish emigration from Germany and Austria. Because of this ..Central Office for Jewish Emigration was founded in Vienna and later on a corresponding institution in Prague. After ..victory over France ..Madagascar was contemplated ..but never used a site for ..emigration. ..second period during 1940 and 1941 covered ..concentration of Jews in Poland and eastern territories Ghettos and concentration camps. ..last period ..from beginning 1942 to October 1944 ..covered ..evacuation of Jews from all Germany and German controlled territories to concentration camps and their biological annihilation.” Dieter Wisliceny.

All of whom could be witnesses to the immense atrocity they were a party to and given the voice to add to evidence what the Jewish Survivor could more readily complete. While I constantly point to my own work as a reference point, and my 2nd. Book is an objective disciple; it will inform you of all you need to know. Perhaps too though, and from within their pages, there will be much that will prove distasteful and such is the evidence that there may not be the room to avoid wanting to know about such cruel, brutal and criminal atrocity. The levels of atrocity, such has never been equalled will appear in a bold type script of words to provoke the revulsion such accusation can maintain. Here then is presented a human trash that is der Einsatzgruppe and the Destruction of European Jewry in appalling recognition. Their role is written into an inglorious page, which I define as that unique passage of terror fully inflicted upon the Jews of Europe.

“..It is with sorrow ..with hope that we ..disclose ..deliberate slaughter of more than 1,000,000 innocent ..defenceless men ..women ..children. ..tragic fulfilment of a program of intolerance and arrogance. Vengeance is not our goal ..nor do we seek merely a just retribution. We ask this Court to affirm by international penal action man’s right to live in peace and dignity regardless of his race or creed. case we present is a plea of humanity to law.” Benjamin Berell Ferencz.

My 3rd. Book will inform you on Babi-Yar, a Jewish Catastrophe of the most immense atrocity and why in its wake any leniency is a misguided concept. Here too, and in relation to the interconnection to this singular atrocity detailing 33,771 Jews and Paul Blobel, those of his ilke are many and they forged a presence upon the Jews, so as to deliver them to destruction. All of this surely warrants all manner of rebuke, reproach and the devices of death that should have been applied to them. Now, while we are engaged in retracing the Jewish lost presence, we clearly identify all of those who created this demand. Here, and for me, there can never be any such contention over investigating them at the Nuremberg SS Einsatzgruppen Trial.

“..inspected ..executions EK 11b under ..SS Obersturmbannfuhrer Dr. Werner Braune ..executions by SK 11a under SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Zapp in Nikolaiev ..a smaller execution by SK 10b under ..SS Standartenfuhrer Alois Persterer in Ananev. ..not possible to inspect all mass executions. ..Schubert inspected ..execution ..EK 11b under Braune’s direction ..December 1941 ..Simferopol. ..I ..assigned ..Schubert ..Willi Seibert ..Hans Gabel.” Otto Ohlendorf.

With commanders of individual Einsatzgruppe like Erich Naumann or Otto Ohlendorf, there were adequate Death sentences while Heinz Jost served barely his 10 year sentence. Then there are the individual Einsatz and SonderKommando, those like Paul Blobel and Werner Braune whose Death sentences did not benefit from any reprieve. But, when we recognise that those like Walter Blume, Walter Haensch, Gustav Nosske, Heinz Schubert, Willy Seibert, Franz Six and Eugene Steimle were given jail sentences, or worse still, were reprieved. So many of the very guilty were not even indicted let alone tried and convicted for the most systematic Slaughter ever envisaged by a civilised society and against a People purely because they were a Jewish People.

“..June ..Heydrich ..and Streckenbach ..lectured on ..duties of ..Einsatzgruppe. ..we were already being instructed about ..tasks of exterminating ..Jews. ..Eastern Jewry was ..intellectual reservoir of Bolshevism and ..must be exterminated. ..speech ..given before a audience. ..individuals present ..Einsatzgruppe ..chiefs were present. ..I heard another speech by Heydrich in ..Prinz Albrecht Palace in Berlin ..he again emphasized these points.” Walter Blume.

Here, justice does appear to be somewhat slanted as all of these criminals were excessively engaged in the same ritual Slaughter that was applied to as many as 2,000,000 East European Jews. That this resolve was an assured and efficient aktionen, it does not wrest well with any lenient clemency that secured a future life for them. That they consistently denied a life to those Jews who fell under their murderous rage does not expect other than their complete destruction. Who then amongst these is the most guilty or more likely to have been the least innocent. In their sentencing to death or the lack of their leniency toward so many Jews, their own right to a so called clemency was most certainly undeserved. I end here with the words of the Judge Musmanno whose own conviction was a moving away from the Death Penalty.

“..Nuremberg might well have been the home of ..Nazis ..but it was also its grave.” Michael Angelo Musmanno.

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