Golda Meir
PD:- When the World awoke to the Catastrophe of The Holocaust. We are both slow to react to what happened and in accepting what we allowed to happen.
“..You’ll never find a better sparring partner than adversity.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- The problem with the adversity faced by the Jewish Survivor was the realisation of loss and how it was arrived at and directed.
“..To be or not to be is not a question of compromise.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- That is certainly the truth. But the silence of too many of these Survivors has seen a compromise which has stolen points of evidence testimony which should have been more complete.
“..Either you be or you don’t be.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- Surely the problem for the 6,000,000 Jews was they were never allowed to be and as such, they were removed from being.
“..A leader who doesn’t hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- It is a tragic fact that once Hitler gained power, he did not hesitate against sending his Einsatzgruppe toward diminishing all Jewish presence. It has become apparent, at least to me, that World War II was a covert screen by which he could disguise The Final Solution of The Jewish Question from open view.
“..We Jews have a secret weapon in our struggle with ..Arabs ..we have no place to go.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- Even before the Survivor of The Holocaust managed to swerve the British blockade of their arrival to Israel, the mufti of Jerusalem had delivered 20,000 Muslim recruits to join the Waffen SS. In the campaign against the Jewish presence in Europe, these haters of the Jewish People stand today as a parallel to the mufti’s call toward The Final Solution of The Jewish Question. So even before you had that homeland, as a place to go, Arabs were attempting to ensure no Jew would ever survive to even create the State of Israel.
“..Trust yourself. Create ..kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make ..most of yourself by fanning ..tiny ..inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- We recognise clearly that the potential of 6,000,000 Jews was snuffed out amidst the furnace sparks and flames within those 6 Death Camps in Poland designed to consume them. It is certainly the vilest achievement of anyone to ever confront humanity that The Holocaust appeared upon the horizon, stood before the Jews of Europe and catapulted them into oblivion.
“..One cannot and must not try to erase ..past merely because it does not fit ..present.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- The sad fact is that the very truth of what happened to 6,000,000 of your People has been denied, distorted and erased. There is now an attempt to consign such evidence of this atrocity to the past in order to fit with a growing narrative which both seeks to exculpate Hitler fom directing this major catastrophe for Jewish existence.
“..Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through ..desert in order to bring us to spot in ..Middle East that has no oil. Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- Perhaps in this irony of oiled irony you will recognise the Arab demand for Jewish expulsion from the lands of Israel. Both Israel and Judah has housed Jews for more than 5,000 years and for some 75 years, Surviving Jews, and indigenous Jews have cultivated the sand and soil of Israel into a real-estate of confiscation. That developed land is now the envy of surrounding nations who insist that a stateless, homeless, refugee and formerly nomadic and even itinerant Bedouin Peoples should own what Israel has become. A refuge fo World Jewry. A Homeland for the Jewish People. A land that has prospered under Jewish direction.
“ ..Above all ..this country is our own. Nobody has to get up in ..morning and worry what his neighbours think of him. Being a Jew is no problem here.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- It is a certainty that the entire World, recognising what it did not do to save 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, sought to ensure the homeland of Israel would become a safe haven for Jewish persistence, a World Entire. I smell the stench of guilt here as the World was forced to awaken to what was allowed to happen to Your People. Much protest would now consume a World over what it could not be seen to allow to happen further to the Surviving Jews, ever again.
“..It is true that we have won all our wars ..but we have paid for them.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- Your People emerged from a War they were unaware had been fully declared against them and it is fair to say that for every loss, the pressure of Nazi conduct escalated. What you will now face is a future War which will take ever more Jews away from life and living, but with a Jewish People better placed to see it and repel its intention. I am troubld here though, can we be certain that the lessons of The Holocaust have not seriously seaped into the direction of all and any Arab response to the Jews of Israel. I make no comparison here with what still stands as the most unique genocide of a People because of who they are. But! I simply cannot so easily dismiss what is presented as a parallel to be drawn from the continued threat to the Jewish persistence. Current actions, seemingly derived from that meeting with Hitler in which the Mufti afforded Hitler an Arab resolve in The Final Solution of The Jewish Question, is of a similar genocidal resolution.
“..We can forgive ..Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with ..Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- I differ greatly with you here. I have often spoken to Survivor’s about this and I am adament that We cannot ever forgive anything that was done to the 6,000,000 Slaughtered Jews. Only they have the power to forgive or even forget. But lamentably! They have been removed from such an ability as we cannot and must not choose for them. The same applies to those today who would wilfully Murder a Jew, and simply because they are a Jew. It is true however, that being drawn into conflict draws the graver pressure upon those who would kill for the sake of killing and allow for others to die in their stead.
“..We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown and when strawberries bloom in Israel.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- It is here that the causal effect of any conflict between Jews and Arabs reign. It is the very fact that cotton can be grown and strawberries can be fed to Jews in the World. They are commodity’s which are the source of revenues despised of Jewish ownership and coveted by the bigotry of hate which seeks to devour All Jews Worldwide.
“..It was not as if there was a Palestinian people in Palestine and we came and threw them out and took their country away from them. They did not exist.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- History has been proven that you are you correct. For 5,000 years there has been Jews resident within Israel and Judah. Since christianity informally seconded Israel’s god to its own, and while Judaism was to be taken over by christianity, the profanity of belief has been sullied. 700 years later, the colonisation of the Mediterranean and Middle East has sought to remove both Judaism and christianity from its midst. This is neither belief nor what any supposed god should wish for. It id a divisive control harbouring a power to which to frame the lives of all People.
“..I guess we have no choice. Either we do everything that is possible ..and may seem to others as impossible ..and just give up. Or we do everything that is really impossible and we remain alive. There s one more basic thing that I think that people outside of Israel must realize ..and if they understand and accept that ..maybe other things will fall into place. For instance ..we re not ..only People in who ve had difficulties with neighbours ..that has happened to many. We are ..only country in whose neighbors do not say ..We are going to war because we want a certain piece of land from Israel ..or waterways or anything of that kind. We re ..only People in where our neighbours openly announce they just won t have us here. And they will not give up fighting and they will not give up war as long as we remain alive. Here. So this is ..crux of ..problem isn’t anything concrete that they want from us. That s why it doesn’t make sense when people say ..Give up this and give up ..other place. Give up ..Golan Heights ..for instance. What happened when we were not on ..Golan Heights. We were not on ..Golan Heights before 1967 ..and for 19 years ..Syria had guns up there and shot at our agricultural settlements below. We were not on ..Golan Heights. So what ..if we give up ..Golan Heights ..they will stop shooting? We were not in ..Suez Canal when ..war started. It s because Egypt and Syria and ..other Arab countries refuse to acquiesce to our existence. Therefore there can be no compromise. They say we must be dead. And we say we want to be alive. Between life and death ..I don t know of a compromise. And that s why we have no choice.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- I remember some time ago, as I began my journey toward attempting to comprehend what it was that The Holocaust became. I recall quite clearly the stated position of European Jewry, latterly, was to have no choice whatsoever in what Hitler demanded for them. It was a well worded concern for the lack of choice afforded any Jew, initially in Poland, but then throughout Eastern and Western Europe. 12,000,000 or 13,000,000 Jews stood no chance against the voracious hatred Hitler sought to employ so as to devour these European Jews. His choice of Weltanschauung, was a necessity so as to conceal from the World, for as long as possible, the very tenets of The Final Solution being resolved within The Jewish Question. World War II was raged toward Hitler’s world dominion over as many nations and states as he could consume. Within that, there is not mistaking the pressure who put to bear upon ensuring the Jewish People were deliberately targeted for elimination, annihilation, slaughter, evisceration.
“..don t look so sad ..we have a secret weapon in our battle against ..Arabs. ..we have no place else to go.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- I recognise that Golda. In fact! I have long identified the dire position of the Jews would have been more commensurately stable, even safer, had Israel been in place to afford these 6,000,000 Jews a Homeland. The security of tenure, and the safety of their own State protection might not have saved the 6,000,000 but even 1,000’s, a handful or maybe even ONE would have been a push back against Hitler. In all of this, I fully realise the precarious nature of the Jewish postion as it has presented itself now for more than 75 years. With their backs to the Sea, the Jews of Israel, with every arab state confronting them on every level of fear, terror and the horror that they have not quite escaped Hitler’s reach, compels ethics and a moral duty to support Israel’s Jews their hopes for life and living.
“..A story once went ..rounds of Israel to effect that Ben-Gurion described me as ..only man in his cabinet. What amused me about is that he or whoever invented ..story ..thought that this was ..greatest compliment that could be paid to a Woman. I very much doubt that any man would have been flattered if I had said about him that he was ..only woman in ..government!” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- Perhaps Mr. Ben-Gurion recognised your formidable capacity to lead and in his way failed to see the strength in Women in general. It is apparent from much that History fails to acknowledge and it is that Women have been cheated out of their 50% representation in the World, and by Men, whose intellect has shrunk its position to a subservience to a prejudice of long standing. Imagine though, if you had been the only Wo’Man’ to have confronted Hitler and urged him more forcefully to:
“..Let My People Go.”
you would have stood head and shoulders above those many men who sat back down so as to slink away from their moral duty to act compassionately. Back then, and while the scream of the Jews should have raised every piece of human decency from its low lying state, the World stood idly by and becam a witness to the most horrendous atrocity ever compliled and pitched against human beings. All of this because those human beings were your People Golda, a fact that has not escaped those who would hate with the same vehemence to this day.
“..Women’s liberation is just a lot of foolishness. It’s men who are discriminated against. They can’t bear children.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- I am amazed to see you have seen a funnier side to the discourse around were Women are expected to reside. Under the weight of man’s incapacity to deal equally with both People and situations, we have had genocides to compel us toward change. It remains a fact that Women are equally aware of the needs for humanity to prosper, culture to reign and civilisation to master the singular effects that aggressors bring to bear. I se your words Golda to reason much that mankind has failed in.
“..Whether Women are better than men I cannot say ..but I can say they are certainly no worse.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- There is quite a famous lyrich which composes itself so well alongde this and if only we give Peace a Chance, Men and Women in this World will see a 50/50 benefit in securing all future hope. I can barely imagine how you must feel when so much of what my effort proposes can be so easily dismissed. Perhaps it is because I am not a Jew, and no-Jews see me interfering in things which only Jews should be concerned with. But Israel, the lands of your forefathers, The Promised Land stood between 6,000,000 Jews and safety. Do you wrestle with such a certainty.
“..separated from you by a sea of blood and continents heaped with corpses.” Golda Meir Myerson.
PD:- That is all too true, and as the ash of 6,000,000 Jews has become the layer and strata of which we walk upon in Europe, we must never fail Always to Remember, Never to Forget. Of course the clamour for ever more effort upon the part of the allies to do more, resist more, save more fell upon deaf ears. Is there anything differently, specifically more targetted that you would have urged more resolutely than has been acceded to?
“..undertake bombing of Oswienzim and railway transporting Jews.” Golda ‘Meir’ Myerson.
PD:- It has become very distasteful to negotiate through all that was progressed against the Jews and recognise that in such a request, all too many have been quick to suggest:
‘..The Jewish World Did Not Request They Bomb The Rail Lines To Auschwitz Nor Birkenau.’
We know that in such a blatant attempt to conceal the truth, they place further accusation upon the Jewish People, threatening that the onus is on them to save themselves. So let me concede in this, that as a Jew you have more of an insight into the trauma of Jewish existence. Even after The Holocaust the terrifying reality that sees abandonment and intolerance afforded these Jewish People is heavily matched by an indifference that is so rampant. As such, any of these accusations is a disgusting spectacle which confronts our very humanity still. I can do no more than any non-Jew can attempt, and no matter the years of struggle contemplating the impossibility of comprehending your loss, I will never conclude with a satisfactory understanding.
Thanks Patrick a lot to take in.If only we would give peace a chance.I believe we would do that it’s people in power that don’t want peace.