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This Holocaust Author's Auschwitz Blog

This blog describes my thoughts and experiences in visiting Auschwitz, Belzec, Majdanek and Sobibor and Anne Frank's House from 2014 to 2018

I blogged my preparations for my visit, I posted daily during my visit to Poland...there are also my ongoing thoughts posted here; in the aftermath of my visit...
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I AM Albert Finkelstein

Revisiting the Past Posted on Mon, August 31, 2015 20:14:15

I AM Albert Finkelstein.

Today I am 4 years old. I will always be 4 years old. In a little over 3 weeks time I should have been 86 years old. You see? I Was born on September 28th. 1929. I lived at 99 Avenue Simon-Bolivar, in the 19th. District of Paris. That is in France. I lived with my Parents, Camille and Sabine. Due to the efforts of someone called Adolf Hitler, and those who followed him, I was finally deported to Auschwitz on Convoy 63, on December 17th. 1943, and so I will remain forever, 4 years old. I will not be seen! I will no longer grow! I am no longer alive!

Along with other Jewish People, we had been assembled in Drancy and were then removed toward the Railway line. Then we all made our way toward another terrible place. There were 850 People on that Convoy, Men, Women and other Children, all Jewish. On December 20th. 1943 the Train pulling all this Human Cargo arrived at another Camp, we then knew it was Auschwitz. There were two distinct lines of us Jewish People. For what reason we were separated, I did not then know! But 233 of the selected Men, and 112 of the selected Women moved off to the main Camp.

We Children, there were 99 of us, though our line was mainly the line of the Elderly, there were the sick also. We were gradually moved away from the other line! I was not the Youngest on this new line. There were Babies! 505 People now in this line, all Jews. From here I recall so little of what was happening but I knew we were being moved elsewhere. We made what seemed such a long journey appear short as the seeming adventure grew within some of us? I realise now though that I have been Murdered at the hands of this Hitler and his like minded killers. So the adventure was not as welcome as we might have expected. The Murderers of Children, Old, Men, Women – all Jewish – stand before you, accused.

I cannot now grow old. I will not be Forgotten thanks in part to those like Beate and Serge Klarsfeld who chose to Remember Me and have done much to ensure I will not be Forgotten! My presence upon this Earth means I have existed! Danuta Czech, although she did not record my personal arrival, has acknowledged I was amongst those arrivals at the Gates of Auschwitz. It is known that I took that fatal journey and through those very gates on toward the Gates of a further Hell. It is duly noted that I am amongst the final 505 of us who made our last journey together on this awful day.

Though I can barely recall my Death, I Remember it! Though the burning sensation which filled my lungs, from the Zyklon Gas, no longer lingers, I can Recall the terrible feeling which drenched my mind with heat, fire, scalding my insides. I was fortunate from then, to be looking down when the scorching heat of the Krematoria took hold of my lifeless body. I recognise now that I am amongst My own People Gassed in Birkenau. To all those others, like My Uncle Sophia and Simon Ceausu who registered my presence to Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, that is in Israel. That very proof of my existence is more than Hitler had expected from us Jews. I may be just 1 of 1,500,000 other Jewish Children caught up in the Catastrophe for the 6,000,000 of us Jews of The Holocaust, but I am Remembered.

Why am I here? Because I am a Jew! Why am I telling you this? Because there are those who do not wish for my existence to be Remembered. Because I am a Jew? Because We are Jews? Because I am 4 years old? There is a Memorial plaque which recognises my existence but I would still have liked to have become a Person! A grown up! Please Always Remember Me! Never Forget I am Albert Finkelstein.


Revisiting the Past Posted on Tue, June 30, 2015 22:03:46


“..We shall regain our health only by eliminating ..Jews.” Adolf Hitler.

There has been this huge debate raging around the history of The Holocaust as to whether Hitler fully intended to Slaughter all the Jews of Europe? Added to this, as to whether Hitler’s Final Solution was a functional progression toward the Slaughter of 6,000,000 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children all adds to an irrelevance. All too often we debate the movement toward the Destruction when there is way too much devastation to contend with. The debate then is irrelevant when we attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible and we can simply overlook or fail to recognise the very Fact of the Catastrophe. As we know from history, though we cannot discern with exact measure what the total weight of the Catastrophe for the Jewish People might be, we know of its Veracity, we know too its Truth and we know for certain the Fact of it. We know with almost clinical approximation too that 6,000,000 Jews of Europe were removed from the face of the Earth by Hitler’s clear intention to do so.

“..Apologists for defeated nations are sometimes able to play upon ..sympathy and magnanimity of their victors that ..true facts ..never authoritatively recorded ..become obscured ..forgotten. ..absence of any authoritative judicial pronouncement ..a tolerant or a credulous people is exposed. With ..passage of time ..former tend to discount ..perhaps because of their very horror ..stories of aggression and atrocity ..latter ..credulous ..misled by perhaps fanatical and perhaps dishonest propagandists ..come to believe that it was not they but their opponents who were guilty of that which they would themselves condemn. And so we believe that this Tribunal ..acting we know it will act notwithstanding its appointment by ..victorious powers ..with complete and judicial objectivity ..will provide a contemporary touchstone and an authoritative and impartial record to which future historians may turn for truth ..and future politicians for warning.” Sir Hartley Shawcross.

We cannot then become complacent when those who would seek to deny this exact Truth seemingly find an apologist’s excuse to extract Hitler from the midst of that maelstrom he ordered, orchestrated and ensured would achieve all its ghastly excesses. Certainly, and while we also know that in terms of reference, The Final Solution, die Endlosung der Judenfrage was to be the total Destruction of as many Jews as could be Murdered. That aim was total in all too many Countries. Whilst moving the killing operation in tandem with that other Hitler goal, Lebensraum, the room required to manoeuvre the Murder operation was presented to Hitler! There are many broad assumptions placed before the student of The Holocaust, but with unequivocal certainty, nothing motioned within the Reich without Hitler’s tacit approval.

“..first and foremost perpetrator was Adolf Hitler. ..without him it would have been inconceivable.” Raul Hilberg.

As we move on, into a history that grew darker with every moment of Hitler’s presence on the World stage, the presence of the Jewish People amongst us becomes a more precarious one. While we can be certain there was much debate as to how to progress the resolve which Hitler sought, it cannot be then denied that Hitler was either in control of his Reich, or he was not! We know for a fact that on March 20th, 1933, with the establishment of the Dachau Concentration Camp, Hitler had immediately sealed the fate of all those he saw as opponents to his regime or as a threat to his personal aspirations. This formative containment exercise would eventually include some 131,800 of Germany’s own Jews. The Jews of Germany, then Austria, the Czech lands and finally Poland, would all be caught within the immediacy of that Murderous resolve which Hitler would set for these Jews drawn into his Reich sphere of influence. Then there came the remaining Jews of Europe and Russia.

“..During ..Second World War ..war crimes were committed by ..Germans on an unprecedented scale. ..part and parcel of ..Nazi conception of total war ..carried out in pursuance of ..preconceived ..concerted plan to terrorize ..exploit ..inhabitants of invaded ..occupied territories and to exterminate those elements among them who might be found most inimical to German conquest and Nazi Domination.” Lord Russell of Liverpool.

The verdict on The Holocaust has yet to be made here before the advent of World War Two had struck, but the indictment of History is being answered already. With the awakening of an awful reality that Hitler has brought a turbulence to Europe and the World, with his hatred for the Jewish People gradually exposed, the move toward The Holocaust was gaining a certain momentum. That such a convulsive rage should be presented amidst an era of a World’s humanitarian civility, Hitler’s hatred has been written into the legislation of Hitler’s Reich. We know too that Hitler considered the Jews both threateningly opposing of his hatred for them and as a source of immense wealth which he could use to further establish his Reich outside German borders. As such, The Jewish People were to be a primary target, expendable in this life and indispensable in the after life. With due regard given to all Jewish possessions, lands and accommodations, moneys, valuables, art works, goods, and anything that could be netted by expulsion, containment and confinement, Hitler’s larcenous greed shone out from the supposed ideology of intent.

“..Once I really am in power first ..foremost task will be ..annihilation of ..Jews. As soon as I have ..power to do so ..I will have gallows built in rows ..Marienplatz in Munich many as traffic allows. ..Jews will be hanged indiscriminately ..they will remain hanging until they stink ..they will hang there as long as ..principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied batch will be strung up ..and so on down ..line ..until ..last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit ..precisely in this fashion ..until all Germany has been ..cleansed of Jews.” Adolf Hitler.

As we continue to have the debate as to when Hitler formulated his Plan for ‘The Final Solution of The Jewish Question’, die Endlosung der Judenfrage, let us never forget that the Jewish People were being Murdered continuously during each and every episode of Hitler’s transition toward that eventual resolve. Ever since Hitler attained power over Germany, and this was back in 1933, Jews of Germany were threatened, bludgeoned and killed unremittingly. Certainly, there was an escalation of containment and Murder after 1938, when the Jewish People were blamed for all manner of wrongs. What the Evian Conference had failed to achieve, to give respite, relief, a margin of safety to the Jews under direct Hitler threat, not only abandoned the Jews but asserted for Hitler that the World would more or less acquiesce with all that he would achieve against the Jewish People.

July 14th. 1938 “..Jews for Sale at a Bargain price. Who Wants Them? No One!” German Newspaper.

While it cannot be possible that the Jewish People were at once the Capitalist money lenders and at the same time perceived and portrayed as the Communist antipathy of such a bourgeois concept, the muddle of fused intolerances bemuse. Hitler’s clear agenda ignored the obvious ludicrous nature of that particular lie. That the Jewish People were to be the God like masters of devilish design, and all other antagonisms railed against all other considerations. Hitler’s was a newer dimension to the stale approach which 2,000 years of antisemitic hatred had presented. Let me point the antisemites to their Bible! For in it we believe that God the Father sent his only Son to Die for us. So in that belief we accept that God alone delivered Jesus to the Cross, not the Jews, nor even the Romans who commanded the Jews of the time.

“..Where ..Jews were left to themselves Poland ..most terrible misery and decay prevailed. ..In Poland this state of affairs has been fundamentally cleared up. If ..Jews there did not want to work ..they were shot. If they could not work ..they had to succumb. ..This was not cruel ..even innocent creatures ..have to be killed that no harm is caused by them. Why should ..beasts who wanted to bring us Bolshevism be spared more.” Adolf Hitler.

The Jews were to be the be all and the end all of all that was wrong, with no discernible good given over to them. It was a totally warped presentation that was distinguishing Jewish People as a presence at the root of all evil. Not only was it absurd, it is not possible for a Communist to remain a Capitalist and have Socialist values encrusted with an ideal of status for a minority. The sheer idiocy of what Hitler convulsed was rarely countered by a very knowledgeable, a well cultured and a more than civilised German Society. So it is highly incongruous of us to even imagine how such a delinquent in life could so dupe a modern people with ideas and concepts from the Middle Ages? But the German people were duped and did not awaken to the destruction of their core belief until Hitler had fulfilled his master plan, the Destruction of the Jewish People.

“ solution ..Jewish question ..result of long term planning. ..proved beyond doubt ..Germans themselves ..provided unchallengeable evidence in ..records ..returns ..inventories ..orders ..other documents ..all carefully preserved ..which fell into Allied hands after ..surrender of ..German forces in Europe.” Lord Russell of Liverpool.

Once Hitler’s Nazi thugs were set loose, and by a Hitler who had fully contrived the Kristallnacht assault of November 9th. 1938, what was unleashed upon the Jewish People, was defining. Some 267 synagogues were ransacked and destroyed. More than 7,500 Jewish Shops were scoured and looted, no doubt for an ideological gain, but consistent with an avarice readily admitted. With over 50,000 Jews being removed to the Concentration Camps, there was room to be had at Dachau, Buchenwald, Flossenburg and Sachsenhausen, where a differing precedent was being established. We know that this period was a staging post for a final resolve that would Murder, with impunity, any Jew within Hitler’s range and under the Reich yoke of oppression. Clearly, this was to be Hitler’s carefully thought out intention for the Jewish People of Germany and then Europe. With a removal of all their rights and establishing the Jews with an alien status fully applied to them, they would be treated with increasing terror and brutality.

” ..shall ..take ..Jewish Question toward its total solution. elimination.”

das Schwarze Korps.

We must also decide Never to Forget, that while over 240 Jews were killed during these few days of 1938, we are obliged Always to Remember their innocent status. Know too, that when Hitler endorsed this Pogrom, it was a purge that the World looked upon, incredulous, impotent and with an immobile intransigence. The media of the time was resplendent with what Hitler was intent upon accomplishing and his endorsement of the much mooted Madagascar Plan, was voiced. With this Plan, supposedly to remove all Jews from the Map of Europe, Hitler was merely ruminating his threatening posture and detailing options en-route toward his final move and toward that eventual destructive force which would annihilate any Jew presented before any German Nazi. That final resolve Hitler had been careful to articulate and administer to those who would forward his plans from the drawing board to the killing field.

“..destruction of Poland is in ..foreground ..aim is ..elimination of living forces ..not ..arrival at a certain line. I shall give a propagandist cause for starting ..war ..never mind if it is plausible or not. ..victor will not be asked later on whether he told ..truth or not.” Adolf Hitler.

During his speech to the faithful at the Sportspalast on August 22nd. 1939, Hitler clearly enunciated his resolve to attack Poland, using subterfuge to get what he wants. If deceit did not work, Hitler would no doubt have bullied his way through toward the Russian border in preparation for his next exploit in Lebenraum. Hitler saw, with the ever expanding German borders, that Lebensraum was a stage toward the final elimination of all Jewish presence in and around German soil. Once War was engaged however, Hitler’s mind had fully settled upon his primary target, and that was the eventual route toward what History would fully recognise is, The Holocaust. Distance would then be sought which was to supposedly conceal all of his ‘Aktionen’ against the Jewish People. Under threat of a growing and escalating assault upon their integrity, the Jewish People had their vital opportunities to run, escape or evade the tragedy was fully removed. Though emigration was not fully countenanced by all too many Jewish People, even those who could afford to escape, who could have foreseen the final destruction in Hitler’s solution.

“..Today I will once more be a prophet. If Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging nations once more into a world war then ..result will not be .. bolshevization of and ..victory of Jewry ..but ..annihilation of ..Jewish race in Europe!” Adolf Hitler.

This speech, which Hitler made to the Reichstag on January 30th. 1941 could have easily been the utterings of Hitler as he surveyed, not only the assault upon Jewish integrity, but also the almost compliant lack of response from the Western World to that very Jewish plight! But then, how could anyone conceive of such a threat? In fact, could civilisation stoop so low as to allow what threats Hitler furnished to go unchecked, unanswered or without much of a protest. I do not propose things nor do I deal in the supposition of possibilities. What we know for a Fact is that Hitler hated the Jewish People with a clearly vocal passion. Of course it was an irrational hatred, that had already taken civilisation back 2,000 years. Then, as the German people were swept back into the Dark Ages, the Jewish People were Massacred on an unprecedented scale! For History, The Holocaust has widened our perceptions as to what we know so that we can alter and then set down, with an elementary understanding, just how to achieve the comprehension needed toward developing a better life for us all.

“..Jenghiz Khan had millions ..women ..children killed. ..I have sent ..East my ‘Death’s Head Units’ kill ..all men ..women ..children. ..vital space ..we need.” Adolf Hitler.

For all those learned in the History and escalation toward the final term we are aware is The Holocaust, we should all require the facts to be stated. What is not up for debate is the certainty that The Holocaust is the adoption of Hitler’s specific demands and the criteria he established which would deliver for him, The Final Solution. That solution was to be the final Destruction of the Jews of Europe. For all of History, what is recorded, above and beyond what we can possibly know, should be assessed, and this is to be verified by all manner of means. For The Holocaust itself, that clearly entails those closest to the maelstrom of The Catastrophe, delivering up an account that is so horrendous, that it is difficult to comprehend its placement. Also, and from amongst us, there is an incredulous certainty that such was the horror, that for all too long the comprehensiveness has been severely dented by the many who have no wish to retrieve their account for us. But who can blame them when we consider what it must have been like to endure, to persist and then Survive. It is for us that they are to be continually asked to recall.

“..only by fear ..torture ..starvation ..death ..Nazis ..opponents of ..regime ..and it was in this way that ..organisations of oppression gained ..experience ..later put into practice abroad with such thoroughness and brutality ..that made the nightmare ..scourge of Occupied Europe.” Lord Russell of Liverpool.

The most important accounts, when those who delivered their evidence from within The Holocaust, and remained behind to afford humanity this barbaric legacy, is crucial to our understanding of what terms Genocide provide. We have both the Survivors, who deliver their Testimony with a certain value and we have the Perpetrator who admits into Evidence what they saw, what they witnessed, what they did and what they sought on behalf of Hitler. There is little ambiguity in what has been stated and what is being relayed to us by diverging sources. Where there are Witnesses who wish to corroborate what we know, who from a perspective of distance, whose knowledge or even intelligence based information swells the basis of what we know of, we add further to what is known. This all adds to a dimension which houses the overall framework that is to become a part of our own knowledge.

“..This criminal race has ..two million dead of World War I on their conscience ..and now hundreds of thousands. Let no one say to me ..we cannot send them into ..mire. Who concerns themselves about our men? It is good if preceding us is ..terror that we are exterminating ..Jews. ..attempt to found a Jewish state will fail.” Adolf Hitler.

In that search for the specific detail of a knowledge clearly known to 6,000,000 Murdered Jews, we stumble to come to terms with even the remotest detail of its perpetration. Of course we cannot have that degree of certainty which will account for the 6,000,000 names of those Jews of the Catastrophe who were Murdered. So the account we seek is representative of that final total of a Jewish People we know have been lost to us. We can take what Hitler stated and demanded. We can know that his ‘hanged on the streets’ statement was clearly not rhetorical! The Reichstag speech tabulates what is to come for those 6,000,000 Jews caught out by a horror we could not conceive of. So we can now move the verbal jousting and articulation into the arena where it all adds up, and in the clear mannered report, there is no ambiguity of words used by Jaeger.

The Jaeger Report

The Commander of the security police and the SD

Einsatzkommando 3

Kauen [Kaunas], 1 December 1941

5 copies

(4th copy)

Secret Reich Business!

Complete list of executions carried out in the EK 3 area up to 1 December 1941

Security police duties in Lithuania taken over by Einsatzkommando 3 on 2 July 1941.

(The Wilna [Vilnius] area was taken over by EK 3 on 9 Aug. 1941, the Schaulen area on 2 Oct. 1941. Up until these dates EK 9 operated in Wilna and EK 2 in Schaulen.) On my instructions and orders the following executions were conducted by Lithuanian partisans:

4.7.41 Kauen-Fort VII 416 Jews, 47 Jewesses 463

6.7.41 Kauen-Fort VII Jews 2,514

Following the formation of a raiding squad under the command of SS-Obersturmfuhrer Hamman and 8-10 reliable men from the Einsatzkommando. the following actions were conducted in cooperation with Lithuanian partisans:

15-16.8.41 Rokiskis 3,200 Jews, Jewesses, and J. Children, 5 Lith. Comm., 1 Pole, 1 partisan 3,207

9-16.8.41 Rassainiai 294 Jewesses, 4 Jewish children 298

27.6-14.8.41 Rokiskis 493 Jews, 432 Russians, 56 Lithuanians(all active communists) 981

18.8.41 Kauen-Fort IV 689 Jews,402 Jewesses,1 Pole (f.), 711 Jewish intellectuals from Ghetto in reprisal for sabotage action 1,812

19.8.41 Ukmerge 298 Jews, 255 Jewesses, 1 Politruk, 88 Jewish children, 1 Russ. Comm. 645

Total carried forward 3,384

Total carried over 3,384 ———–



Prior to EK 3 taking over security police duties, Jews liquidated by pogroms and executions (including partisans) 4,000


Total 137,346


Today I can confirm that our objective, to solve the Jewish problem for Lithuania, has been achieved by EK 3. In Lithuania there are no more Jews, apart from Jewish workers and their families. The distance between from the assembly point to the graves was on average 4 to 5 Km. I consider the Jewish action more or less terminated as far as Einsatzkommando 3 is concerned. Those working Jews and Jewesses still available are needed urgently and I can envisage that after the winter this workforce will be required even more urgently. I am of the view that the sterilisation program of the male worker Jews should be started immediately so that reproduction is prevented. If despite sterilisation a Jewess becomes pregnant she will be liquidated.

(signed) Jaeger


With History then coming to know what The Wannsee Conference proposed, we must remember that up until this point in WWII history, all had exceeded what even the World expected Hitler would achieve and against the Jewish People, more so. Hitler’s brigands had devoured Europe and were on the Steppes of Russia. But this too is where History played its trump card. As Hitler, the advocate of history itself was aware, even Napoleon faltered in the midst of Russia and Napoleon’s all-conquering French legions dissolved in the mud and bitter cold of the Russian bear. So what does this signal for the Wehrmacht, the SS, Police Battalions, der Einsatzgruppe and for Hitler’s confrontation with World Jewry?

“ Jewish population of was estimated at 17,000,000 in 1937. ..over 10,000,000 were in Europe.” Richard Korherr.

Hitler’s statistician knew the full extent of Jewish presence in Europe, Russia and all nations therein. What is a remarkably accurate assessment given by Eichmann’s later attachment to The Wannsee Protocol shows the very precise nature of German thoroughness. The Official Wannsee Conference Figures, as produced by Eichmann at the time, will expose the Jewish People to the German machinery of Destruction with certainty. The approach to the solution, though already in operation, now incorporates all elements of German society and for German bureaucracy, the call to arms is a systematic call, it is a concerted effort and it will be a destructive confrontation which will lead 6,000,000 Jews toward their final Destruction!

The Official Wannsee Conference Figures!!


The General Government 2,284,000 Jews.

Unoccupied France 700,000 Jews.

The Eastern Territories 420,000 Jews.

Bialystok 400,000 Jews.

Occupied France 165,000 Jews.

Holland 160,800 Jews.

Germany 131,800 Jews.

Bohemia & Moravia 74,200 Jews.

Greece 69,600 Jews.

Austria 43,700 Jews.

Belgium 43,000 Jews.

Lithuania 34,000 Jews.

Denmark 5,600 Jews.

Latvia 3,500 Jews.

Norway 1,300 Jews.

Estonia Free of Jews.


Russia 5,000,000 Jews.

( with Ukraine and Byelorussia)

Hungary 742,800 Jews.

Rumania 342,000 Jews.

England 330,000 Jews.

Slovakia 88,000 Jews.

Italy 58,000 Jews.

Turkey 55,500 Jews.

Bulgaria 48,000 Jews.

Croatia 40,000 Jews.

Switzerland 18,000 Jews.

Serbia 10,000 Jews.

Sweden 8,000 Jews.

Spain 6,000 Jews.

Ireland 4,000 Jews.

Portugal 3,000 Jews.

Finland 2,300 Jews.

Albania 200 Jews.

TOTAL 11,293,300 Jews to be Murdered!

That Wannsee declared these 11,293,300 Jews were to be Destroyed should suggest that those who emerged from underneath the totality of Hitler’s expectation are Survivors of his intention. With Hitler’s hate filled demand, those Jews who Survived must be considered fortunate to have Survived Hitler’s utter contempt for them. However, on the question of Who is actually a Survivor, there is to be no hard and fast rule! Nor is there an easy answer to this, despite my attempts to assure myself it was rather simple, in a studied and methodological way! By definition, I would suggest that any Jew who avoided the intention of Hitler to have them Slaughtered is a Survivor. When we consider that The Wannsee Conference had sought the Destruction of 11,293,300 Jews, and given that 6,000,000 of those sought out Jews were Murdered in The Holocaust, there is a precedent for accepting there are 5,293,300 Jewish Survivors.

March 27th. 1942 “..Beginning with Lublin ..Jews are now being deported ..East. ..a fairly barbaric process is being employed not to be described more precisely ..and of ..Jews themselves ..not much is left over. On ..whole can confirm that 60% of them have to be liquidated ..while only 40% are able to be put to work.” Joseph Goebbels.

It is obvious, that if what Goebbel’s clearly knew, it is safe to assume that he gained his information from Hitler or his other minions. The Truth which was continually emerging was relayed through to Hitler from the many sources engaged in the Killing exercise and these too were feeding bulletins and reports through to the Propaganda Ministry. But it is what Goebbels predicted, that sustains the position which accounts for the 6,000,000 Jews, laid to waste in the Killing Sites, Death Camps and other destructive places for Jews. It is no coincidence that Wannsee matched the assessment now made with regards to the eventual Destruction of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe.

“..I was trying very hard to obtain statistical material about ..Jews ..found out that at ..beginning of ..War there had been about 15,000,000 Jews in ..whole world. ..6,000,000 Jews ..murdered ..meant a proportion of 40%.” SS Sturmbannfuhrer Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl.

Clearly, if Hitler demanded what Wannsee was established to achieve, Hitler knew how many Jews of Europe he could reach. It is evident here that Hitler knew there were 11,293,300 Jews available for Slaughter. It also means that an escalation toward a speedier Solution to the Jewish Question would now incriminate all arms of the Reich. All of Germany would become fully complicit in what actions had already been taken against the Jews and which had been so poorly disguised up till this point. What was now to be enacted by more Germans than has been previously recognised adds to the further degeneracy of a nation. The terms of The Wannsee Conference would ultimately prove Final for 6,000,000 of these itemised Jews.

“..extermination process in Auschwitz took place as follows ..Jews selected for gassing were taken as quietly as possible to ..crematories. were already separated from ..women.

In ..undressing chamber ..prisoners of ..Sonderkommandos ..who were specially chosen for this purpose ..would tell them in their own language that they were going to be bathed and deloused ..and ..must leave their clothing neatly together ..and ..remember where they put them ..would be able to find them again quickly after ..delousing. ..Sonderkommando had ..greatest interest in seeing that ..operation proceeded smoothly and quickly. After undressing ..Jews went into ..gas chamber ..which was furnished with showers and water pipes and gave a realistic impression of a bathhouse. ..women went in first with their children ..followed by ..who were always fewer in number. This part of ..operation nearly always went smoothly since ..Sonderkommando would always calm those who showed any anxiety or perhaps even had some clue as to their fate. As an additional precaution ..Sonderkommando and an SS soldier always stayed in ..chamber until ..very last moment. ..door would be screwed shut and ..waiting disinfection squads would immediately pour ..gas into ..vents in ..ceiling of ..gas chamber down an air shaft which went to ..floor. This ensured ..rapid distribution of ..gas. ..process could be observed through ..peep hole in ..door. Those ..standing next to ..air shaft were killed immediately. I can state that about one-third died immediately. ..remainder staggered about and began to scream and struggle for air. ..screaming ..however ..soon changed to gasping and in a few moments everyone lay still. After 20 minutes at ..most no movement could be detected. ..time required for ..gas to take effect varied according to weather conditions and depended on whether it was damp or dry ..cold or warm. It also depended on ..quality of ..gas ..which was never exactly ..same ..and on ..composition of ..transports ..which might contain a high proportion of healthy Jews ..or ..old and sick ..or children. ..victims became unconscious after a few minutes ..according to ..distance from ..air shaft. Those who screamed and those who were old ..sick ..or weak ..or ..small children died quicker than those who were healthy or young. ..door was opened a half an hour after ..gas was thrown in and ..ventilation system was turned on. Work was immediately started to remove ..corpses. There was no noticeable change in ..bodies and no sign of convulsions or discoloration. Only after ..bodies had been left lying for some time ..several hours ..did ..usual death stains appear where they were laid. Seldom did it occur that they were soiled with feces. signs of wounds of any kind. ..faces were not contorted. ..Sonderkommando now set about removing teeth and cutting from ..women. After this ..bodies were taken up by an elevator and laid in front of ..ovens ..which had meanwhile been fired up. Depending on ..size of ..bodies ..up to three corpses could be put in through one oven door at ..same time. ..time required for cremation also depended on ..number of bodies in each retort ..but on average it took 20 minutes.” SS Obersurmbannfuhrer Rudolf Hoess.

Also, and here is where Wannsee comes to bear on the demands Hitler would place before any Warring conquest, The Final Solution was foremost in his thought process. The Mass Murder of 11,293,300 Jews was to be escalated further to ensure that the major emphasis of achievement, the Destruction of the Jewish People, would be resolved beyond all other considerations. In the concise wording of what Dr. Muench, confessed to the euphemism of Destruction that is clearly shown and what became The Holocaust is in evidence.

“..I, Dr. Hans Muench hereby attest that, as an SS physician on duty in Auschwitz in 1944, I witnessed the selection process of those who were to live and those who were to die. Other SS physicians on duty in the camps made selections at the platform where the transports arrived. They also made selections in the barracks. I was exempt from performing selections because I had refused to do so.

I further attest that I saw thousands of people gassed here at Auschwitz. Children, old people, the sick and those unable to work were sent to the gas chambers. These were innocent human beings: Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Hitler’s political opponents – anyone who did not fit Hitler’s idea of a pure Aryan race.

I am signing this paper of my own free will to help document the cruel intolerance of my fellow SS.

I, a former SS physician, witnessed the dropping of Zyklon B into simulated exhaust vents from outside the gas chambers. Zyklon B began to work as soon as it was released from the canisters. The effects of the gas were observed through a peephole by an assigned doctor or the SS officer on duty. After three to five minutes, death could be certified, and the doors were opened as a sign that the corpses were cleared to be burned.

This is the nightmare I continue to live with fifty years later.

I am so sorry that in some way I was part of it. Under the prevailing circumstances I did the best I could to save as many lives as possible. Joining the SS was a mistake. I was young. I was an opportunist. And once I joined, there was no way out.


Dr. Hans Muench

January 27, 1995, Auschwitz.”

We owe it too to Muench not to be mealy mouthed about what was implied, inferred or otherwise suggested with regards to the Destruction of the Jewish People.

“..Special treatment in ..terminology of means physical extermination.” SS Untersturmfuhrer Dr. Hans Wilhelm Muench.

There is much more that should be said. There is an abundance of accusation which could be made. The Proof here is the Evidence contained within the Testimony of the many who confirmed the Factual Truth. All of which adds fully to the awareness of the Catastrophe which is the Slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews in The Holocaust! This Proof has been Authenticated by the Survivor, Validated by the Witness and Attested to by those who Perpetrated the most evil of Crimes ever inflicted upon a People, the Jewish People! However, in all of this proof which we have, there is the distinct lack of any Justice that might be consistent with the Slaughter we have become bystanders to and while there were some 356 differing War Crimes Trials in the British Zone alone while indicting some 1,000 War Criminals, weighted against the Slaughter of 6,000,000 innocent People, it is an insignificance.. This is an infinitesimal assertion of Justice, and in lieu of a Justice demanded for the Slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews in The Holocaust. The International Military Tribunals, Nuremberg, were merely a perfunctory reaction to a terrible deed of incomprehensible enactment and an exacted hatred of immeasurable horror against the Jewish People.

“..Mankind will not soon forget ..sickening story of ..murder of women and little children in gas vans ..nor of ..evil ..hardened killers whose stomachs turned at ..awful sight when they unlatched ..doors of ..death cars at gravesides. These were who sat at ..edge of anti-tank ditches ..cigarette in mouth ..calmly shooting their naked victims in ..back of ..neck with their machine guns. These were who ..according to their own corpse accountants ..murdered some 2,000,000 men ..women ..children. These were of ..SD.” Sir David Maxwell Fyffe.

Rape and Plunder in War

Revisiting the Past Posted on Tue, March 31, 2015 21:50:41

“..only thing necessary for ..triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke.

Both Rape and Race Defilement, ‘Rassenschande,’ in the context of the violation of Jewish Women and Children in the midst of this terror should be the subject of another work more relevant than these few pages can present. That many German soldiers were so engrossed in their soldierly duty that they not only had time to defile Jewish Women, they did so. In contravening all the laws of Human decency and morality, and Hitler’s supposedly ideological decree, this subject is an interrogation of History worthy of a more scholarly effort. As to whatever binding respect these Rapist troops had established with those members of their own Family back in Germany, for that read Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the list goes on, that too is the subject of another passage from the History of the time. Rape is an extremely immoral act perpetrated by all manner of immoral deviants. When engaged in Warfare, Rape, Plunder or Crimes Against Humanity do not conceal themselves behind the auspices of War.

“..When we were in ..Kiev district CO of signals ..came back quite horrified. engineer Battalion commander ..and this engineer Battalion had ..task of blowing up site which were those 32,000 Jews including women and children.” Lieutenant General Otto Elfeldt.

Therefore, on a warring Front, where Lieutenant General Elfeldt is referring here to the Babi Yar Massacre, clearly the German soldier lost his soul and displayed a more than serious adeptness for atrocity. In that 2 day period of atrocity at Babi Yar, between September 29th and September 30th, 33,771 Jewish Men, Women and Children of Kiev were Slaughtered. We have many instances where Jewish Women and Their Children are brutally Raped, grossly defiled and in the most heinous of ways, abused and gravely mistreated. These unfortunate and innocent Jewish Women and Their Children, and it must be said that all too many other Innocent Women were so mistreated, that they too have been discarded in History by German omission of guilt. For the Jewish Women and Their Children however, they are discarded as expediently as a bullet allowed. They are thrown into a pit or crematorium and removed from life.

“..One talks generally of ..occupation forces ..and only thinks in this connection of ..armed forces. ..decisive factor is ..person who exercised ..power ..executive power ..namely.. Commander in Chief ..civil administration in conjunction with or by their police forces.” Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.

The accusation of a history seeking to resolve issues within this period recognise this is a scandalous betrayal of all the norms of our civilised Humanity. That such a pernicious crime as Rape was forced upon Innocent, and not just Jewish Women and even Their Children adds further atrocity upon atrocity. That those who committed these crimes, these deviants, might have then returned to some former semblance of normality is an indictment on them as human beings. That their sickness permeates the horror they inflicted upon these Women and Their Children is a judgement upon their callous disregard for all Human life. Not only that, this all shows a total lack of respect for those that are perceived as their own ‘loved’ ones. Those waiting, who are expecting their return after these deeds of War(sic), must they not confront this truth? Can the question simply remain? And What did You do during the War? Can that be the refrain that echoes throughout the rest of their History?

“..Every decent German today is ashamed of ..crimes which ..Third Reich committed behind ..nation’s back.” Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz.

There is a sickness in people that is exposed here, and History either comes to terms with its Fact. Denial of its truth only adds further to the wrongful impression many wish to content themselves with. This was not any sort of recognised War effort conducted by any soldierly code! The History of The Holocaust has been written and by greater Writers than me. But I have a wish to do something, so I persist with those terms rendered by those who allowed a degeneracy of Humanity to prevail against The Jewish People. We know, intrinsically, the essential depth of depravity that was unleashed against the Jews of Europe. We are aware of the level of carnage that has almost decimated completely the intrinsic cohesion of The Jewish People within Europe. We also have the tally of the Destruction of those Jewish People, and not merely as a statistic. It is an assessment that is present for us all to deliver a verdict which stands alongside 6,000,000 accusations against all of Humanity.

“..To glorify Hitler as an infallible genius ..whose gigantic designs were frustrated by treachery ..or to condemn him as ..greatest criminal of all time ..would be equally irresponsible and superficial.” Major General Frederick Wilhelm von Mellenthin.

What then, do we not have knowledge of from the annals of The Holocaust? We do not have the degree of comprehension which exists for The Survivor! We do not have the fullest acknowledgement of the Perpetrator, per se. Though we have the evidence from some of those who conducted themselves with sheer hatred and with a brutality toward those Jews that they sought out to destroy, is a fraction of what History would expect. Lest we forget, that while Major General von Mellenthin might well allow for nations to wallow in that failed appraisal of offering assistance, what they never managed to achieve was any universal aid to a desperate People. With regard to the Jews of The Holocaust that is an indictment of such indifference and intolerable destruction that was meted out to them.

“… hardly had we occupied when one tremendous explosion after another occurred. ..major part of ..inner city burned down ..50,000 people were made homeless. German soldiers were used to fight ..flames ..and suffered considerable losses ..because further large amounts of explosives detonated during” General Alfred Jodl.

With such an accusation railed against the nations of the World, we will lose even more of what tolerance should bring if we cannot admit to that. We must also recognise that what was lost, what has been abandoned was that all Jews were shown an abandonment and completely callous indifference. Because of a human failure to intercede, because of a complete lack of any political will to do so, 6,000,000 Jews of Europe have been eradicated by Hitler’s brutal assault upon their very integrity. We know that this onslaught on The Jews of Europe is true and yet, History is charged with treating Hitler’s instigation of all of these crimes with caution. If, while we assume that much was allowed to proceed because of Hitler’s want for War, little effort has been made to make the case for Hitler’s total control over all of these events?

“..Hitler issued an order to ..Armies operating against Russia that no Russian prisoners would be evacuated to ..German home area. ..reasons were obvious. Hitler wanted no contamination of German people.” General Franz Halder.

If Hitler had any seeming lack of control over all events during any of his period in power, then he was not the despotic tyrant of History we know he was. If then he did not have total control, any of those positive events attributable to him cannot be asserted. In contrast to what Humanity must surely demand, and that we should defend our neighbour as our own, Hitler acted with an impunity only an apologetic German General Staff member could suggest. So from this standpoint in our evolutionary history, all we have left in terms of where Hitler, The Holocaust, Warfare and the atrocities attributable therein, then we do not have a proper handle on our own History. What we do have is the knowledge that our own Remembrance for 6,000,000 Murdered and Innocent Jews carries with it, a responsibility for ‘good and decent people’ which will not now allow for our History to forget them or any amelioration of Hitler’s direction upon these events to be lessened.

“..Russian campaign decimate ..Slav population by 30,000,000 ..troop of low characters would have to be formed.” SS Obergruppenfuhrer Erich von dem Bach-Zalewski.

Bach-Zalewski was neither inaccurate nor wrong in what he knew Hitler demanded for the move East. History is either written in Truth or its integrity is lost and remains no longer Factual. In Bach-Zalewski’s words, the decimation of 30,000,000 Slavs would be sought and in amongst them, 6,000,000 Jews would perish. This cannot be rewritten to satiate the hatred of a few! It cannot be revised to satisfy the demand which honesty places upon our own search for the comprehension of that Truth. So it is important Always to Remember and Never to Forget! We should also recall that along with the 6,000,000 Murdered Jews of The Holocaust, who were systematically sought out for Slaughter, World War II claimed the lives of some 50 to 70 Million people in total. That assessment is far more than even Bach-Zalewski had predicted.

“..I am actually ashamed to be an officer.” General Ritter von Thoma.

So while we have admissions as to what would be expected of the Reich, with regards to the Jewish People, Hitler so cast a shadow over all affairs that the Truth is veiled behind an arrogant refusal to admit to the Fact of the genocide. Though some do attempt to accept their blame, the above heading is an overall assessment that states what was foremost for Hitler, and mixed with his warped ideology, became the rampant bloodlust, larceny, degeneracy and criminality underpinning his drive East. So there is no misuse of the word logistics here! If you think there was any sense in sending the life blood of Germany into conflict while the very reason for war was to conceal the resolve to murder the Jews of Europe, then an appropriate rationale is hidden and also concealed. While millions of German men and women set forth on a war footing, either seduced or at least believing most of what Hitler espoused, more than 100,000 others set forth upon a bloody rampage against The Jewish People.

“..This book is intended as a token of gratitude to ..dead and to my old soldiers ..and as a monument to preserve their fame from oblivion.” General Heinz Guderian.

That said, and while there was honour amongst the fighting men and women of Germany is assessed and is beyond question. Whether that holds true while the knowledge of atrocity has been concealed so as to afford the German rank and file troops a screen from their complicity in the crimes committed is sorely and arguably debated. Truth being known, Hitler had lied to the German people on the basis of a living space worldview that only existed in order to remove the Jews from sight. The German soldier screened the world from the disorder which was filled in with Rape and Plunder. The gap required to achieve that goal of Crimes Against Humanity was a Hitlerite inspired and directed drive against the Jewish People. Once Hitler had set about removing from the Jews what had belonged to them, the arms of the Reich, in a larcenous attempt that belied the so called ideology of Hitler’s regime, plundered the Jews and many others of everything, including Life. The lie of any mythical ideology was laid bare.

“..Hitler’s strategic objectives were governed ..needs of ..war economy.” Field Marshal Erich von Manstein.

For Hitler, it is inconceivable from any aspect, that an operation of the magnitude of The Holocaust might escape his close scrutiny or attention. While finally ensuring that the Jews could never reclaim what had been previously theirs, by Destroying them, mercilessly, brutally, calculatedly and systematically, was accomplished. The Holocaust is the one defining achievement of all that Hitler sought. The realisation of a failed empirical claim faded, the 1,000 year Reich subsided so Hitler finally slinks off into infamy. Here and now, the role of History in The Holocaust is not only to establish that Hitler was the prime mover, motivator and instigator in that Final Solution, but the onus is upon that search to define his clear intention to Murder ALL The Jews he could and that he set about to do so and in as concerted a way as possible. War provided the screen and Hitler waved his battalions forward. Perhaps a tad ironic, that while Hitler demanded complete loyalty from the German people, which was hugely rewarded, he exacted a broken bond with most of those exact same Germans.

“..Once I really am in power first ..foremost task will be ..annihilation of ..Jews. As soon as I have ..power to do so ..I will have gallows built in rows ..Marienplatz in Munich many as traffic allows. ..Jews will be hanged indiscriminately ..they will remain hanging until they stink ..they will hang there as long as ..principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied batch will be strung up ..and so on down ..line ..until ..last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit ..precisely in this fashion ..until all Germany has been ..cleansed of Jews.” Adolf Hitler.

These words do not harbour other than a threat that will deliver a complete solution to The Jewish Question. As there were clear objectives laid down, progressing through legislating the Jewish People through phases of isolation, Ghettoization and Termination, Hitler not only voiced his threat, he demanded its unconditional completion. These separate demands demonstrated that both aims, a Final Solution and a War, were as diverse as they were strategically incompatible. Waging war on a Western and an Eastern Front and then ensuring the removal of all Jews from the presence of Europe, proved expeditious when the tide of war turned against Hitler. While this was a two-pronged assault upon the World, one was an open objective, a World War while the other, The Holocaust, was a hidden yet known secret. But both were a logistical objective and with regard to the stretched lines of supply for the War effort, impeded.

“..solution of ..Jewish question of ..Fuhrer ..not ..individuals.” Heinrich Himmler.

But such a logistical undertaking, that was the conduct of this programme of a genocide against the Jewish People, required precise liaison between all levels of the Reich’s politically administered body. That this certainly entailed the usage of all arms of the Ministries of the Reich, and in the midst of War, could not have been lost on Hitler or shielded from his view. Surely the business of one of those arms, the General Staff, was the aimed-for certainty of victory. That victory could not then be ensured while direction was focused upon sharing resources and logistics with a murderous enterprise. It was however, to prove a deflection too far from that single minded and supposedly clear ideological confrontation with the Soviet Russia in a War. With its termed referencing of a Judeo and Bolshevic status, here again the Jews were to be at the centre of the maelstrom.

“..I must assume ..after all I have read about ..Fuhrer ..that he knew all about it.” (‘it’ being The Holocaust) Major General Johannes Bruhn.

Germany’s Generals openly admit to this clash with a Russian political caste that was a supposedly Jewish led clique. Today though the Generals decline to give their evidence as to what they knew of a burgeoning genocide against the Jewish People within that clash and this remains both troubling to the memory of German soldiery and to Germany. As to the Army’s sullied reputation, Generals will not confront what lessons are to be learned should their position as having ‘God on their side’ be exposed as a fraud. Therefore, while the war economy was always a conditional one, Hitler swayed all efforts to ensure his major objective would not go unresolved. Here, The Final Solution, die Endlosung der Judenfrage would secure, with all the monetary essentials required to arm and supply Hitler’s vision, his ‘Weltanschauung’, would be dealt with a larceny of such proportions, even the ideologically elite SS grew wealthy.

“..newly conquered territories ..East must be organised ..made secure and full co-operation with ..Armed Forces ..exploited economically.” Adolf Hitler.

The gradual removal of all the Jews from Europe toward the East was euphemistically termed ‘resettlement’ of Destruction. As for the cleansing thereafter of that Eastern Judeo position, all of this would acquire for the Reich the breathing space demanded for Hitler’s ‘Lebensraum’. This was to be an expansionist zest with a murderous zeal. This was a world view that would be territorially led by German troops into the Steppes of Russia. Not for Hitler the liberating of lands merely for German settlers but with the following of der Einsatzgruppe, hot on the heels of the Wehrmacht, these murder brigades would make entire areas free of the Jewish People encountered there. In conjunction with the specific aim to the murder of all these Jews that were met along this elongated route, a War would screen from Western view the ritual Slaughter of Millions of Jews and others.

“..Einsatztruppen ..called upon to fulfil a repulsive duty. But you are soldiers who have to carry out every order unconditionally. You have a responsibility before God and Hitler for everything that is happening. I myself hate this bloody business and I have been moved to the depths of my soul. But I am obeying the highest law by doing my duty. Man must defend himself against bedbugs ..rats ..against vermin.” Heinrich Himmler.

That Hitler would have his one single minded, pernicious and resolute victory, the Destruction of as many Jews as possible was evident to all those who chose to witness what was made obvious. That a territory was being cleared of all its Jews could not have escaped the attention of anyone in close proximity to the sound, the scent or the sight of such a devastating and bloody business. It is an assessment of all that Hitler clearly said, and that he fully intended for the Jewish People, that this single idea was one that he sought out from amongst and above the rest. That this sought-after demand was to be the annihilation of all Jews in The Final Solution of The Jewish Question was a success of such completeness that he is sure to have removed himself from existence knowing he had achieved above what could be classed as a strategically logistic objective.

“..Jews have to vanish be annihilated too. ..carrying out of larger Jewish actions is not ..task of ..divisional units. They are carried out by civilian or police authorities ..ordered by ..commandant of White Ruthenia ..if he has special units at his disposal ..or for security reasons and in of collective punishments. When smaller or larger groups of Jews are met ..they can be liquidated by divisional units or be massed in ..ghettos near bigger villages designated for that purpose ..where they can be handed over to ..civilian authority or ..SD.” Major General Anton von Bechtolsheim.

We have, as the evidence proves from filmed and photographed stages of the assault upon the Jewish People, a Wehrmacht guilt that cannot be denied. With one single example, with the hanging of Masha Bruskina by an ‘officer’ of von Bechtolsheim’s own Divisional command, the evidence is abundantly clear. This Division, amongst many other Wehrmacht commands, allowed their personnel to actively visit, watch or fully engage in the ‘aktionen’ against the Jewish People. These criminal outpourings, and those who instigated them, were active supporters of Hitler’s drive, both against the Jewish People and into Russia. The soldiers who freewheeled their way into the depths of inhuman conduct and with a willingness and desire to do so. While der Einsatzgruppe is acknowledged as the mainstay of the Killing operation, with its 3,000 personnel, it is the bolstering of these 4 Groups, by some 100,000 additional yet ‘honourable’(sic) forces, that secured for Hitler the sought-after resolve that was his prime target. That this was the Slaughter of The Jews of Europe and Russia is evidenced by the reality that is The Holocaust.

“..Let no man denigrate ..fighting men of this last war. To do so is to besmirch the honour of those who gave their lives in the execution of their duty.” Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz.

But to this day, while there is a seeming consolation sought out in the debate over how many signed documents are required in order to establish Hitler’s clear intention to Murder these Jews of Europe, this cannot conceal Hitler from the deeds he demanded. This is merely a smoke screen to the pertinent fact that, without Hitler, dots were not placed atop of i’s and crosses were not used to complete t’s. That no signed copy of Hitler’s intention to eradicate World Jewry, wholesale is available, this still is unable to deny the very task that Hitler charged his legions with. This certain acknowledgement meant that there would not be any assigned markers to the burial sites of those 6,000,000 Jews of The Holocaust. Nor would there be any crosses to the many Germans who fell in battle, and all too far from home. So logistically, Hitler’s Army would move forward, destroying Jews and ensuring the wage of War was on a sound footing regardless of the cost in Military terms. As for the cost in humanitarian terms, history has placed a judgement before the German people that is being responded to, and they have approached that acceptance with consideration!

“..In just ..same way as I have obligations towards my family and my nation have we of course as a nation ..certain rules which we must observe towards of humanity ..there’s no doubt at all about that. I can’t behave like wild beast.” Lieutenant General Otto Elfeldt.

Where the German forces unleashed onto a War footing were catered for, and as so many were engorged by such a destructive force that they too were radicalised, they became armed with a resolve to kill as many Jews as possible. That the very supply line which contrived to deliver both aims was met with an approval that was attended to by Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich and the German General Staff, it is clear enough for History to acknowledge that Hitler was at the centre of the maelstrom and was its most ardent advocate. But it appears too simplistic to state that any soldier was so ideologically blinded to what role he was asked to perform. Though any Army, who surely cannot fight on bread alone, can also deign to destroy the very fabric of human conscience if given the leeway to do so. That ultimate authority gifted to the Germans fighting in a War, ensured that The Final Solution could be dispatched in equal measure given the orders to do so.

“..We must uphold ..principle of only having carried out orders. We must stick to that principle if we are to create a more or less effective defence.” Lieutenant General Ferdinand Heim.

For Germany and the Germans, that authority was Hitler. For many, who constituted the ordinary soldier, they might have remained oblivious of the atrocity but are implicated by their close proximity to it. As well as having to survive outside these parameters of all proper military conduct, they were led by an officer corps whose diligence in Warfare could so undermine the very principles of soldierly conduct. That this Military caste has lied so as to deceive the history they have sought to distort, which repudiates any wrong-doing on their part, marks their version of History with disdain. Some of these Generals, and their soldiers, had a remit which was both inhuman and criminal. They either acted upon the most base of evils or merely looked the other way. In acting upon such an appalling activity as that which delivered The Holocaust, this has clearly branded the entire Wehrmacht duplicitous, politically inveigled, culpable and even dishonourable!

“..Book is ..personal narrative of a soldier ..deliberately refrained from discussing political problems or matters with no direct bearing on events in ..military field.” Field Marshal Erich von Manstein.

Where we have the influence of a political message unencumbered by the ideology of hatred for the Jewish People, we have a dictator who will impose upon his Generals and his troops, a bearing which has an ideological and murderous edge. With a political inference and a genocidal intention, the move East impacted upon and relayed that murderous design. For the many apologetic Commanders who choose to set before the World their résumé as a washed and a cleansed facet of their own truth, this containment of any integrity is to blemish further the role of the German soldier in ‘the military field’. It cannot be denied that there is a certain requirement for a focused direction as there is the necessity for the supply of food. Most certainly the immediate need is for the Commander to act upon the sway of battle. However, a headquarters analysis of all factors is what Hitler brought to the table and his direction, while it brought instant success temporarily, was weighted heavily in the apportioning of priorities elsewhere which led to an ultimate collapse.

“..things I’ve experienced! In Latvia ..near Dvinsk ..there were mass executions of Jews carried out by ..SS. ..about 15 SS men ..perhaps 60 Latvians ..known to be ..most brutal people in Sunday morning ..kept hearing ..salvos followed by small arms fire. ..Men ..Women Children ..counted off ..stripped naked. ..executioners first laid all ..clothes in one pile. Then 20 women had to take up their position ..naked ..on ..edge of ..trench. ..shot ..fell ..into it.” Lieutenant General Heinrich Kittel.

While the real mainstay of any Army in its supply situation is its manpower, we cannot imagine the effects of maintaining a separate force elsewhere which could be other than a destructive one. Any depletion of an ability for a fighting force to commit wholly to War curtails its strategic capabilities. For the Wehrmacht, with its replenishment, its reserves, its weaponry and the essential fuel necessary to keep fully mobile the forces required to expedite a campaign, no amount of subtraction from that effort could be sustained. For all essentials that are to be employed in progressing the needs of an Army, it is crucial to the stages required to bring about any sought after victory, that nothing is deducted from the capacity to achieve any targeted goals.

“..attitude of ..troops toward SD and police alternates between abhorrence and hatred. Every soldier ..disgusted by ..crimes committed in Poland by ..Reich ..representatives of our state.” General Johannes von Blaskowitz.

Where ideology comes into force, Hitler had the final say, and while Hitler insisted that the Jews were the target for all aggression, Military targets became subordinate. While this effectively gave all Military personnel carte blanche with regards to their own conduct against the Jewish People, it had repercussions upon the Military strategy to be brought to bear upon the Russian Forces. With no regard for the conduct expected of soldierly conduct, with the disregard for their fellow comrades and those commanders not drawn into the Slaughter, this was a palpable flaw in Operation Barbarossa. This is where Hitler’s divergent considerations met, and at this juncture Himmler, Heydrich, Hoess, Eichmann, Nebe, Rasch, Blobel and the other murderous administrators took over. On the one hand though, the operations in Russia proved an intractable excess. On the other hand, with that same expanse proving sapping of resource and energy, Russia was to prove defeating for German efforts. With all of this still subordinate to the more essential goal that was to destroy all the Jews of Europe and now Russia, and where they were met, a lessening of endeavour shortened Hitler’s venture into Russia.

“ a German officer I am deeply concerned for ..honour and prestige of German arms.” Major General Frederick Wilhelm von Mellenthin.

As of yet we had not progressed methodologically toward The Death Camps, but they were logistically fast approaching in the form of the ‘Gassing Vans’. These vehicles, which had been utilised against the mentally ill in the Euthanasia Institutions found initial favour with elements of der Einsatzgruppe. They did prove ineffective, as a psychological protest grew out of the strain that was placed upon those who emptied them. These formative murder vehicles were a blueprint for the static gassing facilities that were first established at Chelmno and then at Belzec. By the time Auschwitz/Birkenau came on stream, the mechanised and industrialised Destruction of The Jewish People had obtained a much higher degree of efficiency. This then is the genesis of Hitler’s Final Solution as it was initiated in the field of operations in Russia. While Hitler recognised the expedient of secrecy, he was quick to expedite the removal of these operations from sight. Further back behind the lines of supply and communication that had stretched into Russia, Poland would be a more manageable ‘killing centre’.

“..with regard to ..Jews ..I’ve found myself remaining inactive. There’s no sense in adding uselessly to ..difficulties of ..moment. One acts more shrewdly when one bides one’s time.” Adolf Hitler.

Now, and it was to Hitler himself that the vision which emerged would see the annihilation of The Jewish People ramped up and into a far more destructive arena. What needs to be considered here is, that while der Einsatzgruppe was to manage the murder of 1,250,000 Jews in direct ‘aktionen’, the strain upon resources and the obvious tidal change of the War in Russia that first Winter, required a more rapid resolve. That resolve would be in the form of a newer direction and Hoess at Auschwitz/Birkenau would provide that response to resolve. The requirement by Hitler saw this whole episode of Jewish Destruction moved faster forward toward what the World would recognise today as The Holocaust. This progression of events toward a final confrontation with The Jewish People belonged to Hitler as he relentlessly, tirelessly and without hesitation moved every effort to bring about a conclusion to The Jewish Question.

“..objections arise from ..military concept of chivalrous warfare. This is ..destruction of an ideology. Therefore I approve and back ..measures.” Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.

Keitel, who was well placed to ensure than not only was Hitler’s supreme demand met, it was articulated, catered for and objectively led. Also, and when we consider that even toward Hitler’s own final evacuation and ‘resettlement’ from this life, he had the Jews forever as a crucial catalyst of his hatred and for all that he aimed toward. It is a contention in history that what Hitler’s Generals witnessed or knew, they have almost unanimously failed to administer toward our History. But Hitler could not conceivably be oblivious to the facts and certainly the figures of all that he surveyed! So, while we met Leni Riefenstahl in Poland, within sight of what she surely must have informed Hitler of, we have a General Staff equipped with such an abundance of knowledge Hitler, could not possibly invoke ignorance of the Facts as any defence, should he have stayed around long enough for judgement to be invoked upon him. For a Military Commander, whose ability entire had been so remonstrated with, yet fashioned into a War, there is a paradox of descending voices. The shooting of Jews might well have slipped past his sensitivity, but the cost of the bullet to Murder that Jew, those 1,250,000 Murdered by der Einsatzgruppe, could not have done!

“..We shot women as if they had been cattle. ..a large quarry where 10,000 men ..women ..children were shot. They were still lying in ..quarry. We drove out on purpose to see it. It was ..most bestial thing I ever saw.” Lieutenant General Fritz von Broich.

So prior to Hitler’s cowardly exit from any confrontation with the detail of The Holocaust he exclusively engineered, there are two major factors at play here. Within Russia, as the lines of communication grew ever longer, the essential to feed, resource, replace or revitalise its troops escalated wildly. One force could be so depleted by the essential to ensure the final resolve of the other, that the logistics of War could not be properly managed. That recognition meant that Operation Barbarossa was assigned to a more certain failure. With the ideological goal of the mass murder of The Jews of Europe given prominence and an all out precedence, the gradual retreat from Russia was secured. It cannot simply escape the attention of history that such manpower, and this was as many as six or seven or even ten divisions of whom had been diverted from the War effort in Russia, could be countenanced by other than Hitler.

“..this best instrument of of war stood at ..disposal of a state leadership with a bold foreign policy.” Adolf Hitler.

That this resource, which was fully brought to bear upon those Jews that Hitler had sought to be eradicated, so prevented much byway of securing a German foothold in Russia, we essentially see the logistical conduct of Warfare sidelined. While Hitler’s ulterior effort was a confrontation with Jewish antecedence, the matter of fully depleting the War needs of the fighting front was a subordinate concern. The full capabilities of those troops, who were wholly guided by military principles were depleted of the necessary focus. As Hitler pressed forward with his ultimate aim against the Jews, the German General Staff did not awake to the obvious threat responsibly. Certainly, while the initial force of der Einsatzgruppe was some 3,000 men, when combined with the structure of the camp guards, auxiliaries, Police units and foreign collaborators, this body of functionaries managed to raise an approximate force of some 60,000 or 70,000 of its own personnel.

“..An order like ..Kommissarbefehl was utterly unsoldierly.” Field Marshal Erich von Manstein.

When added to the capacity of Wehrmacht involvement, participation and perpetration, much more than the 100,000 or so that has been suggested, ensured that The Holocaust was as efficiently accomplished as was militarily feasible. At the crux of that assertion was an illegal enactment of reprisal actions that engaged the Military in crimes not befitting any military structure. Meanwhile, all of these personnel retained away from the War Front, though some were still luxuriating in the killing fields, they did not compete on level terms with the dire threat that the German soldier faced. Then, as the Death Camps and other Camps fully occupied those who could have been used to bolster offensive actions or defensive battles on the Eastern Front, Hitler could not have been ignorant of what so many of his SS were involved in. The smallest detail of what was happening in Germany was enormously engaging for Hitler.

“..nearing our final objective step by step in this icy cold and ..troops suffering from ..appalling supply situation. ..difficulty of supplying us by railroad ..constantly increasing ..main cause of our shortages ..without fuel ..cannot move.” General Heinz Guderian.

So while it is certain that those duties aligned to The Final Solution demanded the presence of such an extraordinary level of personnel, Hitler could not be that unaware. That would make the case for Hitler’s complete lack of command and might just suggest a wilful neglect of his own fuhrerprinzip, his authority. As to the callous way his troops in the field were abandoned, those Camp and Einsatz personnel that could have been better utilised to shoulder some of the responsibility of a debilitating campaign. That they were otherwise engaged in the Slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, Men, Women and Their Children is part of Hitler’s own strategy. This faltering strategy, which left the Russian Front to its own devices was a minefield of competing aims which Guderian recognised. The German Reichsbahn, the Railroad system, was moving hell and Earth to deliver the Jews of Europe from earth toward Hell. 3,000 Jews to Auschwitz and Birkenau would require a Train with 30 Cattle Cars.

“..I feel confident that soldiers of all nations are now anxious to establish facts about ..Second World War ..and to avoid conclusions based on individual prejudice or patriotic sentiment.” Major General Frederick Wilhelm von Mellenthin.

This one ‘transport’ alone would have secured close on 10,000 tons of foodstuffs, ammunition and essential supplies to the German fighting machine as far away as Stalingrad. As all military historians isolate Stalingrad as the point of no return for Hitler and his regime, an essential to ensure that the troops engaged there were adequately supplied was circumvented. Even elsewhere within Russia all manner of supplies and logistical undertakings were denied to the fighting force by want of a higher purpose. This purpose, which Hitler had affixed to his own personal hatred for the Jewish People, ignored the needs of the fighting troops. That this ‘Jew hatred’ of Hitler’s, which was a totally irrational and costly demand, and which sees German soldiers falling foul of those demands and in conjunction with an increasing depleting failure to supply them.

“..Mental institutions ..Army Group North. Russians regards ..feeble minded as sacred beings. Killing them is necessary ..none the less.” General Franz Halder.

With the concerted effort to take the lives of those Jews now being processed within the Death Factories, it was a parallel consequence of separating our resources at the point of greatest need for the German troops in the field. Remember, these lines of communication are attempting to supply the population of a country the size of Ireland. Though much that has been fleeced from the Jews who are being Murdered, and much goes toward the clothing, the feeding and the supply of Germany, it is no feeble account to administer to the war effort of any nation. When that effort is in the terms of supply for in the region of 3,800,000 personnel, it is a monumental effort that is called upon. On the battlefield these troops, who are exhaustively and relentlessly pushing forward to the East, to the North as far as Leningrad and then toward the South with Stalingrad as the strategic target, they have much to contend with. While Stalingrad was to halt all German progression, and the move toward the Caucasus was stalled, Hitler still manages to persist with The Holocaust.

“..When ..soldier had besmirched ..honour of by some base action. ..there could be no mercy.” Field Marshal Erich von Manstein.

All the while, the German spirit and fighting effort is to be stretched to its ultimate limit of physical endurance. In the field the German soldier is pretty much left to make all resources for themselves, in the main. Strictly with the Russian campaign, Hitler is stretching the logistical capabilities of all that General Eduard Wagner could muster. All concern for the fighting force of Germany is being swallowed up further and deeper into Russia. Do not forget that prior to the jump off on June 22nd. 1941, both Heydrich and General Wagner, the Wehrmacht’s Quartermaster General had agreed terms for the supply of, and with all manner of logistical support for, der Einsatzgruppe. Both Heydrich and Wagner had reached their accommodation, and it was an agreement upon what their respective roles within Russia could achieve.

” ..following I make known briefly ..most important instructions given by me to ..Einsatzgruppen and Kommandos of ..Security Police ..Sicherheitspolizei and ..SD ..Sicherheitsdienst ..with request to take note of them. ..following be executed ..Officials of ..Comintern ..professional Communist politicians ..medium-level officials ..radical lower-level officials of ..Party. Central Committee ..district ..sub-district committees. People’s Kommissars. Jews .” Reinhard Heydrich.

Both would have had to acknowledge that the specific intention of der Einsatzgruppe was a sweep of all areas in search of both Jews and Russian Kommisars. Both would clearly identify the demarcation lines of Military and Hitler’s needs. In fact, it was abundantly made clear that in the front line, der Einsatzgruppe would be subordinate and under immediate Wehrmacht jurisdiction. Certainly in those operational areas of a military nature that would have been expected. So this places Hitler as the deciding factor in that area of response. In the rear areas however, Wehrmacht control was ceded to Einsatz operational demands with Hitler leaving the capacity to Murder in the hands of his 4 alphabetised Einsatzgruppen. All of which was approved by Hitler through Keitel and onto Wagner.

“..Polizei ..SD ..or other parts of ..SS except units of ..Waffen SS were never under jurisdiction of ..Armed Forces or received orders from it. They were under ..sole jurisdiction of Reich Leader Himmler.” Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.

On Hitler’s insistence there would have been a categorical demand to act in all compliance with his terms for The Final Solution. Here though, Field Marshal Keitel argues against himself with a later admission. That this meeting between Wehrmacht and Heydrich was enacted on May 31st., three weeks prior to Barbarossa, makes certain the priority that was given to Hitler’s ultimate objective against the Jews. Wagner, as Keitel’s representative, would have relayed every facet of what was discussed back to Keitel, for whom History has adjudged, Hitler’s lackey. None of this could have been achieved without the strictly expressed approval of Hitler, who would certainly affix this resolute concern for The Final Solution to his strategic map.

“ on Moscow ..favoured by Guderian ..and temporarily abandoned in August in favour of ..conquest of Ukraine ..might have yielded decisive results if it had been ruthlessly pursued as ..dominating ‘Schwerpunkt’ of ..invasion.” Major General Frederick Wilhelm von Mellenthin.

The strategic War map did not have any line of communication placed upon it without Hitler being fully engrossed in the slightest detail of the movements forward. And the relentless peel of his tanks’ movement was urged on by Hitler, The 1,000 year Reich was always meant to be moving forward, over Peoples, over Nations and over terrain. It would not have escaped Hitler’s steely attention either that some 3,800 tons of food was required to keep this Army marching in that fixed direction. Of course there had been a remit for the Wehrmacht to live off the land, plunder all that could be stolen. But as with the need for Winter clothing, which was brought to Hitler’s attention, such detail was attended to by Hitler. The specific detail therefore, contained within the official Operational Situation Reports from der Einsatzgruppe, which would have found their way to Mueller’s desk, would have been replete with all that Hitler laboured over. If the Generals were demanding harsh and brutal excesses, this would have been to either ingratiate themselves further with Hitler or it was taken as a direct command from der Fuhrer.

“..annihilation of revolts in hinterland which experience proves ..have always been caused by Jews.” Field Marshal Walther von Reichenau.

History has taught us much about the character of Hitler. That Hitler had his finger pulsed by the minutiae and detail of all operational demands has characterised that essential lesson we have learned. That Hitler would know that close on 200 Million rounds of ammunition would be required on a daily basis, that Hitler would have been acquainted with how and where they could be resourced, that is a given. That Hitler would be able to articulate with all his Commanders the fact that 4,300 Tanks operating in the field would require some 100 Thousand litres of fuel every day is also certain. This would have seen Hitler looking toward the Oil rich Caucasus, and the collaboration with Romania for their Oil fields would be to ensure that the very swift mobility essential for victory was maintained.

“..Since this territory can be only in ..East ..obligation to be a naval power also recedes into ..background.” Adolf Hitler.

All this would take an extraordinary effort by the both the German Railways and the offices of Quartermaster General Wagner. Also, keeping more than 4,000 Aircraft in the air, with all the necessary weaponry and the fuelling essential to have them complement the blitzkrieg drive, was also a major concern. All of this is even before we consider the supply of replacement parts, medical supplies, reserves, shells for over 7,000 Artillery pieces, field guns, howitzers. With just three ‘resettlement’ journeys to a Death Camp, this would have deprived what was required to feed the Army on a daily basis. As we have seen, and even though Hitler had planned for the Wehrmacht to feed itself off of the land, food was an essential best factored in along with all subsidiary concerns.

“..Finally illusion ..equally notorious called ‘Kommisar Order'” Heinz Guderian.

That Hitler was meticulous about the small detail was attached to a prevarication which, at crucial moments in the progress of the War, had serious consequences. That this had a subsequent and lasting effect upon the Military capability of the German Reich is seen with the emphasis on the assault upon the Jews, the criminal commands to his troops and the deviating swerve from preordained directives. What that effort is underwritten by, with the expectation at Fuhrer headquarters, is to ensure that the radical approach to any and all military considerations is governed by such a lawless decree as the Kommisar Befehl. It is impossible then for the German military to extract itself from the criminality contained in its warring approaches or even defend itself in relation to its overall conduct in the face of a belligerent to be afforded quarter under conventions.

August 21st. 1941 “..primary importance ..not ..capture ..Moscow ..but ..Crimea.” Adolf Hitler.

As we shall see, despite the worsening situation that existed for the Wehrmacht, more and more trains were held up for the deportation transports. These ‘resettlements’ of the Jews of Europe to their Deaths in the Death Camps ran exemplary to the crisis facing Germany and the German people. Meanwhile, the German troops were getting further and further from these lines of communication and were being wasted as Hitler satiated himself with his single most concerted mantra: the Destruction of The Jews. With this concentration upon Hitler’s directives to Annihilate the Jewish People, all of which ensures that the German soldier is increasingly abandoned deeper and further within Russia, Hitler ploughs on regardless.

“..Let me tell you ..gassings are by no means ..worst. ..people dug their own graves ..then ..firing squad arrived ..and shot them. Many of them weren’t dead ..a layer of earth was shovelled in between. They had packers there who packed ..bodies in ..because they fell in too soon. ..SS did that. ..I knew an SS leader pretty well ..we talked about this and that ..and one day he said ..if you ever want to film one of ..these shootings doesn’t really matter. These people are always shot in ..morning. If you’re interested ..we still have a few left over ..and we could also shoot them in ..afternoon if you like.” General Edwin Graf von Rothkirch und Trach.

When the cold set in during that first Winter, the German soldier was left to freeze, and while Camp administration was warmed by the deeds of Destruction, the German soldier died. The rather cosy, snug arrangement for the Camp guard, and even for the Einsatz personnel, who were all engaged in the Murdering of innocent Jewish People, and others, was in stark contrast to the fighting effort of the German soldier. On the bitter freezing battlefields of Russia, in a wasteland of snow and ice, the daily battle was as far removed from the task of Murdering the Jewish People. While the riches of the Jews could be plundered at will, German soldiers died. While luxuries beyond compare were enjoyed by both Einsatz and Camp administration, no frills met with the German soldier as he fought and died for the Fatherland. However, in marked contrast to these very differing scenarios, while Einsatz and Camp guards Raped and Murdered the Jewish Women and Their Children they selected for such attention, so too did Soldiers of the Wehrmacht before they were abandoned and died.

“..future tasks of ..Armed Forces and ..preparations for ..conduct of war resulting from these tasks will be laid down by me.” Adolf Hitler.

As the conduct of the War was laid down by Hitler, so too was the savagery meted out to those the Wehrmacht encountered, laid down by Hitler. But what was already a deadly cost to the Jews by these non combatant Einsatz and Camp administrators, as they were encountered so far from the War front, was also at a deep cost to the German and Axis soldier fighting to maintain Hitler’s myopic vision. But the propaganda emerging as the details of the Slaughter became known, must have energised Hitler and his propaganda Minister. On March 27th. 1942 Goebbels clearly acknowledged that some 60% of all the World’s Jews would be liquidated. That the Wannsee Conference targeted 11,293,300 Jews of Europe for Destruction, that figure would spring forth and enclose The Jewish People within its systematic approach.

“..Not much will remain of ..Jews. ..Sixty percent ..will liquidated. ..whole series of possibilities presents itself for us in wartime that would be denied us in peacetime.” Josef Goebbels.

A simple sum recognises here that a 60% target of what The Wannsee Protocol presented the World, signifies a figure that represents 6,600,000 Jews murdered within The Holocaust. To bolster such a murderous achievement, the Wehrmacht, the German Army not only supplied its own men with the tools to wage War, but ensured der Einsatzgruppe was equally well equipped to mass murder the Jews of the East. Weapons, supplies and manpower along with Wehrmacht and Waffen SS personnel were wholly engaged in the Slaughter. Wehrmacht personnel either guarded some of the killing sites, took part in the Slaughter or were engaged in other ways to procure for Hitler, his Final Solution. All of this meanwhile, was further detracting from the active service required for the German troops on the Eastern Front to defeat the Russian enemy in the field.

“..Of course ..he (Hitler) knows all about it. Secretly ..he’s delighted. Of course ..people can’t make a row ..they would simply be arrested and beaten if they did.” General Ritter von Thoma.

While the Wehrmacht’s field command structure was within earshot of the ‘aktionen’ against the Jewish People, there is very little evidence which is available of many of these General’s complaints. Though there are grievances with regard to troops simply watching what should not have been witnessed, complaints about the savage killings of innocent People were barely audible. The knowledge of such murderous events are substantiated by records and post War evidence. But concerning the distraction of these annihilating measures from the war effort, the protest remains insignificant. There is an almost culpable acceptance that while the savage deeds of the Einsatz were criminal and wrong, they merely distracted from a War which needed waging.

“..Iron Cross will be awarded for outstanding service to service personnel and for bravery in ..face of ..enemy.” Adolf Hitler.

All of this murderous enterprise against the Jews and other civilians takes away from what was supposedly an essential that was to be governed by Hitler’s High Command. That necessity was a War effort Hitler had long promised and was being conducted while being hamstrung by the Slaughter of the Jews. But then it is all too easy for those who knew exactly what was happening to the Jewish People, to seek ignorance so as to lessen its effect and by neglecting that truth is the basis of rightful History. As with Himmler, who assuaged the high ranking SS with condescension toward everyone’s good ‘Jew’, the German General Staff has seen fit to establish a ring of silence around itself. In the midst of all that we know of Hitler’s haranguing control over the Generals, it became their highest endeavour to secrete its own culpability with the crimes they knew were Perpetrated. For Hitler, who would not stay around long enough to protest his role in this ideological effort, the General Staff, in choosing to conceal not just the crimes that were permitting and even committed against The Jews, but in not acknowledging that the extent of their own knowledge of what occurred was indeed well ‘known’!

“..I ..mention ..subject ..never speak public. ..extermination of ..Jewish people. ..Jewish people ..being exterminated ..eliminating ..Jews ..exterminating them ..a small matter. of glory never mentioned ..never to be mentioned.” Heinrich Himmler.

Comparative Genocides

Revisiting the Past Posted on Fri, February 27, 2015 17:23:38

“..I learned much from ..Jesuits. ..Until now ..there has never been anything more grandiose ..on ..than ..hierarchical organization of ..Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party. .. I am founding an Order. ..we will raise up a youth which will make tremble.” Adolf Hitler.

Clearly, while there is no comparative genocide, similarities occur which bind Victim and Perpetrator to the test of History. These can be legally and scientifically challenged as Academics pore over the evidence. That is not to say we can ever compare the suffering of one against the pain of another, or even on a like for like basis. However, exactly what lessons have been learned will signify the durability of the human species when catastrophe awaits a newer interpretation and these former examples are ignored. A World looks on, aghast at what it either hears, intercepts, witnesses, acknowledges or learns of. So what Hitler most certainly learned, in all of this experience from history, is that great crimes can be committed in the midst of War and they will be perpetrated by those willing to commit to atrocity.

“..I must in all modesty say that my own person is indispensable. Neither a military nor a civilian personality could replace me. ..I am convinced of ..strength of my brain and my resolution . ..fate of ..Reich ..dependent entirely upon me.” Adolf Hitler.

Dictatorially, Hitler could marshal his forces at his will and direct those who followed him subserviently toward all manner of unspeakable crimes. It is true also that Hitler could attach a greater significance to the pressures placed upon a World from his own vantage point at the head of a Reich ‘dependent entirely upon him’. It is an essential too that we recognise that Hitler was one of those who prospered while others dithered. As nations would seek to appease the beastly nature of Hitler, who spelled out his arrival on the World stage with a promise to issue forth a blood purge, World compliance and duplicity was assured. But such was Hitler’s arrogant outlook, his ‘Weltanschauung,’ that he not only clearly identified his will to atrocity but he inundated its articulation with consistency. To a World audience he was free with his declared intention and with announcement and pronouncements he was identifying exactly those he would seek out for Slaughter? The Jewish People!

“..Once I really am in power first ..foremost task will be ..annihilation of ..Jews. As soon as I have ..power to do so ..I will have gallows built in rows ..Marienplatz in Munich many as traffic allows. ..Jews will be hanged indiscriminately ..they will remain hanging until they stink ..they will hang there as long as ..principles of hygiene permit. As soon as they have been untied batch will be strung up ..and so on down ..line ..until ..last Jew in Munich has been exterminated. Other cities will follow suit ..precisely in this fashion ..until all Germany has been ..cleansed of Jews.” Adolf Hitler.

From the moment Hitler entered centre stage, history, which can and should be the Author of positive lessons from our past, should have corrected Hitler’s brinkmanship. For me, and I hope all that I have studied, researched and written about on the subject of The Holocaust will afford us all a lesson that is positive, hopefully redeeming and can be a testimonial of Remembrance for Million of The Irish Famine, the Million of The Armenian Tragedy and certainly for the Six Million Jews of The Holocaust. My involvement with the subject of The Holocaust of The Jews of Europe has made me realise that we do not learn these lessons of the past well. For Hitler perhaps, as the student of Military History, as an avid pupil of those like Genghis Khan whose brutality was boundless, he learned too much of a lesson in what formed hatred and what attracted others toward the detestation of others. It is certain that Hitler not only took from the model of Indifference, he accustomed himself to its clearly Intolerant tone. As Hitler blended his own awareness that hatred of one Person or thing could focus people’s attention away from what was of real concern, their Family, their Friends, their Neighbours, Hitler motioned toward World conflict.

“..Jenghiz Khan had millions ..women ..children killed. ..I have sent ..East my ‘Death’s Head Units’ kill ..all men ..women ..children. ..vital space ..we need.” Adolf Hitler.

There is much to suggest Hitler was much the admirer of Napoleon Bonaparte, whose tactics inspired many to contemplate a military mindset. We know Hitler knew of von Clauswewitz and he clearly advocated War in order to conceal from close scrutiny what his hatred had sought out for him? Perhaps too Hitler did learn that from the lessons of the past and in order to bolster a Nazi regime that was both dictatorial and ruthless, savage methods would be adapted and adopted. Toward that end, he chose and assumed as his Final Solution, the 2,000 year rage against the Jewish People. When he meets with the Catholic Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann, Hitler explains that his own hatred for the Jews was merely the continuance of the Catholic Church’s own charge through a history of intolerance toward the Jewish People. These stalwarts of the Church, clearly in hearing distance of Hitler were also reminded that it was they who regarded the Jews as dangerous. It was, as these representatives of the Catholic Church are reluctant to acknowledge, the Church who had forced the Jews into ghettos. In the first instance the Jewish People were segregated and then geographically removed and away from all Christian areas. While this meeting might have been recorded in history, this was not in any way a cordial nor succinct meeting of minds.

“..greatest change I was ever to experience took place in me. From a feeble cosmopolite I had turned into a fanatical antisemite.” Adolf Hitler

With hatred of the Jews at the forefront of all that Hitler now pronounced, the concern for Jewry was not taken seriously enough, not by the Jewish People and not by the World at large. For this despotic ruler, Hitler was to not only promote his own hatred for the Jews, but he was to exemplify and demand what a boundless brutality could tactically inspire and conspire to achieve. Once a military conquest was under way, Hitler’s final resolve could conceal that deliberate intention at annihilation. Barbarossa, the name given to the exercise against Russia was to haunt Hitler. Russia had previously denied Napoleon much of a lasting foothold upon Russian soil! Russia would deny Hitler a military victory, but would secure for him a final solution with his single most important purpose, the resettlement measures toward the Destruction of all the Jews of Europe.

“..essential ..we do not proclaim our views ..before need for that ..main thing ..we ourselves know what we want. ..all necessary measures ..shooting ..resettlement ..we shall take them.” Adolf Hitler.

For me, as I am concerned for the world we all inhabit, it is apparent that where an organism can grow which is so intolerant that it seeks to murder others with impunity, there will be those who fill a void in which some form of Nazism will emerge. There is a neo-Nazism which persists which has still to be destroyed as an idea. Whether you are a Catholic, Jew, Christian, Muslim or Medieval Sun Worshipper, the Nazi organism has many like-minded exponents of such hatreds they subsist off its disease. Today, while there is an organism like Isis, with that same will to murder any of those who do not fit the criteria it has set itself, the wrong lesson has been learned. With the same impunity the Nazis assumed was gifted to them by Hitler, future Intolerances are present for us all in History today. Tragically, these same lessons of what Nazism dealt out in Hitler’s conquest is being recalled, adopted and adapted to meet newer hatreds and against the Jewish People, but no longer exclusively.

“..Conquest no title ..if it exists over ..body fails over ..mind. It can exert no empire over men’s reason ..judgement ..affections.” Roger Casement.

Perhaps for me, and from the passages of an era in Irish times, when life was equally bleak, I can see comparisons with the struggle for any disparate People. We Irish have developed an altruistic nature, most of us! So in seeking to understand a fate that presents no way out for those caught within some maelstrom, and for the many absorbed and detained within restrictions imposed upon them, answers are sought. Conceivably, when reading through our own literary heritage, we Irish can see compassion for what it is and hatred for what it indelibly becomes? Within the content of these following words, which separate an Irish Famine experience from a Jewish Holocaust experience, there are stresses and strains which similarly infect our sensitivity. For instance, when a Mother’s position is so undermined that she cannot provide sustenance for her Children, as in the Famine, a Mother’s position from within The Holocaust looks upon the Child of her abiding concern with equally measured desperation. We too are gauged as we lose so much of the humanity we should preserve, and with a lasting imagery that our very sensitivity provokes.

“..anyone ..attempting to write ..on ..nature of Nazism ..will not be able to express ..truth ..Nazism’s cruelty and barbarism. writer among ..gentiles is qualified for this task. ..a Jewish writer who lives of his people ..who feels ..suffers their agony ..cannot find a true path here. Only one who feels ..taste of Nazi rule ..only one who ..bared his back to ..lashes ..only ..a writer ..if he is a man of sensitivity ..might be able to.” Chaim Aron Kaplan.

Ireland was somewhat naive at the outset of World War 2. They believed a neutral stance against Germany would restrict the demands of a character like Hitler. They were wrong! As Hitler had surveyed the need to destroy Britain, we know that he would use any means necessary to do so. Ireland would have merely been a port of call, a stepping stone in that assessment. Irish ports, running the full length of its Eastern coast line would have become the launch pad for an imminent invasion of Britain. Such an invasion was to coincide with the specific detail of Operation ‘Sealion’. That is what Hitler’s Operation Green had intended for a back door offensive against Britain. Merely as a pawn, Ireland would have been swallowed up whole by Hitler’s malevolence! Mindful then of what Ireland had endured under an empirical rule, Hitler would have been certain to use that niggling anti British sensibility. While that antagonism had blended itself into the Irish psyche, its culture, its heritage and had clearly defined its Foreign Policy, Hitler did not consider the Irish hatred of – and for – forms of totalitarianism.

“..a speech by DeValera ..does not charge Germany with oppressing Ireland ..reproaches England with subjecting Ireland to continuous aggression.” Adolf Hitler.

While Irish Men volunteered for the British army against Hitler and the Nazis, Hitler surely learned that between the years 1845 and 1852, the period of the Great Famine, the Potato Famine ravaged the people of Ireland. This was a further stage in our history with Britain, that was a source of continuous aggression. Here though, where about half of Ireland’s population was either killed, due to many divergent reasons, or were dispersed to the far corners of the Earth, all were migrants away from hunger, starvation and an indifference to the trauma that was inflicting them. It is too simplistic to merely state that the Irish were the victims of a greed which saw an other nation’s gain. But that is what happened and 1 Million Irish died. Though there are consistencies within genocides that can be levelled against each protruding event, any systematic assault upon those People involved was reserved for The Jews of Europe. What had been inflicted upon the Irish People were those same conditions which, when calculated, would bring about their physical destruction. It is not as a comparison with The Holocaust that we draw any parallells. While boat-loads of food stuffs were shipped to Britain, 1 Million Irish died of starvation. Merely 100 years later Lemkin adjudged the criteria that would deal any genocidal blow to any body of People.

“..present destruction of Europe would not be complete and thorough had ..German people not accepted freely ..Nazi plan ..participated voluntarily in its execution and ..profited greatly therefrom” Raphael Lemkin.

History must square itself with the facts of what conspired to allow to die the Irish of this imposed Famine. Tragically, for these my fellow Irish of the Famine, it presents a page in history which many have requested that I comment upon. Though I was asked before, and it was stated as a given of the Irish situation(sic) and as I had no wish to be accused of any bias in a work I would write about, I could not write of the Irish situation. So here I stand. With a dilemma! I am at the cross roads of an intolerable situation where I chose to write about an indifference which can become a utility in a much more savage and brutal affair. With two millennia of hatred for Judaism and the Jewish People, and attributable in large part to Christianity, where could I start. I was sent a Photo of the 4 year old Jewish Girl Tokele which not only provoked me, but swayed me to write about The Holocaust. Just before I get to The Holocaust though, history from the Irish Famine moved in stages toward what was an aberration unlike any that time had previously recorded. This was to be The Armenian Tragedy.

“..Who ..after all ..speaks today of ..annihilation of ..Armenians” Adolf Hitler.

Clearly, Hitler recognised the placation within history of those who claim some moral constituency over the rights of others. With any Intolerance, which is recognisable in any Genocide, progressed with the slaughter of innocents that might just be overlooked, tolerated and tolerable, food deprivation was added to water shortages for those of the Armenian people. Consequently, for what the Irish had suffered and the Armenians were forced to endure, the Jews of Europe would succumb, by a 6 fold margin, to a slaughter few could have imagined but those like Hitler could foresee it coming! Without adequate food, with little or no sanitation to speak of, with no water to assist in the midst of ‘desert suns’, the Armenian People were driven by the Turks to certain death. A march, which culminated in the destruction of over 1 Million of their People, it was a devastation on a scale that had genocidal intent and an annihilatory climax. Clearly Hitler had learned the lessons of what neglect could realise and from both these periods in history. Whether a nation wishes to accept its responsibility in the carnage of human loss of those people in its charge or simply deny it, Hitler took this as a green light to act and against the Jews of Europe.

“..shameful spectacle to see how ..whole democratic world is oozing sympathy for ..poor ..tormented Jewish people ..but remains hard hearted and obdurate when it comes to helping them.” Adolf Hitler.

So History had not completely finished visiting destruction upon People, and it would fail to do so even after we realised what The Holocaust meant. For 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, the scale and scope of this genocide ushered in a term that has proven causal in acknowledging the descent of man. For the capacity of fellow human beings to destroy, on an industrial, mechanised and methodical scale, another People we do not have to search too far back in our own History. This term of reference that is The Holocaust, has proven problematic in defining all genocides. The degree to which the German nation sank, as an organic antisemitism has fed an homogenous hatred that drove the Jewish People into pits and Death Camps, spells out a defining term for mass execution. Perhaps though the uniqueness of The Holocaust, as an unparalleled assault upon the body of The Jewish People places an added burden on such a definition. It has become laced with such denial that some seek to entitle these Jews of The Holocaust a more fitting Testimony, The Shoah!

“..On ..October 5th. 1942 ..I visited ..building office at Dubno foreman told me that in ..vicinity of Jews from Dubno ..had been shot in 3 large pits ..each about 30 metres long ..3 metres deep. About 1,500 persons ..killed daily. All be liquidated. As ..shootings had taken place in his presence he was still very upset. Moennikes and I went straight to .. pits. Nobody prevented us. I heard a quick succession of shots from behind one of ..mounds of earth. ..people off .. lorries ..women ..children ..all ages ..undress upon ..order of ..SS man ..who carried ..whip. They had to put their clothes on separate piles clothing ..underclothing. I saw ..heap of shoes ..800 to 1,000 pairs ..great piles of clothes and undergarments. Without screaming or weeping these people undressed ..stood in family groups ..kissed each other ..said their farewells ..waited for a sign from another SS man ..who stood near ..pit ..also with ..whip in ..hand. During ..15 minutes that I stood near ..pit ..I did not hear anyone complain or beg for mercy. I watched a family of about 8 ..woman ..both about 50 ..with their children ..aged about 1 ..8 ..10 ..and 2 grown up daughters ..about 20 to 24. An old woman with snow white hair was holding ..1 year old child in her arms ..singing something to it ..tickling it. ..child was crowing with delight. and wife were looking on with tears in their eyes. ..father was holding ..hand of a boy about 10 ..speaking to him softly. ..boy was fighting back his tears. ..father pointed to ..stroked ..boy’s head and seemed to explain something to him. At that moment ..SS man at ..pit shouted something to his comrade ..who separated off about 20 persons and ordered them to go behind ..mound of earth. Among them .. family I have mentioned. I still clearly remember a dark haired ..slim girl who pointed to herself as she passed close to me and said ..’23’ I walked to ..other side of ..mound and found myself standing before an enormous grave. ..people lay so closely packed on top of ..other ..only their heads ..visible. Nearly all had blood running over their shoulders from their heads. Some ..still moving. Some lifted an arm and turned a head to show that they were still alive. ..pit was already two-thirds full. I estimated that it already contained about 1,000 people. I looked round for who had shot them. He was ..SS man ..sitting on ..edge of ..pit ..legs dangling into it. He had a sub machine gun ..smoking a cigarette. ..people ..completely naked ..went down ..steps ..cut in .. clay wall of ..pit ..climbed over ..heads of those already lying there indicated by ..SS man. They laid down in front of ..dead or injured people. Some of them caressed those who were still alive and spoke to them softly. Then I heard a series of shots. I looked into ..pit and saw ..bodies were twitching or ..heads lay motionless on top of ..bodies which lay before them. Blood was pouring from their necks. I was surprised I was not ordered away ..but saw there were also 2 or 3 uniformed policemen standing nearby. batch was already approaching. They climbed into ..pit lined up against ..previous victims and were shot. When I walked back round ..mound I noticed another lorry load of people ..had just arrived. included sick ..infirm people. A very thin old woman ..with terribly thin legs ..was undressed by others who were already naked ..while 2 people supported her. ..woman appeared to be paralysed. ..naked people carried ..woman around ..mound. I left with Moennikes ..drove back to Dubno. ..morning of day ..I visited ..saw about 30 naked people lying near ..pit ..about 30 to 50 metres ..from it. Some ..still alive ..looked straight in front of them with a fixed stare ..seemed not to notice ..chillness nor ..workers of my firm who stood around. A girl of about 20 spoke to me and asked me to give her clothes and help her escape. At that moment we heard a fast car approach and I noticed it was an SS detail. I moved away to my site. 10 minutes later we heard shots from ..vicinity of ..pit. Those Jews who were still alive had been ordered to throw ..corpses into ..pit then they themselves had to lie down in ..pit to be shot in ..neck.” Hermann Graebe.

Not an anti-Catholic Bias

Revisiting the Past Posted on Sun, October 12, 2014 13:48:54

“..That such a man could go so far toward realising his ambitions ..and above all ..find millions of willing tools and helpers ..a phenomenon will ponder for centuries to come.” Konrad Heiden.

There is a certainty, that with the rise of extremism, there will always be a victim and when defined, many will clamour for extreme measures if the clasp of morality is loosened. For Hitler and his Nazis, the World of Judaism was to be that victim and it appears Hitler saw this as providential, and too many followed. We need to always remember, that without Hitler there would have been no rise of Nazism. With that ideological hatred that Hitler force fed his legions of fellow haters, antisemitism would not have been resurrected with such venom and 6,000,000 Jews would not have been Slaughtered in The Holocaust. What that says of those who stood by and watched, from the sidelines of History, with the mounting hatred for the Jews and the scale of Intolerance that was meted out to innocent People, beggars belief. For me it says way too much of the Indifference that was clearly shown and was even seen as duplicitous when Hitler took this as an acquiescent green light toward the complete annihilation of the Jewish People. The isolation of an entire People, the incarceration of a community of People and the eventual destruction of those 6,000,000 People, Jewish People, was forecast, telegraphed, dictated and delivered ahead of a World already steeped in what to expect. What Hitler sought when he wished to restore Austria to the fold will warn the World of what might be next!

“..Providence ..charged me with a mission to reunite ..German peoples with a mission to restore my homeland to ..German Reich. ..believed in this mission. ..lived for it ..and fulfilled it.” Adolf Hitler.

From the stand point of history we can all ramp up an anti-Christian bias, and anti-Religious tendency or even an anti-Catholic prejudice for that matter. When history declines to explore the probing concerns of those who seek the truth from the Church, the whole Christian ethic of our Church is called into question! I write about The Holocaust, and for me it is important to examine every detail of its dismembering historical relevance. This history, which not only raises the issue of our own Christian duty but also avails the atheist, the agnostic and the nonbeliever of a powerful ally, with the sheer lack of the Church’s integrity in responses to this historical event. The clear failure of human rights toward these Jews then faced with annihilation questions the very moral grounding of those who willingly participated and voluntarily perpetrated the crimes in The Holocaust. Not only that though, it also brings to bear an accusation of those moralising ethics of a Church’s audited and audible silence!

“..I have created a world power out of ..German Reich. I am boundlessly proud that I was blessed by Providence lead this battle.” Adolf Hitler.

The Nazi Regime was an illegal organ of the German Government based upon its repressive nature, antisemitism and abuse of power. Dictatorial excess cannot be deemed legal when protest is considered illegal and the process of Law is merely a tool of the regime! Whatever providence had decided for the German People, it was Hitler who handed them the tools to commit to the most heinous of crimes ever perpetrated against any Peoples! So many questions are posed not least of which finds the Church in concordat with this illegal Government at a time when its repressive nature was on display. Too many within Germany, and within the Catholic Church in Germany more specifically, did far too much to legitimise the Nazi regime, Hitler could glow in the praise that was liberally heaped upon him. Many senior Catholic figures, both inside and outside of Germany, gave Hitler and his anti-Church devotees an audible credence and even a visible acceptance. The image of Nazi saluting Bishops does much to add to the disenfranchisement now being experienced in the Church today. Thou shall place no false Gods before me yet Hitler managed to displace God and the Church under the noses of those Bishops who looked the other way!

“..I must in all modesty say that my own person is indispensable. Neither a military nor a civilian personality could replace me…. I am convinced of ..strength of my brain and my resolution . ..fate of ..Reich ..dependent entirely upon me.” Adolf Hitler.

Certainly, with Catholics seeking a more fundamental truth than actually exists, more questions are being asked and need resolved. Placed upon the integrity of what the Church knew, what the Church managed to achieve or even what the Church ventured to enact in The Holocaust, there have too many unanswered questions! In the striking silence that permeates the Catastrophe for the Jews of Europe, there is a clear and defining guilt that is aimed at the heart of the Church and the Vatican in particular. Here though, it is for my Church to disprove this guilt exists and in view of the cataclysmic slaughter that was watched over by my ‘catholic church'(sic), it is an imperative if moral probity is to be an enabling facet of the Church’s teachings? What Hitler clearly learned from his Church was a seeming countenance in his own ability to get away with Murder and murder on a grand scale.

“..I learned much from ..Jesuits. ..Until now ..there has never been anything more grandiose ..on ..than ..hierarchical organisation of ..Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organisation into my own party. .. I am founding an Order. ..we will raise up a youth which will make tremble.” Adolf Hitler.

During those years in which The Holocaust was allowed to destroy 6,000,000 Jewish lives, and with a seeming impunity, little was voiced in denunciating the ever increasing rage against the Jews. That silence is of such consequence when the role of the Church is moderator, arbiter and conscience of its community. For me, a consequence would have amounted to none of the 6,000,000 Jews having been mistreated in the slightest, segregated or maligned at all, let alone for them to have been Murdered. Today there is a much vaunted assertion that persists of what was being said positively back then. But that omission of fact has little of relevance of what was actually being said, when it could have stemmed the haemorrhaging flow of Jewish blood. What had been issued at the time amounts to a cursory response that is derided and is clearly shown by a lack of compassion for the Jews who were being relentlessly ground to death in the grist mill of Hitler’s well versed and documented ‘endlosung’.

“..when ..heads of ..major nations in faced Germany with cool reserve and considerable suspicion ..Catholic Church ..greatest moral power on earth ..through ..Concordat expressed its confidence in German government.” Guenter Lewy.

Nor was any statement or comment made during the writing of this concordat that was of real benefit to those in their direst hour of immediate need. When speaking up would have made all the difference to those on their final journey toward annihilation, those who could effect change chose to ignore a People’s plight. I speak too here, not only for the 6,000,000 Jews who were slaughtered, all ritually murdered on the sacrificial table, but for our own culpability in that loss to our own humanity. From within the depths of the slaughter, we have to explore the abandonment of our God. We need to establish if the teachings of Jesus were so blatantly ignored they become superfluous to all coming generations. As to the shepherding role of the Church, an abandonment of that charitable principle was carried out, in order for those involved at the point of the destruction to enable and deliver for Hitler, and his Reich, a resolve. That solution which would prove final, and in genocidal terms, conclusive, for all these Jewish People could have been tempered, ameliorated or even abandoned by that same protest that the Church was delivering on behalf of the ill, the infirm or the weak willed!

“..there are sacred obligations of conscience from which no one has ..power to release us and which we must fulfil even if it costs us our lives.” Cardinal von Galen.

We all have to accept from within the community of humanity that what was done was a grave wrong. But also, what was allowed to happen was also a great wrong, and it was done by a so-called Christian people and in our name. We are still led by a Catholic Church already steeped in the tradition of antisemitism and the smell of duplicity hangs over her like an angry God seething that we stooped so low. My Church must do more to rectify the wrongs that were clearly done and openly endorse the need for an appropriate response that is full and unflinching. In its own resolve to be open and honest the Church can no longer protest it did enough! The very integrity of the Church lies at the heart of these concerns, and the words of Jesus Christ ring out when we deny the basic of a human right to any others which we seek for ourselves!

“..If ..danger of ..reproduction of that curse of God in ..Jewish blood is finally to come to an end ..there is only one way ..extermination of that people.” Julius Streicher.

Of course there are many protestations which have suggested that the Church was encumbered by protocol. For the Church, not to meddle in State affairs, is to abandon those who are in fear of a State settled upon their destruction. There is a moral duty on us all to ensure the least able are defended by the more enabled. Which is why, when Cardinal Clement August von Galen urged protest over the T4 Euthanasia Project, his protest loomed extraordinarily large and loud. His voice was well heard and it was audible. He was reasoned with moral and ethical certainty and we see that he acted with the authority of a Church founded upon those Christian principles. That same voice however, was redundant when it came to the Jews of Germany and Europe who faced an unprecedented slaughter of such magnitude, History had not yet invented the term to bring our comprehension of its detail into focus.

“..suspicion verging on certainty ..numerous unexpected deaths of mentally ill people do not occur of themselves but are deliberately brought about ..doctrine is being followed ..according to which one may destroy so-called ‘worthless life’ that is ..kill innocent people if one considers ..their lives are of no further value for ..nation and ..state.” Cardinal von Galen.

Remember, von Galen issued his missal and it was read out in Churches on July 6th. 1941, while the slaughter of the Jewish People was in full swing. Hitler’s response was immediate, he swept the T4 detail under ground and had 3 Priests who had distributed the tract beheaded. Though Hitler did not abandon the Euthanasia Project fully, as has been stated, he used others means to circumvent what the Church protest had illuminated. Here is where der Einsatzgruppe, who were destroying the enormous vestiges of Russian and Eastern Judaism, worked in unison with those who now brought their T4 expertise out into the wider field of operations. Along with those other innocent souls, those who are now declared insane, or slightly disabled, or simply ill, or at pains with the existence of daily life or those Hitler had declared unworthy of living, stood the host of Judaism. Here, as The Wannsee Conference would extract from a detailed census account of the presence of the Jewish People in their midst, would be some 11,293,300 Jewish People. These Jews, an innocent target for a ruthless illegality, would receive no quarter. Surely the Church’s confessional must have been ringing with the resonance for forgiveness from the multitude of Catholic perpetrators who sought to assuage their guilt in both that T4 programme and The Holocaust?

“..Einsatzgruppen ..called upon to fulfil a repulsive duty. are soldiers who have to carry out every order unconditionally. You have a responsibility before God and Hitler for everything that is happening. I myself hate this bloody business and I have been moved to ..depths of my soul. ..I am obeying ..highest law by doing my duty. Man must defend himself against bedbugs ..rats ..vermin.” Heinrich Himmler.

However, the Catholic Church’s protest did not rise to the task expected of it, nor did it emanate with any significant level of compassion; that which Christ himself would have demanded, Love thy neighbour as thyself, was abandoned to a large degree by a wave of silence which catapulted Hitler toward a gain he felt empowered to undertake. For those who walk along, after the steps of Christ, they need to step inside those shoes and adopt the honest, human and charitable attitude of the very same Jesus I see as my Christ. Also, in that preamble back to history, are we to be led to believe that, simply because of von Galen’s protest, and it was practically 7 weeks after the missal was being read out in Church’s, that Hitler had to explore other hidden avenues for the murder of those useless mouths unworthy of life, and The Jews of Europe?

“..hold a solemn requiem mass in memory of der Fuhrer.” Cardinal Bertram.

How can we as Catholics look favourably at a Church that does not frown more emphatically at Hitler’s role in The Holocaust, or even World War 2? Can we more than just accept that Hitler was a Catholic and not have been removed from that communion for his betrayal of all Christian values! Look also to those who administered for Hitler in the depths of the carnage, over the Killing sites and within the Death Camps. Bormann, Frank, Goebbels, Heydrich, Himmler, Hoess, or Muller none of whom have been admonished or excommunicated for their hatred of Humanity! We also have it on authority that many, like Brunner, Eichmann, Mengele and Stangl, and too many more were secured safety by Vatican intervention. Can we simply ignore what was achieved by the Church in aide of those whose despicable nature drove 6,000,000 Jews toward Destruction? When so little was said that would have prevented the Catastrophe in the first place, can we find any morality? What does emerge from the tracts of evidence is an unholy alliance with unholy people that was ranged against a God fearing and holier Jewish presence that was all but obliterated.

“..You shall love your neighbour as yourself. .. There is no other commandment greater than these.” Jesus Christ.

Disguising the Truth of the Catastrophe.

Revisiting the Past Posted on Wed, October 08, 2014 11:15:04

For inexplicable reasons, from hatreds to sheer obstinacy, there are people out there who either doubt the truth of what is known of The Holocaust or choose to deny that truth. The weight of Testimony we have been provided with has overwhelmed History with an intolerable sense of degradation. Thus far, we have as yet no other means of comprehension but the living Testimony of the Survivors, the eye witness proof and the verification from those who committed these crimes! All of these who provide confirmation of what is known are fast leaving us with the statements of what they have known. Then, when we all manage to agree and accept that we do not have a written directive from Hitler, what stops some from accepting the abundance of Truth that is available?

This is the convergence of Truth that cannot be denied. There has been a revisiting to certain assertions and even assumptions. But if Hoess was to revise his figures from 4,000,000 Murdered at Auschwitz down to what we accept today, that is an assessment made when all evidence had not been properly gained, garnered, gathered. This in no way lends any credence to those who say if that figure is no longer accurate, the truth of 1,100,000 Murdered Jews of Auschwitz cannot be relied upon. We cannot contradict what is True, what we can do is review the evidence in order to come forward with a more complete assessment!

We know all too well that Hitler would not allow anyone else to direct, what was his most fundamental directive, die Endlosung der Judenfrage, The Final Solution of The Jewish Question, yet advocates of Hitler’s ultimate power accept he had little overall power! While issuing forth, all arms of the Reich were directed toward a ‘Weltanschauung’ that held a vision of a captive world directly trodden under a German Nazi jackboot. Within that world view, the Jews of the world were to be scourged, purged, ‘resettled’ in those captive eastern lands and then eradicated. It is without any doubt that Hitler, der Fuhrer of a proposed 1,000 year Reich, orchestrated every aspect of his myopia and the assault upon the Jews of Europe was part of that mindset.

While many, like Himmler, Heydrich, Hoess, Stangl and Eichmann controlled the day to day operations, the baton of Hitler was framing and orchestrating every movement. I have been involved in the subject of The Holocaust for so many years, I have noticed the tool of denial that seeks to extricate Hitler from the midst of this uniquely awful crime. For the life of me I cannot understand why any in this world would want to revere a man who even denounced his own Germanic peoples. While he achieved the destruction of so many millions of different peoples, 50 to 70 Millions from every nation of the world, he also sought to subjugate what was to be the acceptable residue from the remainder of the World. Within that destruction History will record that 6,000,000 Jews of Europe were selected exclusively for destruction.

Those who would wish for that proposed scenario ignore the pertinent fact that they too might well have formed part of that vanquished and subdued peoples – surplus to his needs? The hatred that Hitler held for the world, the contempt he felt for that world and the very capacity to deal destructively with that world should ensure there is a rightful abhorrence of the man. What Hitler stood for would have ensured all but an exclusive band of blond, blue eyed ‘aryans’ dined at the top table of a repugnant Nazi era. Where, you ask, does this infatuation with Hitler come from; where does his hatred for the Jewish People emerge? I have to suggest that it is not so much an adoration of a hate-filled leader but an allegiance with what filled Hitler with so much hate, an anti-Semitism stretching back over 2,000 years.

If Hitler can be cleansed of his capacity to destroy the Jews in such a unique Genocide, those antisemites, race haters and bigots will have a hero who proposed to destroy what they now seek to deny. There is much of what Hitler proposed and ensured, and there are some of these fraudulent aspects of a discredited theory which now form part of a revised history that some deniers seek to adorn our genuine study with.

i) The capacity to murder,

ii) the subjective review of statistical analysis,

iii) the inability to see the truth and;

iv) a corporate psychosis that promotes an abundance of self promoting and propagating drivel.

The deniers tend to blend mathematical theorem with conjecture, in order to add a form of substance to a lack of true or competent study. Within the Camp system itself there are many ways to prove how divergent the analysis can be so I will attempt to counter what you reckon has been suggested. Operational from May 20th. 1940, the Auschwitz camp was established to shield the world from a view of what was yet to come for all of Hitler’s enemies. By September 3rd. 1941, Zyklon ‘B’ was being used at the Auschwitz facility and an estimated 1,100,000 Jews were Murdered there. By my own estimation this could rise toward 2,500,000 given Auschwitz’s capacity to murder in all its satellite camps.

The Death Factory at Birkenau was operational from October 1941. I stress here that all reliable estimates, as to the destruction that was conducted here, amounts to some 1,100,000 to 1,600,000 Jews who were murdered alongside many other peoples of Europe. Those Jewish murdered however, presented Hitler with a very serious concern. Once he fully realised that the world would have the evidence of what had been accomplished in this genocide of the Jewish People of Europe, the task of concealment was undertaken. After 12 months of der Einsatzgruppe operations, which had ranged against the Jews of the East, Blobel was called upon, with Sonderkommando 1005.

Blobel now set about eradicating the very evidence of all that der Einsatzgruppe had achieved. Some 1,250,000 Jews had been shot to death and buried in pits, ravines and anti-tank ditches. There are names to conjure up the terror for those Jewish People, names like Babi-Yar, Ponary, Bikernieki and Tuchinka. All had to have the evidence of the crimes perpetrated there disposed of. Following this clean up operation of the killing sites, Blobel moved his expertise into those Death Camps, where the bodies of the murdered who had been previously buried in mass graves. These were systematically disinterred and burnt. What argument now emerges from a denial of the evidence has been a miscalculation of the logistical endeavour Blobel clearly was well prepared for.

We can assess this undertaking by acknowledging that the remains of a burned body amounts to some 0.004245 cubic metres of ash. If we accept this as the average, then there are three assessments to be made based upon the agreed analysis concerning Auschwitz and Birkenau. This is the figure to be presented at 1). Also, if we are to reckon with the denier’s miscalculation of the ability to dispose of Jewish Bodies, we need to look at a human dimension of the overall crime, to assess the ability of the Death Camp to deal with such numbers. On average a human body has an overall volume of some 0.1910 cubic metres, and this estimate will be made at the figure 2). That said these are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

1) 1,100,000, 1,600,000 or 2,500,000 Jews murdered, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 4,669 cubic metres, 6,792 cubic metres or 10,612 cubic metres respectively.

2) 1,100,000, 1,600,000 or 2,500,000 Jews murdered and buried would require a space that would amount to 210,210 cubic metres, 305,600 cubic metres and 477,500 cubic metres respectively.

In operation from October 1941 Majdanek there are estimates of 200,000 to 360,000 Jews having been Murdered there.

A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the figure at 3). On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the figure 4). These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

3) 200,000 or 360,000 Jews murdered, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 849 cubic metres or 1,528.2 cubic metres respectively.

4) 200,000 or 360,000 Jews murdered and buried would require a space that would amount to 38,200 cubic metres and 68,760 cubic metres respectively.

In operation from November 1st. 1941 the Aktion Reinhard Camp Belzec have estimates from 500,000 to 680,000 and up to 1,250,000 Jews having been Murdered there.

A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the figure at 5). On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the figure 6). These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

5) 500,000, 680,000 or 1,250,000 Jews murdered, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 5,094 cubic metres, 6,792 cubic metres or 10,612 cubic metres respectively.

6) 1,200,000, 1,600,000 or 2,500,000 Jews murdered and buried would require a space that would amount to 229,200 cubic metres, 305,600 cubic metres and 477,500 cubic metres respectively.

In operation from December 8th. 1941 Chelmno has estimates 150,000 and up to 400,000 Jews having been Murdered there.

A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the figure at 7). On average a human has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the figure 8). These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

7) 150,000 or 400,000 Jews murdered, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 636.76 cubic metres or 1,698 cubic metres cubic metres respectively.

8) 150,000 or 400,000 Jews murdered and buried would require a space that would amount to 28,650 cubic metres and 76,400 cubic metres respectively.

On March 1st. 1942 the Aktion Reinhard Camp Sobibor came on stream and has estimates of 225,000 to 300,000 Jews having been Murdered there.

A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the figure at 9). On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the figure 10). These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

9) 225,000 or 300,000 Jews murdered, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 955.125 cubic metres or 1,273.5 cubic metres respectively.

10) 225,000 or 300,000 Jews murdered and buried would require a space that would amount to 42,975 cubic metres and 57,300 cubic metres respectively.

On June 1st. 1942 the Aktion Reinhard Camp Treblinka became operational and has estimates 700,000, 900,000 and up to 1,200,000 Jews having been Murdered there.

A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the figure at 11). On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the figure 12). These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

11) 700,000, 900,000 or 1,200,000 Jews murdered, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 2,971.5 cubic metres, 3,820.5 cubic metres or 5,094 cubic metres respectively.

12) 700,000 900,000 or 1,200,000 Jews murdered and buried would require a space that would amount to 133,700 cubic metres, 171,900 cubic metres and 229,200 cubic metres respectively.

The question of combustible material needed is exhaustive, and I do not have the time, at this moment, to enter into that assessment. Needless to say, when the deniers attribute an amount of timber, coal oil, gasoline etc., to the cremation of a body, that figure does not compute to a far larger total of bodies, as each body is combustible and will ignite and maintain the necessary heat to burn other than itself. An abundance of human fat has a value which the deniers also seem to dismiss! But such expertise as is needed to explore in more detail these pertinent assessments, is not mine!

It belongs to scientists and experts far greater than I to evaluate such a hypothesis! On a personal level can we allow for the Survivor to suffer the indignation of having their Testimony ridiculed and denied or the veracity of Truth expunged from History. What would it say for the 6,000,000 Jews who were Murdered in The Holocaust? They are to be forgotten? No, the question for History will be,

Always to Remember, Never to Forget.

An Unwritten Past

Revisiting the Past Posted on Sun, September 28, 2014 23:51:40

It takes but a moment to kill, but it takes a final solution to plan and then implement the destruction of some 6,000,000 Human Beings. This is an inglorious chapter in our own history, an unwritten page in our long struggle to emerge from the dark and escape toward enlightenment. What man has done during The Holocaust, man must repair, man must reconstruct and eventually laws will come to terms with the damage this has caused. History is not merely what is recorded on paper, but what has been so often passed down, what has been learned from experience and what has been ascertained from the facts. What is then discerned, and more certainly and importantly, what is truthfully acknowledged, becomes conscious pages in the narrative of that past. There are those who still seek to deconstruct our knowledge of what happened to the Jews of Europe during this terrible period.

Travel in Style.

They use the absence of a ‘written decree’ to excavate Hitler from the midst of a pursuance he was firmly committed to. Clearly, the message that reached Himmler, Heydrich, Eichmann and the entire murder apparatus was force fed from Hitler’s own office. The subsequent implementation of that resolve was fed back to its source through a multitude of channels and personnel. Bormann stood at the door and allowed all but the specific detail of what was being achieved in the Reich, and this included the accumulation of the destructive detail of the ‘aktionen’ against the Jewish People. Here too we have an input from the Vatican which is at a cross roads and with what Mother Church has always declared would be her indissoluble position with regard to meddling in the status of a sovereign nation.

The Church chose to avoid meddling in the solution Hitler had made to finally deal with the Jews of Europe. The Vatican could have clearly demanded, which it did, that Russia not pursue its interest and intention at the expense of Finnish integrity, and in 1939 put its voice to meddling in the status of a sovereign nation. That position was never restated however, with regard to the Jews of Europe? I guess the question remains as to why and then, as those slaughtered Jews were being murdered and while all moral conscience was shifted toward a positioning of its neutral stance, that was to stand aside without any concerted Christian concern for our Jewish Brother’s.

This Vatican dalliance with political etiquette, when Rome and Pope Pius XII had warned Vojtech Tuka, Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia, of Hitler’s planned destination for the Jews, resettled ‘East’, also breached this contrivance. What the significance of such a transportation move meant for the Jews was clear, even here in March 1942. Himmler though, who had no such qualms when it came to committing to the ramifications of any such euphemism’s, also resorted to paper issues of the wishes and demands of der Fuhrer for The Final Solution. What this fully meant for the Jews of Finland and Europe was not shielded from the eyes of those who wished to see what Himmler had already committed to paper here in Finland.

So to that end, we only need to excavate information from Finnish Intelligence at the time, for them to reveal what they had copied from Himmler’s own files. Himmler had been in Finland in July 1942 to press for Finnish compliance with an anti-Jewish resolve and to know what that final decisive act was to be for a very Jewish Question. But such was Finnish knowledge by now, that her Government, an ally of Hitler’s against an aggressive Russia, was moved to ensure the practical safety of most of the Jews of Finland. Here, where 2,300 of their number were targeted for destruction, under the auspices of The Wannsee Conference, only a tiny percentage of that number became final victims.

If we are to then accept that Finnish Intelligence was quick to respond to the threat Hitler presented to her Jews, we have to fully accept that, of the 7 to 11 Jews who died as a consequence of Hitler’s intention, there was a remarkable act of sabotage by Finland and against what Hitler had clearly demanded. That this constituted knowledge of the emergence of The Holocaust is clear to a history that wishes to see it. There is still however, a great debate about how we arrive at a genesis for a crime we find completely incomprehensible to this day. Though we surely do not attempt to deny Hitler’s signature permeates every loose filed chapter in the progression of the atrocity, there are some who would demand a penned document that has Hitler sign the lives of the Jews away.

From All over Europe they were Brought!

What we know, and what we assert is that without Hitler, there would have been no Final Solution ans with this resolve, 6,000,000 more Jews would have survived World War II. Perhaps, one moment in this history disgorges the truth, more than any, of Hitler’s own self serving intention to murder every single Jew he could lay his hands on. At the Klessheim Castle, where Hitler sought to brow beat the Hungarian leader Admiral Horthy into a more deadly and immediate compliance with the terms of ‘The Final Solution’, Dr. Paul Schmidt of the Foreign Office clearly notes in his minutes what Hitler was unafraid to utter:-

“..Where ..Jews were left to themselves Poland ..most terrible misery and decay prevailed. ..In Poland this state of affairs has been fundamentally cleared up. If ..Jews there did not want to work ..they were shot. If they could not work ..they had to succumb. ..This was not cruel ..even innocent creatures ..have to be killed that no harm is caused by them. Why should ..beasts who wanted to bring us Bolshevism be spared more.” Attributed to Adolf Hitler.

Hitler has always linked his own ‘struggle’ for dealing with ‘The Jewish Question,’ with that same ideological hatred he had for Communism. As he sought to come face to face with both strands of the same loathing, he indulged his own impulses to murder both Jews and Communists. That the Jews were shot, that the Jews succumbed, this is an incontrovertible truth, and while his hatred of the Jews became ‘die Endlosung der Judenfrage’, European history would be indelibly marked with the killed, succumbed and shot members of the Jewish Race, all 6,000,000 of them. It is all too obvious to historians, who seek the truth, that here, and this was April 17th. 1943, that Hitler was expressing to all those around him what he knew of both the ‘Einsatzgruppe Aktionen’ and more certainly, what he was fully aware of, and that was the destruction that had taken place of the Jews, both of Poland and those sent into Poland, toward Auschwitz, Belzec, Birkenau, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka.

They Thought it was Just A Visit!

Cracow Ghetto Fighters

Revisiting the Past Posted on Sun, September 21, 2014 19:19:07

August 13th. 1943

In view of the tragic existence of the Jews, where the life of the individual depends on chance, and the life of the community as a whole has long been on the brink of cessation, one must, more than ever, see the situation comprehensively. An individual point of view – everyone will surely understand that now – is of no significance today. As individuals, we are all lost. The likelihood of staying alive is minute. Broken and alone there is not much we can expect of life. Dying together with Polish Jewry we must clearly visualize for ourselves the historic character of this time and tell ourselves with courage that our death does not spell the end of the world. The record of humanity and of the Jewish people will continue at its own speed in the future, even after we are safely under the ground.

The numerical balance-sheet of the Jews will be sad when peace finally comes to the world after the historical blood-bath. This is indeed not the first defeat of a defenceless people scattered over the face of the earth. Slaughter, murders, confiscation of property, and the burning alive of people all these have been known to us for generations as the essential elements of our martyrology. But there has never been such wholesale extermination. Never did a situation develop like this, where there is no way out. Never before did great numbers of people armed with the most modern technology move against the Jews. Of 16 million Jews in the world, we shall scarcely reach 9 million after the war. And, most important of all, the Jews of Europe will no longer be there, those who up to now made up the healthiest part of the nation.

Nobody held out a helping hand to the Jews who were being destroyed, nobody made any effort to help them to the extent that they could escape from the danger of extermination. They looked on our destruction as on the death of maggots, and not as the loss of a nation with high cultural values. When the question of the Jews came up even the hatred towards the Germans lessened. There was a solidarity with the enemy in the joy over the fall of the Jews. Only a few retained any degree of humanity, and even they did not dare to give this public expression. The truth of aloneness was again confirmed.

We shall carry the heavy burden of this isolation until the end of our days, and it points to the fact that the only proper approach is that of self-liberation: We have nobody on whom to depend except ourselves. All other political concepts will lead us astray. We have paid the highest possible price because we were lulled asleep by the prosperity of Europe, or guided by false hopes of rescue that would come from outside. We lost our sense of reality and instead of planning our independence we scattered invaluable forces in alien fields. Who knows what would have been the future of the Jewish people if there were no Yishuv (Community) of half a million in Palestine, that built its foundations before the war broke out and which has now reached a million souls?

Only this nucleus of a Jewish State now offers assurance for the survival of the people. It makes us believe that an independent Jewish nation will rise again, a wellspring of profound spiritual values, as always. It is easier to die, therefore, in the knowledge that a genuine Jewish life still throbs there, that in that one small corner of the wide world we were not undesirables, lonely victims. There would be no sense in our death but for the feeling that, after we have gone, they will be the only ones who will think about us with genuine emotion.

Therefore, despite certain death, we join them in their struggle for the future. Every one of our deeds paved the way for freedom, and furthers the building of an independent homeland. Our revolt is a protest against the evil that is engulfing the world. To counter the terror that has crushed our people, we shall stand prepared for the struggle for justice and freedom that should light up the life of humanity as a whole.

We are willing to die in order that the shame of death in slavery shall not burden the future of the Jews, and that these Jews shall not have to recall the Jews of Europe with shame because they allowed themselves to be led unresisting to slaughter, and they had not the spirit and courage to defend themselves against destruction. As we had not been allowed to make our contribution to the creative work of building, we shall at least fulfil our historic duty here: it is we who must raise up the name of the lost people, to wipe away the mark of shame of slavery, and to place it among the ranks of people free in spirit.

The Cracow Fighting Pioneer Underground Newspaper.

The Former Ghetto to the Left.

“.. For three lines in history that will be written about ..youth who fought and did not go like sheep to ..slaughter is even worth dying.” Dolek Liebeskind.

Dolek was a member of the Zionist underground in the Cracow ghetto and uses a term which has a mixed reception from amongst Survivors, Writers and students of The Holocaust. The fact that the Jews of Europe were indeed Slaughtered is a Fact, that the many of them went toward that Destruction resigned to that fate is perhaps a misconception. What could Children do? What could Parents do when to relieve any of the trauma that might face their Children, they cajoled and consoled them all the way toward an end, as a Family united in Life and Death?

“..came to Cracow ..after ..deportations from ..Warsaw Ghetto ..begun. ..a mission .. be in touch with ..leadership then located in Cracow.” Hela Rufeisen.

Look deep into the eyes of these as they enjoy their moments of reprieve. Yes! They are reprieved from gorging themselves upon the blood of innocent Jews who were brought under their jurisdiction for the sole purpose of ending that journey in a Gas Chamber and Krematorium! Not too far away from Cracow, while there was such brutality, terror and horror, at least for the Jews who entered Auschwitz and Birkenau, there was German joy! German merriment!

German rejoicing in the deeds of mass Murder paints a truly awful picture of an indifference to human suffering, it is intolerable. History has not only damned these Auschwitz guards but has expunged their guilt through lack of any Justice to be afforded their victims. They have escaped the jurisdiction of Justice for no other reason than a desire to do prosecute them! They have been enabled by their deceit to enter back amongst honest and War weary Germans, to continue a life as normal as they would make it. What does the picture betray? That these were ordinary Germans who went on to secure ordinary lives. They will have had Children and Grandchildren. But their Children will never know the work that was accomplished by them, after they had filled their days of murderous enterprise, with human enjoyment.

Prior to Hitler’s aggression, when his forces Invaded Poland on September 1st. 1939, there had been close on 60,000 Jews resident in Cracow. For many this was the key to abandon all that they had come to know, and many of them fled. Some toward Russia, where many of them were caught up in the first der Einsatzgruppe ‘Aktionen’ and others fled for the comparative safety of the West. Unfortunately, for any Jews of Europe, there was no escape! They was no safe haven! There was little chance of Survival.

“..Most of ..Jews ..Warsaw ..Cracow ..Lublin ..already dead. ..killed mainly in ..death camps ..built in ..spring of 1942. ..autumn 1942 ..Ostrow Jews probably knew ..vaguely ..terrible facts.” Isidore Last.

For the Jews of Cracow, whose 56,000 Jews remained in situ, by the end of 1942 more than 80% of them had been murdered in the Death Camps of Poland. Some 37,000 of Cracow’s Jews were dispatched toward Belzec and murdered there. Facing the Jewish Quarter of Cracow, Kazimierz, and just across the River Vistula stood a more run down district of Cracow, Podgorze. Here, some 16,000 Jews at any given time were contained within its boundary of old building, wooden shacks and derelict premises. No amount of sanitary conditions were available for all those Jews forced to reside there.

Podgorze Across the Vistula River from The Kazimierz Jewish Quarter.

“..already begun ..end of 1940 ..entry into ..ghetto ..March 1941 ..remained 13,000 ..of 60,000 Jews in Cracow. ..ghetto ..very crowded. ..beyond ..Vistula River ..Podgorze ..belonged to ..poor quarters ..ramshackle houses ..wooden houses ..ruined houses about to collapse. Three or four families ..into tiny flats ..a room ..a kitchen. .. spread very rapidly ..particularly amongst ..children. ..difficult to maintain sanitary conditions.” Rivka Kuper.

As for much of Polish Jewry, choice was not only limited, it was restricted to a design Hitler had ushered in and his foremost administrators adhered to. While Lodz Jews were largely Murdered in Chelmno, Warsaw’s Jews were Murdered in Treblinka and Lublin’s Jews were Murdered in Majdanek, any Camp was designated accommodating for any Jew of Europe. While one might have suspected the bulk of Cracow’s Jews would have found themselves ‘resettled’ in Auschwitz and Birkenau that is not altogether the case. Cracow’s Jews were Murdered in each and every Death Camp within Poland. More than 65% of Cracow’s Jews were Murdered in Belzec alone.

Reyna Sieger.

While I am at it! I do owe an apology to many Polish people I had spoken to who misjudged my assertion as to their being Death Camps on Polish soil being assessed as Polish Death Camps. My aim was merely a geographical reference point. The inception, conduct and idea of The Final Solution was brought about by Hitler who utilised Polish space, due the close proximity of 3,000,000 Jews to destroy the bulk of all Jewry in Poland. While it appears fair to state that Poland is the gravest cemetery of European Jewry, it is perhaps disingenuous for people to see this as a position Poland could do little to avoid.

“..It is so easy to think that you know what something looks like ..what something was like ..and really have no idea at all.” Susan Schaeffer.

What Susan has to say here fits in perfectly with what I maintain, and it is for the Survivor to know, while we must endeavour to know of, attempt to comprehend what we have learned and bring that knowledge to the fore in order to inform and assist the broader Testimony of The Holocaust is better known.

Bedzin Ghetto was in operation from July 1st. 1940 till August 1st. 1943 and had contained some 27,000 Jews. Some of these had been dispersed from Cracow while others had been concentrated in Bedzin from the local areas. Workers from the Ghetto were utilised until their ability to do so was weakened by Slave conditions and lack of food and water.

“..Germans ..surrounded ..whole area. ..not only in Sosnowiec. ..Synagogue was burned down ..Katowice ..Bedzin. Bedzin and Sosnowiec Synagogues were surrounded ..also ..houses in ..which Jews were living ..many of these Jews were burned alive ..Germans shot at anyone who tried to escape.” Frieda Masia

Bochnia Ghetto had been established March 15th. 1940 and remained as a tool of the German administration until September 1943. The Ghetto had contained some 3,500 Jews and many of these had been dispersed from Cracow while others had been concentrated in Bochnia from the local areas.

Sosnowiec Ghetto
was in existence from March 1941 until February 1944 and had contained some 28,000 Jews. Many of these Jews had been dispersed from Cracow while others had been concentrated in Sosnowiec from the local areas. Workers from the Ghetto were utilised until their abiliy to do so was weakened by Slave conditions and lack of food and water.

“..if we were to say 200 Survived ..that number would not be an exaggeration.” Frieda Masia.

Names that Remind Us

Revisiting the Past Posted on Sun, September 14, 2014 21:03:19

I will let You into a secret. As we journeyed from Cracow (Krakow) toward Auschwitz and then onto Birkenau, I could see signposts that directed us toward where We must venture thoughts, concerns and a desire to add toward the Remembrance of those Jews whose lives ended so abruptly in Auschwitz and Birkenau. Also, we would be travelling along that same route were destinations that have been as much a part of The Holocaust landscape as Auschwitz and Birkenau were to become, Towns signposted and blended into the scenery. For me, these were names which rang alarm bells, and as we sped along they would remind me that there must have been scenes of utter devastation for the Jews of these Towns, some 70 years ago!

It is small consolation that the names mentioned here will barely impact upon the memory of those who read them! They are listed at Yad Vashem! They belong to an era now lost to all Humanity. My attempt to place a step in sync with those 1,100,000 Jews who were delivered to oblivion having lived close by, having been transported from the four corners of Europe and finding nothing but devastation, destruction and oblivion before them at Auschwitz and Birkenau.

Some of the Murdered Jews of Cracow (Krakow)

Bachner, Chana
Bachner, Shmue
Banet, Chaim
Braun, Benek
Bergman, Chaia
Berger, Chaja
Berger, Leja
Berger, Baruch
Berger, Rosa
Berger, Zeev
Berhang, Stanislaw
Blumenkrantz, Rachel
Blumner, Salo Shlomo
Blonder, Michael
Blonder, Lusia
Blonder, Hilda
Blonder, Miriam
Blonski, Mania Miriam
Blonski, Mosze
Beck, Abraham
Beckmann, Yitzkhak
Berkowicz, Sara Stefania
Bernstein, Ita
Biegeleisen, Moshe Leib
Birenbaum, Regina
Blaicher, Frida
Blasenstein, Marila Miriam
Blatt, Rywka
Blatt, Fela
Blat, Kaila
Blat, Perl
Blinder, Marjem
Blitz, Yakob
Blitz, Haja
Bru, Simon
Gusta, Guta
Horowitz, Rachel
Huelfstein, Lejb
Huppert, Joachim Khaim
Huppert, Bernard
Huttman, Chaja
Jakobowicz, Matyl
Jakobowicz, Szloma
Jakubowicz, Leopold
Jekler, Bernard
Jonas, Rivca
Kac, Mojsze
Katz, Moiche
Karmel, Dora
Launer, Zygmund Zisha
Lam, Fela
Landau, Hinda
Landau, Haia
Leibel, Debora
Leidner, Chaia
Liblich, Chaja
Lowenbraun, Sara
Markowicz, Dawid
Melzer, Lifcia
Taube, Regina Rakhel
Taubman, Regina
Tobias, Berta
Tupel, Josef
Teiger, Golda
Teitel, Helena
Tindel, Berta
Tiras, Rivka
Zandgarten, Solomon Shlomo
Zandhauz, Paul

Some of the Murdered Jews of Babice

Feif, Smuel

Gutter, Blime

Gutter, Rutzia

Gutter, Feliks

Jungmann, Hugo

Litmanowicz, Iheskel

Litmanowicz, Yitzkhak

Pack, Chaim

Rozenfeld, Avraham

Szwecer, Zisser

Szwecer, Moszko

Szwecer, Icek

Szymonowicz, Emilia

Tintenfish, Yosef

Volf, Moshe

Volf, Etel

Volf, Shlomo

Vulf, Feiga

Weiss, Otto

Weitzenblum, Helena

Some of the Murdered Jews of Baczyn

Beck, Salomea

Klapholz, Aron

Klapholz, Salomon

Some of the Murdered Jews of Bedzin

Abramczyk, Rachel

Abramowicz, Perl

Balicka, Krajndla

Belicka, Perl Sara

Berlach, Berish

Binsztok, Szajndla

Binsztok, Yaakov

Blacharz, Dobra

Blachas, Avraham

Blumenfrucht, Fela

Buchweitz, Ita

Chumec, Rachel

Cukierman, Abraham

Cygler, Sara

Cymborknopf, Hela

Cymerman, Dorka

Cymerman, Bajle

Dancyger, Mania

Dressler, Gitel

Dressler, Moshe

Ehrlich, Emilia

Ehrlich, Lea

Eksztajn, Chana

Erlich, Rachel

Erlich, Rosa

Erlich, Elijasz

Erlich, Estera

Erlich, Motel

Some of the Murdered Jews of Biala

Allerhand, Samuel

Berensztein, Chaskiel

Bergmann, Moritz.

Borgher, Hugo

Brahm, Frajda

Brahm, Herman

Brahm, Hela..

Brahm, Guta

Brannstatter, Izydor

Czajewicz, Raja

Gleser, Gitla

Some of the Murdered Jews of Bochnia

Ackerman, Haim

Ackerman, Jacob

Ackerman, Meir

Ackerman, Faivl

Ackerman, Simon

Ackerman, Miriam

Ackerman, Eva

Ackerman, Smuel

Austerweil, Zisman

Austerweil, Zwettel

Beldengruen, Eljasz

Bernstein, Mirjam

Some of the Murdered Jews of Chrzanow

Appelstein, Avraham

Bachna, Mindl Fruma

Bachne, Slomo Elejzer

Bachner, Mindl

Bachner, Rachel

Bachner, Etl

Bachner, Chana

Bachner, Keila

Bachner, Chaim

Bachner, Mejer

Bachner, Teme

Bachner, Slomo

Bachner, Malka

Bachner, Ester

Bachner, Keila

Berl, Sara

Berl, Josef

Birenbojm, Chane

Blachmacher, Szloma

Blachmacher, Fejga

Blumenstock, Rosa

Bochenek, Iudl

Bochenek, Rywka

Bochner, Surele

Bochner, Avrum

Bochner, Breintsche

Borenstein, David

Bornschtein, Feigla

Bornschtein, Faiwel

Some of the Murdered Jews of Debniki

Helfer, Josef

Horowitz, Blima

Traub, Rozia

Some of the Murdered Jews of Katowice

Altmann, Berthold

Altmann, Hertha

Altmann, Marta

Balser, Masha

Belicka, Chana

Belicki, Josef Hersz

Bernstein, Roman

Betar, Heinrik

Better, Irena

Better, Fritz Peretz

Bienenfeld, Leib

Birenbaum, Balbina

Blaustein, Szaja Yehoshua

Blaustein, Dwora

Blumenfrucht, Rywka Sara

Blumenfrucht, Pesach

Borensztein, Sara

Bornstein, Emanuel

Reizl, Shoshana

Some of the Murdered Jews of Kazimierz

Aufman, Eva

Awnstern, Abraham

Banach, Joseph

Barsch, Moische

Bienstock, Feiga Lea

Borensztain, Zlata

Borensztejn, Mosze

Bornstein, David

Buchbinder, Henzel

Buchbinder, Chana

Buchbinder, Sender

Buchbinder, Malka

Buchbinder, Sula

Some of the Murdered Jews of Lipowa

Jakubiec, Marie

Silberstein, Herman

Silberstein, Shmuel

Tarlowski, Klara

Walter, Henryk

Zajbert, Lajzer Eliezer

Some of the Murdered Jews of Olkusz

Besser, Mania

Besser, Chil Yekhiel

Chanczinski, Netl

Some of the Murdered Jews of Plaszow

Atteslander, Zygmunt

Atteslander, Izrael

Atteslander, Moniek

Atteslander, Temka

Bendet, Fanny

Bendet, Herszlit

Bendet, Odette

Bernstein, Rachel

Bernstein, Wilhelm

Dicker, Joseph

Fajer, Ruchel

Fogl, Benjamin

Gnut, Mihail

Grosman, Freida

Gruen, Faiga

Gruen, Julek

Grunspan, Lusia

Grunspan, Samuel

Habensztoch, Jehuda Lajb

Kirszblum, Eugenie

Leser, Hesie Yitzkhak

Lipperman, Benjamin Bishko

Nepomniatzki, Leija

Raubvogel, Zelig

Riegelhaupt, Armin

Rosner, Gerszon

Rottenberg, Solomon

Sternberg, Menachem Maness

Stimez, Miriam

Stimez, Moshe

Szpindler, Eliezer

Ulreich, Sara Hadasa

Weisberg, Richard

Weisberg, Max

Wrobel, Mozes

Zeidel, Paula

Zeidel, Stefan

Zeidel, Roza

Zeidl, Sigi

The River Vistula.

The River flows through Cracow and has had it’s share of tragedy and as a City can be so easily defined by a River as it flows through its environs, Cracow has been shaped by the ebb and flow of these Waters since creation. On my walk from the Kazimierz Jewish Quarter toward the Schindler Factory on Lipowa Street I crossed the River Vistula and watched as it stretched past Architecture that had been a witness to the departure of its Jews toward Destruction in The Holocaust. The buildings stood rigid against the tide of Jewish People being forced from all that they had known, and just as many of Cracow’s citizens did, remained passive and indifferent to their torment.

Millions of litres of water flowed underneath Me and I couldn’t help wondering, how many Jews perished, Shot and were thrown into the River. Or were drowned while attempting to escape across the River. Or were simply thrown into the fast flowing current to see them disappear beneath its drenching power. Much sport was to be had by Nazi’s who could witness Jews drowning, just to mark the time of day.

Some of the Murdered Jews of Sosnowiec

Anisman, Lea

Anisman, Moshe

Anisman, Rivka

Eidelman, Meir

Eidelman, Chana

Eidelman, Aizik

Englard, Dora

Englard, Shmuel

Goldsztajn, Regina

Goldsztajn, Hernyk

Hajda, Nosson Yitzchak

Hajda, Yerachmiel Dovid

Hajda, Sinai Mordechai

Izraelevich, Regina

Oks, Shlomo

Oks, Chana

Olmer, Eliahu Hershel

Olmer, Shlomo Michael

Olmer, Yitzkhak

Olmer, Pola

Ostri, Yaakov

Ostri, Regina

Rabinowicz, Yisroel

Tennenberg, Yosef

Uiazd, Zysl

Uiazd, Yaakov

Some of the Murdered Jews of Tychy

Richter, Wilhelm

Rikhter, Klara

Rikhter, Willy

Rikhter, Eduard

Rikhter, Oskar

Weissenberg, Artur

Weissenberg, Felicitas

The Town of Wadowice is well known to those who have studied The Holocaust. Pope John Paul II went to School there and knew the Jewish Community that had been ravaged by Hitler’s legion of hater’s. For that reason, I have placed the names of some of the Murdered Jews of Wadowice in that submission which asks exactly that of the late Pope, what did he know of their fate?

Then there are the Names which, in the Polish language, do not mean much to the ordinary Visitor. Though they remain infamous in more than 1,100,000 ways, time has recalled them as Birkenau and Auschwitz:

Some of the Murdered Jews of Oswiecim

Bachner, Wolf
Bachner, Roza
Bainerman, Anca
Barbar, Berisch
Basser, Wolf
Baurenfreind, Leibis
Beer, Julja
Beer, Rosa
Berenshtein, Doba
Bernstein, Marcus Mordekhai
Bernstein, Regina Ryvka
Better, Max Mordechai
Birnfrajnd, Jakob Dawid
Blacharowich, Yekhiel
Blumenfrucht, Yehuda Arie
Blumenstock, Henryk
Bochner, Mailech Elimelekh
Bombak, Eljahu
Bornstein, Basze
Bornstein, Ruzia
Bornstein, Zisman
Bornstein, Chaja
Bornstein, Ruzia
Bornstein, Kalman
Bornstein, Berisz
Brandstatter, Chaim
Braw, Shlomo
Brawer, Henoch
Bronner, Jakob
Bronner, Mina
Bronner, Sala Shulamit
Bronner, Miriam
Bronner, Manja Mania
Bronner, Pinchas Josef
Bronner, Frieda
Cejzel, Pinchas
Celler, Sara Beila
Cwerling, Szmuel
Cwerling, Antszel
Cwerling, Jakob
Cwerling, Leja
Edelstein, Natan Nute
Eichner, Reisl

Engelhardt, Naftali
Englaender, Dawid Shaul
Englaender, Mina
Enoch, Wolf Wilhelm
Enoch, Frimcia Frumet
Enoch, Wolf Zeev
Enoh, Rosalia
Fejgenbojm, Bernard
Feltscher, Amalia
Fenigher, Berta
Fenigher, Sali
Finkelsztein, Lejzer
Finkelsztein, Simcha
Fischer, Brandil
Fiszgrund, Chana
Fiszgrund, Rachel
Fuchs, Regina
Galizer, Shalom
Galizer, Szalom
Garfunkl, Yochewed
Garstner, Jechezkel
Garstner, Fajge
Gassner, Adela
Gassner, Frida
Gassner, Chaja
Gatter, Moshe
Gezank, Ihezkel
Glicensztajn, Arie
Goldsztajn, Nacha
Goldwaser, Sali
Gottlieb, Aron
Gottlieb, Abram Psachja
Grobner, Dwora
Grobner, Slomo
Grobner, Jechezkiel
Gross, Yosef
Gross, Abraham Hirsch
Gross, Racl
Gross, Yakow
Gruen, Bezalel
Gruenbaum, Icus
Gruenn, Faiwl
Gryn, Becalel
Gutcherz, Lola Lea
Gutter, Amalia
Gvertman, Pesia
Gvertzman, Shalom
Gvertzman, Beila
Mair, Chaim
Malc, Eliezer
Manesfeld, Necha
Manesfeld, Natan
Manhajmer, Gitel
Mechner, Haim
Mondschtein, Debora
Najburg, Awrum
Nebencal, Hirsh
Nebenzahl, Lola Lea
Neufeld, Reuven
Neuhof, Henia
Neustadt, Hersh Herman
Neustadt, Reisil Rakhel
Nojfeld, Rachel
Nussbaum, Ester
Nussbaum, Gisela Gitel
Ohringer, Gerschon
Piller, Gitel
Piller, Bronka
Priever, Ewa
Rajchenberg, Jakab
Reicher, Chaim
Reicher, Ester
Rosbach, Shaindel
Rosenberg, Pinha
Weber, Chaim
Weg, Yosef
Weinfeld, Rivka
Weinheber, Mojzesz
Weinheber, Herman Tzvi
Weinstock, Sara
Weinstock, Gerschon
Weintraub, Hinda
Weiss, Mordchi Josef
Weitz, David
Weitz, Gitel
Wenger, Sender Aleksander
Wenger, Josef Yosef
Wenger, Helena Khaia
Werner, Arie Leib
Werner, Leibisz
Wetstein, Motl
Wildman, Mordechaj
Wildman, Israel
Wilk, Moshe
Wilk, Hela Khaia
Wilk, Abraham
Wilk, Moshe
Wisen, Golda
Wishnicer, Baruch
Wohlmann, Irena
Wohlmann, Alfred
Wolf, Frida
Wolf, Moshe
Wolf, Mosze
Wolf, Isroel Alter
Wolnerman, Moshe

One of those I met on the Tour here was Carl, who wondered why he landed at Auschwitz and did not recognise the façade. I immediately knew what had so confused him. He had remembered that other image which impacts upon the senses and it is just as potent as the sign

“Arbeit Macht Frei”

and that is that imposing entrance to Birkenau. Immediately he saw it, he realised what he had always considered had been Auschwitz! That must avail itself of so many who can become confused by images, if there isn’t the clear indication as to what they are looking at!

Perhaps to some it is appropriate to deal in terms which appear relevant to what we are involved in here. The Holocaust belongs to a singular term which has encapsulated the Memory for 6,000,000 Murdered Jews. Immediately upon sight of this Sign for Brzezinka, I was struck that a time had existed before The Holocaust when this rather benign name meant little to those Jews residing there, other than as a residence they could occupy? Now History has stolen this Towns name and constructed a Name more filled with Horror and terror than mere comprehension could compose. For over 1,300,000 innocent People, 1,100,000 of them Jews, Birkenau has become synonymous with the Industrialised Capacity for Mass Murder.

Some of the Murdered Jews of Brzezinka

Bachner, Rozalia
Baer, Heinz
Baer, Kurt
Baer, Tirza
Cechstein, Chana
Enokh, Rakhel
Enokh, Rutka
Enokh, Yaakov
Badrin, Wilhelm
Badrin, Berta
Badrin, Josef
Badrin, Ernestina
Badrin, Kurt
Goldberg, Hela
Goldberg, Renia
Goldberg, Shlomo
Goldberg, Pesakh
Goldberg, Roza
Goldberg, Nakhman
Goldberg, Izo Izidor
Hecht, Ida

Kenigsberger, Alek
Kenigsberger, Icie

Loeb, Aron
Loeb, Benjamin
Loeb, Berta
Loeb, Emanuel
Loeb, Lina
Loeb, Melitta
Loeb, Sara
Meyer, Juliua
Mirberg, Leizer
Mirberg, Rakhel
Mirberg, Leib
Mirberg, Meir
Mirberg, Yeta

Rosner, Berta
Shindel, Baruch

Schindel, Beria Pesel
Stapler, Berl
Stapler, Sara
Stapler, Blima
Stapler, Helena
Strauss, Hans
Wachsner, Rosa
Wasserberger, Henryk

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