“..In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of ..nations. ..deduction from all this  ..following ..an antisemitism based on purely emotional grounds will find its ultimate expression in ..form of ..pogrom. An antisemitism based on reason ..must lead to systematic legal combating and elimination of ..privileges of ..Jews ..that which distinguishes ..Jews from ..other aliens who live among us ..an Aliens Law. ..ultimate objective ..legislation ..must ..be ..irrevocable removal of ..Jews in general.” Adolf Hitler.

The ability to assess the overall loss to the Jewish People is as immeasurable to us as it remains incomprehensible to the Jews. The sheer level of Hitler’s hatred, as it was recorded toward the Jewish People is seen here to raise it to a status above and beyond any hatred he would form toward another alien living amongst him. Of course, such hatred was only applied incrementally, both vocally and expressed, and then aggressively until being murderously adapted. Here, even back in 1919, this letter of Hitler’s to herr Gemlich lit the touch paper of such an immense atrocity, it had to be redefined as singularly vicious and without precedent. That all meant a certainty for 6,000,000 People, who were forced to die because they were of the Jewish People. 

“..I have struggled hard to overcome ..hatred of those who cruelly destroyed my early life ..my family and almost succeeded in exterminating my people. ..I have come to realise ..there are no basically evil nations or racial groups. ..There are only evil people ..seekers after wealth or power.”  Maja Abramowitch.

Hitler saw in them too, this diverse but widespread Jewish People, a profit motive, a racial slur and a radical hatred that would deliver him to power. A destabilising War alone and that fact which would also deliver both the destruction of the Jews in enormous numbers and a wealth beyond imaginings came into being because of one man. This, and the destructive larceny that was to be further proof of those lost Jewish lives that was all the while benefitting much of the World, was Hitler’s view of the World. Posthumously too, and from all that The Holocaust would mean, the wealth og the World grew exponentially as the Jewish presence depreciated sizeably. In 1932, with Hitler’s coming to power, the emboldened rhetoric could then become a demand placed upon the German people, a degenerate proposition so eagerly adopted.

“..The Holocaust ..Shoah in Hebrew is ..most tragic era in ..history of ..Jewish People 1933 – 1945 when ..Germans and their collaborators perpetrated genocide against them.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.

If, and from this time onwards, from 1932 and 1933, or even prior to this, one Single Jews was Murdered because Hitler gave vent to do so, is this not a founding stone to The Final Solution, which is The Jewish Question. It is essential that we, who venture to lok deeper and from th outside, cannot know the Jewish loss loss until we know what it is that we have truly lost. By merely assessing The Holocaust at 6,000,000 Jewish People, this does not, in the least, allow us to know any one of them individually, as a Community or as the homogenous grouping Hitler had labelled them. What I do not defend is the indefensible, and The Final Solution has absolutely No defence and we in history are all at fault in accepting such losses as cannot be fully measured. 

“.. November 9th. 1938 ..aktionen against …Jews ..their synagogues ..are not to be hindered. ..important archival material ..in synagogues..to be taken. Preparations ..for ..arrest of between 20,000 and 30,000 Jews. Wealthy Jews in particular. ..Jews ..found in possession of weapons ..most severe measures ..to be taken.” Heinrich Muller.

That said! Nowhere in any of my Books do I come to terms with such losses as cannot be measured by analytical assessment alone. Nor can we retrace any of these omitted or mssing losses by the ethical principles of our own moral efficacy. That ethical morality, clearly set aside was abandoned before the Gas Chamber doors and atop the ridge of an abyss filled with Jewish existence. Here, and I do damn each and every single state and nation for what they allowed to happen, for within The Holocaust that call for assistance went unheard and as such they are all complicit in what was allowed to happen to each of their own Jewish Citizens.

“..One of our companies held out for 40 minutes and another ..for more than 6 hours. ..mine set in ..brushmakers area exploded. Several of our companies attacked the dispersing Germans. Our losses in manpower are minimal. That is also an achievement. Yechiel fell. He fell a hero ..at ..machine gun. I feel that great things are happening and what we dared do is of great ..enormous importance. Beginning from today we shall shift over to ..partisan tactic. Three battle companies will move out tonight ..with two tasks ..reconnaissance and obtaining arms. Do you remember ..short range weapons are of no use to us. We use such weapons only rarely.  What we need urgently ..grenades ..rifles ..machine guns ..explosives. It is impossible to describe ..conditions under which the Jews of the ghetto are now living. Only a few will be able to hold out. ..remainder will die sooner or later. Their fate is decided. In almost all ..hiding places in which 1,000’s are concealing themselves it is not possible to light a candle for lack of air.  With ..aid of our transmitter we heard ..marvelous report on our fighting by ..Shavit radio station. ..fact that we are remembered beyond ..Ghetto walls encourages us in our struggle. Peace go with you ..my friend. Perhaps we may still meet again. ..dream of my life has risen to become fact. Self defense in ..Ghetto will have been a reality. Jewish armed resistance and revenge are facts. I have been a witness to ..magnificent ..heroic fighting of Jewish men in battle.” Mordechai Anielewicz.

The courage that befits such a reistance to such an inhumanity is barely written, though it has been etched upon 6,000,000 individual Jews unable to respond. The choices these Jews were not allowed to have, delivered both the Norwegian Jew to the same place as the Greek Jew and neither one of them knew why and what they were being delivered toward. It remains a cold and actual fact that, as the truth of what Hitler fully intended for the Jewish People became more widely known, it is conceivable that not all 6,000,000 Jews knew what the Western Allies and Russian intelligence services most certainly did know.

“..I went to ..10 Camps. ..scenes of death and inhumanity were identical. ..difficult to describe ..now. You carry that with you for ..rest of your life.” Benjamin Berrell Ferencz.

That each and every country within Europe lent part of its soul to implementing what Hitler sought to resolve in The Jewish Question, is no minor detail. That the murderous answer to such a question is a Hitler resolve that knew no bounds, is a truth beyond argument. It is also as immeasureable an affront to human decency, human compassion and the wiles of religious pronouncement as these innocent 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews can be. Individually then, and within each and every nation too, these Jews are to be clearly recognised, as individually destroyed. For each then, of those of its own citizens who stand taller, and above the blood stained and ash filled abyss, they are to be further remembered from those who failed the test in time. 

“..I fought ..Nazi Germans and their Lithuanian collaborators. ..murderers of my family ..murderers of my people.” Dr. Yitzhak Arad.

There are those who would accuse me of being on the wrong side of History in protectng the memory of the more than 6,000,000 we seek to restore to their place in all of histories truth. That I am not a Jew is more defined by other’s whose hatred for Jewish existence preceds my concern for thei memory. There was the latest spat to come from a communicant in Lithuania who accused me of defaming her people. To be clear, I did not and do not accuse anyone, individual, state or nation for what those whose Testimony fully ascribes to. That truth will Not be altered by any of those who would insist its veracity remains at some distance from any of those who were witness to it, and Arad was one of those whose testimony is in knowing.

“..People cannot find a place in their consciousness ..their imagination ..or finally have ..courage to face ..to remember ..unimaginable horror. It is possible ..to live in a twilight between knowing and not knowing.” W. A. Visser ’t Hooft.

It is indeed a tragedy, that for the conduct of some in crimes of perpetration, inhuman crimes against their own Jewish People or others of European Jewry, that they cannot identify with this truth. There simply cannot be any other truth but to name the guilty and accuse those  who denounce the truth. It is incredible to think, that while it can be proven that Lithuanians acted against their own Jews, and Jews from the wider European Continent, they resist history as if it will not confront them. That they also acted against those who sought to save those few Jews that could and should have been saved is another chapter in a deeply offensive betrayal of truth and the demands of the inherent service that justice must serve all.

“..10’s of 1,000’s of Jews from abroad were brought here. I saw them walking with their suitcases ..many of them well dressed. Young men and women in good spirits ..relaxed. They observe everything around them. They look at our city with curiosity. They were told that they were brought to work and were ordered to bring their best clothing with them. Afterwards they were murdered at ..Ninth Fort. It was said that these young people had no suspicions of anything bad happening to them and they even danced in ..evenings. On ..following day ..they were taken in groups of 50 and shot. Lithuania earned ..label  ‘cemetery of ..European Jews’.”  Helena Kutergiene-Buividaite.

There is no more truth identifiers in that brief statement by Arad than will ever need processing as Helena too adds weight to the condemnation of all that sought to destroy the Jews of Lithuania. It is for History, which must not be stained further by the denial which is now being presented as a distortion that some would wish to seek. So as not to admonish those who did not act cruelly and murderously, and ensure we are not at liberty to acquit any of those who were so guilty, we realise that in both, this also defames the memory of all of those who acted both morally, and with an ethics we should all come together to recognise.

“..After my Mother was Murdered ..I was deported together with my Father to Transnistria. We have spent many weeks on a penal trek of sorts. For days we have been slogging along roads deep in mud ..a lengthy convoy surrounded by Romanian and Ukrainian soldiers who flog and shoot at us. Father holds my hand tight ..my feet no longer touch ..ground. ..sound of ..water slices at my legs and my hips. It’s dark all around ..apart from Father’s hand I don’t feel a thing. Truth to tell ..I don’t feel his hand either ..since my hand is alreadly partly numb. If I move just a little I’ll surely drown. Even Father won’t be able to pull me out. Lots of Children have already drowned this way. I fall asleep ..still clutching his hand. But not for long. While the sky is still dark ..soldiers light up ..convoy with sniping and gunfire. Father holds my hand and tugs me. ..mud is deep and I can’t feel ..bottom. I’m still half asleep and tremendously afraid. It hurts. I call out. Father hears my call and answers at once.” Aharon Appelfeld.

Remembering her what Elie Wiesel has always stated, and that while it clear that not all the victims in World War II were Jews, All the Jews who now constitute the furthest reaching vagaries of The Holocaust, Were Victims. Also, and it is more abundantly clear to all in history that as a consequence of Lithuanian participation, both Lithuanian and other European Jews died and were murdered by their hand. That is without doubt a crtainty. If we are somehow then to deny the very fact of a Lithuanian Righteous, are these not to be recalled alongside a Lithuanian who murdered a fellow gentile Lithuanian for saving a Jew. With that then attached to a corruption of Lithuanian history, it is not only that Lithuanian History is corrupted, but all of History remains distorted by such a biased and unpleasant view.

“..conspiracy or common plan to exterminate ..Jew ..largely has succeeded. Only remnants of ..European Jewish population remain in Germany ..in ..countries which Germany occupied ..and in those which were her satellites or collaborators.” Robert H. Jackson.

Knowing too that the entire scientific study of History demands nothing but the factual truth, and the fullest veracity of its integrity, this ensures History will not be corrupted, and as t should not be. I have taken a leap of faith in hoping that all of you who can all assess my work on The Final Solution of the Jewish Question, recognise it as truthful and fully upholding the memory of all those Jews now in need of Remembering. Personally, and as it involves me almost exclusively in my writing world, The Holocaust has more import than what others seek to disguise or make ambiguous. In terms so monstrous, even Genocide barely covers the loss of 6,000,000 Jews so systematically sought out for Slaughter.

“..We continue to uncover German concentration camps ..in which conditions of indescribable horror prevail. ..have visited one of these ..I assure you ..whatever has been printed ..to date has been understatement. If you could see any advantage in asking about a dozen leaders of Congress and a dozen prominent editors to make a short visit to this theatre in a couple of C-54’s ..I will arrange to have them conducted to one of these places where ..evidence of bestiality and cruelty ..so overpowering as to leave no doubt in their minds about the normal practices of ..Germans in these camps. I am hopeful that some British individuals in similar categories will visit ..northern area to witness similar evidence of atrocity.” General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

It is essential therefore that we recognise, that no ordeal whatsoever can ever compare to this human atrocity that is The Holocaust. While it remains clear, and while you may not understand my non-Jewish reasoning for a human catastrophe, you can more understand the moral morass the World has descended into. It is clear too that what the World does Not know, and whether or not that amounts to the 50 or 70 are the millions dead of World War II, we look deeper to find their analysis, in scorching the memory of all 6,000,000 Jews in suspicion and doubt, a need to obfuscate the truth under terms selected to preserve their acquiescent role.

“..It is with sorrow ..with hope that we ..disclose ..deliberate slaughter of more than 1,000,000 innocent ..defenceless men ..women ..children. ..tragic fulfilment of a program of intolerance and arrogance. Vengeance is not our goal ..nor do we seek merely a just retribution. We ask this Court to affirm by international penal action man’s right to live in peace and dignity regardless of his race or creed. case we present is a plea of humanity to law.” Benjamin Berell Ferencz.

All of that said, we are still expected to somehow accept that the World can insist no more than 6,000,000 Jews were systematically Slaughtered. In what we know of what Hitler fully set in motion, we cannot look definitively at what his atrocity fully achieved. Within that rather conservative estimation, is also the distressing fact that some 1,500,000 of these Jews are their Children. In that, between 1,250,000 and 2,000,000 of the overall Slaughtered Jews was a constructed endeavour entirely conducted by Hitler’s cohort of Einsatzgruppe. This fact alone informed the Wannsee Conference of what could be achieved in the murderous operation that had been set in motion. This included Jewish Parents, and as previously suggested, they sought to conceal their Children under their coats and between them, until the same shots hit them and catapulted them into an unaccounted abyss that buried them, unidentified.

“..rest of ..women ..children ..old people ..700 of them ..taken to ..wooden barn. ..forced inside. ..Nazis opened gasoline cans ..spread gas all around ..barn ..and set it on fire. Flames soon gutted ..entire structure.”  Yehuda Adelman.

In that, while we cannot fully assess the loss of these 700, 1,000,000, 1,250,000, 2,000,000 or even these 6,000,000 Jews, we cannot do so without uncovering the steady progress toward this final resolve. The eventual effort to be made by all arms of Hitler’s Reich, in establishing such a slaughter, was conducted both efficiently as it was systematic. With the year 1932, Hitler’s coming to power fully assured European Jewry that his hatred merged with an access to his use is abject use of personal authority. In Germany, the German Jewish People were set along a path where such an immense hatred would consume them, it fully led toward actively seeking an annihilation of the entirety of the Jewish People within Europe.

“..German authorities ..now carrying into effect Hitler’s ..intention to exterminate ..Jewish people in Europe.” American State Department.

We ultimately recognise, and from the many Holocaust Scholars, and other Historians, what it is we are in need of, and so as to appreciate all such losses, all loss now requires stating. I have sought to gain information from what I have searched through, but not just that. Within certain pages there are identity’s of those Jews lost, some not recognised by many in History, and in a hope we can add further to the losses the Jewish People have had forced upon them. Also, and while we are not only delving into works to find a finite position, we are searching through the testimonials for some reasoning to comprehend.

“..Hitler’s Third Reich ..1933 to 1945 ..legalized ..destruction of an entire race of People ..created a vast machine for ..purpose of human destruction ..operated it with ..cold logic of a railway timetable.” Michael Berwick.

That any limit to what we do search through will not prove substantial enough to deliver a fuller understanding of something so incomprehensible, we will remain along the margins of The Holocaust telling. It is almost with irony that we register here what it meant for someone mass murderer’s like Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, Globocnik, Ohlendorf, Blobel, Hoess and Eichmann, and for them all to deliver such hatred in its incomprehensible nature. There are still some in history who continually seek to extract Hitler from the implementation of his most preferred demand. It is evident too, that those who were the administrators of Hitlers design acted as all like Eichmann did, administered Hitler’s final resolve.

“..On April 17th. 1943 ..In Poland ..state of affairs ..cleared up ..if Jews ..did not want to work ..they were shot. If they could not work ..they were treated like tuberculosis. ..hares ..deer when infected ..have to be killed. ..Why should ..beasts who wanted to bring us Bolshevism be spared.” Adolf Hitler.

With a level of autonomy all converging upon the end game, the mass slaughter of the Jews of Europe, Hitler prophesised and ensured his words were acted upon. Hitler, demanding the onslaught which led to the slaughter of the Jews, commanded those who were the forming architects of that very timetable. Himmler delivered the words that Heydrich messaged till Blobel led the shooting and Eichmann delivered the trains from every corner of the Reich’s reach. Eichmann proved he was no ordinary bureaucrat, administrator or civil servant as much as Blobel proved such an able technician of mass murder.

“..we were taken to a building ..known in Majdanek as ..Red House. I was with a group of Jews from Slovakia. I had a friend who slept next to me. He knew them. He also indicated a further number of names of all ..officers he had seen ..amongst them ..Eichmann.”  Ya’akov Friedman.

The administering of such Death Camp details, to deliver those many 1,000,000’s of Jews to such composite spaces, is a gigantic undertaking. That they were established deliberately in Poland, and was exercised from the top down in the leadership of his Reich, Hitler’s Reich, is clear. In each and every one of these 6 Death Camps too, purposefully built in Poland as has been detailed, ensured Hitler’s demand was exercised. Here, where the Jews arrived and were exhausted from their very existence, notice was served upon them in unequal terms. To be clear then, my own Books detain only the veracity necessary, and in their factual truth, and its very integrity to inform us, what is completely essential.

“..Jews were convinced ..things could not get worse. ..truth is that every stage ..ultimately ..was something worse and more terrible. This developmental dynamic is ..very essence of terror.”  Yisrael Gutman.

For us to know all we are in need of knowing, there is still a heavy demand placed upon the Survivor to inform us. As of yet, we have an incomplete truth permanently missing the Jewish evidences of 6,000,000 testimony’s. For that physical, terrifying and brutal certainty, which mounted and escalated after 1939, with a formative group of killer’s who acted with impunity against Polish Jewry, these forerunners of der Einsatzgruppe after Barbarossa, proved as brutal as they proved effective in mass murder. So by the time The Death Camps in Poland had come on stream, 1,250,000 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children had already been shot to Death. In all of this, the estimates are a scant regard of lost lives we have come together to memorialise.

“..Surviving as a prisoner of ..Nazis was a hard and bitter struggle. In ..face of ..generous freedoms ..our persecution was even more difficult to translate. I felt pain ..lots of pain ..but I had to suppress it. I envied everyone everywhere who had escaped this terrible ordeal. ..in 1949 people had already heard of Hitler and his deeds and were not eager to hear more. Only later generations wanted to know what had happened to ..European Jewry. By this time a new term had arisen to identify ..Nazis’ mass murder and torture of millions of European Jews The Holocaust.” Benjamin Jacobs.

This search for loss became the content of my 2nd. Book, delineated as such as der Einsatzgruppe were set the target of destroying all of East European Jewry. Here, and without equivocation, all elements of The Final Solution of The Jewish Question was mapped out and emerged terminally as The Holocaust. For me at the time, the most devastating effect of what Hitler had clearly intended for these Eastern Jews of Europe is played out here, outside Kiev and at the Killing Site that is the Babi Yar ravine. This then was the reasoning for my 3rd. Book which was to extrapolate from all that is known to deliver a more certain truth than can be ignored.

“..Peace is ..beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is ..smile of a Child ..love of a Mother ..joy of a Father ..togetherness of a family. It is ..advancement of man ..victory of a just cause ..triumph of truth. Peace is all of these and more and more.” Menachem Begin.

Alongside this is a knowing consensus, already evidenced from amongst allied ‘intelligence’, that was the sheer scale of the worsening atrocity of crimes impacting upon the Jewish People. Here at Babi Yar it will be recalled, where 33,771 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children were destroyed into this ravine, and in just 2 Days. Not only that, it is this fact that is so well known, as it is written into the very detail of the Slaughter conducted by the killer’s themselves, then telegraphed to Hitler, and intercepted by allied intelligence agencies so as not to escape us. The telling truth though, much in history does not seek to inform us of such major details as what was known and when.

Tuesday October 7th. 1941   ” ..apartments ..put at ..disposal of ..population. ..apartments ..available through liquidation ..36,000 Jews ..September 29 ..30 ..1941. ..Jews ..Kiev ..ordered to appear ..Monday ..September 29 by 6 o’clock. ..In co-operation ..HQ ..Einsatzgruppe C ..2 Kommandos ..police regiment South ..SK 4a executed 33,771 Jews ..September 29 ..30. ..Gold ..valuables ..linen ..clothing ..secured. army ..approved ..measures taken.” Operational Situation Report No. 106. 

What we have to remember! The killers went from mass shootings to delivering the details of the Slaughter just so that Hitler could become appraised of their effort. The fact too, that such transmissions were intercepted, gives active rise to the assertion that not only were the Jews being destroyed, they were being abandoned, and as expendables. It is safe also to assert, that when the Wehrmacht began its assault upon the Russian State, der Einsatzgruppe was in close proximity, fed by the logistics of that military need. Operating as an arm of Hitler’s effort, his Weltanschauung, a World view denied to all Jews, all of this was to be raged and logistically aligned to the overall military operation.

“..Only one thing remained reachable ..close and secure amid all losses ..language. ..In spite of everything ..it remained secure against loss. ..it had to go through ..own lack of answers ..through terrifying silence ..through ..thousand darknesses of murderous speech. It went through. It gave me no words for what was happening ..but went through it. Went through and could resurface ..’enriched’ by it all.” Paul Celan.

With the overall objective being the complete evisceration of the Jews of The Final Solution, we now recognise that the Jews from all over Europe are more clearly marked. The symbol of that identifying factor is the association of a community that was not wholly interlocked, inter-dependent or equally aware of what was emerging for the destruction they were now to encounter. Right now, and for more than 5,000,000 Jews of Byelorussia, Ukraine and Russia, they were under direct threat from a now well oiled and murderous machine sent to kill them all. These 3,000 operatives, acting without compunction, were set upon adding a 5,000,000 further darkness’s.

“..We still don’t know what they did to ..Jews. There are terrifying rumours coming from ..Lukianivka Cemetery. ..impossible to believe. ..Jews are being shot. ..Jews are being shot with machine guns ..all of them. ..one thing ..clear ..all their documents ..things ..food ..confiscated. ..chased into Babi Yar and there. ..something terrible ..horrible ..inconceivable ..cannot be understood ..grasped ..explained. ..We know ..we already know for certain ..blood from Babi Yar flew ..was flowing at a distance of kilometers from ..cemetery.” Iryna Khoroshunova.

If we then assess that many millions of all of these Russian, White Russian and Ukrainian POW’s were encircled and incarcerated, their deaths too were certain. We must surely know that the initial drive, by der Einsatzgruppe, would here encounter its Jewish prey, and in situ, destroy them at will. That said, the Russian narrative of the period of this history does not seek to include the Jewish People in any part of the Russian consideration as singled out. To Stalin, the Jews were merely targeted as enemies of Hitler’s Reich, a combining force sent to subjugate the whole of Russia. As such, the Jewish People were thus considered nothing other than the victims of the Fascist’s and their aggressive effort.

“..In Kiev ..German military authorities shot 85,000 Soviet Citizens.” Soldat Paul Schroeder.

Along with this stubborn insistence, which undoubtedly precludes the very systematic nature of the attack upon the Jews, we lose sight of those Jews systematically murdered. Far too many 1,000,000’s of Jews, who would have been adding to what we conservatively assess as 6,000,000 Jews of The Holocaust remain outside this remit. With certainty it seems, and in the assessment of loss worldwide of maybe 50 to 70 million People during World War II, there must be room to assess an even greater Jewish loss than is being admitted to. We know from the OSR’s, intercepted by Allied intelligences, that at Babi Yar 33,771 Jews were Slaughtered in a 2 day period. That is a fact which is to cement Babi Yar as the ultimate killing zone ensuring its murderous capacity would far exceed the daily excess of any of the Death Camps.

“..Auschwitz may be 100’s of kilometers from Hungary but it is part of Hungarian history. ..This Death Camp was ..scene of ..inhumane suffering ..humiliation and death of nearly 500,000 of our compatriots.” Janos Ader.

As Paul Schroeder admits to the overall and extended atrocity, he adds testimony in May 1942 to these 85,000 People, but does not refer to them specifically as Jews. Through knowing the Jewish Survivor, and through researching their testimony and the factual truth of what they bring to us, I have grown to know these are Jews who complied with Nazi demands to have them removed, though ostensibly to a work detail which turned out to be the ravine which detains them. Of the 6,000,000 Jews who are The Holocaust, perhaps more particularly, I have grown to know more of them through an empathy that is seeking to correct the imbalance of intolerances and even indifference shown toward them.

“..only a few hours away by air there dwells a nation of nearly 70 million of ..most educated ..industrious ..scientific ..disciplined people in ..world ..being taught from childhood to think of war as a glorious exercise ..death in battle as ..noblest fate for man. ..nation which has abandoned all ..liberties ..to augment its collective strength. ..a nation ..its collective strength and virtue is in ..grip of a group of ruthless men preaching a gospel of intolerance and racial pride unrestrained by law ..by parliament or public opinion. From their new table of commandments they have omitted ‘thou shalt not kill’.” Winston Churchill.

The whole of humanity is evidently damaged by what was done and not just by this level of atrocity  but by what was seriously not done in attempting to alleviate at least some segment of the Jewish suffering. It is evident that not even Belzec nor Birkenau struck so deeply at the Jewish presence, in such a short space of time as these two days at the Yar. The further tragedy is what we knew, and this fact was relayed to Hitler, intercepted by allied intelligence agencies there and then and as it was enacted. For that very reason, I sought to deliver to the ownership of the Death Camp Belzec, the fact of its personal incitement to Hitler. Linked by his hatred, and with all of the 6 Death Camps in Poland working in unison, that demand for a resolve to the Jewish Question clearly belongs to Hitler’s insistence. Through Hitler’s ownership, the individual Jew is delivered in such numbers, and it is cataclysmic in relation to such an immeasurable loss, we can barely contemplate assessing their loss to what remains the actual toll of Jewish losses.

“..When I first came to London ..nobody wanted to know. They all had their own problems ..loss of their own loved ones ..part of me said ..forget it. Build a new life. Move on. ..But I couldn’t forget it. What you will read ..I live with that ..every night ..every day. Every Holocaust survivor does. This is not complaining. This is not poor me. It is a simple fact.”  Sam Pivnik.