“..Open your eyes ..visitor ..and gather your inner strength ..what you will see here may put your mental sanity and moral quest in peril. You will see here all that cannot be seen anywhere else ..infinite ability of tormentors and also their victims’ endless agony.” Elie Wiesel.

In terms of what The Holocaust must mean, and in certainty that those Jews who were the intended victims of this, we must educate the World into accepting that equality is the common goal for all people. This right of passage through this life is the only role to be expected for All People to enjoy and hold onto. For that reason, gaining control over the narrative of what secures for Jewish Memory the very facts of what The Final Solution was meant for, is important. What was perpetrated against and ensured for 6,000,000 of the Jewish People, was The Jewish Question as it became answered in its ferocity. It is both factually correct and binding to the narrative that is truthfully told, that we neither adjust to some alternative assessment nor lose sight of the very fact that the Jews of Europe were chosen for elimination. And unless we shed the bonds that the usurpation of Jewish loss, that some would seek for us to shelve, we will be tied to such distortion, and we will be perpetually bound by an historical disregard that is a corrupted history. We remain the slaves of those demands placed upon us, which must further the truth beyond the prejudice and bias of those who wish to circumvent all honesty. That what was perpetrated, and given all that was allowed to be ensured against 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, we must guard this fact as its integrity demands.

“..God of Auschwitz ..know that I must Remember Auschwitz. ..I must remind you of it. God of Treblinka ..let ..sound of that name make me ..and you ..tremble now and always. God of Belzec ..let me ..and you ..weep for ..victims of Belzec.” Elie Wiesel.

There are those who supposedly uphold some covenant with a god like entity, and so fundamentally, as to allow for the poorest to die from want and starvation, or the Jews from a form of indifference that is both callous and immoral. We must allow that to be a lesson, with all sense of moral probity affixed, and an ethical surety recognising within a humanity that is sacrosanct, these principles were disregarded when it came to the Jews of Europe in their historic moments of greatest need. As appallingly as this detail of humanity’s greater need is reflected, it is not true when it should have been delivered to 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews. Subsequently, and for and to those Jewish Survivor’s who sought to inform us of so much, in the lessons of toleration we have learned little. For the sheer brutality exhibited throughout the period we seem content to live with, we do not salvage much of human dignity from the betrayal of human compassion. Basically, in acknowledging what has been taken from the Jews, and even after their Slaughter, we see that there are still the gluttonous wealthy, who consistently gorge themselves upon the riches they have deprived these Jews of. It is essential that all facts must fit all truth’s, and this must not be given over to some facet of any governmental or political agenda seeking to hide, shieled or even deny these facts. It is essential today for us to allow the Jewish People, particularly those who survived all that was thrown at them, to repossess all that they had previously owned and was taken from them, and their People.

“..How could human beings first imagine then commit such inhuman actions against other human beings. Is it that here it was human to be inhuman.” Elie Wiesel.

For such need, as it is moral and equitable, the surviving Jew must be made capable of securing what had been divested of them. It is inhuman not to do so, and if that ethical response is to ensure the Jewish People secure the lands, businesses, property’s, goods and personal items stolen from their slaughtered community’s, then their vanquished voice will and must be heard. If there is to be a fairer distribution of what the World has detained, in any wealth not belonging to the Jewish losses, then progress can be made in making amends to those Survivor’s, for what was taken from those 6,000,000 Jewish lives taken. That certainty can only be secured for all of those Jews whose memory is not only fading, but it is being lost in the clamour to deny them ever having existed. In order to protect the looting from the Jewish People, which occurred as a consequence of The Final Solution, fuller restitution must be made. If the stolen resources of the Jewish World are to belong to the Jewish People of the World, greater significance must be given to what protects that right. Any morality that dissipates, as it is likely to from theft, and the deceit with which any Surviving Jew who seeks to re-own what has been taken from them, is bound by such efficacy, that even whole faith systems have been built upon.

“..In this place of ultimate malediction ..human condition entered its ultimate metamorphosis ..with ..enemy inventing new ways of torment ..torture and murder ..unprecedented in recorded history.” Elie Wiesel.

In such space in time, and we have now come to a fork in the road, one which leads in an criminal way toward ever more riches for the very few, we lose sight of the recognition owed to what we allowed to happen to 6,000,000 Jews. For a fairer acceptance of what is owed, and most certainly what is and was owned by 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews, it is a Justice so far denied them. Then, if we accept all moral responsibility, we will see fewer Jewish Survivor’s leaving this World behind them, as destitute as 6,000,000 Jewish Lives have been marked. The other less likely road we cannot afford to travel, will not see change in what has been taken from these Jews. For any people who profess any moral compass in this World, and in order to deliver back to those whose ownership has been denied, we cannot move forward anchored to such crimes as the past has secured and positively anchored us to. The wealth, peace and tranquillity in the World cannot be denied to the masses of these Jews, only to be owned by the few who deny them the lasting rights which Hitler too would have denied them.

“..Selections ..hunger ..humiliation ..crematoria ..in this place evil attained ..dimension of damned divinity ..its killers came from prestigious institutions and families whereas their victims were Sons and Daughters of an ancient People ..only one of Antiquity that survived Antiquity.” Elie Wiesel.

We must cease stop and decline, from within Society, any such acclaim for what civilisation seems to represent as a Justice for all while it cannot be gained by all, and for all. Within the framework of what the Nuremberg Trials focused our attention upon, Justice is neither fully addressed nor is it correctly achieved. While the military might, and industrial capacity of Hitler’s Reich was set aside for the destruction of in excess of 12,000,000 Jews, Hitler’s legions were ensuring anything and everything of worth was to be detained and brought back to the Reich. I do not need to enter into what remains of the plunder of Europe, what became the rape of Europa, but I am certain that 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews have delivered a bank roll worthy of any gangster or mobster has ever perceived. For half of that number of these 6,000,000 Jews of Europe alone, and even more, this is The Holocaust from within Poland, of 3,000,000 Slaughtered Polish Jews and it seems the Slaughter was not quite enough. The Poland after the loss of 3,000,000 of Polish Jewry was quick to ensure the Jewish People could not simply come back, and from near extinction, to reclaim all that Poland wished to hold onto and for which Poland still languishes upon.

“..Those masses who were brought here from all over occupied Europe and were not annihilated upon arrival ..found themselves in a universe parallel to ours today ..with its scientists and laborers ..believers and non-believers ..theoreticians and artists ..poets and merchants ..rich and poor ..ignorant and learned ..speaking all languages and practicing all trades. In this place one witnessed an antinomian ingathering of ..exiled. Death in gas chambers replaced Redemption.” Elie Wiesel.

For that which has enriched any national state, and for Poland itself, it has feasted upon much of what a further 1,500,000 of those Jews who were expelled from all over the Continent deposited into Polish soil and hands. These ill gotten gains, which have filtered through to a Polish state, and which it keeps in perpetuity, is bereft of any morality. Apology now becomes a benign word, so as to deny further rights to what was once Polish Jewish owned and can no longer be Polish Jewish claimed. For close on 4,500,000 Jews then, sent to be detained and decapitated in burial sites, Death Camps and Ghettos within Poland, what is the worth to be taken from such grievous acts of inhumanity, immorality and unethical delivery. From Elie I have gained a certain perspective which had been summarily grounded in what I assumed all religious belief engendered. I have since afforded only those words in any of these of my own Books, an offer to our great loss, that accuses many for which, 6,000,000 memories are being denied.

“..Open your heart ..visitor. And your mind. And your soul. As you walk through ..exhibition ..SHOAH and are enveloped by ..sights and sounds of ..past ..hear ..voices of ..victims ..see ..drawings of ..Children ..touch ..names of ..murdered. Be this place’s messenger. Take with you a message that only ..dead can still give ..living ..that of remembrance.” Elie Wiesel.

I am a visitor here though, and not as other than a human being speaking out against what we humans did to other humans simply because they were Jews and for what we continually fail to achieve in their name. I have no wish to deposit merely a few scant words which do not accurately identify the World’s shame for what it allowed to breech all of civilisation’s need. I have taken fully on board all that The Holocaust terms means, and while I fully appreciate the crisis those who might see in the Shoah a more representative image of what the Jewish loss means, The Holocaust is for me, my own resolve. As it was mentioned, and intended for assessing the steps leading from the Final Solution and what it sought to resolve, it is a most valuable term by which we commemorate such losses as history can barely comprehend. I am still one of this place’s messenger’s too, still seeking to add an ongoing memorial existence to any and all Jewish life. For me, in remembering all that has been taken from these 6,000,000 Jews, we owe way more than we can practically say. For these Jewish People, no longer allowed to persist, but who are a living memory as long as we all chose to recall them, we give further and future meaning to an expression of their loss.

“..We should never think that it is finished. With imagination ..with passion ..with fervour ..begin again. It’s up to you now ..that my past does not become your future”. Elie Wiesel.

For me then, and in order to abstain from the unreal effort to remove any trace of the Jews from what catapulted them into eternity, I persist with linking them all through the ramifications of The Holocaust. With direction, The Final Solution became a measure of what The Holocaust defines in The Jewish Question, and this surely does not only belong to a past we must never forget. There are of course the untruths still being told, and we must ensure that the veracity within the fact is sought out, so as to remove these blemishes to the very integrity which has consumed 6,000,000 Jewish People. I have written to some of the great Writers of our time, and given that I have chosen to write on The Holocaust, which delivered 6,000,000 Jews to an annihilation of humanity, it is not a coincidence that these Writer’s are both Jews and the Survivor’s of what was intended for them as Jews, and within Hitler’s role for The Final Solution of The Jewish Question.

“..Now everyone got into ..act. Novelists made free use of it in their work ..scholars used it to prove their theories ..politicians to win votes. In so doing they cheapened The Holocaust ..they drained it of its substance.” Elie Wiesel.

Even in the language which expressed it most profoundly, die Endlosung der Judenfrage, this is an undeniable affront to that vastness of humanity. As the Jewish People were assailed, broken and brutally tossed aside in favour of this The Greatest Hatred, I do not relent upon the term The Holocaust gives to them. For that which has been measured, and over 2,000 years, to somehow climax it reach toward The Holocaust, I stall at giving way to what The Holocaust has always meant since its term came into use. It has been my essential, borrowing where I can from those who brought forth their message from what was always meant to detin them, and I lend all that ?I have to say, and have been saying for more than 30 years now, The Holocaust is the Uniquely, Unprecedented and Unequalled Slaughter of any People, and this, merely because these were The Jewish People. In my research I remember writing to Elie Wiesel, after I remembered reading this, from October 31st. 1975, and asked him if my effort was in keeping with what he considered the substance of The Holocaust. The article was when Elie delivered a master class on what must be appropriate, and most certainly what remains inappropriate in the jurisdiction of The Holocaust.

                              Elie Wiesel – For Some Measure of Humility.

“..One generation later, it can still be said and must now be affirmed: There is no such thing as a literature of The Holocaust, nor can there be. The very expression is a contradiction in terms. Auschwitz negates any form of literature, as it defies all systems, all doctrines; to confine it to a philosophy is to minimize it, to distort it. Ask a survivor, any one of them, and he will bear me out. Those who have not lived through the experience will never know; those who have will never tell; not really, not completely. Here you will find books to be of little help; paltry commentaries, they merely serve as guides. Between the memories of a survivor and their portrayal in words, even his own, there exists an unbridgeable gulf. The past belongs to the dead and the survivor does not recognize himself in the images and ideas which presumably depict him.

                              A novel about Auschwitz is not a novel, or else it is not about Auschwitz.

The very attempt to write such a novel is blasphemy, as is any attempt to explain or justify, for any explanation is a form of justification. Here ignorance borders on falsehood and deceit. This you must know, if you haven’t understood it yet: Auschwitz means death, total, absolute death of man and of all people, of language and imagination, of time and of the spirit. Its mystery is doomed to remain intact. The survivor knows. He and no one else. And so he is obsessed by guilt and helplessness. Bearing true witness: a painful and fearful task. For the fact that he has survived commands him to bear witness. But how can he speak up without committing treason against himself and others? A dialectical trap from which there is no escape: the true witness must be silent.

Even if he succeeded in speaking the unspeakable, he would not be understood. And yet, in the beginning, in a world still in ruins, he forced himself to come forth, and at least partially to lift the veil, not in an attempt to free himself of the past, but rather out of loyalty to it. In his eyes, forgetting meant that the enemy had won. The executioner always kills twice, the second time to cover all traces and evidence of his crime. To forget is to become his accomplice. One had to testify, in order that there be no forgetting. A painful and thankless task, causing fear and remorse. The words which the witness strung together, the images he summoned up seemed all too pale compared with their substance.

The essence defied expression, resisted utterance, remained unspoken, on the other side; there was more intensity, more weight, more truth in what he left unsaid. The panic in the eyes of the old people, the whispers of children turned old in the face of death, the silent, solemn march of the victims as though drawn to the flames and to the night; the selections, the mass graves, those who said Kaddish for their own death and for the living: he couldn’t describe it and yet he had to. A special language and vocabulary should have been invented to say what no human being had ever said, nor ever will. Have you read, really read the stories told by the survivors? They seem as though written by the same man. Reluctant and fearful, he testifies quietly and says little; he speaks in a whisper, as though guilt ridden; he writes not with words, but almost against them.

Rather than communicating the experience itself, he reveals his inability to fully express it. The testimony of survivors inspired awe and humility. At first, the question was treated with a sort of sacred reverence. It was considered taboo, reserved exclusively for the initiated. The great novelists of our times, the likes of Camus, Mauriac, Faulkner, Silone, Agnon, were careful not to tackle the subject. They acted out of respect for the dead as well as the survivors. And they were also concerned about the truth. In this peculiar domain, truth is stranger than fiction, which they understood. Here, the imagination pales by the side of reality. Their artistic and intellectual integrity barred them from venturing on grounds haunted by so many ghosts and buried under ashes.

The stories which were published resembled documentaries. These real-life stories could engulf the reader like a nightmare, causing his heart to pound, instilling a feeling of poignant excitement. This, one felt, was not an artist’s creation, but rather something transcending art and literature; something altogether different. Following the protagonist in his delusion of expression, one was carried away by his voice, one tried to share his despair, but that was all. One remained outside and behind. No one passed judgment, no one dared, not yet. For want of a yardstick, a guideline, the survivor was granted the right to forge his own style, to choose his own form and mode of expression. A measure of humility still prevailed. But popularization and exploitation soon followed.

And then, with the passing of time, it all began to deteriorate. As the subject became popularized, so it ceased to be sacrosanct, or rather was stripped of its mystery. People lost their awe. The Holocaust became a literary “free-for-all,” the “no-man’s-land” of modern writing. Now everyone got into the act. Novelists made free use of it in their work, scholars used it to prove their theories, politicians to win votes. In so doing they cheapened The Holocaust; they drained it of its substance. The Holocaust was now a hot topic, fashionable, guaranteed to gain attention and to achieve instant success. To ward off survivors’ criticism, the exclusive right to that title was taken away from them. Suddenly, everyone began calling himself a survivor.

Having compared Harlem to the Warsaw Ghetto and Vietnam to Auschwitz, a further step has now been taken: some who had spent the war on a Kibbutz, or in a fancy apartment in Manhattan, now claim that they too have “survived” The Holocaust, probably by proxy. One consequence is that an international symposium on The Holocaust was held recently in New York without the participation of any Holocaust survivors. You are amazed? The survivors don’t count; they never did. They are best forgotten. Don’t you see? They are an embarrassment. If only they weren’t there, it would be so much easier.

Please understand: I am not saying that the event should not be studied, explored and commented upon; quite the contrary, it should be. Nor do I deny the fact that some writers and scholars, including close friends, have helped to sensitize the rising generation to its various implications: their encounter with The Holocaust has profoundly altered their thinking, heightened their awareness and made their personal outlook more genuine. Some have become more religious and others less; all have moved closer to our people. I have nothing but respect for them, and they know it. The profanity of facile and vulgar discussion; I am referring to the others, the majority, those in whom the theme inspires no humility.

I am referring to all those who in their all-knowing arrogance become its profaners. They bring vulgarity into this domain too. They remind one of Job’s false friends. Do you remember? Job suffers and it is they who speak. Worse yet: they explain his pain to him. Yes, it is true, the survivors will soon be unwelcome, intruders. No more do we listen to them. Their assassins are now in the limelight. They are shown in films, they are scrutinized, they are humanized. They are studied at first with objectivity, then with sympathy. One movie shows a young Jewish girl in love with a militiaman. Another tells of the loves of a Jewish woman and a former SS. Gone are the days when the dead had their special place and gone the days when their lives commanded respect.

People are more interested in their killers: so handsome and attractive, such a pleasure to watch. One forgets that there are still survivors among us. And that they remember. And that they know. But then who cares? Let their feelings be hurt. Their sensitivity is nobody’s problem but their own. This attitude exists among Jewish and non-Jewish intellectuals alike. They say it openly in Journals and speeches. They blame the survivors for being obsessively attached to the past, for rubbing salt into their wounds, for engaging in self-pity, for exploiting their suffering. And to top it all, those who are so vulgar as to say this in public are the same ones who use the Holocaust in their own writings time and again. For today a book about the Holocaust is a book like any other, produced by literary technicians. Anyone can write it: words, words which are carefully weighed, measured, borrowed for their market value, words distorted to satisfy some sort of thirst for vanity, or intrigue, or revenge. It is as though the survivors no longer existed. And yet, they are there. And they hear you. And you are being judged by their despair.” Elie Wiesel.

I have read, in lengthy passages, how the attempt to diminish or even dissolve the Jewish presence from within The Holocaust is proceeding. I am unsure too whether the Shoah could be so liberally transfused as to become diluted in all its efficacy for what it surely stands for. There is also the khurbn, a term very rarely used, but which identifies with the Jewish loss to us all as human beings, or at least those human beings who identify with all People as being worthy of human concern. The Holocaust term though, that I too would contend is beyond being abandoned, and that I am always obliged to use, remembers well the position of the Jewish People as Hitler’s intended victims. Here we are at liberty to ensure what Elie has always insisted, and that while not all victims were Jews, All Jews Were Victims. Here too, the attempt for all too many, who would remove the Jews from the term which fully confined 6,000,000 of them, were All Jews. Also, and while I borrow from all of those I consider know all that I need to know of the struggle for Survival that the Jews of Europe were forced to effect, I seek to honour them in Memory. I also serve to deliver back, in my own words, a testimony to what all these Jewish suffered and failed to endure.

“..Rather than communicating ..experience itself ..he reveals his inability to fully express it. ..Testimony of survivors inspired awe and humility. At first ..question was treated with a sort of sacred reverence. It was considered taboo ..reserved exclusively for ..initiated.” Elie Wiesel.

Then there is the abiding question over these all too many, who could have done much to save even more of these Jews. From the vantage point of History, we are aware of what could have been achieved in saving the Jewish People, while knowing what should not have been achieved in securing for Hitler far in excess of what he could have mastered without cooperation, collaboration, complicity or duplicity in the most heinous crime to confront all of History, The Holocaust. I now take from Elie and add to what will add a further measure of my own resource to confront, confirm and console those Surviving Jews whose evidence, warmth, grace and their outstanding nature, which has allowed me room to manoeuvre my own words into the place of telling their story of that Survival.  

A novel about Babi-Yar is not a novel, or else it is not about Babi-Yar,

A novel about Belzec is not a novel, or else it is not about Belzec,

A novel about Birkenau is not a novel, or else it is not about Birkenau,

A novel about Borki is not a novel, or else it is not about Borki,

A novel about Chelmno is not a novel, or else it is not about Chelmno,

A novel about Delatyn is not a novel, or else it is not about Delatyn,

A novel about Liepaja is not a novel, or else it is not about Liepaja,

A novel about Majdanek is not a novel, or else it is not about Majdanek,

A novel about Ponary is not a novel, or else it is not about Ponary,

A novel about Sobibor is not a novel, or else it is not about Sobibor,

A novel about Treblinka is not a novel, or else it is not about Treblinka,

A novel about Tuchinka is not a novel, or else it is not about Tuchinka, and

A novel about The Warsaw Ghetto, let alone the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is not a novel, or else it is not about either nor any of these.

“..Having compared Harlem to ..Warsaw Ghetto and Vietnam to Auschwitz ..a further step has now been taken ..some who had spent ..war on a Kibbutz ..or in a fancy apartment in Manhattan ..now claim that they too have survived ..The Holocaust ..probably by proxy.” Elie Wiesel.

I have sought also to define who I would class as the Jewish Survivor, and exclusively  as those Jews who were extracted, or who somehow managed to remove themselves, or stayed hidden and out of harm’s way. As 1932 beckoned, the move away from the rhetoric of Hitler’s Jewish hate to the manifestation of Hitler’s demands for their mass slaughter, grew in intensity. It is essential to state that these are not the Jews of America, who were not present when Hitler set the seal upon The Finals Solution. Of the close on 12,293,300 Jews targeted at The Wannsee Conference, having assessed as already Slaughtered as many as 1,000,000 Jews at Chelmno or by design, and der Einsatzgruppe, these are the Survivors after the toll of the 6,000,000 has been reached. Here too, and we have all become a witness to the denigration of the term, The Holocaust, which I choose to cling onto, as a mark of respect for 6,000,000 very good reasons.

“..The Holocaust became a literary free for all ..no man’s land of modern writing.” Elie Wiesel.

The Holocaust is not an oil slick, nor is it the collapse of fish stocks or the wish to capitalise upon the term to secure further gains in an absorbed literary marketplace. We are not, at least we should not be presented with the failure of History to own its own terms in relation to the historical narrative they are approaching. I am weak and tired of seeing The Holocaust as an adjunct or prefix to historical works which cannot stand upon their own veracity in translating their route through history. All too often the term has been sought to detain the view of a catastrophe which is not defined by the term, and is not appropriate to what is sought to be defined. All atrocity is written with graven images and genocide marks the escalation of that mass of killing into a newer realm. But! And this is the imperative, The Holocaust supersedes all such references to mass murder and even newer genocides, and not merely by its magnitude, but by its unparalleled nature, its conformity to no structural morality or ethical encounter and by the very systematic nature of the People chosen for such an industrialised and mechanised Slaughter, The Jews!

“..For today a book about The Holocaust is a book like any other ..produced by literary technicians. Anyone can write it ..words which are carefully weighed ..measured ..borrowed for their market value ..words distorted to satisfy some sort of thirst for vanity ..or intrigue ..or revenge. It is as though ..survivors no longer existed. And yet ..they are there. And they hear you. And you are being judged by their despair.” Elie Wiesel.

My Books are exclusively about the Jews, who are The Holocaust! Alongside these books, and up to now I have blogged close on 1 million words. These words are all in memory of those Jews who were Slaughtered and whose loss confronts all of history. These words of course, are Not ever enough to compensate for even 1 Jewish Child victim, let alone the 1,500,000 Jewish Children who were totally eradicated. Though I add each word willingly and I seek to secure ever more books which will deliver even more to their memory, it is obvious, such work is an unfinished resolution I have need of. It would appear too, that in perhaps a further 30/40 years I will have afforded all 6,000,000 of these Jewish People a word apiece, so as to add further to a Memory for them we must hold onto. For me, there is no equivocation here, The Holocaust itself belongs solely to those Jews I have chosen to add my words toward remembering. This too, as a testimony that must fully secure such loss as has never before been achieved, this effort must ensure The Holocaust belongs to the Jewish People it was intended to destroy.

“..One day ..we saw 3 gallows ..3 black ravens ..erected on ..Applepaltz.  Roll call.  ..SS surrounding us ..machine guns aimed at us ..usual ritual.  3 prisoners in chains ..among them ..little pipel ..sad eyed angel. ..SS seem more preoccupied ..more worried than usual. To hang a child in front of 1,000’s of onlookers was not a small matter.  ..head of ..camp read ..verdict. All eyes were on ..child. He was pale ..almost calm ..but he was biting his lips as he stood in ..shadow of ..gallows. This time ..Lagerkapo refused to act as an executioner. 3 SS took his place. ..3 condemned prisoners together stepped onto ..chairs.  In unison ..nooses were placed around their necks. Long live liberty. ..Shouted 2 men. ..boy was silent. ..Where is merciful God ..where is He ..someone behind me was asking. At ..signal ..3 chairs were tipped over.  Total silence in ..camp. On ..horizon ..sun was setting. Caps off. Screamed ..Lageralteste. His voice quivered. As for ..rest of us ..we were weeping. Cover your heads. Then came ..march past ..victims. ..2 men were no longer alive.  Their tongues were hanging out ..swollen ..bluish. ..third rope was still moving ..Child ..too light ..was still breathing. And so he remained for more than half an hour ..lingering between life and death ..writhing before our eyes.  And we were forced to look at him at close range.  He was still alive when I passed him. His tongue was still red ..his eyes not yet extinguished. Behind me ..I heard ..same man asking ..For God’s sake ..where is God. ..from within me ..I heard a voice answer ..Where is he. This is where ..hanging here from this gallows.” Elie Wiesel.

Sadly, and for all of those who are Survivor Jews, and who sought to bring the truth of such an abomination as The Holocaust is, not too many wanted to listen to their evidence’s in the immediate aftermath of the cruellest atrocity ever conceived. All too often too, this Survival Testimony these Jews brought to us, was compounded upon return, by objection and an aggressive rejection by so, so many who did not wish to hear such evidences as proved society so guilty of. Particularly, within Poland, in Hungary, The Baltic States and other Countries, the Jew was already an outcast in many ways. The Jewish Survivor was still an unwelcome claimant to anything they previously owned if they finally managed to survive what so many had wished or hoped for them. Death constantly awaited the Jews and further migration was imperative to save so much of their life that was being constantly eroded. So the very essence of what is now demanded from these still remaining Jewish Survivor’s, is to give hope to them liberally that we have more than learned from their past. For us, and to give memory an elongation of first hand evidence’s for their own 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews, we owe it to them to listen longer and more earnestly. For all of those Jewish People who were finally removed from the instancy of that direct and evidential testimony, while Survivor’s are fast passing from our demands we now place upon them, we must continually urge them to let us know ever more of the horror they endured!

” ..How is one to explain ..Hitler nor Himmler was ever excommunicated. ..Pius XII never thought ..to condemn Auschwitz ..Treblinka. ..among the SS a large portion ..remained faithful to their Christian ties. ..killers who went to confession.” Elie Wiesel.