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This Holocaust Author's Auschwitz Blog

This blog describes my thoughts and experiences in visiting Auschwitz, Belzec, Majdanek and Sobibor and Anne Frank's House from 2014 to 2018

I blogged my preparations for my visit, I posted daily during my visit to Poland...there are also my ongoing thoughts posted here; in the aftermath of my visit...
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Liberty from that Licence to Express?

Reflections Posted on Sun, May 31, 2015 20:46:58

Liberty from that Licence to Express?

“..As our Children cried underneath ..gallows ..wrath of we did not hear.” Natan Alterman.

It is possibly erroneous of me, and I guess I should neither lump all deniers into the same cesspit, but the hatred element of their nefarious undertaking, is filled with the bile of hatred and it is against human dignity to countenance such an intolerable attitude. Some will present what appears to them to be a reasoned argument, even an articulate debate. But they have lost all credibility in their irrelevant denial of a Truth which, and though it may have many aspects yet to be uncovered, is a vastly well documented Truth which our History has a full grasp of.

“..Only one thing remained reachable ..close and secure amid all losses ..language. ..In spite of everything remained secure against loss. had to go through ..own lack of answers ..through terrifying silence ..through ..thousand darknesses of murderous speech. It went through. It gave me no words for what was happening ..but went through it. Went through and could resurface ..’enriched’ by it all.” Paul Celan.

Their element is made up of a vile, low life under class whose only remit is the urgency to deny and to distort the truth by all means. That they resort to the forms of abuse which is commonly set before me, and so many others, speaks volumes for the degeneracy of the denial lobby and its underpinning penchant for antisemitic hatred. How they can feel vindicated in their threats toward others, those who have fully learned and understood the True nature of The Holocaust, is an indictment of them all as intolerants! That they are abusive against any of those who would proffer the Truth of The Holocaust above their dishonesty, who would offer the Detail of The Holocaust History as it affords us the veracity and integrity of all History, negates them as haters campaigned against the Truth.

“..universities of Germany did not come forth ..when ..still possible to do so oppose openly and with all their might ..destruction of science ..and ..democratic state.” Julius Ebinghaus.

History demands that we afford the memory of the 6,000,000 Murdered Jews of The Holocaust a space in our time! But the sheer and fetid hatred of the denier spills over and is a personal affront to everything I would dignify in Memory of those 6,000,000 Murdered Jews of Europe. Men, Women with Their Children. It is incumbent upon us all to ensure that with knowledge of The Holocaust we learn the lesson of ‘Never Again’ and while that has proved too late for parts of Asia, for the People of The Balkans and for those tribes of Africa, ethnically cleansed, it is never too late for Humanity to demand change! The Jews of Europe would expect nothing less from us!

“..War ..annihilation of ..Jews were interdependent. ..disorder of war would provide ..Hitler with ..cover for ..unchecked commission of murder. He needed an arena for his operations where ..restraints of common codes of morality and accepted rules of warfare would not extend.” Lucy Schildkret Dawidowicz.

While such is the bile of a rancid few, it credits the entire stagnant irrelevance that is the denial lobby with no credence in History and very little credibility in human terms. The Factual Truth of The Holocaust account does not fear the inarticulate rantings of those who are so hate filled they threaten, abuse and damn honesty and integrity. That they will not listen to History, as advanced by secular, Jewish and non-Jewish Historians, leaves the epicentre of their effort as barren a wasteland as their intellect suggests. The Holocaust is an account of great savagery. That it was waged against the Jewish People of Europe is a greater hatred that is recognised! That it tarnishes the memory for all time of the those who did not act against the destructive yoke of oppression, the Racial abuse, the antisemitic hatred and the Destructive capacity for the Murder of 6,000,000 Jews, is a damning indictment of us all as History will record.

“..To contribute to an effective awareness of ..destructive forces of racism on nations is necessary to combat bigotry ..prejudice ..intolerance ..its basic ingredients.” Maja Abramowitch.

While it is essential that we acknowledge that we each have a role to play in History, it is that we are but a particle of space in this continuum of life. The History we attribute to our appreciation of its Factual Truths will safeguard the past for the future. My acceptance of my own space within this life garners respect for all of those who wish to coexist on equal terms with everyone. I am politically motivated to suggest that this World belongs to a governance of the People, by the People and for ALL the People! There can be no Amendment to any Constitution which can either:

A) Impose its rights upon another Person, or

B) Deny those Rights to a fellow Human Being.

“..We kept retreating postpone ..moment of separation. ..Sons ..fathers ..brothers ..husbands ..hastily said goodbye to their womenfolk. ..embraced and kissed.. ..SS brutally pushed them ..fired at those retreating ..beating people blindly. We must have been harder than iron for our hearts did not break with ..pain.” Halina Birenbaum.

We either persist within this Humanity as equals or the devise of moral and ethical probity is restrained for those who see things otherwise. Adherence to any Religious governance which decides for the individual the conscience it should hold cannot and must not deny the held belief of another. That is where freedom of expression must divert from the sought out freedom that can state a case for demeaning, belittling or pressurising an other into acceptance. Here, with the History of The Holocaust, the rights of 6,000,000 Murdered Jews will not be further denied and eroded by the bullish pressure or intimidation of those who would seek to diminish all Memory of those Jews of The Holocaust. Remembrance for these Jews of Europe must be maintained as sacrosanct and far above the wash of an expression of hatred which denial most certainly is.

“..A child is an orphan when he has no parents. A nation is an orphan when it has no children.” Rebbe Joseph Cahaneman.

There can be no ambiguity here! The right to exist must persist before any decree can suggest otherwise. It is our obligation to uphold the integrity and dignity of the individual above all, and the 6,000,000 individually Murdered Jews of The Holocaust must have that right safeguarded. There is no fundamental, Religious nor Political basis for denying the Right of anyone to their own Humanity! We do not seek a consensus on this aspect of Life, it is God given, even if we disagree with the Relevance of, or cannot square with the existence of a God.

“..I am a miracle person ..because I went to hell and came back.” Fela Drybus.

Cracow Time

Reflections Posted on Thu, December 04, 2014 11:14:28

My time in Cracow was well spent. I visited the most terrifying place on earth – Auschwitz and Birkenau – and managed to escape with more than a life. Don’t get me wrong! I do not seek a comparison between this Death Camp or the others of Hitler’s creation. Auschwitz and Birkenau are clearly recognizable as a centre for Destruction of The Jews that was so managed, its industrialized slaughter of innocence percolates all history. For that reason, in my life I came away with a deeper sadness for what has made History more dark than had ever been previously conceived of. I emerged too with a readiness to continue my work and add to that Remembrance which Tokele has delivered for me.

I have a willingness to bear the vicissitudes of those deniers who troll my effort. With an exactness befitting those Nazis willingly pursuing the Jews to their Deaths, the vitriol of the denial fraud will not dent my resolve. I suppose it is a deep seated need to confront those who would bully others into believing their alternative history, a revised history of lies, obfuscating the truth to promote an agenda riddled with hatred. But the World is a more savvy place, filled with enquiring minds whose integrity will see beyond the attempt to deceive them. The Holocaust is not open for Discussion.

Whatever one chooses to believe of the content of the Destruction of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, be it the exact nature of the Catastrophe, the figures of the account, the statistical analysis, we know with a categoric certainty that Hitler selected these Jewish People for annihilation. As I journeyed from Cracow toward the site of such ignominy, I looked out onto a Countryside that has not much changed in appearance, though in structure, it is without doubt an inhabited wasteland. It is devoid of its Jewish Citizens, of which 3,000,000 were mere grist to a Nazi killing machine.

The land here, the Countryside adorned with fields of growth and sustenance is a constant reminder that while the land continues in perpetuity, the life blood of its people is stained by the calamity that struck out at it during The Holocaust period. Any visit, and for whatever reason that journey is made, must be considered from its historic perspective. Auschwitz is unlike any Museum one is likely (or possible) to meet. It has a cultural basis in what was taken from existence, and over 1,100,000 Jews were divested of their very existence here. The culture of denigration resided here! The culture of brutality was visited here! The culture of Jewish pre-eminence was wasted here! The culture of Medical propriety was divorced here! The destruction of the Jewish People was augmented here within a culture of bestiality and belligerence! That culture, took from Life and delivered a term of Genocide which adds to all cultures which subtracts from the lives of People.

What is left of Culture once one has visited such a place? Can one look at Titian with the same eyes? Can one listen to Beethoven or Mozart and not hear the plaintive cries of a vanished People? Can Culture ever present itself as other than a tarnished receptacle of what evil can truly accomplish! We look for light in the dark and recognise the pervasiveness of all that shades our existence. We see a dwindling light evade our attempts to cast out the shadows but recognize as light pierces the darkness of The Holocaust, all cultural significance has to be weighted against what we choose to have enlighten us!

Can the World recognize in Art, that the discarded bodies of those Jews, left to rot in Ghettos, piled high in Death Camps are the haunting gain of enlightenment gone wrong? Will we ever look to the Cherubs and not see the images of small infant children discarded by callous brutality, wandering though depths of despair we cannot begin to contemplate? There is a newer pertinence when all but a few do not shudder at the prospect of what was allowed to happen to well over 1,000,000 Jewish Children in The Holocaust. The searing temperature of the brutality, the desolation and despair which greeted The Jews of Europe repaints the tableau of what had Civilized us.

There is the constant search today for the tools to comprehend all that happened to these Jewish People, and for Me, it is terribly damning that we can speak of such Destruction of People, and the Children. Can we simply ignore what was allowed to happen here? Look at all the physical evidence. The photographs! The Film reels! Then added to the Evidence and Testimony of those who Survived, can we lessen the trauma in any way? No! We can never repay the debt owed to the 6,000,000 Jews of Europe but we must try.

No Escape

Reflections Posted on Mon, September 22, 2014 10:47:21

“..They came for ..Communists ..I didn’t object ..I wasn’t a Communist ..They came for ..Socialists .. I didn’t object ..I wasn’t a Socialist ..They came for ..labour leaders ..I didn’t object ..I wasn’t a labour leader ..They came for ..Jews ..I didn’t object ..I wasn’t a Jew ..Then they came for me ..there was no one left to object.” Martin Niemoller.

These are just some of the Children, identified by Serge Klarsfeld who did not Escape, who could have been saved, whose lives were expunged in the midst of Birkenau. What this says of the Humanity outside the realms of The Holocaust will be a matter of debate into eternity. Could more have been done! Yes! Could more have been achieved? Yes! Should more have been done to alleviate the suffering of The Jews of Europe? Yes! Should we have intervened in the Slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews of The Holocaust? Most certainly!

Klarsfeld’s Children Passed This Way.

Between 1933 and 1945, the period we will identify as The Holocaust period, few Jews of Europe managed to escape the clutches of Hitler and his Final Solution. While Countries continually sought to close their Borders to Jewish Refugees, émigré status was applied to some Jews. As a consequence of such a mean spirited process, 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, Men, Women and Their Children were Murdered.

Klarsfeld’s Children Lost in a Vast Expanse.

200,000 Escaped to the US,
125,000 Escaped to the Palestine,
70,000 Escaped to England,
50,000 Escaped to Argentina,
27,000 Escaped to Brazil,
25,000 Escaped to China
14,000 Escaped to Bolivia, and
14,000 Escaped to Chile.

This represented 425,000 Jews who were saved out of the 11,293,300 Jews targeted by The Wannsee Conference for Destruction, or less than 4% of those Targeted or about 7% of the 6,000,000 Jews who were actually Murdered.

This photograph insults the human psyche because it not only represents the Destruction of The Jewish People here at Liepaja, but the lack of conscience shown by those Germans and their partners in Participating and Perpetrating these crimes, is a crime against all of Humanity!

Demanding of Survivors

Reflections Posted on Fri, September 19, 2014 10:32:57

My caption here reads with the words that ‘This is not ideological this is Guilt’ and for very good reason. Here at Birkenau the very detailed Truth of what happened to 1,100,000 Murdered Jews and so many others, would have clearly exposed Hitler’s fraud. The dismantling of the Gas Chambers and Krematoria could simply not disguise the very purpose of these constructions. Added to that are the very detailed Architectural blueprints of Destruction which were drawn up. These drawings had but one purpose, the Slaughter of as many Jews of Europe as could be accomplished. While the World looked the other way, 6,000,000 Jews were confined to oblivion.


My role here in adding to a damning accusation of the Allied Powers is a contentious one. True they were fighting a War on many Fronts. But when the knowledge is made aware, that the systematic Destruction of 6,000,000 Jews was under way, more should have been done and could have done to stem the flow of this Genocide. Sure! There were words of support for the Jews. There were even words condemning the actions of Hitler and his Nazi’s toward the Jews. But words did not feed the Ghetto’s. Words did not cease the senseless Slaughter and words did not satiate the crest fallen lives of those Jews of Europe seeking to stay alive!

“..a rush to get everything down in writing before ..generation of survivors dies away. There is also a search for knowledge and understanding by ..descendants of survivors ..leading ..young to rediscover their Jewish heritage. Jews are proudly calling themselves Jews once more. ..young people of today will be ..leaders of generation. They and people of all nations have an obligation to protect ..memory of The Holocaust.” Ann Kazimirski.

Here, the Jews of Israel pay tribute to those who were all Murdered here at Birkenau. The Memorial seems a fitting response to a dark era where so much was taken from World Jewry and nothing was being given back. Here, and now, the Jews of the World have a point of reference which shows them, in stark relief, where they have emerged from and where they must never fail to forget. It is there pilgrimage and like myself, and a fellow traveller, Gabby in the foreground, we found solace, upset, consolation and even friendship from amongst the Memories were were along to add to our overall Testimony.

“..At ..end of this Jewish war ..extermination of ..Jewish people will have been brought about.” Julius Streicher.


I could fill these pages with the Facts and Figures of what you all need to know of The Holocaust! Demand that the World acknowledges what a betrayal of all that is moral, ethical and charitable in Human Nature and before the Alter of The Holocaust, should be more clearly expressed. I could even lend you an emotion that is so immersed in a great sadness for the Jews who suffered, but that emotion must come from within you to even attempt to appreciate the terror that was caused and the horror that was faced. I could even express an anger over what happened to the Jews of Europe while we looked the other way, but that will service nothing but a continued and festering indignation. To simply say that it was an intolerable thing to happen, while such an indifferent attitude was being displayed, would indeed be insufferable.

“..whole complex had forty-six retorts ..each with ..capacity for three to five persons. ..burning in a retort lasted about half an hour. was theoretically possible to cremate about 12,000 corpses in twenty four hours ..4,380,000 a year. ..well-constructed crematoria fell far behind at a number of camps ..especially at Auschwitz in 1944. In August cremation reached a peak one day of 24,000 ..still a bottleneck occurred. Camp authorities needed an economic and fast method of corpse disposal ..dug six huge pits beside Krema V ..reopened old pits in ..wood. ..late 1944 ..pit burning became ..chief method of corpse disposal. ..pits had indentations at one end from which human fat drained off. To keep ..pits burning ..stokers poured oil ..alcohol ..large quantities of boiling human fat over ..bodies.” Filip Muller.

An Emptiness

All these would be a further wrong levelled against the Memory of those Jews who were ritually Murdered. The World that allowed this to happen to 6,000,000 of the Jewish People has yet to learn the lesson that Intolerance of any description is wrong! What I cannot describe, without knowing with any degree of experience, is the trauma felt by those Jews Murdered. Nor can the perpetuating effects this all has for those who Survived be lessened by our failings to attempt to do so. In the shadow of all that was taken from them, the Survivor gives us their Testimony. Relentlessly though, over and over we demand all from the Survivor to further our own gain. Whether it be from a desire at comprehending what happened or to offer a more sincere acknowledgement of what an indifference had allowed to happen, our effort must be maintained!

“..German people could have tried to save those people ..but maybe they were afraid for themselves. I feel afraid when I hear people say The Holocaust never happened. I feel nothing but pity for ..ignorance of such people ..shame on them ..they should know better. ..1,500,000 ..Jewish Children were murdered by ..Nazis 1,000’s of other innocent children perished because they were considered not worthy of a life. Why would I hate these people? That would make me ..same as them and I will never be that.” Tomi Reichental.


We demand too that the Survivor tell us of their horror. We seek to know of the feeling of a terror we cannot even begin to imagine. We research for meaning to the brutality we have yet to comprehend. All of this is so that we too can know of their pain! Theirs has been an ordeal they cannot leave behind. It is especially true while there is this insatiable appetite from us to come to terms or even to comprehend that such a Genocide took place in our Parents time! That recognised, and while there are those of us who choose to Remember, let us Never Forget what it is exactly that we are demanding of those who truly Know, what it means to be the Survivor!

“..reports that ..transports of ..Jews only twenty percent arrive. ..With a blood guilt that cannot be atoned for ..and cannot be forgotten.” Helmuth von Moltke.

Hidden Depths

For us, whether we are Writers, Researchers, Historians or Academics, the Survivor must relive their horror for us to come to terms with what they have suffered! They must then continuously sense the feeling of abandonment that must have overwhelmed them! They must feel compelled to revisit the despair that confronted them! We constantly demand their Knowledge so that we too can gain from it! But despite their obvious anguish, and regardless of their trauma, and without even considering their internal pain, they are still asked to deliver to us on a constant basis, all that we ever need to Know of The Holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe!

“..I walk in Auschwitz ..tracks of ..abandoned shoes ..of ..extracted teeth ..of ..cut off hair ..of ..misplaced baggage in order to find ..last moments of my family ..The Schneider Family.” Yossi Sarid.

Electrified Fencing

How then do we best honour The Survivor? Surely this is by remembering the lessons they have brought to us to learn from! By relaying to others, that in their evidence we have become witness to some of the most heinous and hideous crimes ever perpetrated against human beings in all of history, a lesson should be learned. With our attempt then to digest and approach a semblance of comprehension, what the Survivor has imparted is a warrant for all of History to endorse. The legacy of the Survivor will only add to humanity, with the knowledge we have gained from their personal experience, but only if we truly learn from their added testimony.

“..enemy is strong ..crafty ..exterminating us to a plan.” Yitzhak Rudashevski.


What we now know, of what the Survivor learned through personal experience, through pain, suffering, and on toward their eventual Survival, should enable us to prevent the future perpetration of this previous atrocity. What we have though is their shocking Testimony to add to a knowledge we have now gained. What we can now provide for the future is a platform for that essential which should be brought to those who all need to learn the Survivor’s lesson. Can we, from our vantage point, avoid a passage in time we must continually impart to those who are in search of what we have both diligently and dutifully learned?

Always to Remember, Never to Forget!

Defaming The Dead

Reflections Posted on Wed, September 17, 2014 15:31:35

Defaming The Dead

There is a Moral and Ethical appreciation which more than suggests we should want total respect for all those who have passed this way! Though there is no International Jurisprudence here, Legal Theorists should be seeking to protect the dead from any case of defamation. When we look at what we witness with the 6,000,000 Murdered Jews of The Holocaust, all manner of scurrilous, defaming, degrading and hate filled expressions are hurled at them. Though no such Law exists to protect the Memory of these Murdered, it is illegal in many Countries to deny that The Holocaust actually happened. What this does not protect, is the Right of those 6,000,000 Murdered Jews to have their final resting place, within that term that is The Holocaust, respected and not maligned in any way!

History requires for all of these Jewish Men, Women and Their Children of The Holocaust, a Class Action, or Group Litigation which should be brought to protect what had not formerly been protected. Always Remember what was not protected was the sanctity of their lives. They had that forfeited in pursuance of a 2,000 year old hatred based upon a conviction that Jesus, a Jew, was Murdered by Jews. But as we Christians know, Jesus was sent by God to intentionally Die for us all. So the God of the Father is responsible for Christ’s Death, not the Jewish People.

So when dealing with such a Law to protect the presence of anyone in Death, this needs to be drawn up. Anything, which allows for the Remembrance of these Murdered Jews to have a final sanctuary must be complimentary of all Human Nature. Wherever those Jewish Murdered now lay, in some foreign field, though mostly within Poland, all due and proper respect must be paid to their Memory. For the Catastrophe that was thrust upon them in our name, we must now stand taller in Remembrance of what We allowed to happen! So with strong and moral grounding, there really should be enshrined in Law an efficacy where:

“..we should speak no ill of the dead”

It is such a simple matter that there should be no distinction in Law for the Warrant of Hatred’s raged against People who cannot reply! Whether that hatred is directed at a Person’s Race, Creed, Colour, Religion, Sexual Persuasion or Semitism, it should not be inflicted upon any Person, Living or Deceased! As with any law, even under the governance of Civil or Common-law, full freedom to those who do in fact defame the Memory of those Jews who no longer have a say, should be governed by the full weight of such a Law! Sadly, it is common in Law also that with the Death of a Person, their inalienable rights to any Justice, dies with them.

It is here where Deniers, Race Haters and antisemites charge forward into that vacuous space, unchallenged by Laws and unforgiving in their rabid desecration of The Holocaust Memory! We must seek to ensure that, while The Jews of Europe were stripped of their presence amongst us, they should not be stripped further of their final dignity in that Death which should have been spared them. Remember also, that their’s was a Murderous Death that was neither warranted nor deserved! Without due process in Law, and without a shred of consideration, these Jews are continually subjected to an unrivalled hatred. The mere mention of the 6,000,000 Account sends so many into a frenzy of hatred and bile infested rantings. The Ash of the many Millions of those Jews consumed in the Krematoria, or from the Burning pits of The Death Camps and The Killing Sites can all too easily make us lose sight of what humanises us.

With the term revisionism itself, this seeks to disavow these Murdered Jews of any respectful position that fully identifies their unique place in all of History. That said, it is also clear that in defaming these Dead, the negators seek also to resurrect the despicable nature of Adolf Hitler. They attempt form him into some altogether irredeemable heroic or even humanitarian figure. We cannot allow such an abject hatred to deny these Murdered Jews their respective space in the collective Memory of us all. Nor can we allow for Hitler to be described as other than a petty tyrant, a hate filled and degenerate entity and War monger. Those who seek to Recall, Remember and Never Forget the Passing of The Jews of The Holocaust, will see these Slaughtered Jews failed once again unless we continue to act in their name! Realisation for the Survivors, and for the Family’s of those who did not Persist, bears a newer witness to an even more permanent attempt to obliterate all trace of the Holocaust Jews as a People.

Forced then to deal with scurrilous, denigrating and hateful Slanders, Libel’s and Defamations, which not only impugn the Memory of these Jewish Dead, it is a slight upon our own humanity and hence a wrong is not righted. It casts a huge shadow over the veracity of those of us still living and breathing whose knowledge is enhanced by what History tells us! Those who do not denounce an abhorrent ritual of abuse, will be seen as collusive in condoning once more, a reprehensible atrocity! We allow for the dead to have no protection in Law and the rights of Memory to be waved in favour of a wrong done by those seeking to Defame a pertinent Remembrance for all! While I have based my work solely around these Jews of The Holocaust, I do not forget the Murdered Gypsies, the many from other Nations killed, nor the 50 to 70 Million People lost in a World War conflict of Hitler’s making!

This failing to stand against the trickle of lies and deceit will add to a ripple that will tarnish all of History. While this wholly accuses us of an indifference, we will be more impoverished for the omission to defend the Dead from a defaming, illogical and blatant hatred! We are also poorer for allowing the reputation of the Murdered Jews of The Holocaust to be too liberally Destroyed. The fact that these Jews of Europe where Destroyed was as a Denial of their basic Right to Life and is now being championed by those denying them any Rights in Death. Their rights in Death are now being continually eroded by factions who give their cause dubious titles! This certainty however, offers no recourse to such hate filled and spiteful behaviour. other than from an outpouring of their rancid behaviours. While these Jews can no longer defend themselves, we should step up to the plate and issue a defence on their behalf!

Not A Dig For Freedom.

Also, and it would seem that in this materialistic world which we inhabit, the assets of the Murdered Jews of The Holocaust can be argued over and protected by grasping concerns from being returned to a rightful owner. Property, goods of worth, valuables, assets all, whether by Descent or either by an essential Moral necessity still belongs to Jewish antecedence, now belongs to a Jewish presence in the Future. Ironically though, their Jewish good character, their Jewish status as Human Beings and even their Right to Rest In Peace, is all being threatened, and repeatedly denied to them in a manner ill befitting a moral or ethical society! Maybe we should be standing for the rights of these Jewish Dead and protecting much more what qualifies as the assets of these Murdered Jews of The Holocaust.

For those who have any rightful claim to these worldly items, they must be allowed access to all that has been taken from them! The World cannot return to life the 6,000,000 Murdered of The Holocaust, but surely must return to their Memory what was left behind, what was stolen and what was purloined in any way, shape or form. The task is simple enough? We need to secure for all future generations a Moral precedent which will not allow the Dead to be Defamed, the Deceased to be Slandered nor The Jews of The Holocaust to be so mistreated as to be denied that their’s was an obvious Destruction and in terms of a Genocide so unique in all of our History it is qualified by the Murders of 6,000,000 of them!. In what is such a despicable manner, the shameful denial of an awfully unique Genocide, secretes a pernicious evil which seeks to lift Hitler, his Nazi’s, their Allies and their collaborators above the rights of those Jews resettled into that Final resolve!

The genesis of the crime commenced with Hitler’s own demands to Destroy ill, infirm and mentally impaired German and Austrian nationals! Once the charge of Euthanasia was brought forward by a Church hierarchy which did not show the same consideration for The Jewish People, Hitler abandoned the immediacy of the crime and moved T4. That Murderous program was moved toward the East and onto The Final Solution and was targeting of so many, but especially of the Jews. What must be denied though is that status which many seek to resurrect, and gift Hitler a revised reputation. We must never forget that Hitler was nothing other than a Criminal, a Genocidal and hate filled aggressor. All attempts to alter this Truth, sourly resonates with those 6,000,000 Jews needing a more positive response than that which failed them in the past!

Leaving for Home

Reflections Posted on Sat, September 13, 2014 08:02:18

Day : 35 Leaving for Home!

This day, September 13th. 2014 sees the final stage in my journey come to an end. I will leave behind scenes so incomprehensible, my mind has been unable to attribute the words necessary to come to terms with what happened at Auschwitz and Birkenau!

1937 September 13th. Jews in ‘protective custody’ can be released if emigrating.

1939 September 13th. 53 of Warsaw’s Jews and 35 of Mielec’s Jews are murdered.

1941 September 13th. 11 Piotrkow Judenrate Members are murdered and der Einsatzgruppe Radio Transmissions are stopped.

1942 September 13th. 4,000 of Checiny’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka while the Battle for Stalingrad is underway.

1943 September 13th. Lida Ghetto liquidated. Rumour mounts that Globocnik has been accumulating wealth from his ideological role! Globocnik relieved of his overall Command of ‘Operation Reinhard’ and is posted to fight the partisans in Yugoslavia as the HSSPF Adriatic.

1944 September 13th. US Bombers hit targets within the Auschwitz complex of Camps, some falling on Auschwitz I and Birkenau. The truth that Auschwitz and even Birkenau could not be targeted and Bombed, preventing further Gassings, lies exposed. With US Forces at liberty to strike where it feels, from bases in Italy, it is an incalculable measure of those Jewish lives forfeited who could have been saved. With the right strategy, aimed at alleviating their suffering and prevention of their Destruction, Hungarian Jewry might have at least been spared? Meanwhile the Russian liberating Forces are along the Slovak border. The collapse of the Nazi regime is imminent. Hitler will seek a cowardly withdrawal from existence.

His ill-conceived thousand year Reich will be in tatters while the German people will be left to rue the day they trusted a man whose ego was larger than a People’s needs and far more damaging of all morality than History has ever recorded! At the time of Eichmann’s Trial we are reminded by Golda Meir, that in the History of The Holocaust since the events upon which we write, comment upon and attempt even to comprehend, Revenge has not been the criteria by which the Guilty, the Perpetrator or the Participator has been Tried.

“..This is not a matter of revenge. ..Hebrew poet Bialik says: ‘Revenge for a small child ..devil has not yet devised’.” Golda Meir.

I have now walked in the Steps of the Condemned and the Murdered and it is to those of You who have entered an arena full of expectation and wishing to add toward the Memorial of the most heinous Crime to ever face Humanity that I wish to relate this to! You are the ones I wish to thank for Your good will, for Your respondent nature and for Your best wishes! I have been on this, The Holocaust of research, an odyssey that has been ever present for quite some time, and while it galls me to have to correct the lies, I do so in earnest! For me, it is the satisfaction in knowing that there are more of us who know, accept and believe in the Truth which The Holocaust has brought to our own History. It is a History of shocking violence and the unprecedented Destruction of a People, The Jewish People! In the comprehension we must all seek, if not to understand why such a Catastrophe was forced upon the Jews of Europe, or even as to why we stood so idly by while this Atrocity was Perpetrated.

“..a rush to get everything down in writing before the generation of survivors dies away. There is also a search for knowledge and understanding by ..descendants of survivors ..leading ..young to rediscover their Jewish heritage. Jews are proudly calling themselves Jews once more. ..young people of today will be ..leaders of generation. They and people of all nations have an obligation to protect ..memory of The Holocaust.” Ann Kazimirski.

For History, and for the sake of our own Humanity, we must look back and learn from all that which will allow us to go forward with knowledge. That knowledge cannot be blurred by the home spun theatrics of so called ‘revisionists’ whose only agenda is to deny these 6,000,000 Jews a resting place we wish to call The Holocaust! Their hatred for the Many Jews who lost their lives is obscured by the mentality of these few who do not see that their denial in History discolours the Truth! The very Fact of the loss to ALL of Humanity of 6,000,000 Jewish Lives, must make us accept We all have a responsibility to all those who live in this World, and for those whose existence has been removed to another World or Spiritual plain! This all casts a huge shadow over what we term as Christianity, but Morality and even the Ethics of Tolerance are so defaced by the obfuscation the deniers seek!

So I will move to continue my task and with that: Thank You once again to all those of You who persist in acknowledging my small attempt here is to make a difference? I aim to show that Tolerance has much to learn and together we can show that Indifference to the struggles of others tarnishes our very reason for Being! We are as one People under whatever guise we wish to describe our God! For those who do not have a God? My God looks out for them! Plato has said that only the Dead see the end to War, so maybe only The 6,000,000 have not only seen the effects of The Holocaust, but they will not see its like again! The ramifications for us, which are still being felt, has been the searing pain of that particular Genocide, but also the rippling effects of newer destructions of Innocents! So before I start, I have responses to the World which has availed itself of such an intolerable bloodshed.

These communicators fall into certain categories! I will not dwell on those whose frauds are widespread! Whose lies are tantamount to the attempted alteration of History and whose antisemitic rhetoric and subversive nature barely conceals their rancid treatment of those Jews, 6,000,000 of whom I wish to Recall, Always to Remember and most certainly Never to Forget. This has been Patrick Dempsey impressing upon you all. What have I been impressing about? A little bit of Tolerance will go a long way and a defiance against Indifference might just add to the Humanity we wish to impart to those we Love, those we care about and to a World in need of care and attention. In case you think you have got away scot free? If you come across any of my x3 books, please give them a read and know there is someone else out there trying to make a difference:

Testimony and Fading Memory in the Holocaust.

der Einsatzgruppe and the Destruction of European Jewry.

Babi-Yar -A Jewish Catastrophe.

History has taught us little if we choose not to Remember the Slaughter of 6,000,000 Innocent Jewish Men, Women and Their Children in The Holocaust. We must Always look toward a future that has been garnered from our past with the correct lessons to be learned. Tolerance for one and other is specific to human beings and an Indifference to that Moral grounding has been widespread throughout our History! We choose to Forget at our peril because there is no guarantee that when intolerances resurface, they will be directed only toward those Never exempted from Genocide’s pure Hatreds. For those 6,000,000 of The Holocaust of The Jews of Europe, Memory must serve them Now, so that time and no-one can ever Forget them and I will lend a Stone to that place which took so many of them from us, so that the World will know, We Will Never Forget!

They boarded a Cattle Car. They stepped up and took a journey that would catapult them into oblivion. I chose to mark my visit with placing 2 stones to remind those who come after that I was there before them to Remember. They are marked for myself and my Son, Russell, who has joined Me on this emotional visit, though from his own Home in England, where we correspond the ups and downs of a Visit which has spiritual and Historical resonations for me. Elsewhere in The Camp, I have placed a stone for those others of My own Family who could not make the trip. For those I communicate with as a concern for a period in our History we should learn wisely from, otherwise we are forced to then endure the same fate as all those who ignore such lessons.


The Day After

Reflections Posted on Fri, September 12, 2014 08:14:29

Day: 34 Reflections.

1938 September 12th. Jews prevented from attending cultural events.

1939 September 12th. 3 Czermno Jews murdered. Hitler is aboard his Command Train near Ilnau.

1941 September 12th. 3,334 Vilna Jewish Men, Women and Children are murdered in Ponary Woods. 414 Simnas Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. “..Leningrad will be starved into submission.” Adolf Hitler.

1942 September 12th. announces the arrival of the 31st. Transport from France with 1,000 Jews aboard. 620 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children are immediately gassed. Also arriving that day was a Westerbork Transport from Holland. Aboard this transport are some 874 Jews, 614 of whom are immediately gassed. Jewish Men, Women and Their Children. Up until that date, September 12th. 1942, a Grand Total of 265,000 Warsaw Jews have been murdered at Treblinka in just a 7 week period. The escalation of Murder is reaching a hiatus and as 15,000 of Lodz’s Ghetto Jews are murdered, this is accomplished in an eight day operation. Abraham Jakob Krzepicki escapes from Treblinka and the Emanuel Ringelblum Archive is afforded his vital evidence. Elsewhere, refugee Jews in Belgium are rounded up and held in the Mechelen Concentration Camp for later Transports to Auschwitz. On the War front, the Battle for Stalingrad begins and the gradual tide of success for Hitler is about to turn.

1944 September 12th. 300 Jewish Children from the Ghetto of Kaunas arrive at Auschwitz. All are immediately gassed. Ironically, a Jewish Baby, Number 193241 is born to a former Warsaw Ghetto Jewish Mother. There are Allied troops now standing on the front lining the Western German border. That was an experience! Have I gained at all from what was an emotional visit to a Nation’s Graveyard!? Poland for all its beauty and relevance is a place confined in an ugly reality! Close on 3,100,000 Polish Jews perished on its soil! More than 2,500,000 Jews from the Nations of Europe also perished there!

A Book a Day, or so of suggested reading! 38. Wetzler, Alfred Escape From Hell.


Reflections Posted on Thu, September 11, 2014 17:55:43

1) The Old Synagogue.

I have arrived in Cracow and it is a lovely City. The Ghetto has long ceased to exist, though through its establishment, the Jews of Cracwo faced annihilation. I won’t trouble You with the mundane routine of an everyday life. Wake. Get up. Shower. Breakfast. Go out. Get Lunch. Go forward. Get back. Dinner. Go out. Get back and Night all. This will be an exacting next few days and my concentration will need to preserve energies for what lies ahead. So take it as read, these days will have content as similarly described. During those periods while I am out, marked by Discoveries, Events, Journeys and Captions of the remnants of Jewish Cracow and tragically, for those Jews of Europe, the more than 1,100,000 confined within Auschwitz and Birkenau, I will do my utmost to describe to and for you. First Impressions.

2) The Tempel Synagogue.

The City seems hardly ravaged by what Hitler and Germany imposed upon it during the period of The Holocaust. It is somewhat unfair to have described Poland as a ‘graveyard’, because there is so much beauty, elegance and grandeur to the Country. But what Hitler must have seen, after the initial Victory over a deceived Nation, is the prospect that was not merely more land for his Lebensraum, but there would be a direct confrontation with The Jews of The Settlement. There existed a life blood of World Jewry, Learned, Educated and Spiritual that had spread its Jewish Culture to the far reaches of the World.

3) The Remuh Synagogue.

For Hitler though, with well over 3,000,000 Jews residing within Poland, there was an immediate assault placed upon the integrity of all of Polish Jewry. And so it began! I have a sense, talking to some Polish people, and they are as warm and as friendly as you would expect, that they are living in a shadow cast by the last World War and perhaps the threat of further War. They see what has happened within the Ukraine! They see tensions brewing in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and they are mindful of their Russian neighbour. This Historical consciousness is not just what Hitler imposed upon them, not even what the terms of The Holocaust means to them, but it is a direct threat Russia is well versed in.

There is the sense of that newer threat escalating, and it is the exact same awakening to a threat which Poland faced from Russia before. Some see that Russia is wanting to re-establish its Iron Curtain. They are suspicious of Russia, and while some are caught between whom they fear most, accept least or are confused intentionally by, Germany and Russia are well matched in the psyche of the Polish People.

The Polish People are presented with a desire to face their past and move forward alongside those of their former enemies. I will do my utmost to present a Picture of them which represents how they reside alongside the greatest Catastrophe ever to face all Humanity, The Holocaust. The picture is clear, though muddied by an experience which leaves them to deal with their own losses during the same period. Poland lost 3,000,000 lives on top of 3,100,000 Polish Jews Murdered in The Holocaust. There are people the World over who will only see joy and celebration in this picture as they continue to deny the Truth of The Holocaust. I present to you a Picture to illustrate what I mean!

What they will not observe is what has been lost and what has been taken away. A picture freezes a moment in time and the myriad thoughts that are not presented go spiralling out of control as the observer remains blissfully unaware of what is fully presented here. That too is true of all those Photos, as we witness the procession of People heading toward their own Destruction. Look at every single plate of The Auschwitz Album and see, unawares to a History unfolding, ordinary People exposed to a Catastrophe that is about to consume them wholly. This is not limiting in the imagination that presents itself to us all.

The Parent looking fondly on all they have achieved, a Child, a Son, a Daughter, soon to be taken from us, soon to pass from us, soon to be Murdered. These are all before us even if we do not recognise it. There are the Couples who have set out on their journey not fully knowing what to expect. They are relieved to still be together. They have arrived at the place they felt would be theirs. They look on and we see their moment knowing it will soon be their last. All this in the shape of a Picture which History will present and which will hold an interpretation for the many who will look without knowing eyes. Only those who look out from the Picture will know what it is they have lived and left behind!

I am troubled by these images. Are they aware that they have been captured in time and that time will forever remember them? We have come this way, and we are here but once and in that period, in the legacy that we leave behind, We too are remembered. For the Jews of The Holocaust, all too many of them have been lost to a force so destructive, all is obliterated. We can live but one life and it is better to have lived than not at all. But equally, it is better to have lived the life destined to us, fated for us and with a certain knowledge we can only be who we are. We have but one chance to be that person, and in my work to remember the Jews of The Holocaust, part of me is captured by that ideal.

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