“..Each individual was a world in himself ..unique in his aspirations ..feelings ..hopes ..his past obliterated ..his future cut off at ..roots. Each and every one deserves his place in posterity ..just as he deserves a grave and a tombstone of his own. ..book mentions only a few and we pray that this book will serve as a communal monument for those who have been inadvertently passed over without mention.” Avraham Levite.
Memory is always important to that vibrancy in any History which links us to the past we seek to earn from. Everything I write is personal to me and matters more than 6,000,000 Jewish lives ever proved to matter to the World! As a writer on The Holocaust, I have been enabled to process my own grief, through recognising the immensity of a grief I have yet to comprehend. In a World that proved so intolerable for 6,000,000 Jews who were removed from it. Also, and I’ve learned this from the sense of that very loss I have encountered time and time again, that to learn of the Jewish suffering is in part to own their loss. For me, and so as to add further to such an incomprehensible atrocity, I do not choose to write on that part of my own past which has so impacted me, personally. So I am here exclusively, to remember these 6,000,000 Jews and in particular within the pages of my work, words and Books.
“..In my opinion ..Jewish People were neglected by ..first requirement of their heritage ..their Religion ..and betrayed by ..racial intolerance and human indifference within Man.” Patrick Dempsey.
My latest Book couldn’t be more important to me as it relates such devastating a loss that rendered 1,500,000 of the Jewish Children superfluous to our own humanity. While there are others of my own Family to remind me of our combined loss, I am mindful of the deeper penetration of loss that reaches the Jews of this World. For these Jews, and more consequentially for Their Children written about here, who now is left to remember them. True! As a Jewish collective, the Jews remember there was once a great more Jewish People in the World and for whose grief we must share. The Jews of today must require from us to share with those who see in The Holocaust all that must matter to humanity. As a State too, Israel recalls the burden of that huge and immeasurable loss that has not weighted as heavily upon a world as it should have done.
“..Someone who was not there could never really grasp how unreal ..situation was.” Benjamin Berell Ferencz.
In a World which oversaw the dark shadow of such expressed hatred as has consumed these Jews, newer expression of our remorse is sought. For much that I acclaim, there are parts of my very being carefully written into each page of the words in all and any of these books, works and their effort. It is through each and every Book I have written that I truly consider that they are my works for the loss of the 6,000,000 Jews who were so cruelly taken. For that very reason, we are morally obliged to remember them all with more than a vague recollection of whay they were so lethally destroyed. I have detailed within each of my works what I consider is a sincere effort to deliver what I feel 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews have long deserved, apolgy in memory. That they are deprived of all that becomes necessary, in much of their memory that is forever lost to us, we must dig ever more deeply for the barest traces of who they are and what they must have left to us.
“..There are some works you have to return to ..to reprise ..essential necessity of what has been written and what requires an evidenced gain from a futures proof. For me ..to even to attempt to appreciate ..calm dignity of those who Survived ..I aim to ensure nothing I have said has caused such offence as to be somewhat spoiled in my effort.” Patrick Dempsey.
For me, there is also an anger, and though this has to be somewhat subdued, as it must and should not detract from that essential in remembering them all through their bitter strucggles with the rancid nature angered with hatred. What I aim to achieve, and what remains hidden beneath that more important effort, is in always allowing my effort to further add to their memory. This also sees in my own inner conflict a very grave need to know the why’s and the wherefores of how and why all of this was allowed to happen. While I attempt to barely conceal the rage, I am certain as I allow a prominent grief to inflict its loss upon me, upon more of us, I will not read other works without that sense of despair converting others thoughts into my own words. This all then adds to ensure that those destroyed Jews have a reminder for the future that is not removed from us entirely.
“..I built a physical site for visitors ..which tells and presents ..history of The Holocaust. I expanded ..education and research of ..subject and laid ..foundations for making ..place a world center for commemorating ..memory of The Holocaust and its heritage. ..Despite years of lack of diplomatic relations with ..countries of ..Communist bloc in Eastern Europe ..I have been able to establish working relations with archives in these countries and obtain 100’s of 1,000’s of documents relating to The Holocaust there.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.
My major effort has always been, as I have researched, and as I have trawled so many other works, that intricate search is for more of what is still missing. There is still within me the hope that I can find even one more name that would be otherwise stay lost or be forgotten. So as to be added to what we may already know, to ensure some of what might yet be forgotten, this is a demand I place upon myself in my search that fills my World with images I cannot, not own. I have thought long and hard about this effort in my first Book’s title, and as I explored the Testimony and recognised there was approaching this Fading Memory in the Holocaust. I was talking to a Survivor at the beginning of my journey and recognised in his words, ‘We are fast approaching our own passing’, and knew we owed more to their importance and than just the recognition and urgent testimony to that fading memory they were facing.
“..my own first Book should have been forming merely ..initial chapter in ..delivery of my continuing and accusing narrative to ..Catastrophe.” Patrick Dempsey.
We are all too soon losing even more access to all of those Survivor’s we will never know, and even from all of those who knew them, there is this urgency to recall some if any of the lessons they left to us. What is certain too, and in any of my books, is the fact that they contain my words and they cannot be distorted. Nor can they be edited away from their intention to record the digust humanity must still show for what 6,000,000 Jews were forced to deal with. Not one iota of my effort for these Jewish People can be removed from an emphasis I have truly placed upon my own efforts for them. The words I have truthfully written into The Holocaust pages will remain forever to posterity as they were always intended. The words I will continue to write will then remain in truth as a catalyst to the integrity which history fully demands.
“..pure myth ..Jews ..merely passive. ..Jews fought back ..to a degree no other community anywhere ..would have been capable of. ..they fought against hunger ..starvation ..disease ..a deadly Nazi economic blockade. They fought against murderers and ..traitors ..and ..were utterly alone in their fight. ..forsaken by God and ..man ..surrounded by hatred or indifference. ..there was much heroism ..little beauty ..much toil ..suffering ..no glamour. We fought back on every front ..biological ..economic ..propaganda ..cultural ..with every weapon ..possessed. In ..end ..ruse ..deception ..cunning beyond anything ..world had ever ..seen ..accomplished what hunger ..disease ..terror ..treachery ..could not. What defeated us ..Jewry’s unconquerable optimism ..eternal faith in ..goodness of man ..even a German ..a Nazi ..could never have ..renounced ..own humanity as to murder women ..’children’ coldly ..systematically. ..when we finally took up arms ..we inscribed in ..book of history epic of ..Ghetto Uprising.” Michal Berg.
Indeed, and nor can the intention of my works be lessened by others whose accusations rouse the neglect they infect all of history with. I understand the tenure and tenor of their often times vitriolic protestations of works solely dedicated to the Jewish loss. However, I do not deny the weight of a global loss, nor do I stand aside from those who might seek to distort even that. And for some, that effort I am deeply assigned to see’s so many to this day who are somehow fed by that same hatred which consigned the Jews toward oblivion. All of this mounts to my growing demand for those I accuse to bear witness to all truth which is neither tainted by denial nor distorted by bias or hatred. In fact, there is no room for such hatred as its invalid status has proven. The hatred has not yet been fully consumed destroying these Jews of Europe as it still flourishes amongst people and nations who seek to continually gain.
“..The Holocaust ..which ..World should clearly recognise is ..most unique ..unparalleled and unprecedented assault upon any People ..and that this World has ever known ..was waged on a People because they are a Jewish People.” Patrick Dempsey.
Tragically, genocide’s continue that have learned the wrong lessons of what 6,000,000 Jews could not survive. I have no personal axe to grind, other than in conducting myself with concern for all that humanity has lost. It quite amazes me that some, in a search for their own distortion, will accuse the very truth I bring to my own words. For some the truth is unnecessary so they accuse my words of being somehow contrived or in some way contrary to all that truthful intention must deliver. In particular, for those words I have given over to those Books I have already delivered, they stand in all honesty as a truth to a witnessed testimony to all of those who afforded us their vacant space for us to fill with words. My own accusations not withstanding, my words then are aimed first and foremost at those who are the culprits, the perpetrators and the participators in all that was achieved.
“..circumstances of my present life ..impossibility of reaching a large library ..loss of my own books have made me dependent upon notes and ..memory. Both ..supplementary reading and..research demanded by ..very laws of ..craft ..have been denied me.” Marc Bloch.
For those, who stood along the wings of the gravest tragedy ever to be inflicted upon a group of People, and purely because they were a Jewish People, I add to the library of grief. For those who did nothing to prevent what was done, those of nations or corrupted states, they too are terminally damnable. It was always my essential, that for the 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews of The Holocaust I would raise my voice. That this is understood, realised and repeatedly conveyed forms the essential my words hope to deliver. I understand fully, that at times I am too easy to distract, more particularly when corresponding on media or internet platforms. In assuming those who ask the questions, that they suggest they are searching for exactly what I seek, the correct answers I deliver are not always what they want from my work.
“..I thought I had learned of what I needed to know ..so as to write this 1st. Book which would be on ..A Child of The Holocaust ..it should be based clearly on what I knew ..World knew.” Patrick Dempsey.
As I give the exact same truthful answers, and they are always truthfully delivered and are never untruthful, I will not sway from what matters. However, once the questions have been asked, and as I find myself responding to what does not matter to my search, let alone to these Jews I speak of and for, the Jewish Child required more and more of the time I would need to deliver for them. I know all too well that there are efforts to detract from what is my aim, to make 6,000,000 works or words possible to add to a missing evidence for 6,000,000 ritually Slaughtered Jews. These Jewish People, taken too liberally from all existence, have us as an accused for such a shameful indifference that is yet to be measured more fully. While it became evident that it was not yet possible for me to write on other than The Holocaust as a whole, the idea for that first book on the Child of The Holocaust would have to wait.
“..first victims were ..Jewish Children ..and I shall never forget ..harrowing scenes and ..blood curdling incidents when ..ss men ..cruelly attacked Children. ..Even today ..cries ..shrieking of those Children are clear in my mind.” Adolf Berman.
What I had earlier sought was only ever to deliver what is within me to write and that position remains a delivery upon the factual truth that is its very integrity. As I was first given the image of the 4 year old Tovah ‘Tokele’ Olshak, which presented itself to me in my search for a literary output, how could I then pass by and not relay my concerns through those exact same words I would use for her, and not for her own community of these 6,000,000 Jews. In that deep tragedy for Tovah, who was never allowed to live so as to thrive, my emerging words on her behalf will now have to suffice for her loss to all she might have been. So I set out to research all that could be learned, and I realised much of what has been done in our name is as intolerable of humanity and intolerant of Tovah as indifference of the 6,000,000 has allowed for.
“..fact too is ..testimony of my actual 1st. Book ..2nd. ..3rd. ..4th. Books for those Jews who stood as Jews and were separated out ..incarcerated and destroyed for that very certainty.” Patrick Dempsey.
When I was first introduced to the Survivor, who we are fast running out of, and as their first hand evidence will fade and disappear, we will lose ever more of the truth we seek. This too is the basis of my first book on the Testimony and Fading Memory in The Holocaust I realised was being lost. It was an undertaking then for me to ensure that what I presented was accurate, factually true and holding with the very testimony each and every Survivor would recognise. Tragically too, and running concurrent with the faded distance between then and now, there is an ever present intention by too many, to distance us from the entire truth. Fuller memory is essential, and in each of my books there is no opportunity for any forgetfulness in this search. Words make lines in paragraphs which add to chapters of meaning and that meaning has consistently resigned itself to the fact that not much is being learned from the words to teach.
“..That there has been and is being considered in Hitler’s headquarters a plan to exterminate all Jews from Germany and German controlled areas in Europe after they have been concentrated in ..East. ..numbers involved is said to be between 3,500,000 and 4,000,000 and ..object to permanently settle ..Jewish Question in Europe.” Dr. Gerhart Riegner.
Of course, there are the doubters, the deniers and the distorters who do not buy what it is I have to say. Nor in fact do they read my works and all the while they are criticising them continually. For 6,000,000 reasons, those who are thus critical without understanding the truth I deliver, they must first recognise what truth ensures. In not one of my books can distortion present itself and my works are not to be altered and they cannot be altered nor corrected for obvious reasons. The debt owed to 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews is the fixed notice which presents the reader with nothing other than that very certainty. I am sure I have often stated, and while I have presented many of the facts that are known to History, I have installed a resilience in the memory for 6,000,000 Jews that has me written across it.
“..The Holocaust strands of atrocity which was exacted in front of them ..there is an accusation which is not fully measured by ..sheer weight of loss of these 6,000,000 annihilated Jews of Europe.” Patrick Dempsey.
I have much to gain from my writing and it is with an understanding of what matters in all life and what must be accomplished to secure for all of that life which must matter. With this my second book, der Einsatzgruppe and The Destruction of European Jewry, this book emerged from some of the detail in my first book. Everyone who has studied the full tenets of The Holocaust knows full well its leading term is The Final Solution. However, all too conveniently we allow for all too many, who are ignoring that very fact, that this was Hitler’s resolve for The Jewish Question and his will to do so as completely as he could. Also, and the reason for this second book is in the emergence of that one single and murderous goal which was the single minded and determined effort of his tawdry existence.
“..Up to 3,000 bodies were burned at a time. About 70,000 corpses were dug up. ..gas vans brought more corpses.” Senya Borisovich Berland.
What Hitler conducted within the field of expansionism, his Weltanschauung, was clearly identifiable so that The Holocaust would more fully come into being. It is to be recognised also that this was a murderous rampage raged by specially focused killing groups, which were in aktionen well ahead of the creation of the Death Camp system. All too frequently though, and by the endorsement of some and the suggestion of others, these mass murders have become somewhat subjugated to the meaning given over to a more static effort. For the Jews in the Death Camps, we look to this premise of separation as it is suggested, to recognise details in The Holocaust. Though we must accept, and so as to allow for any untruthful suggestion that The Final Solution had not long commenced, even when Chelmno came into operation.
“..To hurt a fellow human being ..to have ..capacity to inflict pain upon another person is a terrible indictment which we have inflicted upon mankind.” Patrick Dempsey.
In the mean time, paper’s were filed and memos criss crossed the Reich filling Hitler and hundred’s of the higher echelons of his administration and military, with what was being achieved against the Jewish People. It is still true that other’s fell, who were killed and were murdered but these were outside the remit I seek to recognise as The Jewish Question. As the Wehrmacht drove deeper into neutral territories, nations betrayed their own Jewish Community and in no way ameliorated the treatment meted out to those not on der Einsatzgruppe’s kill list. Also, and there are still many who seek to signal, that with the gradual emergence of the Death Camp system, along with what Hitler’s Einsatz legions were achieving, that this too was a starting date for the overall atrocity that is The Holocaust.
“..I am awake to ..prospect that was denied ..Jews of The Holocaust to find sanctuary ..find allies or at least ..weapons necessary to fight ..common evil of Hitler’s Reich.” Patrick Dempsey.
Regrettably, with the emergence of the Chelmno Death Camp, this would exclude in excess of 1,000,000 already Destroyed Jews from the tentacles of the annihilation intended for them. In such a case, this would be excluding those numbers from being included in the overall assessment that is the overall tragedy that became The Holocaust, particularly prior to The Wannsee Conference. With this lack of an incremental appreciation of the course of these events, is it not fair to be true, and even as Chelmno was now in operation gassing Kolo’s Jews, can we ever be irresponsible enough not to include such losses. Also, added to this burgeoning assessment is the huge losses of those Jews of the Ghetto, who had been assigned to death through starvation, assault and brutal murder. Each of these converging aktionen, adding always to the overall assessment still to be made, and even after that fact, we must ensure the inclusion of all Jews Slaughtered as a result of Hitler’s rabid hatred, are equally recorded.
“..I also needed to inform those Jews who Survived ..that a non-Jew would spend ..time to inform ..accuse and research well what intolerable atrocity’s these 6,000,000 People faced ..simply for being Jews.” Patrick Dempsey.
An evidence which saw more than these 1,000,000 already executed Jews, in both Chelmno and by der Einsatzgruppe, all added to the emergence of Hitler’s resolve and the escalating terms of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question. All other c onsiderations must add more deliberately to what becomes entered into this realm of The Holocaust period. The proposal, that with the conducting of The Wannsee Conference, this signalled the commencement of The Holocaust itself. However, this failed suggestion is incorrectly broached, and is a complete smoke screen to divert attention away from those Jews already being murdered, killed and allowed to die and by whom. This I suggest will only detract from the fuller truth which Slaughtered ever more Jews prior to such contentions, as themed at Wannsee, and even by der Einsatz operations. For me, this series of distractions is intentional, as I feel the presenting of this conference as the commencement date for The Final Solution, excludes ever more Jews from the terms of Hitler’s slaughter. This obfuscation, is also the premise by which too many seek to remove the very terms of The Final Solution away from Hitler’s Worldview.
“..after all these years ..Jewish Children would be clearly identified as from amongst ..1,500,000 Murdered Jewish Children of ..6,000,000 Jewish People ..who are The Holocaust.” Patrick Dempsey.
This aim of world domination, Hitler’s Weltanschauung, which began with Hitler’s deliberate enactment of World War II, beginning on September 1st. 1939, ensured that Lebensraum, the necessary room to assail 3,650,000 Polish Jews became fully available to him. Initially, Poland was to prove the testing ground for this annihilation of Polish Jews, and eventually this would completely resolve, for the remainder of European Jewry, that this plan too would eventually follow them into extermination. There is always this confusing demand shrouding some elaborate search for a start date to Hitler’s plan for the Jewish People. Personally, and I feel all of this is presented to disguise the fact that the massing of Murder toward the Jews of Europe was always in preparation, even prior to those initial steps with a gained power in 1932. That being the case however, and definitely since the Polish Invasion, perhaps more than 1,000,000 Jews are already brutally Murdered and Slaughtered even before World War II was fully in motion, in competing for that Worldview.
“..I do know that ..intention was to ensure NO Jew ..Male ..Female ..Child ..Infant or Baby would Survive ..tenets of die Endlosung der Judenfrage ..as Hitler had ordained them.” Patrick Dempsey.
This murderous effort against the Jews is all in accordance with Hitler’s parallel attempt in the World of war. This has all been linked by Hitler’s warped view of a World he demanded would be fully subjugated to his will. Then, and with a hatred for the Jews that would see both Jewish and World views as consequences to be crushed under foot of his design. With the formative Einsatz entering the field in 1939, The Final Solution of The Jewish Question was never to be limited to role to be played by the Death Camp System. The Wannsee Conference itself recognised this combined effort of mass destruction, and of its own role in adminsitering toward it. The Conference itself represents nothing other than the inveigling of all areas of the Reich in the full knowledge of what The Final Solution intended for all of European Jewry. In 1939, 1941 or even 1942 alone, and with each of their corresponding dates, these alone cannot stand over The Holocaust as a de facto identification of the earliest role for Hitler’s resolve for the Jewish Question.
“..Perhaps I ought to go away from this Town which I loved above all else ..but which had become a tomb of all my memories ..from this country ..only one I knew ..which had turned into a vast cemetery inhabited by 1,000,000’s of unavenged ghosts.” Janina Dawidowicz.
It is somewhat obvious that there is a contention in this, a seeming intention to then deny ever more Jews a space within the atrocity designated specifically for them. I recognise what those who intrude into World History appear all too keen to augment with obfuscation and confusion. Those who seek a distancing from ever more guilt cannot be allowed to deny the presence of the Jews who are resident within its troubling detail. But let us assure History, we will not forget what 3,000 mass Murderers of der Einsatzgruppe achieved, let alone the 10’s of 1,000’s who were the willing tools of the Camp system and the million’s of others whose pliability ensure 6,000,000 Jewish losses. But not just these, all of those with any ability that sponsored and promoted with the logistical assistance of the entire Reich, an assault upon the Jewish People which resulted in the carnage of a civilisation brought to its knees.
“..I want my work to have validity ..and I do not simply want to communicate ..condemnation ..of all that was done against ..Jewish People ..but I roundly condemn all those who perpetrated these crimes ..without us learning from ..process.” Patrick Dempsey.
We must include, alongside the bureaucracy of the Reich, the Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, Police Units and those locals in fullest collaboration, all of these who colluded in a combined killing force. Such force alone was totalling of over 90,000 or 100,000 personnel in all, who were detailed to commit the shootings, and killings, on the ground. So that my work does not stand alone as a connector between the rise of Hitler and the Destruction of over 6,000,000 Jewish People, I consider my accusation well. That said, it became clear, and from the midst of my 2nd. Book that there appeared an atrocity, within the fullest terms of The Holocaust itself, which stands out. From the depths of these deviant and apparent horrors, we venture toward the ravine that sits outside the Ukrainian City of Kiev. To my mind, the line toward destruction of 33,771 Kievan Jews marching towards their destruction is fixed firmly into my consciousness.
“..On 7th. October.1941. In agreement with ..city military command ..all ..Jews of Kiev were ordered to appear at a certain place on Monday ..29 September ..by 6 o’clock. This order was publicized by posters all over ..town by members of ..newly organized Ukrainian militia. At ..same time ..oral information was passed that all ..Jews of Kiev would be moved to another place. In cooperations with ..HQ of EGC and 2 Kommandos of ..police regiment South ..Sonderkommando 4a executed 33,771 Jews on September 29 and 30.” Operational Situation Report.
That is what necessitated the essential need for me in the writing of my 3rd. Book, on Babi Yar-A Jewish Catastrophe. Such is the devastation that was evidenced here, with every affront to human decency and compassion delivered, a learning curve had become understood. In this singular atrocity, we are at once brought to the forefront of what other measures are sought for the overall horror soon to be inflicted upon the remainder of Jewish People and not just here in Kiev, or the Ukraine or the wider Russian Front, but throughout the whole of Europe. The sheer capacity to destroy an acknowledged 33,771 Jews of Kiev, and over a 2 day period, from September 29th. to September 30th. 1941, is the single most and concerted atrocity ever perpetrated during entirety of The Holocaust period. In its enactment alone, one man stands out as a mass murderer, and on such an industrial scale, that Paul Blobel is recorded as such and his role too is pivotal in leading and orchestrating the final effort to destroy what Jews there were that stood before him.
“..memory of what happened to 6,000,000 Jews ..1,500,000 of whom are Jewish Children ..has to resonate with purpose for everyone so as to ensure their loss is not forever in vain.” Patrick Dempsey.
Also, and toward the ending days of The Holocaust itself, as the realisation that Hitler’s Worldview would be shorter lived than his projected 1,000 year Reich, Blobel would return to seek to erase the evidences of what was a supposedly an idealistic undertaking. In that failed yet eventual endeavour of destroying every single Jew in Europe, the detailed assessment remains an atrocity that is beyond compare. Even though Blobel’s effort is etched into the destructive capacity of 33,771 Jews here at Babi Yar, and worse still, when we are at pains to consider what 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jewish lives must mean for all of humanity, we are confounded. There is a combined loss to civilisation too which has been gruesomely assigned to it, and that can never be measured by the human appreciation of what the societal norms must bring to civilisation.
“..From as early as 1933 ..with a view being gained to administer ..enemies of ..Reich ..and ..in 1935 ..Belsen came into view.” Patrick Dempsey.
Of course, and once the need then arrived, including here at Babi-Yar, and that the very effort to cover up the disgraceful deeds of a despicable crime were progressed, we unravel the criminality of such murderous deeds. When there then came the need to completely eviscerate all traces and evidences of what The Final Solution was, the subject Blobel arrived on the scene to disinter and cremate many 1,000,000’s of Jews from Killing Sites, and including the Death Camps. What is particularly specific here at Babi-Yar though is what Hitler was enabled to conceive of and would fully realise could be achieved. Given Hitler’s realm, and his oversight of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question, it is astonishing at all that any of European Jewry finally managed to escape his hate filled intention. We surely owe credit to thsoe Jewish Survivors who not only managed to Survive, but they were clear in the need to deliver to all of History what can be achieved if hatred for our fellow man is not fully checked.
“..Belzec was born out of Kozielsk Hill and Hitler’s desperation to rid Europe of its Jews. This place was to be Hitler’s Endlosung.” Patrick Dempsey.
My 4th. Book is somewhat of an enigma, even to me as I had earlier sketched the outline of a book that was to be my fourth and sought out the advices of some in the arena of The Holocaust. The responses were mixed, though in earnest, and some even suggested I choose other routes. I looked deeply at what Elie Wiesel had remarked and put this work, an effort I had been engaged in for a couple of years on hold. It was only during my visits to The Death Camps, and Belzec in particular, that this eventual book appeared to me. When I finally sat down, especially after visiting Auschwitz and even Birkenau, and while there was a distaste for the promotion of both these Killing Centres as somewhat of a tourist attraction, I was confronted by Belzec as the forgotten sibling in the wilderness of the Death Camp apparel. Belzec alone, one of the smallest of these Death Camps by size, produced an astonishing destructive rate against Galician Jewry, and the wider European Jews, that its mention cannot be ever consigned to a mere footnote.
“..construction of ..6 Death Camps in Poland ..Belzec ..Birkenau ..Chelmno ..Majdanek ..Sobibor and Treblinka ..we recognise their spaces in ..fuller analysis of annihilation process.” Patrick Dempsey.
Alongside this concern, and while there was this ongoing debate raging in Poland, and concerning Poland’s position within The Holocaust, and with regard to these Death Camp’s in Poland, I sought to measure the Jewish loss and deliver it back to Hitler’s ownership. The established system of all 6 Death Camps, and with their very placement upon Polish soil, has irked the Polish consciousness toward a fundamental denial of what was achieved upon Polish soil. For all of these exacting reasons, my 4th. Book was conceived and full ownership to Hitler’s demand places Belzec, and with rightful ownership to Hitler himself. Belzec shines an illuminating light so as to try and pierce the greater darkness that is recognised in such an organised, mechanised and industrial scale operation toward Jewish annihilation. All too many distortions has sought to deny, doubt and even evacuate Hitler’s presence within The Holocaust, let alone The Death Camp system. While it is patently obvious, that Hitler was the director of his own calamity, the Death Camp system does not register Hitler alongside them, until now.
“..destructive demand was on ..insistence of a decree we recognise is The Final Solution of The Jewish Question. As this played out across ..length and breadth of Continental Europe ..6,000,000 Jews were laid to waste.” Patrick Dempsey.
Hitler apparently, the dictator of all he surveyed it seemed was to remain but except that he would not appear to directing 6,000,000 Jews toward their eventual extermination. This was all very convenient, and in promoting the greatest mass murderer in all of history as an absentee, we were being forged toward a rehabilitation of Hitler’s position as the formative evil doer of all time. Then, and after my visit to Belzec, I was certain I had found a further recourse to serve the proper memory for even more Jews consigned to such inglorious places. I cannot forget here also, that the danger I was placed in, 40 minutes walking through 2 foot of snow, in minus 18 degrees, was a poignant reminder of the footsteps I was following in. I thought then of the Children being swallowed up, neck high by the Snow, and before being engulfed by the gas fumes awaiting them, that The Jewish Children in The Holocaust required my effort.
“..It is clear here that I speak highly of anyone who stands so much taller in ..midst of ..Catastrophe even when that personage is an SS ..as Kurt Gerstein was. In that assessment I have written of his position in my Book on Hitler’s Belzec.” Patrick Dempsey.
Belzec too consumed a part of me, and as I met its gates, this was as a ritual reminded me, and that I was somewhat relieved by a welcome knowledge that I would still walk back out of there. Tragically though, I knew that all too many Jews who had entered those gates, Their Children too, would never emerge again from such a space. Eventually then, and after piecing together my deep sense of their loss, the idea of marrying Hitler’s ownership of all he commanded to demand, and a near forgotten space steeped in the blood of 884,700 Jews and even more, this 4th. Book was brought forward. The evidence of the overall atrocity is unequivocal, and with it there is such an immense sense of loss, that there is a quite debilitating effort in recollecting the scale of the horror here. Nothing prepared me for what I met with at Belzec, and the huge sense of loss that is emotionally charged as it ust be, convinced me to find the words to add to the Jewish loss here.
“..Gerstein was a witness to and subsequently advanced to ..World what he knew of The Death Camp system ..particularly at Belzec and Treblinka.” Patrick Dempsey.
Here too, and what we must recognise in Hitler, and with his go forth and deliver motif, of what was a demand, Belzec is to paraphrase Hitler’s intention for the Jewish People, and all of this must be acknowledged. Then upon a World stage, Hitler required the industrialised processes of the extermination effort, to fully exact his total hatred for the Jewish People. All of these Hitler demands were driven on after 1939 and at Chelmno and then after with a more methodised, static and even standardised format in all the other 5 Death Camps. Hitler, it must be remembered, placed this effort against the duty he should have had for the German and Austrian people he sought to speak for. Toward the end of this organised and ritual slaughter, Hitler would waste the lives of countless other’s in achieving his ultimate aim in slaughterig as many Jews as was physically possible. Along with an escalated intensity for mass murder, in the form of places like Birkenau, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka, the capacity too at the little killing space that is Belzec was erected, and all of these spaced added a greater record of the gassing of the Jewish People, and from within Poland.
“..My permanent motto stands for ..Jews of The Holocaust and for very good reason ..I ensure Always to Remember ..Never to Forget.” Patrick Dempsey.
While we begin to recognise today that at Auschwitz and even Birkenau, both these Camps now appear as somewhat vulgar reception centres for human visitor traffic. We see however, and in Belzec in particular, and even in all those other 4 Death Camps, an almost forgotten aspect of the slaughter that must never be minimised. We cannot become all too busy with certain aspects of The Holocaust so as to not know what had transpired elsewhere. Here at Belzec, for whose responsibility Hitler must be registered to it, these annihilation centres cannot become a forgotten arena in the dark gloom that surrounds the Death Camp system. After my visit to Belzec, I sought to return the entire killing apparatus for Jewish Destruction, and its rightful ownership, to the febrile mind of its original creator, Adolf Hitler. While the ink has not dried upon the legislation Hitler delivered to those who became his willing accomplices, no need of any written decree can excuriate Hitler from the midst of this huge undertaking.
“..We shall regain our health only by eliminating ..Jews.” Adolf Hitler.
It was apparent too, that here at Belzec, History sought to diminish an ever larger presence for those Jews that were slaughtered there. Evidence and Testimony stand to deliver 1,300,000 Jews or as many as 1,500,000 Jews to the gates of Belzec. However, this accounting though speculated down, and whereas I have delivered my own assessment at 884,700 Jews slaughtered at Belzec, it still remains an under stated assessment we will never guarantee. The final accounting, which still records an evidential loss to humanity of 1,500,000 Jews, must not be discounted. The compassion for the value of loss then, cannot be expressed more accurately, and while loosening the hold we retain for those Jews we cannot account for, we must fully retain the local evidences and immediate testimonies that differ heavily from our own. All too easily, we set aside these specific accounts so as to submit to History what is a lessening account for the overall catastrophe that is to be charged against us.
“..while exclusivity exists in ..realm of The Holocaust ..by which all Jews were Victims ..it is clear that not all victims of ..War Hitler waged were Jewish. However ..The Holocaust was an exclusive effort ..and detailing as such for solely detailing Jews for their confinement within its grasp.” Patrick Dempsey.
As the media seldom works for other than what profits an agenda, my books, as with any Book written with a wished for integrity that is always searching for the fuller truth, my work must uphold its legitimacy. I make no comparison here, whatsoever. What I have sought to learn of, and what I have learned, cannot know in any remote sense of any knowledge, what exactly those like Rudolf Reder knew, intimately. What I have sought to deliver however, always looking back, are as many of the factual truths to have emerged from such a space as is Belzec. The Holocaust owes to History what it is we must learn from in order to not repeat what we must learn from. However, and in order to restore some balance to the commercialism swilling around Auschwitz, it is essential that Belzec, as with Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka are recognised equally as spaces of such devastation towards those Jews, ad many other’s deposited there. For Jews like Rudolf Reder and Chaim Hirszman, who are recognised as only 2 of 3 Jews who Survived Belzec, we owe it to them to record what they have left behind to remind us of all that has been left behind.
“..criminal German monster spread lush vegitation over ..Jewish grave of 1,000,000 at Belzec.” Rudolf Reder.
With the evidence that the Rabbi of Blazowa also survived, and this is clearly identified, his position does not afford us any further testimony for corroboration. It is extremely important though to recognise, that we do not allow anyone to ever exempt Hitler from the horror which is Hitler’s Belzec. With that all still resonating clearly in my mind, I was presented with an impression of what all of that means, and it is a shocking reality that so many Jews can be denied so much, and be afforded so little consideration in simply remembering them. While it is true that great strides have been made in recognising the enormous debt humanity owes to these 6,000,000 Jews, at places such as the gates to Hitler’s Belzec, let us not forget that there are at least 884,700 Jewish People who are confined here. The weight of words necessary therefore, to even attempt to clarify the depth of loss, will never be quantified in the words sought out to add o their memory.
“..negative aspects of ..frustrating effort for all of History ..which persuaded me to focus my intention where it belonged on The Holocaust and with 6,000,000 Jews whose extinguished voice called out for a chance to speak.” Patrick Dempsey.
Here then, and as I move on, and in the image I placed on this my 5th. Book, and as it features heavily on the discourse of The Holocaust, the Jewish Children are brought to mind. I again set forth my accusation for a memory that has clearly interrupted the lives of those most innocent and in need of protection, Children. The image I sought for this, of a small group of Jewish Children, is both harrowing and aware of what they could never expect in their tiny lives. But, for The Child in The Holocaust, who are clearly removed from the fabric of life, the word imagery is disguised by the colour of their blood which synthesises our responsibility toward them. What is almost obscured by the words the image must present, are not lost to those of us who seek to recall what no Child should ever experience. The loss of that hope they have invested in Older humans, who were placed before them to safeguard their futures. In the context of these words, Jewish Children were force fed into an apparatus of sheer destruction we can never excuse, nor forget. I am mindful too of those many Jewish Survivors who will choose not to forgive, but for me, We cannot ever forgive what was done to other’s, and here within these words, are the memory for these 1,500,000 Jewish Children specifically.
“..If this Book should contain just 1,500,000 words ..it would never come close enough to ..form of our detestation to register for ..Jewish Children’s loss.” Patrick Dempsey.
Here too I have used words that are no longer mine as they belong more appropriately to these 1,500,000 Jewish Children, lost from us and taken before they had decided to go. As my words are etched, they have sought to add to what was done to all 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, not allowed to object to their own annihilation. Here, and by a devastation that was always intended for the Jews of Europe, and eventually, World Jewry, I bring to bear my own lasting image of what remained of my two Sister’s, as they were borne away from us. This was of their tiny White Coffins as they were placed in a hearse, and such was this respect that was not made available to these Jewish Children. I am mindful too that there were once 1,500,000 Jewish Children, placed in Cattle Wagons, Gassing Vans or just deposited in Gas Chambers from which there was no release. These Children, nestled as they were alongside a supposed civilised society that was sworn to protect them, abandoned them, degraded them and suffocated them from existence. And of them, these destroyed Jewish Children, exterminated for being Jews, much of their entire Family line expired alongside them. So the cover to this Book, is a stark White, and this is a reflection of innocent lives lost that were once Jewish Children as these Children themselves depict.
“..There is a picture which emerges still ..and it is with ..Jewish People as ..concerted effort for Hitler’s abject hatred for ..Jews. With their systematic Slaughter ..which was Hitler’s focus since he first sought to articulate his enmity for ..Jewish People ..words could not conceal ..deeply held conviction of this hatred.” Patrick Dempsey.
Thank you Patrick for all you efforts appreciated always.This Book no 5 is much needed 💔💔 the truth must always matter grateful to you for that.🙏🙏🙏
Thank you.