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This Holocaust Author's Auschwitz Blog

This blog describes my thoughts and experiences in visiting Auschwitz, Belzec, Majdanek and Sobibor and Anne Frank's House from 2014 to 2018

I blogged my preparations for my visit, I posted daily during my visit to Poland...there are also my ongoing thoughts posted here; in the aftermath of my visit...
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Holocaust Posted on Tue, November 22, 2016 22:01:44

November within The Holocaust.

There are 6,000,000 Murdered Jews who have had their raised voices quashed and their call for Justice quelled. They have been Slaughtered and obliterated with little thought to their human integrity. For us in History it becomes a human duty to raise our own voices 6,000,000 times on their behalf so that History hears the plaintive cry of our own shock, our horror for their despair. I am merely seeking to add to the narrative of consolation over the indifferent and intolerable approach we lent to The Holocaust. I offer up dates here which pointedly bear out the tragedy unfolding as the governments of nations heard the woeful cries of a Jewish World being inexorably torn to shreds. The language I use has been one of accusation. I am from a generation where apology and forgiveness run hand in hand with the ethical standards from a bygone age.

But while I am not obliged to apologise for things I did not do, nor was I around to ensure I would not do them, I apologise on behalf of those representatives whose values fell short of those I have inherited. That being said, I have no right to seek forgiveness either from 6,000,000 Jewish People whose remit is to afford that forgiving gesture. As we are aware, these 6,000,000 Jews have been so brutally Murdered, their remains scattered to the winds, that there is no one who can ever deliver a forgiveness on their behalf. On November 7th. 1900 Rudolf Hoess, a name synonymous with the death and destruction of the Jews at Auschwitz and Birkenau, is born. On November 4th. 1921 ‘Storm Abteilungen,’ the Storm trooper’s or SA is formed and the march toward Hitler’s Nazi militarization has begun.

We reach a particular milestone when we reach November 6th. 1932, as the Nazis secure a 33.1% share of the popular vote to win 196 seats. This is to be the final democratic election to be held in the Reichstag. However, all the signs are not ominous as the Nazi’s are down 34 seats, having lost over 2,000,000 votes and over 4% of their popular vote is wiped out. On November 12th. 1933 Nazi’s secure 93% of votes in a rigged Reichstag Election which see only Nazi Party candidates are permitted to stand for election. Needless to say, opposition no longer exists in real terms. On November 24th. that same year, the passing of the German Law against ‘Habitual and Dangerous Criminals,’ will allow for the compulsory castration of ‘hereditary’ criminals. It is time for the Jews now to escape Hitler’s clutches, at least for those whose ability allows them to, and one of the greatest minds of all time, Albert Einstein, decides it is his time to leave Germany and settle in America. Albert Einstein is a Jew.

Three days later on November 27th. the Strength through Joy movement, ‘der Kraft durch Freude’ or KdF is established. This movement is established to ensure that all the leisure activities for the German people, ‘der Truer Volk,’ only exists to promote the aims of the Nazi Party. Also, a Transfer Company is established in Tel Aviv to facilitate the immigration of German Jews and the transfer of their property under extortionate and punitive rates. On November 1st. 1935 with the Reich Citizenship Law, which sees the additional disqualification of Jews from owning German citizenship, the Jews are further disenfranchised.

Friday November 8th. 1935 “..Like so many Nazi catchwords ..May Jewry perish ..was meant literally and will be literally brought to pass if ..fanatics have their way.” The Times.

On November 14th. The First decree for the National Law of Citizenship is established and Jews are now denied voting rights and are forbidden to hold public office. Almost immediately, all Jewish civil service employees are discharged, including WWI veterans. Along with this, the definition of whole ‘Jews’ declares, for the first time, that anyone who has two Jewish grandparents and is a member of the Jewish religious community. Also, anyone with three or more Jewish grandparents is a Jew. The ‘Mischlinge,’ Jew or mixed race or part Jew is also designated as those with Jewish Blood. There are between 250,000 and 500,000 Germans who are categorised as Mischlinge and the First decree for the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour is established and sees that Marriage between Jews and non Jews is prohibited.

Hatred ensures too that Jewish children not allowed the facility’s of their local playgrounds and Jewish Children are to be denied the use of aryan lockers in all establishments. The following day, November 15th. German Churches now supply Nazi’s with their Baptismal details. This is a collaborative effort to identify the entire no Christian, Jewish Community. On November 25th. 1936 the Anti Comintern Pact is signed by Germany and Japan in order to forestall Russian interests. Two days later, on November 27th. Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, censors all Film Critique. The Nazi idea of Film will be one that has its remit from amongst those who advocate Nazi ideals. On November 29th. Walther Darre, the German Minister of Agriculture declares that Democracy and Liberalism are the inventions of the Jews.

The following year on November 5th. 1937, Hitler hosts Hossbach Conference, and this is seen as the first convening of a Hitler War Cabinet. The minutes were taken by Colonel Friedrich Hossbach, Hitler’s Military Adjutant. In attendance were Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg, General Werner Freiherr von Fritzsche, Hermann Goering, Constantin Freiherr von Neurath and Admiral Erich Raeder. On November 8th. ‘der Ewige Jude,’ The Eternal Jew exhibition opens in Munich. What Hitler did not seem to acknowledge in this vilest of hate filled bilge is the persistence of Judaism and the durability of The Jewish People to remain eternal. Despite the conflict and the atrocity that greets them, the Jewish People will Survive long after Hitler is thought of in any other light than a monstrous one.

On November 10th. the Hossbach Memorandum, ‘Hossbach Niederschrift,’ confirms Hitler’s intentions as he informs his High Command of his plans to dominate Europe both Militarily and Racially. The beginning of the placating of Hitler sees, on November 17th. Britain appeasing Hitler with regard to the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. On November 25th. a Military pact between Germany and Japan is signed and as we reach 1938, on November 2nd. Hitler awards his Hungarian and Italian allies parts of Czechoslovakia. This is in contravention to any acceptance of the sovereign statehood of a fellow nation and is in direct violation of the ‘Munich Pact’. On November 6th. Hitler makes a speech to 100,000 Nazi’s and openly declares Churchill a ‘warmonger’.

Hitler is now ramping up the pressure on the West and engaging with a diplomatic posture which will gain him newer ground in the threatening of consequential stakes. On November 7th. when Herschel Grynszpan shoots German Embassy official, Ernst vom Rath, over treatment of his Family’s removal to Zbaszyn, a Pogrom is unleashed which should leave no Western nation with any doubt other than that the Jewish People are under threat of all manner of a punitive resolve from Hitler. Then, on November 9th. when news reaches Hitler that vom Rath has died of his wounds, Hitler authorises Goering to deal with all Jewish political issues.

“..Outside ..synagogue is burning ..that also is a house of God.” Bernhard Lichtenberg.

The Night of Broken Glass, ‘Kristallnacht’, is thereby orchestrated throughout Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland and some 267 Synagogues are ransacked, burned and destroyed. With 7,500 Jewish Shops looted, over 50,000 Jews are removed to the Concentration Camps at Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen. On that Evening alone, more than 240 Jews are killed in savage attacks and their bodies are left were they fell. It is the following Evening, November 10th. at a rally in Nuremberg where the call to the faithful is greeted by more than 100,000 Germans who are all in unison, celebrating the success of ‘Kristallnacht.’ The key ally of Hitler, Italy now adopts its own system of anti-Semitic racial laws in a move to show solidarity with Hitler’s clear programme of Jewish excesses.

“..I was in Berlin at that time and saw some pretty revolting sights ..destruction of Jewish shops ..Jews being arrested and led away ..police standing by while ..gangs destroyed ..shops ..even groups of well dressed women cheering. Maybe those women had a hangover next morning they were intoxicated all right when this was taking place. I found it ..utterly revolting. In fact to a German journalist who saw me on that day and asked me what I was doing there ..I remember I just said very coldly ..I’m studying German culture.” Hugh Greene. (Daily Telegraph)

Actions against the Jews are no longer restricted to within German borders and on November 11th. in Bratislava, Slovakian Jews are killed during a controlled and systematic pogrom. With Heydrich now presenting his report to Goering and lists those numbers who are in ‘protective custody’ after ‘Kristallnacht’, the lights are dimming on European Jewish existence. On November 12th. Goering convenes a Conference in which he discusses the 1,000,000,000 Reichsmarcs fine to be applied to German Jews for the cost of ‘Kristallnacht’. As German Insurer’s pay out a total of 10,000,000 Reichsmarcs to the Reich itself, the coffers of Hitler’s Reich grows exponentially. Goering now toys with the idea of removing Heydrich and the Gestapo from the plan for Jewish ‘evacuation’ cum ’emigration,’ a programme designated the Madagaskar Plan.

“..badge is attached ..but has not touched our consciousness. ..we are not ashamed of our badges. Let those be ashamed who have hung them on us.” Yitzhak Rudashevski.

Meanwhile, Heydrich proposes the compulsory wearing of the ‘Jewish Badge.’ However, Hitler does not wish to see Jews so marked just yet, as this will be a precursor to their being expelled from all of German society. Heydrich now proposes a German equivalent of Eichmann’s Vienna model for the expulsion of Jews from Germany and admits that if Jews are to starve, they should be allowed to. Joseph Goebbels joins the frenzy as he urges that Jews are to be kept from public parks, are not allowed to attend concerts, cultural events or even movies.

“..We want only one thing loves ..Jews enough to rid us of them all.” Joseph Goebbels.

On November 15th. all Jewish Children are expelled from all German Schools as a rush by many Jews clamouring for exit visas to Britain and America gathers momentum. Just three days later, on November 18th., Hitler declares that all Jewish Capital in Germany now belongs to the German people. In Britain, on November 21st., objections are raised by Britain’s Parliament to the German ‘Persecution of Minorities.’

??day November 21st. 1937 “..His Majesty’s Government ..greatly impressed by ..urgency of ..problem.” Neville Chamberlain.

The British Government is not it seems, impressed enough to signify that it is the Jewish People who are the ‘persecuted minority.’ Nor indeed does the British Government seek to allow any more Jews into the Country than has been deemed necessary. All the while the persecution of the Jewish People within Germany’s borders has been significantly ramped up. Jews can now be Murdered arbitrarily, and are routinely incarcerated for no apparent reason. On November 28th. the ‘Judenbann’ adoption of curfews is placed upon all Jews and with Jewish freedom of movement and all travel more severely restricted. The following year, on November 30th. 1938, a decree disallowing all Jewish Lawyers any ability to practice law comes into force. Jewish Lawyers can now only act as Jewish Consultants. A year later, on November 7th. 1939 there is a mass resettlement of Jews from Western Poland.

Thursday November 7th. 1939 “..when ..Germans entered ..familiar tortures began ..robbery of Jewish property and goods. ..local population ..quick to help them in their robberies. When ..Russo ..German war broke out ..they shot Jews daily.” Meir Shvimer.

These are the Jews of Gorlice for whom Meir Shvimer recognises the Jewish Community is placed under constant pressure and soon, the killings that occur daily will escalate toward a final annihilation. On November 11th., some 600 of Ostrow Mazowiecki’s Jews are murdered by units of the Wehrmacht. The following day, on November 12th. The Shield of David, the ‘Mogen David,’ is now to be worn by all of Lodz’s Jews and Heydrich orders the removal of all Jews from the Warthegau. On November 14th. it is the turn of Kalisz’s Jews to wear The Yellow Star. On November 15th., an Estate commission, ‘die Fideikommissariat’ is established to plunder Jewish business in Poland and the Nazi’s commence the destruction of all Synagogues in Lodz. Accounts in Poland are frozen.

Saturday November 18th. 1939 “..all Jews will bear ..armbands with ..’Shield of David’ as ..identification.” Governor General Hans Frank.

On November 18th. Cracow Jews too are ordered to wear the ‘Star of David’ armband and all Jewish Bank Less than a week later, on November 23rd. all Jews in Frank’s General Government must wear the Jewish Badge. On November 24th. 70 Jews of Dorohoi are Murdered as the killing of Jews in Romania gathers momentum. On November 25th. all Jews in Poland must have their properties outwardly identifiable and on November 29th. Himmler orders the death penalty for any German Jews caught refusing deportation. On November 4th. 1940 Jewish Civil Servants are dismissed in Holland and a week later, on November 11th. the Warsaw Ghetto is officially recognised.

Then on November 15th. the Warsaw Ghetto is sealed off from the Polish community and by the following day, November 16th. the Warsaw Ghetto is completely sealed off and isolated from the rest of Poland. Two days later on November 18th. all Jewish Co-operatives are banned in Poland. On November 24th. Hungary, Romania and Slovakia join Hitler’s Axis powers. On November 1st. 1941 the Belzec Death Camp is now under construction and becomes part of the Aktion Reinhard Death Camp system. The Theresienstadt (Terezin) Ghetto is suggested as a showcase Ghetto.

“..God fearing representatives of ..Catholic Lithuanian nation liquidated four truckloads of Jews. ..All Saints Day. ..did not disturb ..executions.” Kazimierz Sakowicz.

On November 3rd., some 1,535 Lazdijai, (Lazdiyai) (Lazdei) (Lazdey) Lithuanian Jewish Men, Women and Their Children are murdered. These are just some of the named, and there is no space to place 1,535 Names here are Remembered alongside the many we know of, and for those whose identity is as yet unknown. This representative sample of Jewish Lives are of Jews both born in the Town and others born elsewhere who moved to Lazdijai for varying reasons, are all part of a less that 4 % of all of those Jews Murdered here and with an age ranging from 6 years old to 67 years of age. This sample does not include the many Jewish Children who were much younger than 6 years old and the Adult Jews who would have been older that 67 years of age.

01) Eliezer Chorondziskis born 1890 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

02) Rachel Choronzicky born 1898 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

03) Pinkhas Arie Domovich born 1878 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

04) Arel Gorfinkel born 1928 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

05) Fayvel Gorfinkel born 1926 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

06) Moysha Gorfinkel born 1920 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

07) Beile Grodzin born 1924 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

08) Bercik Grodzin born 1876 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

09) Ester Grodzin born 1902 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

10) Jankel Grodzin born 1903 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

11) Leja Grodzin born 1929 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

12) Liebe Grodzin born 1874 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

13) Meise Grodzin born 1915 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

14) Rakhel Grodzin born 1926 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

15) Liba Khaia Groznik born 1888 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

16) Shmuel Groznik born 1880 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

17) Shimon Pesakh Jablonas born 1911 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

18) Neta Kabaker born 1897 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

19) Elza Kalvariski born 1905 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

20) Rakhel Kantorovski born 1897 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

21) Miriam Khaia Kantorovski born 1904 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

22) Hinda Kaufman born 1895 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

23) Bruria Levinson born 1908 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

24) Avraham Levkutz born 1878 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

25) Batia Levkutz born 1920 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

26) Eta Ester Levkutz born 1923 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

27) Isser Levkutz born 1912 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

28) Judit Levkutz born 1898 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

29) Leib Arie Levkutz born 1908 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

30) Mordekhai Levkutz born 1893 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

31) Tankhum Levkutz born 1900 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

32) Chana Batia Lishkov born 1900 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

33) Chana Luksniansky born 1935 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

34) Freida Luksniansky born 1934 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

35) Mordechai Luksniansky born 1910 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

36) Schana Luksniansky born 1933 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

37) Merl Miriam Opachinski born 1880 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

38) Yehuda Opachinski born 1915 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

39) Yosef Opachinski born 1877 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

40) Aida Paulan born 1903 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

41) Etul Paulan born 1932 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

42) Fruma Paulan born 1928 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

43) Sara Paulan born 1930 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

44) Yoel Piniewski born 1932 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

45) Kopel Radzunski born 1904 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

46) Kuna Shilibolski born 1881 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

47) Avraham Sider born 1884 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

48) Hasa Khana Sider born 1890 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

49) Lea Sider born 1917 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

50) Leib Arie Sider born 1880 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania,

51) Rakhel Sider born 1883 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania, and

52) Shmuel Sider born 1910 Murdered in Lazdijai, Lithuania.

On November 4th., the deportations to the Lodz Ghetto are completed with over 20,000 German Jews already deported there. On November 6th. 15,000 Kovno Jewish Men, Women and Their Children as well as 1,341 Vilna Jewish Men, Women and Their Children are All murdered. Heydrich now reminds the Wehrmacht Quartermaster General Wagner of his role in Jewish Question and this is an acknowledgement that ‘The Final Solution’ is to be resolved.

“..I have been entrusted for years with ..task of preparing solution of ..Jewish Question.” Reinhard Heydrich.

On November 7th. 20,000 of Bobruisk’s Jews are murdered and 13,000 Jews from Minsk are taken into the Tuchinka Forest and are murdered there. The deportation of Dorohoi’s Jews to Transnistria begins. On November 8th. over 17,000 of Rovno’s Jews are murdered in the Sosenki Forest over a 2 day period. Meanwhile the Chelmno Death Camp (Kulmhof) is established by Christian Wirth, the Inspector of Death Camps. Dr. Irmfried Eberl, is Chelmno’s first Kommandant. Chelmno lies in close proximity to Lodz in the Warthegau. On November 9th. 5,000 of Dvinsk’s Jews are murdered in the Pogulanka Forest in 3 day operation. Elsewhere, 1,500 of Mir’s Ghetto Jews are murdered.

Friday November 14th. 1941. “..None has suffered more cruelly than ..Jew ..unspeakable evils wrought on ..bodies and spirits of men by Hitler and his vile regime.” Winston Churchill.

On November 14th. 9,000 of Slonim’s Jews are murdered at Czepielow as all of the Protectorate Jews who are now arriving in Riga and Minsk are shot immediately. On November 15th. 115 of Wilkowiski’s Jewish Men, Women and Their Children are murdered. Two days later, on November 17th., the deportation of the Jews from Bessarabia, Bucovina and Dorohoi district to Transnistria has been completed with some 142,000 Jews having been deported there. On November 18th. Alfred Rosenberg notifies the German Press of the ongoing ‘final solution’ and that its resolve could only be accomplished by the ‘biological extermination of all the Jews of Europe.’ The following day, November 19th. 171 of Vilna’s Jewish Men, Women and Their Children are murdered.

On November 20th. 7,000 of Minsk’s Jews are murdered in the Tuchinka Forest as Dr. Friedrich Mennecke conducts his experiments on 850 Women at Ravensbrueck Concentration Camp. On November 23rd. over 29,000 of Odessa’s Jews are murdered as are 1,500 of Poltova’s Jews. The following day, November 24th., the first transport of Jews are sent to Theresienstadt in Czechoslovakia. Theresiendstadt, or Terezin (its German name) is to be established as the model ghetto. Two days later on November 25th. 2,934 Jewish Men, Women and Their Children of Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt are murdered at Kovno’s IX Fort. 64 Vilna Jewish Men, Women and Their Children are also murdered while all Jewish assets are to be seized upon deportation.

Wednesday November 26th. 1941 “..Brunius Klemans ..Deputy Chairman ..Lithuanian Nationalist Party ..Ignas Vilius-Velavitchius ..Commander of ..Kovno prison ..who carried out ..murders at ..IX Fort ..recalled that many Jews were brought to ..IX Fort from Germany. Others say from Czechoslovakia. Some of them were already shot. ..Germans want to turn Lithuania into ..Jewish cemetery of Europe.” Zenonas Blynas. (General Secretary National Lithuanian Party)

November 27th. Over 10,000 Riga Jews are murdered in the Rumbuli Forest and many of these are from 19 transports of German Jews.

“..sole German objective in ..region will be to liquidate all Jews who live in Arab countries under ..patronage of Great Britain.” Adolf Hitler.

November 28th. Hitler meets Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini and appraised him on ‘The Final Solution’. Hitler is offered Arab support. The first main ‘Aktionen’ in Riga Ghetto commences.

Saturday November 29th. 1941 “..Jews who have just been shot by ..1st. Battalion came from Czechoslovakia. There are many Brazilians and Argentineans with visas. They are told that they are being placed in quarantine. ..they forgo their citizenship ..they disappear on ..way. 1st. Battalion put them in order.” Zenonas Blynas. (General Secretary National Lithuanian Party)

On November 29th. 3,500 of Borislav’s Jews are murdered while 2,000 Jewish Men, Women and Children of Vienna and Breslau are murdered alongside 18 of Kovno’s own Jewish Men and Women, all murdered at Kovno’s IX Fort. Meanwhile, the Wannsee Conference date set and as SS Standartenfuhrer Karl Jaeger signed off on a document we know today as the Jaeger Report in which he and his Einsatzkommando 3 murdered a Total of 137,346 Lithuanians, mostly Jews, Wannsee will set the seal on the Reich’s administrative and collaborative effort in the fullest detail of The Holocaust.

On November 30th. 1941 as the Riga Ghetto is being liquidated, the so called ‘large aktion’ sees 30,000 Riga Jews removed and murdered in the Rumbuli Forest. Amongst these Jews of the ‘largeaktion’ are German Jews recently arrived. The Chelmno Death Camp opens for the murders of local Jews in the ‘gassing vans.’ Elsewhere, 5,000 of Novogrudok’s Jews are murdered as are over 19,000 of Odessa’s Jews who were murdered in the various Camps and killing sites throughout Transnistria. These Camps and Sites are at Atmicetka, where some 5,000 Jews will be murdered, the killing site at Bogdanovka, where some 48,000 Jews will be murdered, at Dumanovka, where some 18,000 Jews will be murdered and at Vertugen, where some 23,000 Jews will be murdered. Closer to Belzec, the Lvov Ghetto is being established.

On November 1st. 1942 the first deportation from Bialystok District to Treblinka begins and the commencement of the deportation of Plonsk’s Jews to Auschwitz also starts. On November 2nd. over 100,000 Jews in the Bialystok Region, held in the Camps at: Bogusze, Keilbasin, Volkovysk and, Zambrow are eventually deported to Auschwitz and Treblinka. 6,000 of Siemiatycze’s Jews are deported as are 4,300 of Bilgoraj Jews who are murdered at Belzec alongside 2,500 of Zolochev’s Jews. 2,000 of Ostryna’s Jews are murdered in Birkenau and a further action against 2,000 Jews of Izbica Lubelska takes place. Barely a handful of its Jews remain as Izbica Lubelska is declared ‘Judenrien’. On

November 3rd. 7,000 of Tomaszow Mazowiecki’s Jews and 4,000 of Radoszyce’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. The following day, November 4th. 1,000 of Brzezany’s Jews are murdered at Belzec.

On November 5th. 3,000 of Skarzysko-Kamienne’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka while 400 of its Elderly and Children are murdered before ‘resettlement’. 745 Elderly Jews from Paris are murdered in Birkenau. On November 6th., over 170,000 Jews are murdered in a 6 day period at the 3 Death Camps Belzec, Birkenau and Treblinka. On

November 7th. 4,500 of Konskie’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. Elsewhere 3,000 of Lukow’s Jews are murdered while 1,500 of Miedzyrzec’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. 1,000 Jews detained in Drancy are sent to Auschwitz for ‘resettlement’. On November 8th. 1,000 of Zbaraz’s Jews are murdered at Belzec. The following day, November 9th. 4,000 of Piaski’s Jews are murdered at Majdanek as 1,100 of Skalat’s Jews are murdered at Belzec.

On November 10th. 6,300 of Mlawa’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka as 4 New Ghetto’s were established at Radomsko, Sandomierz, Szydlowiec and Vjazd. On November 11th. 5,000 of Slutsk’s Jews are murdered while 1,060 Greek Jews are rounded up in Paris and are deported to Auschwitz. Also, 1,000 of Leczna’s Jews are murdered at Majdanek. On November 13th. 2,500 of Wlodzimierz Wolynski’s Jews are murdered after Resisting. The following day, November 14th. 500 of Makow’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. On November 15th. 4,000 of Zamosc’s Jews are murdered at Belzec as Zamosc is also declared ‘Judenrein’ with more than 12,500 of Zamosc’s Jews having been murdered. Elsewhere, 3,000 of Tarnow’s Jews are murdered and on November 18th., a further 5,000 of Lvov’s Jews, alongside 4,000 of Przemysl’s Jews are murdered at Belzec. Meanwhile, the Lvov Ghetto itself becomes a Labour Camp and on November 19th. 2,700 of Wyszogrod’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka.

Thursday, 19th. November 1942 “..I get frightened when I think of close friends who have now been delivered into ..hands of ..cruellest brutes that walk ..all because they are Jews.” Anne Frank.

On November 20th. 120 of Wisznice’s Jews are murdered as Himmler conveys the order to Gestapo Muller for the eradication of der Einsatzgruppe’s evidence of Mass Murder. This ‘aktion’, coded ‘1005’ is set to obliterate all traces of the crimes Hitler has committed against the Jews of Eastern Europe. The truth that lies beneath will not be shielded from discovery as we unearth ever more evidence of this atrocity. On November 21st. 4,000 of Suchedniow’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka while elsewhere, 1,500 of Szczekociny’s Jews are also murdered. On November 22nd. 2,500 of Zolkiew’s Jews murdered at Belzec. Here, as we recall that the Judenrat at Zolkiew had been Chaired by one Leon Feldhandler, we recognise him as a leader of the future Uprising at Sobibor. Also, 200 of Serokomia’s Jews are murdered. On November 23rd. 10,000 of Szydlowiec’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka as the Palestine Hebrew papers are acknowledging the destructive fate of European Jewry. Also, a correspondence from Warsaw to the Vatican, which reported on the Jewish plight was taken up by Harold Tittman, the US representative to the Vatican. The Report which clearly shows what was known and by whom it was certainly clear:

“..Mass execution of Jews continues. ..Lublin ..Lvov ..Przemysl ..Przeworsk ..Tarnow ..Vilna ..Warsaw ..Jews killed ..numbered ..10’s of 1,000’s in ..each of ..towns in question ..without mentioning all ..others. ..killed by poison gas in chambers especially prepared for that purpose ..and by machine gun fire.” Harold Tittman.

It might prove cynical to suggest that these ‘chambers especially prepared for that purpose’ where within the Death Camps we have come to know through History. We know for a fact that der Einsatzgruppe transmissions had been intercepted all the way back to the launch of Barbarossa, June 22nd. 1941, but at the time, we were supposedly ill informed about the Death Camps? Here though, when there was that supposedly scant information of places such as Auschwitz/Birkenau, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor or even Treblinka, History has been enabled to suggest to us today that there was no knowledge of such places for informed decisions to be exacted against them. The mind reels from the proposition that much more was known which was shelved in defiance of all the more and ethical probity guiding humanity always to ensure always to act always in favour of humanitarianism.

On November 24th. Rabbi Wise releases the Riegner Report at Press Conference which provides confirmation that Europe’s Jews are being slaughtered by the Nazi’s. On Christmas Day, November 25th. Jews are still being deported, this time from Bergen to Auschwitz. The New York Times acknowledges that Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, as killing centres of Jews, has been assessed as having Murdered some 2,000,000 of European Jews already.

Wednesday November 25th. 1942 “..Polish Jews are being exterminated together with Jews from other occupied countries. ..transported on Polish territory.” Stanislaw Mikolajczyk.

On November 27th. 2,500 of Buczacz’s Jews are murdered at Belzec, with more than 250 Murdered in the Ghetto and at the same time, 2,000 of Tlumacz’s Jews are also murdered at Belzec. On November 28th. 2,500 of Mosciska’s Jews are murdered at Belzec and two days later on November 30th. there are over 50,000 Polish Jews recognised as having been murdered at Belzec, Majdanek and Treblinka in 3 week period. On November 1st. 1943 Rudolf Hoess leaves Auschwitz temporarily as the Moscow Declaration between Britain, US and Russia was issued. It drew upon the governing principles by which Nazi War Criminals would be prosecuted and those in the least implicated in these crimes against humanity would see Justice served? The Allied statement suggests they will act judicially, and without vengeance and in pursuance of ALL Axis War Criminals:-

“ ..uttermost ends of”

On November 3rd. with Operation Harvest Festival, ‘Erntefest,’ sees the beginnings of the Majdanek Death Camp liquidation which has been sanctioned. All told some 18,400 Jews are murdered in Majdanek under the auspices of ‘Erntefest’ while Lublin’s Lipowa Street Ghetto Camp is also liquidated with 2,500 Jews being murdered. SS Unterscharfuhrer Erich Muhsfeldt now describes the process of elimination of those final 18,400 Jews of Lublin. While these Jews are confined to Field V of the Majdanek Death Camp, they are Murdered by a Sonderkommando of the SS. Operation Erntfest involving a wide expanse of Camps is at its height.

“..They had to lie down ..SS from Sonderkommando of ..ditch ..machine gunned them. ..batches along ..bottom of ..ditch ..had to lie down on ..corpses of those already shot. Men ..executed ..separate from women. Action lasted without ..break till 17:00. ..SS men shooting changed ..left for meals ..but ..executions continued incessantly.” SS Unterscharfuhrer Erich Muhsfeldt.

On November 4th. the Trawniki Camp is liquidated and 8,000 Jews are murdered in this ‘Erntefest’ operation. Over 2,800 Jews from Szebnie Labour Camp are resettled to Auschwitz and on November 5th. the Poniatowa Camp is liquidated as part of this same operation ‘Erntefest’ with 14,000 Jews who are murdered here. Unlike Babi Yar, which denotes the single most concentrated action against Jews in a single geographical area, ‘Erntefest’ specified a single action which amounted to a colossal account of more than 42,500 Jews murdered under a single banner action, but spread over a wider geographical area. Elsewhere, some 1,500 Jews from the Krychow Labour Camp are also murdered.

On November 6th. 500 Jews from the Szebnie Labour Camp are also murdered and on November 11th. 300 Theresienstadt Jews die during roll call from the overall effects of privation, starvation and cold, all of which are quite telling. On November 15th. there are over 1,100 Dutch Jews who deported to Auschwitz for ‘special treatment’ and the following day, November 16th. over 990 Dutch Jews are also sent to Auschwitz. The euphemism for mass murder has many terms, but they all consign the Jewish People toward a destructive end! On November 17th. Jewish partisans liberate the Jews in Borshchev. On November 19th. the Janowska Camp at Lvov has an Uprising but not before some 80,000 Jews were murdered here. On November 27th. 1943 the Birkenau Crematorium is blown up.

On November 2nd. 1944 the last gassings at Auschwitz Camp Birkenau Death Camp take place as the deportations from Budapest resume. There are 50,000 more Budapest Jews who are to be evacuated, but these are now headed toward Vienna. On November 3rd. the Russian forces occupy two thirds of Hungary and they are nearing Budapest. By now, it is November 8th. and Eichmann has deported 50,000 Jews from Budapest to the Concentration Camps at Buchenwald, Ravensbrueck and many more are those who had been removed toward Vienna, Austria. 10,000 of these Jews are murdered en-route. On November 13th., with the Budapest Ghetto in Hungary becoming established, some 70,000 Jews are Enclosed. This is the last Nazi Ghetto for the Jews of Europe to be created.

On November 25th. 1944 Birkenau ceases its operations and the following day, on November 26th. Himmler orders the total destruction of all the Birkenau Krematoria in unison with the wish to conceal further the evidence of Hitler’s atrocity. Practically a year later, on November 20th. 1945 The Nuremberg Trials of Major War Criminals, begins at 10:00a.m. in Nuremberg, Germany. The following day, November 21st. 1945 the defendants enter their pleas of ‘Not Guilty’ to the most heinous set of crimes ever amassed by a civilised people against an innocent Jewish Peo[ple and others. Goering tries to make a statement, but is prevented by the Court from doing so. Justice Robert Jackson delivers his opening statement for the prosecution. On November 29th. 1945 the prosecution introduces a film shot by Allied photographers in liberated areas. The graphic footage of Nazi horrors causes weeping in the courtroom and some defendants appeared shocked by what they see, while others appear apathetic or even seem bored.

November in Treblinka.

Holocaust Posted on Thu, November 17, 2016 23:52:49

“..assistant commandant of ..deputy to Stengel [Franz Stangl] ..biggest murderer in Kurt Franz was known for having published January 1943 ..that a million Jews had been killed in Treblinka ..a report which had procured for him a promotion.” Samuel Rajzman.

The Aktion Reinhard Death Camp Treblinka was in operation from July 22nd. 1942 until August 2nd. 1943 a period of some 13 months. In the context of what Treblinka represents, in terms of its destructive capacity to murder from 900,000 to over 1,000,000 Jewish People, this November represents a tiny fraction of that overall cost to the Jewish People and to our own humanity. While we are talking here about the single span of a month within that time frame, the atrocity is clear to evaluate.

“..I estimate ..number of Jews gassed at Sobibor ..about 350,000. In ..canteen at Sobibor I once overheard a conversation between Frenzel ..Stangl ..Wagner. ..discussing ..number of victims in ..extermination camps of Belzec ..Treblinka ..Sobibor and expressed ..regret ..Sobibor ‘came last’ in ..competition.” SS Oberscharfuhrer Hermann Erich Bauer.

For the German administrators of Hitler’s Death Camp system, it was obviously open to interpretation as to what manner of contest they drew from such an obscenity. Can we simply relate here that the competitive nature of a driven German supposed elite was the direct Slaughter of 6,000,000 Human Beings. Within the entire period of operations at Treblinka however, which exacted a colossal destruction of the Jewish People, we are unable to come to terms with how exact these assessments can be. On every single day during that period of operations, Jews from all over Europe were destroyed and the research necessary to complete the catalogue of murderous achievement is an on going study.

“..teachings ..about ..people ..ethics ..I had to learn myself in ..hell of concentration camps ..without my Mother who was put to death in ..Gas Chambers in Majdanek Father ..put to death and burnt in ..crematorium in Treblinka Brother Sister in law young ..but cared for me like my Mother ..tormented and burnt in Auschwitz.” Halina Birenbaum.

While we look back upon terms which appear to evaluate the destruction in many 1,000,000’s, too much has been lost to us to make sense of these figures. We will Never know the true extent to The Holocaust, but our endeavour is essential so that we at least leave a marker for History stating we at least tried. On November 1st. 1942 this day saw the first deportation from the Bialystok District to the Death Camp that was Treblinka. The following day, November 2nd. over 100,000 Jews in the Bialystok Region, already held in the Camps at Bogusze, Keilbasin, Volkovysk and Zambrow are eventually deported to Treblinka and Murdered there. Many also of these Jews are resettled to Auschwitz. In the terms of Hitler’s wish to destroy all the Jews of Europe, ‘resettlement’ must be seen as a euphemism for the Slaughter he had orchestrated.

“..I cannot say how many Jews ..gassed in Treblinka. ..average each day ..large train arrived ..sometimes ..two. ..not so common. In Treblinka I was commander of ..Ukrainian guard unit as I had been in Belzec. In Treblinka as in Belzec ..unit consisted of 60 ..80 men. ..Ukrainian’s main task man ..guard posts around perimeter. After ..prisoners’ uprising ..August 1943 ..ran more or less single ..handedly for ..month more gassings ..undertaken. ..during this time that ..original camp was demolished ..everything ..levelled off ..lupins ..planted. A farm was supposed to be built on of Against Wirth’s will I put any material ..still usable at ..disposal of ..reserve hospital in Ostrow ..14km ..15km away from Treblinka.” SS Untersturmfuhrer Kurt Franz.

Kurt Franz lays down a piece of the puzzle which deniers use to essentially add to their spacious hatred to simply attempt to distort the truth to what Hitler had planned, executed and then sought to have camouflaged in The Holocaust. On November 3rd. with 7,000 of Tomaszow Mazowiecki Jews murdered at Treblinka, this was accomplished alongside the murders of 4,000 of Radoszyce’s Jews also murdered there. That is 2 distinct groups of Jewish Citizenry from two very distinct Communites, Radoszyce and Tomaszow Mazowiecki destroyed in a single day of annihilatory operations here at Treblinka.

“..When we arrived in Treblinka and ..Germans opened ..freight cars we beheld a horrible sight. was full of corpses. ..bodies were partly decomposed by chlorine. ..stench in made those still alive choke. ..Germans ordered everyone to get out ..those still able to do so were half dead. Waiting SS and Ukrainians beat us and shot at us. ..On ..way to ..gas chambers Germans with dogs stood along ..fence on both sides. ..dogs had been trained to attack people ..they bit’s genitals and ..women’s breasts ..ripping off pieces of flesh. ..Germans hit ..people with whips and iron bars to spur them on so that they pressed forward into ..’showers’ as quickly as possible. ..screams of ..women could be heard far away ..even in ..other parts of ..Germans drove ..running victims on with shouts of ..’Faster ..faster ..water will get cold ..others still have to go under ..showers!’ To escape from ..blows ..victims ran to ..gas chambers as quickly as they could ..stronger ones pushing ..weaker aside. At ..entrance to ..gas chambers stood ..2 Ukrainians ..Ivan Demaniuk and Nikolai of them armed with an iron bar ..other ..a sword. They drove ..people inside with blows. ..As soon as ..gas chambers were full ..Ukrainians closed ..doors and started ..engine. Some 20 25 minutes later an SS man or a Ukrainian looked through a window in ..door. When ..everyone had been asphyxiated ..Jewish prisoners had to open ..doors ..remove ..corpses. Since ..chambers were overcrowded and ..victims held on to one another ..all stood upright one single block of flesh.” Abraham Goldfarb.

On November 5th. 3,000 of Skarzysko-Kamienne’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka while 400 of their Elderly and Their Children are murdered prior to resettlement. The mistreatment of the Elderly, the Infirm and the Children has been a painful reminder to each of us as we navigate the atrocity’s we see as unparalleled and unprecedented in all of History. The following day on November 6th. it has been recognised that over 170,000 Jews were murdered over a six day period at the Death Camps Treblinka, Belzec and Birkenau. On November 7th. 4,500 of Konskie’s Jews along with 1,500 of Miedzyrzec’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. On November 10th. 6,300 of Mlawa’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. On November 14th. 500 of Makow’s Jews are also murdered at Treblinka. On November 19th. 2,700 of Wyszogrod’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. This catalogue of obscenity repeats itself all too often.

Thursday November 19th. 1942 “..I get frightened when I think of close friends who have now been delivered into ..hands of ..cruelest brutes that walk ..all because they are Jews.” Anne Frank.

It is essential that while we acknowledge that Anne knew pretty much what was happening to her People, from British broadcats especially, she might not be able to link that acknowledged supposition to places like Treblinka, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor or even Auschwitz and Birkenau? With increasing veracity however, the truth of what was known about the encroaching Holocaust for the Jews of Europe can no longer remain secreted behind Government protocol or secrecy. On November 21st. 4,000 of Suchedniow’s Jews are murdered at Treblinka. On November 23rd. 10,000 of Szydlowiec Jews are also murdered at Treblinka.

“..I concluded Operation Reinhard which I had conducted in ..General Goverment and have liquidated all camps. A few SS men and Ukrainians remained in ..extermination camps. In Treblinka even a group of Jewish prisoners was left behind in order to dismantle ..huts ..fences ..and other camp installations. After completion of this work ..November 17th. 1943 ..last group of Jewish prisoners was shot in Treblinka.” SS Gruppenfuhrer Odilo Globocnik.

Before we become desanitised by the facts and figures of this devasatation, it is worth pausing to acknowledge what Simon Wiesenthal has already recorded and that these are People, not merely the statistic of Hitler’s intentional resolve, his Final Solution. On November 25th. Jews are deported from Bergen to Auschwitz and the New York Times acknowledges that Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor are recognised as killing centres for the Jews sent to them. The Jewish People are all clearly assessed as having been Murdered within these Death Camps establishments and the assessment is that some 2,000,000 Murdered Jews make up a tally of annihilation few should countenance nor ignore the veracity of its implementation.

Wednesday November 25th. 1942 “..Polish Jews are being exterminated together with Jews from other occupied countries. ..transported on Polish territory.” Stanislaw Mikolajczyk.

On November 30th. 1942 there are over 50,000 Polish Jews murdered at Treblinka, Belzec and Majdanek in a 3 week period. The scale of the atrocity is increasingly measured in the 10’s of 1,000’s and the credibility of the knowledge that we have to this day, does not bear out the human dimension we seek to comprehend here. In all the 20 years since I have been on this odyssey, I cannot fathom the essential component in any human beings mind that would allow them to act in such a brutal

“..Here is ..silence of ..grave. ..Rumbuli ..Riga ..Bikernieki ..Salaspils ..Klooga ..Ponary ..Babi Yar ..Majdanek ..Treblinka ..Auschwitz. Thousands and thousands of cities and towns stained with blood. I rise from among you silent martyrs ..old men ..babies ..fathers ..mothers ..husbands ..wives ..brothers ..sisters ..brides ..grooms ..children ..youths. ..slaughtered by ..millions ordered me to tell of what happened. I hear your cries ..screams ..thousands strong thunder of your feet running to ..grave ..your last word ..”Remember”. I swear by ..memory of you your blood which slaked cruel spaces your ashes scattered over ..smoke of your bodies rising from ..crematoriums ..I swear to you ..I will tell them ..everything that I saw ..who killed you ..who betrayed you. I will not permit anyone to slander you or say it was someone else. I was with you at ..executioner’s block till ..last minute. Your blood flows in my veins ..your ashes throb in my heart. I swear to tell ..Truth ..nothing but ..Truth.” Frida Michelson.

Treblinka still had a further 7 months to accomplish what Hitler had so demanded from his loyal executioners.In a remarkable rampage through Jewish existence, Hitler and his minnions managed to accomplish the stated Destruction of 43,500 Jews from varying Community’s, and a third of all of those Jews up that point who were the acknowledged victims from the information that 50,000 Jews, 170,000 Jews and or 2,000,000 Jews, based upon differing interpreatations had been Slaughtered up till now. We leave the final assessment to Hitler’s expert on statistical analyisis as he knew it and at the end of the year Hoefle, who was the link between Globocnik, as Aktion Reinhard Commander and Himmler and straight onto Hitler’s desk, sends in his detailed report with an assessment of 1,274,166 Jews who had already been Murdered. These accounts were detailed into each of these Death Camps that have been mentioned and were under Globocnik’s jurisdiction.

“..Lublin [read Majdanek] 24,733 ..Belzec 434,508 ..Sobibor ..101,370 ..Treblinka ..713,555.” SS Sturmbannfuhrer Hermann Hoefle.

Mothers to the Slaughter

Holocaust Posted on Sun, May 01, 2016 00:01:55

It is always that time of year when we reflect on what matters to us and on what has happened in the passing of those years. Then it is down to all of us as to what we all choose to Remember. It never gets any easier and for me, there are 6,000,000 strong reasons why it should never rest easy with any of us! Our own Mother’s would not want any of us to sit back and forget that so many souls were deprived of the validity of their being, their very existence and have been extinguished from time. That responsibility, if nothing else, is a gift which our Mother’s of today can deliver from that dark past. Their light can best exemplify the tortured present and motion us toward a better and more understanding future. History must always expect that we should remember that need for truthful memory and it would fully expect us only ever to honour that memory.

I do!

I remember with pertinence the loss of Mother’s everywhere, and from within The Holocaust term, the number’s of Mother’s taken from a World in need of all their shared support. There are times I suspect when there is this need to say so much more than I do, which is all the more relevant because of those who did not Survive and require the voice that we do deliver on their behalf. We remember so little of their past because of the absence of so much and it is all from those who have been taken from us. The writing was clearly on the walls as Hitler came to power and the utter contempt in his expression was not alarming enough for a World which stood aside. As Hitler drove a wedge between us all and humanity, the very lives of the Jews of Europe were plundered from existence. No one today deserves to know better than the Jewish People how the World feels about the grave wrong we allowed to happen.

At a cost to all of humanity of 6,000,000 Jewish lives we too are perhaps aware what this must mean to the Jews of today. But then, what it means to humanity is difficult to gauge when we are presented with a lack of prevailing Justice over such a Catastrophe. The Holocaust resonates so purposefully today, and in order to remember and to never forget I spend my time working toward that remembrance. The effect for all who seek an understanding of what was done and achieved, in a comprehension we may never reach, is also an accusation for what was allowed and what could have been prevented. It is clear that The Holocaust has not cleansed the soul nor marked humanity any better than to have shown we have yet to learn. The stain for each of us, discoloured with an uncivilised hatred that has perpetually branded us, persists.

There is a fact of how impressed all those around Hitler were with that same hatred and how engaged they became with that very same hatred. Without Hitler we are assured, and we can be certain, that 6,000,000 Jews of Europe would not have been murdered. The fact that European Jewry was so systematically and brutally sought out for the slaughter is clear. That these Jews were inflicted with a loss so unbearable, death came and took that event that torture away from them. For me, Mother’s are born as marvellous Women who have the propensity to be wonderful Mother’s, role model’s and the perpetuators of human existence. Take that away and the entire bridge which delivers us from the dark ages falls into an abyss. That abyss has been crowded with the abominable hatreds of our past and has been stacked with the Blood and Bodies of 6,000,000 Jews whose road to disaster was devised by one man, Adolf Hitler.

While there should be only good to say about any people, we know it is irreverent to speak without contempt for Hitler. Today though, that singular disdain has infected many so much that that some will not allow any human concern or condolence to be said of these Jewish People. These like Hitler minded hate filled miscreants, cannot be allowed to devour the memory of those whose lives have already been consumed. There are many other’s just like Kurt Gerstein who thought that it was morally wrong to behave in such a callous way toward the Jews. Hatred is the province of those who see no provenance in humanity’s diversity. There is a labouring over details which subvert any charitable empathy and sympathy for our fellow man, and woman. The specific detail of The Holocaust is quite clearly gender definitive as the fundamental face of intolerance seeks to ensure Jewish proliferation.

In assessing the 6,000,000 Jews of The Holocaust there is simply not enough detail to fix securely nor with any accuracy into the numbers of Women, Girls, Females and the Mother’s amongst them murdered to deliver the overall catastrophe. The bias, bigotry and racism of the slaughter took no account of the gender specific and the Female of our species was treated if no more harshly, then equally as violently, maliciously and deadly. It was all horrible for both sexes but I imagine the bond which delivered the Mother and Child to the door of the Gas Chamber and the protective arm which did not want the Child to know what was coming would be crushing to any Parent, a Mother, even more so. Any selection process within the Death Camp eventually segregated the sexes and all Children were assigned to destruction with the Mother.

This is not to say that the anguish was any less for the Father, who was witness to the total annihilation of all that they had known and loved. But who could know the level of grief that was to be delivered in advance of the destructive process. It is imperative that we clearly recognise that Mother’s are the Daughter’s, Grandmother’s, Sister’s, Wives, Aunts and Nieces to us all. That does not alter because Hitler sought to disguise the truth of his final solution! While much has been given over to the numerical account of The Holocaust, any gender specific detail of those Females in the Holocaust is heavily lacking. What we can state, as we are aware that of the 6,000,000 Jews of Europe murdered in The Holocaust, as many as 3,000,000 of these were Females. That is not to say that Hitler targeted these Females because of their Gender.

Hitler devised The Final Solution only because of his hatred for the Jews and as Jews, Females were likewise sought out for the Slaughter. So while we contemplate the psychological trauma that each and every Female surely faced, it must be remembered that even the Racial theory espoused by Hitler’s failed ideology was negated. Women, Girls, Females in general were the victims of wide spread physical and sexual abuse. The resulting rapes of so many Jewish Females, virtually before the door of the Gas Chamber or the Killing site must beg the question, what has History done to claim any sort of Justice for their violation. We simply cannot gloss over the role of men of the SS, Wehrmacht, Reserve Police and the full cadre of German collaborators in this most specious of crimes. Can their be an emotional closure for those who must suspect the deviant nature of those who returned from what they perpetrated in The Holocaust.

It is an essential need that people read the words of Ruth Bondy, Lucy Dawidowicz, Charlotte Delbo, Anne Frank, Etty Hillesum, Deborah Lipstadt, Wendy Lower, Rochelle Seidl, Nechama Tec and Susan Zuccotti amongst so many, just to gain and understand from a Female perspective what was relevant to the actions Hitler took against the Jews. The procreation of the species Homo Sapien cannot exist without the Mothering, careful nurturing and bonding which Women present to all of Humanity. We have to see to the humanistic dimensions of our study, which Women writers deliver to our appreciation of this grave wrong. Titles in works reflect what it must have meant for women to persist in the first place, endure in the next phase and then only to succumb in the final phase of their lives. There is of course a grave choice and in the Children We Remember that choice is either To Forgive, But Not Forget.

The odds were stacked against the persistence of any Jew and so much so that many of them made A Jump for Life, stumbled from a resettlement transport only to be confronted again by an inevitable decree which sought them for extinction. When we take that leap ourselves and move our carefully manicured lives to a place Beyond Imagination, we enter a hell which placed innocent people into the jaws of destruction. With the refrain in history acknowledging for them that while I Am a Star, this was the cry which delivered ordinary, innocent people toward the furnace because of their Jewish antecedence. Can we as writers add any less to this delivery of gifting and affording all of us an emotional attachment to a conflagration which wholly devoured a Jewish People. As Men deliver the terms of The Holocaust in historical terms, with a data analysed assessment of the Catastrophe, we have to be chastened by the emotional depths we are grasped with and are plunged into such a depressive realisation we have difficulty with its terms.

Do not get me wrong, Dawidowicz delivers some of the most accurate accounts of Hitler’s undertaking so it would be wrong to assume that male writers cannot deliver the truth on an emotional level, just as women can do. Levi and Wiesel are so adept at delivery, we are clearly swept along on an emotional roller coaster. I think, as I seek to add depth to the despair that emanates from the midst of the pain and terror, it is the Woman, Female, Mother whose instincts have been heightened by an intense fear which will balance out the Human dimension of the devastation. We know too from a writer that indeed, Hope Is The Last to Die, all of which clearly adds to everything we can attempt to comprehend. There are of course these Flares of Memory, an elaborate trail of hopes and fears all laid to waste, 6,000,000 times. Truly that is all we have left in this study which seeks to replace with memory those 6,000,000 Jewish souls who have perished.

That they were taken beyond all recognition by an evil sprung from the errant make up of a man called Adolf Hitler, is as apparent as it is shocking. The level of appreciation given over to what was deliberately a War Against the Jews sees the consignment of Children of the Flames toward an eternity no one had any right to impose upon them. But here we are, finding a sensitivity so deeply emotional, it is a Mother, a Female who can deliver the message with clarity, detail and with a sentiment that reveals our own humanity. These words presented here are delivered as an emotional account with a connection to the memory of those whose moving turmoil was brought to its deepest and most anxious state. It is very much a Triumph of Hope that is brought toward us from these depths and they afford the presence of humanity a hope, should we acknowledge the need to grasp it. From The Diary of a Young Girl we gain an insight into what must be hidden in order to protect all from what awaited.

That picture of An Interrupted Life has been so well written, it leaves an indelible mark on all of those who wish to see the picture which emerges. The framework of this revealing account all adds to an interpretation of horror which we must gain, and After Such Knowledge, we have to be enabled to deal with the complexities of what happened in order to get humanity back on a civilising track. As with any effort to come to terms with The Holocaust, it is considered by me from outside and is All But My Life which paints the Landscapes of Memory into a broader understanding we have yet to avail of. For us, it is important to Inherit the Truth so that we can lend to history an appreciation of an atrocious episode in civilisation that can deliver for the future The Enduring Spirit of tolerant understanding.

We know that in that single moment When Light Pierced the Darkness, things could alter, people could move toward extraordinary levels of compassion. With a level of Resilience and Courage these tolerant people would stand taller than most in national governments had indeed managed. Do we simply then exonerate ourselves, allow posterity to deliver a posthumous record of this hatred, offer Memorial Candles and leave it to others to bring humanity back to where it is again recognisable. I have chosen a track that has now delivered me to the gates of Auschwitz and Birkenau and I have stood on the desecrated soil of such devastation, it is a well churned cemetery of an even greater horror than our imagination could ever envisage. I have entered the realm of Belzec, Majdanek and Sobibor and I am amazed at the ease with which society could witness these spaces, and in such close proximity, that there are so many who had chosen to either ignore what they witnessed or decided to benefit from what they were aware of.


Holocaust Posted on Mon, February 01, 2016 21:09:08

The Holocaust Resource.

Any School, College, University or Educational facility which allows for – or teaches – bias, racism or bigotry is not Educating and therefore cannot be classified as Schooling in its proper sense! Any agenda which is set that has an Intolerant and therefore subversive element, should not be considered of any merit, whatsoever! It is difficult to see how any Educator can deliver to the Student body other than what is the Truth. I have spoken to many Academics, Students, Professors on The Holocaust, all supporting the role of Educating the next generation. However, I have been alarmed by some who see no wrong in allowing for a dissenting voice. That articulation, which is an intolerably denier-based distortion of Fact and Truth, gains a foothold in many establishments with a license to Instruct, Tutor, Inform, Teach and Educate.

If but a morsel of that instruction is tainted or tarnished by any bias whatsoever, there can be no reason to doubt the oppression of the truth is being applied. I write on the subject of The Holocaust out of a conviction that the Murders of 6,000,000 Jewish People is inherently wrong from any angle one would proceed to suggest. That they were Jews is no argument for their Destruction. That they were Religious is no reason to suspend their existence. That they were Human Beings is every motivation to feel the guilt and that sense of remorse belonging to the humanity we are all supposed to be engaged in. For that reason I have put together a compiling resource on what matters in the search for the answers necessary for us, for History and for the Jewish People who might just wonder why we so abandoned them. I include my own Auschwitz Blog here in the hope that there are 6,000,000 reasons to suggest I am not alone in damning those who committed these crimes and condemning those who did little to prevent The Holocaust from happening!

1) Anti-Defamation League.

There is a public resource for anyone who wishes to serve notice upon those who would use all manner of antisemitism, bigotry and race hatred against our fellow human beings.

2) Auschwitz

The Official Auschwitz and Birkenau State Museum was created by an act of Parliament of Poland on July 2nd. 1947. It includes the sites of both parts of the Auschwitz I Concentration Camp and Auschwitz II, which is the Birkenau Death Camp. Visitors will be escorted if necessary, by well considered and articulate guides. From the Camp of Auschwitz you will be delivered through the very gates of Birkenau as a Witness to what transpired there.

3) Auschwitz Blog.

As an Author, it is imperative that one strikes the right balance between informing and promoting, and as such, I am mindful of the atrocity I have become witness to. On the subject of The Holocaust, there is a perpetual need Always to Remember, Never to Forget! With that principle established it is my continuing aim to ensure that The Holocaust of 6,000,000 Murdered Jews of The Holocaust is not disparaged or denigrated without the Truth and my reason for responding being placed before the audience of History.

4) Art Gallery of Ontario.

The Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) developed a digital archive of over 4,000 images from the Henryk Ross Collection of Lodz Ghetto Photographs. This was augmented in partnership with the Facing History and Ourselves facility and the Sarah Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre. The launch of the digital archive marked the 70th anniversary of Mr. Ross’s unearthing of the original Negatives.

5) Belzec, The Museum Memorial Site in

The Site of The Death Camp Belzec is in need of a recognition for its fulfillment of a duty it has to History. The Memorial Site itself is an experience way beyond what Human imagination can even begin to fathom. Belzec was under construction on November 1st. 1941 and became operational on March 17th. 1942. It delivered its resolve to Murder as many Jews, and others, as it could, until it was dismantled that November 1942. The terrible tragedy, instituted here within the space of 8 months is that it consumed some 600,000 individual Jewish souls, and many others. In terms of its murderous enterprise it ranks higher than both Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka in qualification of its kill ratio. As to the Museum’s Exhibition itself:

“..The historical exhibition presented in the Museum Memorial Site in Belzec has an interactive character. It shows the history of The Death Camp against the Nazi policy of Exterminating European Jews.” Belzec Booklet.

4) Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre

Beth Shalom (House of Peace) is a dedicated Holocaust Memorial and Education Centre. It provides a peaceful setting where visitors from all backgrounds and persuasions can explore and reflect upon the history and implications of The Holocaust. Conference, library, seminar and research facilities are available for use by students, teachers and lay people of all ages and at all levels.

5) Books.

Firmly established as a life-long resource, the selected Bibliography I present to you here is from my own Library. It contains only those Books which I consider worthy of aiding my own need for comprehension. This selection does not include all those other outstanding Books which will deliver a resonance as to what The Holocaust means for History, for Humanity and for us all.

Abells, Chana Byers The Children We Remember. Abramowitch, Maja To Forgive, But Not Forget. Adelsberger, Lucie Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Story. Adelson, Alan Lodz Ghetto. The Diary of. Ager, Eleanor H. In the Ghettoes. Altbeker, Ruth A Jump for Life. Altman, Linda Jacobs The Holocaust Ghettoes. Aly, Goetz; Heim, S. Architects of Annihilation. Ancona-Vincent, Victoria Beyond Imagination. Apenszlak, Jacob Black Book of Polish Jewry. Appelfeld, Aharon The Story of A Life. Appelman Jurman, Alicia Alicia, My Story. Arad, Yitzhak. Pictorial History of Holocaust. Documents on the Holocaust. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Ghetto in Flames. Arendt, Hannah Eichmann in Jerusalem. Eichmann and the Holocaust. Association of Jewish Refugees We Remember. Auerbacher, Inge I Am a Star. Auschwitz State Museum. Auschwitz 1940 -1945. 5 Volumes.

Barker, A. J. Waffen SS At War. Bartov, Omer Murder in Our Midst. The Holocaust. Bauer, Yehuda. Jews for Sale. Bauman, Janina Beyond the Walls. Beckman, Morris The Jewish Brigade. Becu, Yves Planet Dora. Bem, Marek Sobibor. Sobibor, Archaelogical Research. Benz, Wolfgang. The Holocaust. Berg, Mary Diary. Berenbaum, Michael A Promise to Remember. Birger, Zev No Time for Patience. Bitton-Jackson, Livia I Have Lived 1,000 Years. Elli. Black, Edwin IBM. Blatt, Thomas ‘Tovi’ Ashes of Sobibor. Boas, Jacob We Are Witnesses. Borowski, Tadeusz This Way to the Gas. Boyne, John The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Braham, Randolph L. Politic’s Of Genocide. Brecher, Elinor J. Schindler’s Legacy. Breitman, Richard Architect of Genocide. Official Secrets. Brostoff, Anita Flares of Memory. Browning, Christopher R. Ordinary Men. Fateful Months. Origins of the Final Solution. Bullock, Alan Hitler: A Study in Tyranny. Burrleigh, Michael. The Racial State. Death and Deliverance. Burrin, Philipp Hitler & The Jews.

Calvocoressi, Peter. Total War. Carp, Matatias. Holocaust in Romania. Cargas, Harry J. Voices from the Holocaust. Celan, Paul Correspondence. Cesarani, David The Final Solution. Justice Delayed. Cohen, Elie A. Human Behaviour in the Camps. Cohn, Norman Warrant for Genocide. Chostowski, Witold Extermination Camp Treblinka. Corni, Gustavo. Hitler’s Ghettos. Crankshaw, Edward Gestapo. Czech, Danuta Auschwitz Chronicle.

Dawidowicz, Lucy S. War Against the Jews, 1933-1945. A Holocaust Reader. Holocaust and the Historians. What Is The Use of Jewish History? Politics In A Pluralist Democracy. The Golden Tradition. On Equal Terms. Dean, Martin. Collaboration in the Holocaust. Defonseca, Misha Misha. de Gaulle, Genevieve Dawn of Hope Ravensbrueck. Deker, Sheila Cohn Children of the Flames. de Mendelsohn, Peter The Nuremberg Documents. Dempsey, Patrick. Test Fading Memory Holocaust. der Einsatzgruppe . Babi Yar – A Jewish Catastrophe. Denenberg, Barry Shadow Life. Dinur, Yehiel Ka-Tzetnik. Dobroszycki, Lucjan. Holocaust in the Soviet Union. Doerry, Martin My Wounded Heart. Donat, Alexander The Holocaust Kingdom. Death Camp Treblinka. Dwork, Deborah. Holocaust: A History. Children With A Star. Auschwitz.

Earle, Alexander Nazi Butcher’s. Eber, Irene The Choice. Edelheit, Abraham J. History of the Holocaust. Ehrenburg, Ilya. The Black Book. Eisenstat, Bernice I Was A Child of the Holocaust. Eisenstat, Stuart Imperfect Justice. Eliach, Yaffa Hassidic Tales. Elias, Ruth Triumph of Hope. Epstein, Eric Dictionary of the Holocaust.

Faber, David Because of Romek. Fest, Joachim C. Hitler. Finkelstein, Norman The Holocaust Industry. Fischel, Jack R. Historical Dictionary of Holocaust. Fischer, Klaus B. History of an Obsession. Fisher, Julius S. Transnistria Forgotten Cemetery. Fleming, Gerald Hitler and The Final Solution. Fogelman, Eva Conscience & Courage. Foster, Mark Arnold The World At War. Fraenkel, Manvell Dr. Goebbels. Heinrich Himler. Frank, Anne. The Diary of a Young Girl. Anne Frank: Critical Edition. Frankl, Viktor. Recollections. Freeman, Joseph Road to Hell. Freid, Heidi Fragments of a Life. Friedlander, Albert H. Out of the Whirlwind. Friedlaender, Saul. Hitler & the Germans. The Years of Extermination. Friedrich, Otto The Auschwitz Kingdom.

Georg, Willy In The Warsaw Ghettoe. Geve, Thomas Guns and Barbed Wire. Gigliotti, Simone The Holocaust: A Reader. Gilbert, Gustave Mark. Nuremberg Diary. Gilbert, Martin. Atlas of the Holocaust. The Holocaust. Auschwitz and the Allies. Never Again. Holocaust Journey. Kristallnacht. The Righteous. Gill, Anton Journey Back from Hell. Ginsburg, Waldemar And Kovno Wept. Ginz, Peter The Diary of Petr Ginz. Glazer, Richard Trap With The Green Fence. Goldhagen, Daniel Hitler’s Willing Executioners. A Moral Reckoning. Goni, Uki. The Real Odessa. Green, Coral Elie Wiesel. Gross, Jan T. Neighbours. Grossman, Mendel With a Camera in Lodz. Grubler, Kurt Journey Through the Night. Gryn, Hugo Chasing Shadows. Grynberg, Michal Words to Outlive Us. Guderian, heinz. Panzer Leader. Gutman, Yisrael. Resistance. Holocaust Encyclopedia.

Hackett, David The Buchenwald Report. Halter, Roman Roman’s Journey. Hartman, Geoffrey Holocaust Remembrance. Harris & Oppenheimer Into the Arms of Strangers. Hart, Kitty I Am Alive. Return to Auschwitz. Hartman, Geoffrey Holocaust Remembrance. Hastings, max Das Reich. Hersh, Arek A Detail of History. Hilberg, Raul. Destruction of the European Jews. The Jewish Catastrophe. Hillesum, Etty An Interupted Life. Letter’s from Westerbork. Hillman, Hannelore I Will Plant You A Lilac Tree. Hitler, adolf Mein Kampf. The Secret Book. Hoehne, Heinz Order of the Death’s Head. Hoess, Rudolf Kommandant Auschwitz. Hoffman, Eva After Such Knowledge. Shtetl. Holliday, Laurel War Times Diary.

Jacob, Lili The Auschwitz Album. Johnson, Eric A. The Nazi Terror.

Karay, Felicja. Death Comes in Yellow. Karski, Jan Story of a Secret State. Katsh, Abraham J. Warsaw Diary of Chaim Kaplan. Kaufman, Lola Rein The Hidden Girl. Kemperer, Victor Diary Volume I . Diary Volume II . Kennealy, Thomas Shindler’s List. Kessel, Sim Hanged At Auschwitz. Kirby, James My Mother’s Diamonds. Klarsfeld, Serge French Children and Holocaust. Klee, Ernst The Good Old Days. Klein, Gerda All But My Life. Kluger, Ruth Landscapes of Memory. Kolisnky, Eva After the Holocaust. Knopp, Guido. Hitler’s Holocaust. Hitler’s Children. Hitler’s Henchmen. Kochan, Lionel Pogrom. Kogon, Eugen Theory’s and Practices of Hell. Korczak, Januscz. Ghetto Diary. Kornreich, Rena Rena’s Promise. Krausnick, Helmut Anatomy of the SS State. Kruk, Herman. Last Days: Jesusalem of Lithuania. Kulka, Erich Escape from Auschwitz. Kulka, Otto Dov Landscapes of Metropolis of Death. Kuper, Jack Child of the Holocaust. Kurzman, Dan The Bravest Battle. Kuznetsov, Anatoli. Babi Yar.

Lacquer, Walter. The Holocaust Encyclopedia. Landau, Elaine Holocaust Memories. Landau, Ronnie S. The Nazi Holocaust. Langbein, Hermann. People in Auschwitz. Against All Hope. Langer, Laurence L. Holocaust & Literary Imagination. Holocaust Testimonies. Admitting the Holocaust. Lanzmann, Claude. Shoah. Laquer, Walter The Holocaust Encyclopedia. Laska, Vera Nazism, Resistance and the Holocaust Lasker-Walfisch, Anita. Inherit the Truth. Lebovitz, Shirley The Enduring Spirit. Le-Cheyne, Evelyn Mauthausen. Lee, Carol Ann Otto Frank. Lengyel, Olga Five Chimneys. Levi, Primo. If This Is a Man. The Truce. The Wrench. The Periodic Table. If Not Now, When? Moments of Reprieve. The Mirror Maker. Levi, Trude A Cat Called Adolf. Levin, Nora The Holocaust. The Holocaust Years. Levine, Karen Hana’s Suitcase. Levy-Hass, Hanna Diary of Bergen – Belsen. Lifton, Betty Jean The King of Children. Ligocka, Roma The Girl in the Red Coat. Lindsay, Hal The Road to Holocaust. Lipstadt, Deborah Denying the Holocaust. Loeb, Ladislas Dealing With Satan. Loftus, John. The Secret War Against the Jews. Longerrich, Peter. The Unwritten Order. Holocaust. Lower, Wendy Nazi Empire Building. Hitler’s Furies. Lustig, Arnost Darkness Casts a Shadow.

Maier, Ruth Diary. Maik, Michael Deliverance. Manstein, erich. Lost Victories. Markell, Jan Angels in the Camp. Marks, Jane The Hidden Children. Marrus, Michael R. The Holocaust In History. Marshall, Robert Sewers of Lvov. Mayer, Arno J. Why Did The Heavens Not Darken. McDonald, Callum The Killing of Heydrich. Michelsen, Max City of Life and Death. Millu, Liana Smoke Over Birkenau. Minaj, Matel The Lottery of Life. Mollo, Andrew Pictorial History of the SS. Mueller, Georg Leon Lucien’s Hope. Muller, Filip Eyewitness Auschwitz.

Neumann, Robert Pictorial History of Third Reich. Newman, Prof. The Holocaust. Nieuwsman, Milton. J Survivng Auschwitz. Kinderlarger. Nolte, Ernst. Three Faces of Fascism. Nomberg-Prestyk, Sarah Auschwitz. Novick, Peter. The Holocaust Collective. Nyiszli, Dr. Miklos Auschwitz.

Offen, Bernard My Hometown CC, Plaszow. Oliner, Samuel P. Restless Memories. Do Onto Others. Oppenheimer, Paul From Belsen to Buckingham Palace. Opdyke, Irene Gut In My Hands.

Perl, Lila Four Perfect Pebbles. Pettitt, Jayne A Place to Hide. Poliakov, Leon. Harvest of Hate. Porter, Anna Kasztner’s Train. Press, Bernhard. The Murder of the Jews of Latvia. Presser, Jacob Ashes in the Wind Dutch Jewry. Pringle, Heather The Master Plan.

Quarrie, Bruce Hitler’s Samurai. Waffen SS Soldier.

Rabinowitz, Dorothy New Lives. Rajchman, Chill Treblinka, A Survivors Story. Rashke, Richard Escape from Sobibor. Reder, Rudolf Belzec. Rees, Laurence. The Nazi’s. Auschwitz, Nazi’s Final Solution. Reitlinger, Gerald The Final Solution. SS. Alibi of a Nation. Reynolds, Quentin Eichmann, Minister of Death. Rhodes, Richard Master’s of Death. Rice, Earl Nazi War Criminals. Ringelblum, Emanuel. Notes From the Warsaw Ghetto. Rittner, Carol. The Holocaust and Christian World. Different Voices. Robertson, Jenny Don’t Go to Uncles Wedding. Robins, Phil War Children. Roseman, Mark. Wannsee and the Final Solution. The Past in Hiding. Rossel, Seymour. The Holocaust. Roth, John K. Holocaust, Religious Philosophical. Ethics After the Holocaust. Rubinstein, William D. Myth of Rescue. Russell, Lord. The Scourge of the Swastika.

Sakerwicz, Kazimiercz Ponary Diary. Sansom, Naomi Hide. Schelvis, Jules Sobibor. Schiff, Hilda Holocaust Poetry. Schiff, Vera Theresienstadt. Schlink, Bernhard The Reader. Schneider, Helga Let Me Go. Schwarz, Daniel R. Imagining the Holocaust. Segev, Tom The Seventh Million. Seidl, Rochelle G. Jewish Women of Ravensbrueck. Sereny, Gitta Into that Darkness. Sheehan, Sean The Death Camps. Sheperd, Ben After Daybreak. Shermer & Grobman. Denying History. Shirer, William L. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Berlin Diary. Smith, Lyn Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust. Snydor, Louis L. Encyclopedia of Third Reich. Sofsky, Wolfgang The Order of Terror. Sonnino, Piera This Has Happened. Soros, Twidor Makserado. Soviet Embassy Soviet Documents. Spector, Shmuel Holocaust of Volyhnian Jews. The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life. Speer, albert Inside the Third Reich. Spielberg, Steven The Last Days. Stein, George H. Waffen SS. Steinbacher, Sybille Auschwitz. Steinberg, Jonathon All or Nothing. Steinberg, Paul Speak You Also. Steiner, Jean Francois Treblinka. Stone, Dan Historiography of the Holocaust. Sutin, Jack & Roshelle Jack and Rochelle. Sydnor, Charles. Soldiers of Destruction. Szmaglewska, Seweryna. Smoke Over Birkenau. Szpilman, Wladyslaw The Pianist. Survivor, A Auschwitz,Camp ofThe Disappeared.

Talbot, Hudson Forging Freedom. Taylor, A.J.P. Origins of WWII. Tec, Nechama. Dry Tears. When Light Pierced the Darkness. Resilience and Courage. In The Lion’s Den. Tedeschi, Giuliana There’s Place on Earth. Thompson, Ian Primo Levi. Trevor-Roper, H. R. Hitler’s Table Talk. The Goebbels Diaries. Troller, Norbert Theresienstadt. Trubakov, Ziama The Riddle of Babi Yar. Tusa, Anne & John Nuremberg Trials.

Velman, Edith Edith’s Book. Venetzia, Shlomo Inside the Gas Chambers. Verolme, Hetty The Children’s House of Belsen. Vrba, Rudolf I Escaped from Auschwitz.

Wachsman, Nikolaus KL. Wardi, Dina Memorial Candles. Warren, Andrew Survivng Hitler. Wasserstein, Bernard. Britain & the Jews. Webster, Paul Petain’s Crime. Weinberg, Felix Boy 30529. Weiss, Helga Helga’s Diary. Wells, Leon Weliczer The Janowska Road. Wetzler, Alfred Escape from Hell. Wienberg, Jeshajahu USHHM. Wiener, Alter From a Name to a Number. Wiesel, Elie. Night. A Jew Today. All River’s Run to The Sea. Wiesenthal, Simon. The Murderers Among Us. Wighton, Charles Eichmann, His Career. Wilkomirski, Binjamin Fragments. Willenberg, Samuel, Survivng Treblinka. Wisniewska, Anna. Majdanek. Wistrich, Robert Solomon. Hitler and the Holocaust. Wyman, David S. The Abandonment of the Jews.

Yahil, Leni. Holocaust: Fate of European Jewry.

Zapruder, Alexander Salvaged Pages. Ziemian, Joseph Cigarette Sellers 3 Crosses Square. Zsolt, Bela Nine Suitcases. Zuccotti, Susan The Holocaust of French Jews. The Italians & The Holocaust. The Vatican & The Holocaust. Zullo, Alan Survivors. Zusak, Marcus The Book Thief. Zylberberg, Michael A Warsaw Diary.

6) Buchenwald

Part of the Memorial Foundation of Buchenwald and Mittelbau Dora, these Concentration Camps are jointly managed by the German Federal Government and by the State of Thuringia. The Buchenwald Memorial is dedicated to preserving the memory of those interned in the Nazi concentration camp and the former Soviet camp.

7) Bundes Archive.

A German Government Resource for all those whose Families were German Jews, deported and killed during The Holocaust. Of course the range of the search is not Limited to Holocaust victims, but that is the area in which I research. There are comprehensive Lists of the Deportations undertaken within Germany and by the German Occupying powers as they established the mechanism of ‘resettlement’ from within Belgium, France and Holland.

8) Holocaust Educational Trust (HET)

The HET raises public awareness of the Holocaust and related issues both nationally and internationally. It conducts and supports research on The Holocaust and provides teaching resources for secondary schools.

9) Holocaust Memorial Day.

This very particular anniversary date recognises not simply the Liberation of Auschwitz and Birkenau on January 27th. 1945, by the forces of Russia, but adds to a Worldwide educational requirement to inform as to what 6,000,000 Jews of Europe were forced to endure. This British Government site is the official resource for all information pertaining to HET. All Educational material and links to other resources continually adding to an appreciation and understanding of what this Genocide implies.

10) Imperial War Museum

The Imperial War Museum’s Holocaust Exhibition uses historical material to tell the story of the Nazis’ persecution of the Jews and other groups before and during the Second World War.

11) Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation.

The official information website for the Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation against Swiss Banks and other Swiss Entities with a proposed US $1.25 billion Settlement. This litigation is a class action lawsuit against private Swiss Banks and other Swiss Entities for their alleged corrupt conduct and money laundering enterprise related to the Second World War and The Holocaust.

12) Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.

The Roosevelt Institute brings together thousands of thinkers and doers from emerging leaders in every state to Nobel laureate economists. We reimagine the rules that guide our social and economic realities.

13) Ghetto Fighters’ House.

The Ghetto Fighters’ House was established in Israel shortly after the founding of the State of Israel. Set up in 1949 by former Ghetto Fighters, Survivors and Partisans from The Holocaust era, it brings to the attention of History, the very long and penetrating struggle Jews of Europe put up against the Nazi regime, for all the years of Jewish Struggle. There is also attached, The Centre for Humanistic Education, which not only acknowledges the sanctity and sanctification of all human life, but emphasises the universal and the underlying ramifications for all of us of what The Holocaust enshrines.

14) Holocaust Art Restitution Project.

This is an official site and deals within the Art World to offer details of the history of works stolen, with a list of artwork, information on case histories and legal histories as well as sponsor information, grant requests and related resources.

15) Holocaust History Project

The Holocaust History Project is a regularly updated archive of documents, photographs, recordings and essays about the Holocaust, with evidence that directly refutes the arguments of Holocaust deniers.

16) Human Rights, The Centre for the Universal Declaration of

The Centre for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which seeks to secure a world wide acknowledgement of the human rights of All Peoples everywhere in this world.

17) International Organisation for Migration.

The IOM will process claims for payment relating to slave labour, forced labour, personal injury or death of a child lodged in a home for children of slave or forced labourers. Gives details of the German Forced Labour Compensation Programme with contacts world wide.

18) Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This site has the full Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel, as approved by the Jewish People’s Council at the Tel Aviv Museum on 14 May 1948.

19) Jewish Claims Conference.

This was established to ensure those Jews who Survived the rigours, torment and terror of The Holocaust receive restitution, in part, for any detail of those crimes perpetrated against them. It also handles the cases brought by others who were so treated by Hitler and his Nazis. Ostensibly assigned to claims against Germany and Austria, for the material wealth plundered from those Jews sent to their Deaths, this has seen a resolve to return what is rightfully Jewish-owned to either Survivors of The Holocaust, or those who live with the legacy of The Holocaust. For those Survivors and Children or Families of those who did not Survive, that legacy is delivered with honour. Great strides are being made to ensure the recipients of payments are made to those People, Jewish, who were Forced to Work for Hitler’s Reich as Slaves. This also applies to the many others of differing Faiths slavishly treated by Hitler.

20) Jewish Student Online Research Centre.

Hosted by the American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, this web site offers a vast range of texts on every aspect of Ancient and Modern Jewish History.

21) London Jewish Cultural Centre

The London Jewish Cultural Centre Registered charity that has taught Jewish history, culture and Modern Hebrew for over 20 years. Academic programme, outreach programme, cultural and social activities.

22) Majdanek, A Historical Outline.

The Death Camp itself has been carefully preserved as it was when Liberated by the forces of Russia. Majdanek had remained operational from October 1st. 1941 and ceased operations July 22nd. 1944. A high estimate suggests of some 200,000 Jews were Murdered there.

“..Even before the Commission for Investigating the German Crimes had finished working, members suggested the creation of a Museum on the grounds of the former Camp.” Majdanek Booklet.

23) Nizkor

The Nizkor site is dedicated to remembering the 6,000,000 Jews and nearly 6 million other civilians and prisoners of war killed by Adolf Hitler’s regime. Their resolve is also in refuting and marginalising those who say that it never happened.


The aims of this organisation is to preserve the memory of The Holocaust through art, discussion, photos and poems.

25) Searchlight.

Set up by London-based Searchlight, the international antifascist magazine, the site contains news, back issues, an archive and extracts from editorials about many aspects of racism and fascism, contemporary and historical.

26) Sobibor, Death Camp in

The Death Camp at Sobibor was operational from May 1942 and ended its murderous effort in October 1943 having claimed the lives of some 250,000 Jews of Europe. Oblivion over all Jews who entered here but History would not be denied the Fact of the Truth of what Hitler sought here.

“..For many years after the War, the Extermination Site of tens of thousands of Jews had sunk into oblivion.” Sobibor Booklet.

27) Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation.

This Stephen Spielberg initiated project, recording more than 50,000 unedited testimonies of survivors, liberators, rescuers, and other eyewitnesses of the Holocaust. The website gives details of the Shoah Foundation’s multimedia Archive.

28) Tel Aviv University/Wiener Library.

A comprehensive collection of publications on Germany in the 20th century, with special emphasis on the Third Reich, Europe during and between the two World Wars, Jewish communities in Europe, The Holocaust, antisemitism and fascism.

29) United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

This Washington museum was set up to advance and disseminate knowledge about The Holocaust, to preserve the memory of those who suffered, and to encourage visitors to reflect upon moral questions raised by the tragedy. Includes a vast online archive exhibiting a Holocaust focus.

30) Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerence

The Simon Wiesenthal Center is an international Jewish human rights organization that aims to preserve the memory of The Holocaust by fostering tolerance and understanding through community involvement, educational outreach and social action. The Center’s headquarters are in Los Angeles and there are offices in New York, Toronto, Miami, Jerusalem, Paris and Buenos Aires. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles specialises in the history of The Holocaust and is a reliable guide to the subject.

31) Yad Vashem – The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority.

The Israeli Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem. Includes research, resources, eyewitness accounts and information about commemoration events.

Yad Vashem’s principal missions are commemoration and documentation of the events of The Holocaust, collection, examination, and publication of testimonies to The Holocaust, the collection and memorialisation of the names of Holocaust victims, and research and education.

32) Yahad In Unum

There are far too many graves, pits and ravines, these Killing Sites where the Jews of The Holocaust have been assigned to for eternity. Far too few of these have been uncovered to add to in an attempt to further understand the Testimony for those Jews who were sought out for eradication. Teams of researchers have established a network of excavations where a more defined Jewish presence is sought and is not to be forgotten in History. The unrelenting search has yielded ever more Evidence of what der Einsaztgruppe achieved in terms of the Destruction of the Jews of Eastern Europe, Russia and the Ukraine. The Archaeological exhumation of sites, Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka has yielded little of its evidence. The thorough nature of what Hitler resolved would be The Final Solution, has been irretrievably solved. What Science can now achieve however, as with Ancient Egypt’s unlocked secrets, is the concrete underbelly of the industrialised structures which continually, mechanically and with unrelenting zeal, drove 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, that is Men, Women and Their Children toward destruction.

Disguising the Truth of the Catastrophe.

Holocaust Posted on Tue, September 29, 2015 20:24:54

Disguising the Truth of the Catastrophe.

“..You must ..guarantee that ..bodies of these ..Jews will either be burned or buried in every location ..that nowhere can anything else of any kind happen with these bodies.” Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler.

There is a picture displayed of a mechanised Bone Grinder. The Death Camps employed this device to mill the very bone fragments of what remained of those Jews who had been Murdered within them. There is also the sight of a huge excavator shovelling the debris of wasted lives, as a further insult to what Humanity represents. But this is how the ideology of Hitler’s 1,000 Year Reich ranks in inhuman terms as it sank into a morass of ignominy that has been unparalleled in all of our History. Even after these 1,000,000’s of Murdered Jews had been devastated, crushed, gassed and cremated or when their Bodies had been interred for a number of months or years, the detailed excavation of Hitler’s crimes still remained. With this shocking treatment of Humanity, the morality of a nation is exposed and we are made aware of how flimsy our hold upon civilisation becomes.

“..Up to 3,000 bodies were burned at a time. About 70,000 corpses were dug up. ..gas vans brought more corpses.” Senya Borisovich Berland.

With the brutal enactment of such an onslaught upon the integrity of The Jewish People, Humanity was plunged deeper into a disgraceful episode known to History as The Holocaust. With an almost accomplished certainty, Hitler studied the vista of a monumental crime and knew his failure would be marked by a Genocide so callous and degenerate, a race against the tide of defeat commenced. Aktion 1005 was implemented. This effort would seek to ensure that the spectre of Hitler’s rancid nature could be concealed. So all consuming, chilling, horrific and inhumane was Hitler, this ‘aktionen’ is a testimony to a thwarted endeavour which was almost fully accomplished. But here in history, where there still remains a need for the further concealment of Hitler’s criminal intent, Jews are once more placed at the forefront of Hitler’s supposed ideology. All of which clearly suggests that there was still way too much Evidence, which Hitler wished to rid himself of.

“..from June 1941 to January 1942 ..I was ..Commander of Sonderkommando 4 A. ..June 1942 ..entrusted by Gruppenfuhrer Mueller with ..task ..obliterating ..traces ..executions carried out by ..Einsatzgruppe ..East. ..orders in person to ..commanders of ..Security Police ..SD ..pass on Mueller’s orders verbally ..supervise ..implementation. ..order secret ..there was to be no correspondence in connection with ..task. ..September 1942 ..reported to Dr. Thomas ..Kiev ..passed ..order him. ..May ..June 1943 ..made additional trips to Kiev ..after conversations with Dr. Thomas and ..SS Police Leader Hennecke ..order was carried out. During ..visit ..August ..observed ..burning of bodies in ..mass grave near Kiev. ..grave was about 55 metres long ..3 metres wide and 2.5 metres deep. ..removed ..bodies ..covered with inflammable material ..ignited. ..about two days until ..grave burned ..bottom. ..grave was filled in ..traces ..practically obliterated. Owing to ..moving up of ..front ..not possible to destroy ..mass graves further south and east which had resulted from executions by ..Einsatzgruppe. orders ..should have extended ..duties over ..entire area occupied by ..Einsatzgruppe ..owing to ..retreat from Russia ..could not carry out my orders completely.” SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel.

That undisguised Slaughter of The Jews of Europe, which had been organised and executed in such detail was now coming back to haunt Hitler. As his regime began to totter amidst the pledges of Allied support, superiority and concerted effort, Hitler’s experts in Murder turned their hands to the camouflaging effects of ridding Death Camps and Murder sites of the very Evidence concealed. What had commanded The Final Solution of The Jewish Question was both a monstrous act and Crime Against Humanity. It was certainly without precedent in any of civilised History, or otherwise. There was not a shred of human decency which emerged from the conduct enunciated by those very tenets of what Hitler had professed. Nor was his deed a masterful race which placed an acculturated Germany in the midst of a Genocide so steeped in the blood of The Jewish People and so many others. Of course, this has made us so very aware that Hitler, having failed to win a victory over Russia in Russia, has now set his murderers upon a mad scramble to disinter, exhume, disgorge and obliterate the very Evidence History recognises now is The Holocaust.

“..We sawed wooden planks of a length of 8 metres ..and they commanded us to make a square pyre ..and afterwards we had to take out ..remains of people ..remains of ..bodies of people ..and place them on this pyre.” Avraham Karasik.

This ‘aktionen’ now begins and a foremost murderer of der Einsatzgruppe, SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel sets about his task with vigour. While this very narrative is an ongoing research on that very aspect of concealment, which was conducted under the tenets of an ordinance for SonderKommando 1005, it is not in any way a complete nor finished work. Amid suggestions that newer Evidence might yet become realised, it is imperative that digs, research and unseen archives have been accessed to more complete the detail of the picture we have already gained. I will attend to this ongoing search at varying stages, and throughout my tenure as a Blogger on Auschwitz and Birkenau, I hope to enlarge upon the very Evidence that might have gained a newer provenance. So be aware, there might be slight errors which are neither intentional, nor are they representative of what matters to me in my search. Within the very context of any remembrance of those 6,000,000 Murdered Jews of The Holocaust, it is what has emerged so far, as to what happened to them, and what was allowed to befall an innocent Jewish People that occupies much research and effort in History!

“..September 1942 I reported to Dr. Thomas in Kiev.” Paul Blobel.

Before the industrialised and mechanised scale of Murder commenced, as we were about to witness it at Auschwitz and Birkenau, der Einsatzgruppe had plundered the very existence of more than 1,250,000 Jews in the East and casually dumped them into ravines and death pits. Then there was the burgeoning realisation that the conduct of Murder could be better served in static camps so that the Jews who entered Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Treblinka would be treated and resettled for eternity. These Jews were first gassed and then buried in pits and trenches without thought to any future disguise of the fact. Perhaps the conceit of Hitler took longer to be unravelled than might have been expected. However, the eventuality of a German defeat had not occurred to Hitler or even his Race Specialists, so the Murdered Jews, and all those other victims of a vastly inflated ideology, would have to be fully exhumed and burned.

“..We used to uncover all ..graves where there were people who had been killed during ..past 3 years ..take out ..bodies ..pile them up in tiers and burn these bodies ..grind ..bones ..take out all ..valuables in ..ashes such as gold teeth ..rings and so on ..separate them. After grinding ..bones we used to throw ..ashes up in the air so that they would disappear ..replace on ..graves and plant seeds that nobody could recognize that there ever was a grave there. In addition to this they used to bring new people victims ..they were shot there ..undressed beforehand ..we had to burn these new bodies too.” Leon Weliczker Wells.

As the 1,000 Year Reich began to crumble, alongside the expertise gained from Blobel’s SonderKommando ‘1005’ and the use of adapted machinery, The Final Solution would become a resolving exercise in further concealment. The obliteration of the Crime though cannot be achieved wholly and at Killing Sites like Babi Yar, Bikerniki, Borki and Ponary, Blobel had to double his effort to achieve more of what he was required to accomplish! That too is before the Evidence from The Death Camps is brought into the equation. Even for Auschwitz/Birkenau, open cremation pits were a regular feature of that very effort to dispose of the Evidence. So for explicable reasons, we all agree and accept that we do not have a written directive from Hitler to first conduct the murderous enterprise, nor does it seem we have the written narrative of his demand to execute the concealment plan. We do however know, and all too well, that Hitler would not allow anyone else to command, over what was his most fundamental and most expressed directive.

“..November 20th. 1942 ..Himmler ordered SS Gruppenfuhrer Mueller ..Chief of Department IV ..RSHA writing ..’You must give me a guarantee that ..bodies of these deceased Jews will either be burned or buried in every location ..and that nowhere can anything else of any kind happen with these bodies’.” Alfred Streim.

While issuing forth a melee of directives and orders, dispatching all arms of the Reich into an unbridled assault upon The Jewish People, a World War was contemplated. Legions of miscreants, die hard Nazis and some who were directed toward a vision of Hitler’s ‘Weltanschauung’, found themselves in the midst of a ‘killing spree against Jews everywhere!’ That this world view was an illusion, which would supposedly place a captive world under a German Nazi jackboot, it still amassed a veritable stranglehold upon much of Europe, and for more than 5 years. But within that worldview, where the Jews were to be scourged, purged, ‘resettled’ in those captive Eastern lands and then eradicated, there was a huge endorsement from those willing to participate. What emerged was an apocalyptic achievement of immense terror, horror and destruction of People. For all of History therefore, it is without any doubt that Hitler, der Fuhrer of a proposed 1,000 year Reich, orchestrated and conducted every aspect of the assault upon the integrity of The Jewish People.

“..Out of number of ..persons designated for ..execution ..fifteen men were led in each case to ..brink of ..mass grave where they had to kneel down ..their faces turned towards ..grave. When were ready for ..execution one of my leaders who was in charge of this execution squad gave ..order to shoot. Since they were kneeling on ..brink of ..mass grave ..victims fell a rule once into ..mass grave. I have always used rather large execution squads, since I declined to use men who were specialists for shots in ..neck ‘Genickschussspezialisten’. Each squad shot for about one hour and was then replaced. ..persons who still had to be shot were assembled near of ..execution ..guarded by members of those squads ..which at ..moment did not take part in ..executions.” SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel.

While many of Hitler’s hacks, like Himmler, Heydrich and Eichmann controlled the day to day operations from within The Final Solution, the baton of Hitler was framing every movement. I have been involved in the subject of The Holocaust for so many years and I have noticed that tendency which seeks to extricate Hitler from the midst of this most awful crime. For the life of me I cannot understand why a world would want to see a perverted man, who denounced his own German people, as other than a despot gloating upon an atrocity of monumental proportions. What Hitler achieved with the destruction of so many millions of different peoples, from every nation, which he then sought to subjugate, his ire was surely fixed on a similar role for the remainder of the World. The extreme hatred which Hitler held for the world, and it was with a latent contempt he felt for that world and its Peoples, we are rid of a criminal more degenerate than History has ever recorded. The very capacity to deal destructively with that world we reside in should ensure the rightful abhorrence of the man.

“..In May and June 1943 I made additional trips to Kiev in this matter and ..after conversations with Dr. Thomas and SSPF Hennecke ..order was carried out.” SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel.

What Hitler stood for would have ensured all but an exclusive band of blonde, blue eyed ‘aryans’ dined at the top table of a repugnant era. Those like Goebbels, Goering and their ilk? Where though, you might ask, does this infatuation with Hitler come from for those who would wish to exonerate him from the legacy of The Holocaust? What befell the pride of Germany, troops who religiously fought for both God and Fatherland, and who were left vanquished along the length and breadth of Europe, from Leningrad to Crimea, from Berlin to Kharkov, that needs to be spelled out. Those Soldiers unfortunate enough to have been wounded in their fight for an honour they particularly held, might well have succumbed to an administered poison, due to their wounds. As much there were many who did indeed succumb to the bullet wound received in the heat of battle, how many others fell foul of Hitler’s estranged idea of a racist utopia. Such then was Hitler’s pernicious hold on race superiority, wounded soldiers could be as easily dispatched as the Jews Hitler so wished to Destroy.

“..first day we exhumed about 1,700 ..for ..Germans gave us orders to count each body ..and if ..body was decomposed ..they ordered us to count ..skulls.” Avraham Karasik.

I would suggest that so much allegiance with what filled Hitler was short sighted. It is a further tragedy that the many who had proposed to depose him, did not manage to achieve this ahead of the onslaught which consumed 6,000,000 Jews of Europe. Hitler was filled with so much hate, with an irrational anti-Semitism stretching back over 2,000 years, it is incredible that the 1,000 Year Reich lasted as long as it did. So here are some of the fraudulent aspects, of that form of revised history which some now seek to adorn our genuine study with, cannot fail to realise Hitler’s capacity to Hate and endorse mass murder. We acknowledge within the subjective review of a statistical analysis, that 6,000,000 Jews of Europe were Murdered with Hitlerite hatred and are no more! We require within this the ability to see the truth and while much adverse light shines on those who would doubt the veracity of this Truth, it reflects a corporate psychosis for the denier that promotes an abundance of self promoting and propagating drivel filled with hatred.

“..Then began ..general exhumation and burning of corpses may have taken from November 1942 to March 1943. ..incinerations went on day and night ..without interruption ..initially at one ..then at two sites. At one of ..sites it was possible to incinerate about 2,000 corpses within 24 hours.” SS Scharfuhrer Heinrich Gley.

The deniers tend to blend mathematical theorum, with conjecture, in order to add a form of substance to a lack of true and competent study. Within the Camp system itself there are many ways to prove how divergent the analysis can be so I will attempt to counter what some reckon has been suggested. Operational from May 20th. 1940, the Auschwitz camp was established to shield the world from a view of what was yet to come for all of Hitler’s enemies. By September 3rd. 1941, Zyklon ‘B’ was being used at the Auschwitz facility, as well as at Majdanek. There are still estimates that 2,500,000 Jews were Murdered here at the Auschwitz/Birkenau complex. But that was my own earlier estimation and assessment based upon Auschwitz/Birkenau’s own capacity to deliver the systematic Slaughter sought out for it. The analysis for Auschwitz/Birkenau, as it has been for all The Death Camps and The Killing Sites is based upon all the available information which up to know has been suggesting this could be so.

“..We had to beat ..residue of ..pyre that remained with ..iron beaters ..until no bone was left. We had to pass it through a sieve. Naturally ..teeth as well as rings ..chains and so forth remained ..Germans ordered us to give these to them.” Avraham Karasik.

The Death Factory at Birkenau itself, as an entity of destruction out on its own, was operational from October 1941. I stress here that all reliable estimates, as to the destruction that was conducted here, amounts to some 1,200,000 to 1,600,000 Jews murdered alongside many other people of Europe. That those Jewish murdered however, then presented Hitler with a very serious concern emerges as the Campaign in Russia is certain to assail all German forces and their ‘Axis’ collaborators back toward Berlin and defeat. Once Hitler fully realised that the world would have the evidence of the Jewish Destruction, and what had been accomplished in this genocide of the Jewish People of Europe, the task of concealment was undertaken. After twelve months of Murderous operations, which had ranged against the Jews of the East, former Architect SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel was called upon, with Sonderkommando 1005, to establish a centre for the concealment of evidence, was stationed at Lodz. Blobel then set about eradicating all the evidence of all that the Einsatzgruppe, Death Camps and other Murder facilities had achieved.

“..After ..main massacre was converted into a more permanent camp to which thousands of victims from other parts of ..Ukraine could be sent for extermination. ..Syrets camp. ..Several hundred selected prisoners ..quartered there serve ..needs of ..SS ..and ..Ukrainian guards. ..usually killed within a few weeks ..replaced by others who continued their duties. In charge of ..administration and ultimate killing was Paul von Radomski ..who seemed to crave a reputation for outdoing his sadist colleagues in other camps.” Abram L. Sachar.

Some 1,500,000 Jews had been shot to death during der Einsatzgruppe’s foray East and the lifeless bodies of Jewish Men, Women and Their Children were thrown unceremoniously into and buried in pits, ravines and anti-tank ditches. Places the like of Babi Yar, Berdichev, Borki, Drobitski, Kamanets-Podolski, Kovno, Ponary, Bikernieki, Tuchinka and Uman had to be disposed of. Following along with this clean up operation, Blobel had moved his expertise into those Death Camps, including Auschwitz/Birkenau where the bodies of the murdered, who had been buried in mass graves, were dis-interred and burnt. What argument now emerges from a denial of the evidence has been a miscalculation of the logistical endeavour Blobel clearly was well prepared for. The ability of those, like Blobel, excelled themselves when Hitler required their complete dedication.

“..I was under ..control of Department IV ..under ..former Gruppenfuehrer Mueller. In ..autumn I received instructions ..person charged by Mueller travel to ..Eastern Occupied Territories ,,to cover up ..traces of ..mass graves from ..time that executions had been carried out by ..Operations Units.” SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel.

We can assess this dedicated undertaking by acknowledging that the remains of a burned body amounts to some 0.004245 cubic metres of ash. The bone fragments of 1,000,000’s of Jews had been simply ground to an ash all too easily dispersed. So if we accept this as the average of what remains after an individual corpse has been raised, then there are three assessments to be made based upon the agreed analytical account concerning all Murders in The Death Camps.

“..There were about 70,000 bodies dug up and burned.” Isak Moisejevich Brodskij.


We commence that analysis at Auschwitz/Birkenau. As to that particular atrocity, the account may never be assessed correctly as statistics are prone to err and betray an even graver crime. This assessment is the total which is to be presented at Figure 1) for evaluating Auschwitz/Birkenau. Also, if we are to reckon with the deniers’ miscalculation of the certain ability to dispose of Jewish Bodies, we need to look at a human dimension of the overall crime. To assess the ability of these Death Camps to deal with such enormous numbers of Jews paraded through their gates and toward oblivion, the testimony of Perpetrator, Witness and Survivor is presented.

“.. they put up a heap like a pyramid ..sometimes up to 2,000 bodies. had to watch out so that didn’t go out. He was in charge of this fire.” Leon Weliczker Wells.

On average a human body has an overall volume of some 0.1910 cubic metres, depending upon stature, condition and health. Along with this estimate, which will be made at the Figure 2) for evaluating Auschwitz/Birkenau, it must be considered that while said and stated these are my own evaluations for the hypothesis:-

1) a)1,200,000, b) 1,600,000 or c) 2,500,000 Jews murdered at Auschwitz/Birkenau, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude: 5,094 cubic metres, 6,792 cubic metres or 10,612 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 566 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 755 Metres long, and

c) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 1,179 Metres long respectively.

2) a)1,200,000, b) 1,600,000 or c) 2,500,000 Jews murdered at Auschwitz/Birkenau and buried would require a space that would amount to 229,200 cubic metres, 305,600 cubic metres and 477,500 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 25,470 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 33,956 Metres long, and

c) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 53,056 Metres long respectively.

Remember too, that Blobel was describing a:-

“..grave was about 55 meters long ..3 meters wide and 2.5 meters deep.” SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel.

and that would form a Murder pit of some 412.5 Cubic Metres containing up to:

a) 2,200 Bodies or,

b) more than 97,000 Cremated bodies.

So it proved essential to Burn the Bodies to place less stress upon the surrounding Countryside.

while Hermann Graebe witnessed a Killing site with:-

“..3 large pits ..each about 30 metres long ..3 metres deep.” Hermann Graebe.

and assuming these were 3 metres wide they would form Murder pits of some 270 Cubic Metres combined and containing up to:

a) 1,413 Bodies or,

b) more than 63,000 Cremated bodies.

So it proved essential to Cremate the Bodies so as to place less stress upon the surrounding Countryside and inform more of the populace than already knew.

“..First burned ..bones and some of of ..body were burned to ashes. These went to ..ash column and ..ash column sifted through what was remaining in ..sieves. ..sieves were like sieves we use for flour sift flour. And what was left in these sieves was put into ..grinding machine and ..grinding machine ground them and again got out what was left over or platinum was in it.” Leon Weliczker Wells.


In operation from October 1941 the Majdanek Death Camp, where there are estimates of 200,000 to 360,000 Jews Murdered, has been undergoing varying attempts to clarify that assessment. A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the Figure at 3) for evaluating Majdanek. On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the Figure 4) for evaluating Majdanek. These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

3) a) 200,000 or b) 360,000 Jews murdered at Majdanek, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 849 cubic metres or 1,528.2 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 95 Metres long, and

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 170 Metres long respectively.

4) 200,000 or 360,000 Jews murdered at Majdanek and buried would require a space that would amount to 38,200 cubic metres and 68,760 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 4,245 Metres long, and

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 7,640 Metres long respectively.

“..Approximately four weeks ..after ..start of ..incineration operation ..second site was set up. ..on an average ..a total of 300,000 corpses were burnt at one site within about five months ..and 240,000 at ..second one during c. 4 months. These are obviously estimates of averages. It would probably be correct to put ..sum total at 500,000 corpses.” SS Scharfuhrer Heinrich Gley.


In operation from November 1st. 1941 the ‘Aktion Reinhard’ Camp at Belzec has varying estimates ranging from 500,000 to 680,000 and all the way up to 1,250,000 Jews having been Murdered there. A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the Figure at 5) for evaluating Belzec. On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the Figure 6) for evaluating Belzec. These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

5) a) 500,000, b) 680,000 or c) 1,250,000 Jews murdered at Belzec, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 2,122.5 cubic metres, 2,886.6 cubic metres or 5,306.25 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 236 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 321 Metres long, and

c) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 590 Metres long respectively.

6) a) 500,000, b) 680,000 or c) 1,250,000 Jews murdered at Belzec and buried would require a space that would amount to 95,500 cubic metres, 129,880 cubic metres and 238,750 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 10,566 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 14,423 Metres long, and

c) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 26,528 Metres long respectively.

“..witnessed ..burning of corpses ..mass grave near Kiev. ..approximately fifty five metres long ..three metres wide two and half metres deep. After ..cover ..removed ..corpses ..covered with inflammable materials ..set on fire. ..two days passed before ..burned ..bottom of ..trench. Afterwards ..grave ..filled in ..all traces ..obliterated.” SS Standartenfuhrer Paul Blobel.


In operation from December 8th. 1941 Chelmno has estimates 150,000 and up to 400,000 Jews Murdered. A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the Figure at 7) for evaluating Chelmno. On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the Figure 8) for evaluating Chelmno. These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

7) a) 150,000 or b) 400,000 Jews murdered at Chelmno, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 636.76 cubic metres or 1,698 cubic metres cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 70.8 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 189 Metres long respectively.

8) a) 150,000 or b) 400,000 Jews murdered at Chelmno and buried would require a space that would amount to 28,650 cubic metres and 76,400 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 3,184 Metres long, and

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 8,489 Metres long respectively.

“..They had to lie down ..SS from Sonderkommando of ..ditch ..machine gunned them. ..batches along ..bottom of ..ditch ..had to lie down on ..corpses of those already shot. Men ..executed ..separate from women. Action lasted without ..break till 17:00. ..SS men shooting changed ..left for meals ..but ..executions continued incessantly.” Erich Muhsfeldt.


On March 1st. 1942 the ‘Aktion Reinhard’ Camp Sobibor came on stream and has estimates of 225,000 to 300,000 Jews Murdered. A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the Figure at 9) for evaluating Sobibor. On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the Figure 10) for evaluating Sobibor. These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

9) a) 225,000 or b) 300,000 Jews murdered at Sobibor, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 955.125 cubic metres or 1,273.5 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 107 Metres long, and

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 141.5 Metres long respectively.

10) a) 225,000 or b) 300,000 Jews murdered at Sobibor and buried would require a space that would amount to 42,975 cubic metres and 57,300 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 4,775 Metres long, and

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 6,367 Metres long respectively.

“..SS Oberscharfuhrer ..Floss arrived at this time ..who ..must previously have been in another camp. He then had ..installation built for burning ..corpses. ..incineration was carried out by placing railroad rails on blocks of concrete. ..corpses were then piled up on these rails. Brush wood was placed under ..rails. ..wood was drenched with gasoline. Not only ..newly obtained corpses were burnt in this way ..but also those exhumed from ..ditches.” SS Oberscharfuhrer Heinrich Matthes.


On June 1st. 1942 the ‘Aktion Reinhard’ Camp Treblinka became operational and has estimates 700,000, 900,000 and up to 1,200,000 Jews Murdered. A burned body amounts to 0.004245 cubic metres of ash, the Figure at 11) for evaluating Treblinka. On average a human body has an overall dimension of 0.1910 cubic metres and this estimate will be made at the Figure 12) for evaluating Treblinka. These are my evaluations of the hypothesis:-

11) a) 700,000, b) 900,000 or c) 1,200,000 Jews murdered at Treblinka, cremated or burned would realise the volume of ash of this magnitude 2,971.5 cubic metres, 3,820.5 cubic metres or 5,094 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 330 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 424.5 Metres long, and

c) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 566 Metres long respectively.

12) a) 700,000, b) 900,000 or c) 1,200,000 Jews murdered at Treblinka and buried would require a space that would amount to 133,700 cubic metres, 171,900 cubic metres and 229,200 cubic metres respectively. This would occupy a space with dimensions roughly of:-

a) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 14,856 Metres long,

b) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 19,100 Metres long, and

c) 3 Metres deep, 3 Metres wide and 25,467 Metres long respectively.

The question of the amount of combustible material needed is exhaustive, and I do not have the time, at this moment, to enter into that assessment. Needles to say, when the deniers attribute an amount of timber, coal oil, gasoline etc., to the cremation of a body, that figure does not compute to a far larger total of bodies, as each body is a combustible and will ignite and maintain the necessary heat to burn other than itself. Human fat has a value which the deniers seem to dismiss! In amongst all of this, have we ever wondered why there is this accusation in History as to Hitler’s Murder of the soldiers of the Reich. Those, who having fought and were wounded were dispatched because they too were unworthy mouths to feed? There was a hatred and rabid conformity to so called ‘aryanism’ which Hitler utilised to sentence so many wounded German soldiers to death. They were not Jews! These were not Gypsies! These were the Men, and Women who drove a relentless swathe through Europe and the East and were discarded if they had a wound, or were otherwise considered expendable!

“..On ..October 5th. 1942 ..I visited ..building office at Dubno foreman told me that in ..vicinity of Jews from Dubno ..had been shot in 3 large pits ..each about 30 metres long ..3 metres deep. About 1,500 persons ..killed daily. All be liquidated. As ..shootings had taken place in his presence he was still very upset. Moennikes and I went straight to .. pits. Nobody prevented us. I heard a quick succession of shots from behind one of ..mounds of earth. ..people off .. lorries ..women ..children ..all ages ..undress upon ..order of ..SS man ..who carried ..whip. They had to put their clothes on separate piles clothing ..underclothing. I saw ..heap of shoes ..800 to 1,000 pairs ..great piles of clothes and undergarments. Without screaming or weeping these people undressed ..stood in family groups ..kissed each other ..said their farewells ..waited for a sign from another SS man ..who stood near ..pit ..also with ..whip in ..hand. During ..15 minutes that I stood near ..pit ..I did not hear anyone complain or beg for mercy. I watched a family of about 8 ..woman ..both about 50 ..with their children ..aged about 1 ..8 ..10 ..and 2 grown up daughters ..about 20 to 24. An old woman with snow white hair was holding ..1 year old child in her arms ..singing something to it ..tickling it. ..child was crowing with delight. and wife were looking on with tears in their eyes. ..father was holding ..hand of a boy about 10 ..speaking to him softly. ..boy was fighting back his tears. ..father pointed to ..stroked ..boy’s head and seemed to explain something to him. At that moment ..SS man at ..pit shouted something to his comrade ..who separated off about 20 persons and ordered them to go behind ..mound of earth. Among them .. family I have mentioned. I still clearly remember a dark haired ..slim girl who pointed to herself as she passed close to me and said ..’23’ I walked to ..other side of ..mound and found myself standing before an enormous grave. ..people lay so closely packed on top of ..other ..only their heads ..visible. Nearly all had blood running over their shoulders from their heads. Some ..still moving. Some lifted an arm and turned a head to show that they were still alive. ..pit was already two-thirds full. I estimated that it already contained about 1,000 people. I looked round for who had shot them. He was ..SS man ..sitting on ..edge of ..pit ..legs dangling into it. He had a sub machine gun ..smoking a cigarette. ..people ..completely naked ..went down ..steps ..cut in .. clay wall of ..pit ..climbed over ..heads of those already lying there indicated by ..SS man. They laid down in front of ..dead or injured people. Some of them caressed those who were still alive and spoke to them softly. Then I heard a series of shots. I looked into ..pit and saw ..bodies were twitching or ..heads lay motionless on top of ..bodies which lay before them. Blood was pouring from their necks. I was surprised I was not ordered away ..but saw there were also 2 or 3 uniformed policemen standing nearby. batch was already approaching. They climbed into ..pit lined up against ..previous victims and were shot. When I walked back round ..mound I noticed another lorry load of people ..had just arrived. included sick ..infirm people. A very thin old woman ..with terribly thin legs ..was undressed by others who were already naked ..while 2 people supported her. ..woman appeared to be paralysed. ..naked people carried ..woman around ..mound. I left with Moennikes ..drove back to Dubno. ..morning of day ..I visited ..saw about 30 naked people lying near ..pit ..about 30 to 50 metres ..from it. Some ..still alive ..looked straight in front of them with a fixed stare ..seemed not to notice ..chillness nor ..workers of my firm who stood around. A girl of about 20 spoke to me and asked me to give her clothes and help her escape. At that moment we heard a fast car approach and I noticed it was an SS detail. I moved away to my site. 10 minutes later we heard shots from ..vicinity of ..pit. Those Jews who were still alive had been ordered to throw ..corpses into ..pit then they themselves had to lie down in ..pit to be shot in ..neck.” Hermann Graebe.


Holocaust Posted on Sun, August 30, 2015 19:12:24

August 1st.

1914 World War I begins.

1936 Olympic Games opens in Berlin. All anti-Jewish measures halted for duration. All anti-Jewish posters taken down for duration. Poland’s Ministry of Commerce sanctions name plates of ownership at front of Business Premises.

1937 Karl Otto Koch given Command of Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Buchenwald Concentration Camp has more than 1,000 inmates.

1938 Reich Central Bureau for Jewish Emigration, ‘Reichszentralstelle fur Judische Auswanderung’ is decreed and is aimed toward the facilitation of Jewish removal from the body of the Austrian people, initially. Over coming 18 months, 150,000 Austrian Jews persuaded to leave their homeland.

1941 Lvov Ghetto Established. Over 100,000 Jews are Enclosed. Lvov is One of the Nine Major Ghettoes Established. Over 1,000 Kishinev Jews murdered. Bialystok Ghetto established. 50,000 Jews Enclosed. Ephraim Barasz Chairman. Bialystok is One of the Nine Major Ghettoes Established. Himmler orders that all Jewish Males in region of Pripet Marshes to be rounded up and murdered by SS Cavalry Brigade. Jewish Women and Children in the area to be driven into the Marshes and drowned. 296 Ukmerge Jews murdered.

1942 Eduard Schulte confirms Hitler’s impending Auschwitz ‘Zyklon B’ plan for the Jews of Europe. Plan forms content of Gerhart Riegner ‘Cable.’

Saturday August 1st. 1942 “..Jewry has been completely eliminated from Minsk area.” Wilhelm Kube.

1943 Bedzin Ghetto Liquidated. Remaining Jews Murdered Auschwitz. Some 12,000 Jews murdered from Bedzin.

1944 Polish Underground Uprising in Warsaw. Russian forces liberate Kutno. Fewer than 800 Jews Survived. Americans reach Avranches.

Tuesday, 1st. August 1944 “..what I would so like to be ..what I could be ..if there weren’t any other people living in” Anne Frank.

August 2nd.

1929 150,000 participate in Nuremberg Rally.

1932 Hjalmar Schacht writes to Hitler of his dependability.

1934 President Paul von Hindenburg dies. Hitler declares himself Fuhrer of the German State, combining Offices of President and Chancellor. Hitler is now Commander-in-Chief of Germany’s Armed Forces. Members of the Armed Forces take an oath of personal allegiance to Hitler.

1939 Einstein enters the fray on Atomic Weapons, siding with America, should Germany gain the jump on them.

1941 4,000 Vilna Jews murdered in Ponary Woods. 204 Kovno Jewish Men and Women murdered at Fort IV. Decree expelling all Ruthenian Jewry.

1942 81,000 Warsaw Ghetto Jews murdered at Treblinka over 3 day period.

Sunday August 2nd. 1942 “..I was transported from ..City of Sziradz to Ghetto Lodz. With me were my brother Geniek and my father ..while my mother sisters Kadzia and Estera and 3 children of Estera were left behind a church in Siradz. After a few days I learned that all who were in that church ..were driven in trucks to ..wood between Kolo and Dabie and there poisoned by gas and burnt in big crematoria which were specially built for this purpose. During a few weeks there was curfew ‘Sperre’ in ghetto Lodz ..and 20,000 were taken from it to that wood and they too were gassed and burnt. Among them my father. ..same thing happened in all ..region towns. After 2 years ..cemetery of .. ghetto and ….people died there like flies ..ghetto..was spread with corpses of about 100,000 innocent men because they could not defend themselves. were sent to labor camps. We already knew then what kind of work it was. I work as a tailor but my brother could not bear ..tortures taking place in ..wood and he fell. I have another brother in Russia ..Avraham Szlamokowicz ..I doubt if I’ll live to see him again. I have a little request from those who will find this notebook. I ask them to say a few words to ..people of Sziradz ..Zielinski ..Kuziczki ..Olandra ..Westodolski ..ask from them that if my brother will return from Russia they will tell him our story ..and that God will pay them their proper punishment. I myself cannot do anything because here we are all chained.” Yacov Szlemokowicz.

1943 Jewish Uprising at Treblinka. Meir Berliner kills the Treblinka SS guard Max Bielas. Both Berliner’s Wife and Daughter were murdered in Treblinka. Stangl was replaced by his Deputy, SS Kurt Hubert Franz, who supervised the dismantling of the Camp. This brings about the cessation of Treblinka operations. Revolt at Krikov Labor Camp.

1944 Over 220 Verona Jews to Auschwitz.

August 3rd.

1914 Hitler petitions to join Bavarian Regiment.

1934 Hitler assumes total power.

1938 Italy enacts wider anti Jewish laws.

1941 Over 650 Chernovtsy Jews murdered. 1,500 Mitau Jews murdered. Over 200 Stanislawow Jews murdered.

1942 12,000 Przemysl Jews murdered at Belzec. 10 Tin Boxes and Milk Churns holding Emmanuel Ringelblum’s Warsaw Diary, hidden by Israel Lichtenstein.

Monday August 3rd. 1942 “..I am proud these grave ..fateful days ..I was one ..who buried ..treasure order that you ..know of ..tortures ..murders of ..Nazi tyranny.” Naum Grzywacz.

1944 2,000 Jews of Ostrowiec Labour Camp murdered.

August 4th.

1941 403 Panevezys Jewish Men and Women murdered. Kovno Ghetto sealed with 30,000 Jews still alive. Army Group Centre has its HQ at Novy Borissov.

1942 First deportations of 998 Jews from Belgium to Auschwitz.

1943 Jews of Sosnowiece to Auschwitz.

1944 The Franks arrested in Amsterdam.

August 5th.

1934 A Pogrom in Constantine, Algeria sees 100 Jews murdered.

1941 279 Rasainiai Jewish Men and Women murdered. Wehrmacht defeat Russians at Smolensk.

1942 800 Radom Jews murdered. Remainder of Pilica’s Jews murdered.

1943 Sweden refuses Germany transit for military supplies. Danish dockyard workers revolt.

August 6th.

1941 Over 200 Orgeyev Jews thrown into Dniester River and murdered. SS Brigadefuhrer Franz Walter Stahlecker states in a Memorandum that the move toward the elimination of the Jews is at hand.

1942 15,000 Warsaw Jews murdered in Treblinka. Amongst Warsaw’s Jews, murdered this day, were those of the ‘Orphanage’ directed by Janusz (Hersch Goldszmit) Korczak. Together with his assistant, Stefa, at the head of a column of orphans, Korczak walked them toward a more consoling end in Treblinka. 3,000 Diatlovo Jews murdered. Jews in Gurs Camp are resettled and ‘murdered’ in Auschwitz and Sobibor. Oswald Pohl issues directive to utilise Human Hair.

1944 First stage of Kaiserwald Camp evacuation. Some 30,000 Jews were murdered here. 27,000 Jews deported back to Germany from Camps ‘East.’

August 7th.

1941 1,200 Kovno Jews murdered. 570 Uteba Jewish Men and Women murdered.

1944 Liquidation of Lodz ghetto begins. 74,000 Lodz Jews deported to Auschwitz over 3 week period. Final action at Chelmno. 7,000 Jews murdered here since resumption of action.

August 8th.

1938 Concentration Camp at Mauthausen established. The use of Gassing Vans utilised to murder inmates.

1941 Over 11,000 Pinsk Jews Murdered in 4 day operation. 702 Ukmerge Jewish Men and Women murdered. The murder of Jewish Men and Women of Bjala-Zerkow begins.

1942 Edith Stein, a Catholic convert Nun, gassed at Auschwitz. Gerhart Riegner informs West of Hitler’s plan for extermination of European Jewry. America holds back on annihilation plan, for verification.

Saturday August 8th. 1942 “..That there has been and is being considered in Hitler’s headquarters a plan to exterminate all Jews from Germany and German controlled areas in Europe after they have been concentrated in ..East. ..numbers involved is said to be between 3,500,000 and 4,000,000 and ..object to permanently settle ..Jewish Question in Europe.” Dr. Gerhart Riegner.

1943 Vilna Ghetto Jews leave to join partisans.

1945 The London Agreement is signed by the Allies, enabling the prosecution of war criminals.

August 9th.

1940 Hitler orders build up of transport infrastructure for Russian Campaign.

1941 1,000’s of Dvinsk Jews murdered in Pogulanka Forest. 534 Kovno Jewish Men and Women murdered at Fort IV. Einsatzkommando ‘3’ takes over Vilna area from Einsatzkommando ‘9.’

1942 Mir Ghetto resists. 500 Radun Jews murdered. 1,500 Kremenets Jews deported to Bialokrynitsa Camp.

August 10th.

1938 Great Synagogue in Nuremberg destroyed.

1940 Romania enacts anti­-Jewish Laws amidst anti-Jewish riots which erupt in the Country.
1942 First Deportations from Lvov to Belzec. 50,000 murdered. Camp Kommandant SS Standartenfuhrer Christian Wirth adopts Diesel engine for gassing. 1,000 Theresienstadt Jews were transported toward Minsk and were murdered in gassing vans at the nearby killing site of Maly Trostinets. More than 35,000 Jews were murdered here. 800 Brzozow Jews murdered. Newsweek acknowledges trainloads of Warsaw’s Jews vanishing into the ‘black Limbo’ of Treblinka.

Tuesday August 10th. 1943. “..It is not ..task of ..police to interfere in clashes between Germans and ..English ..American terror flyers who have baled out.” Heinrich Himmler.

August 11th.

1941 498 Panevezys Jewish Men and Women murdered.

1942 1,000 Belgian Jews murdered. Kremenets Jews resist.

1944 Over 650 Jews from Lyon to Auschwitz.

August 12th.

1941 Hitler issues War Directive No. 34a for the conduct of operations in Russia. Army Group North moves in on Leningrad.

1942 Allied goal ‘destruction of Nazism.’

1945 Major war criminals that had been housed in Luxembourg are flown to Nuremberg, where they are incarcerated in a prison adjacent to the Palace of Justice.

August 13th.

1932 Hitler refuses to accept Cabinet Vice-Chancellor post.

1941 717 Alytus Jewish Men and Women murdered. Eichmann meets with Ministry of Interior, Representatives of Goering’s Four Year Plan, and the Reich Chancellery, on definition term for Jews.

1942 Gorodok Ghetto liquidated. Mir Ghetto liquidated. Switzerland ejects refugee Jews back to France. America and Britain continue to sit on Riegner’s Report.

August 14th.

1941 552 Jonava Jewish Men and Women murdered. 493 Rokiskis Jews murdered. Entire Lesko Jewish Community murdered at Zaslaw. Atlantic Charter between the US and Britain agrees to the defeat of the Axis Powers.

1942 In France 7,000 non-French Jews detained.

1943 Rome declared Open City.

August 15th.

1940 Adolf Eichmann adds huge Jewish Ghetto dimension to ‘Madagascar Plan.’

1941 Riga Ghetto is established. 60,000 Jews Enclosed. Dr. Rudolf Blumenfeld Chairman of Ghetto. Artur Keilman Heads Social Services Department. Riga is One of the Nine Major Ghettoes Established. Surviving 26,000 Jews of Kovno moved to Ghetto at Viliampole. In coming 2 day period 3,200 Rokiskis Jewish Men, Women and Children will be murdered. Hitler decrees that ALL Reich Jews must be clearly identifiable. The Jewish Badge Decree is born. Himmler all but faints at the site of extermination of Jews at Minsk. Heinrich Lohse, Reich Commissioner Eastern Territories, ‘Ostland’ orders ALL Jews must now wear ‘Two Jew Badges.’ All Jews under German sphere of influence will be ghettoised. Hungary deports Jews of Bachka to Serbia. Slovak Government disperses Bratislava Ghetto.

1943 Further Bialystok Ghetto Revolt commences. 3,000 Wehrmacht troops, SS and Ukrainian auxilliary forces surround the remaining 30,000 Jews of Bialystok.

August 16th.

Friday August 16th. 1935 “..solution of ..Jewish question of ..Fuhrer ..not ..individuals.” Heinrich Himmler.

1936 Olympic Games come to an end. Considered a propaganda coup for the Reich. German Jews and Mischlinge Jews allowed to compete. Jesse Owens dominance in tract proves too much for Hitler. He declines to deliver the Winner’s Medal’s. Marty Glickman and Sam Stoliar, both American Jewish runners are forced not to compete in the 400 metre relay so as not to ’embarrass’ Hitler further? Avery Brundage, as head of the American Olympic Committee delivers Hitler a further coup!

1941 298 Rassainiai Jewish Women and Children murdered.

1943 The Bialystok Ghetto Liquidation commenced. There are barely 300 Ghetto fighters, who had held out for several weeks. Those finally captured were sent to Majdanek. Amongst those who refused to surrender was Mordechai Tenenbaum. Mordechai Tenenbaum committed suicide. Judenrate Chairman, Ephraim Barasz, sent to Treblinka.

Wednesday August 16th. 1944 “..if remains as it is now ..if new social relations don’t emerge and substantially change human nature ..I will finally become ..a failure.” Hanna Levy-Hass.

1947 Nuremberg Tribunal on ‘Krupps Werks.’

August 17th.

1938 Decree demands all Jews carry Israel or Sarah as first names.

1939 Reich Ministry of Interior publishes Forenames list for Jewish Parents.

1940 German ‘Blockade of Britain’ begins.

1941 SS Cavalry Brigade reports Murders of 7,819 Jews in the Minsk region.

1942 30,000 Radom Jews murdered at Treblinka. Over 600 French Jewish Children murdered in Birkenau.

1943 American daylight Bomber raids on Regensburg. American daylight Bomber raids on Schweinfurt. Allies take Messina. Sicilian resistance ends. Nikolas Kallay’s Hungarian Government puts out peace feelers.

August 18th.

1938 Swiss Government denies entry to Jews.

1939 Reich Interior Ministry circulates ‘Euthanasia’ paper.

1940 Authorities allow Czerniakow to establish vocational education program for Ghetto.

1941 Over 1,811 Kovno Jewish Men and Women murdered at Fort IV. Over 160 Jewish Men and Women of Bjala-Zerkow are murdered by units of Wehrmacht, Waffen SS and SonderKommando4a. Romania deports Jews across Dniester. Remnants of Berlin’s Jews to be murdered; Hitler promises Goebbels. Hitler orders move away from Moscow toward Kiev and Caucasus Oil.

1942 2,500 Drogobych Jews murdered at Belzec. SS Obersturmfuhrer Kurt Gerstein, arrives at Belzec. Gerstein is a Gas and Disinfection specialist.

1943 Blobel returns to Kiev and ‘Sonderkommando 1005’ exhumes and disposes of much of the evidence of mass murder. Over 100,000 at Babi-Yar are disinterred. Blobel’s 33,771 murdered included.

August 19th.

1927 30,000 SA Stormtroopers march at Nuremberg Rally.

1931 German supposed Conformity reached in Basle, between Heinrich Bruening and Allied Finance Ministers to pay 2,000 Reichsmarks to those Jews emigrating to Palestine. This would lead to The Ha’avarah Agreement which would allow for German Jewry to transfer Funds to Palestine. Also agreed that between 12,500 Reichsmarks and 15,000 Reichsmarks would be payable to Families who chose to leave for Palestine! The Agreement was not rescinded immediately upon Hitler’s accession of Power, but persisted until 1935.

1934 Hitler demands expanded powers. More than 89% vote their approval.

1939 Romanian Jewish refugee ship Rim runs aground.

1940 Otto Abetz proposes deportation of stateless Jews to Vichy.

1941 Over 3,000 Mogilev Jews murdered. More than 18,000 of Mogilev’s Jews will eventually be murdered. Over 640 Ukmerge Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. Almost 100 Jewish Children of Bjala-Zerkow are murdered. Wehrmacht defeats Russians before Kiev. Wehrmacht occupies Kherson. Mass Murder of Kherson Jews, Men, Women and Their Children in Gassing Vans begins almost immediately. German and Romanian pact at Tighina. Transnistria, region between Dniester and the Bug Rivers under Romanian rule.

1942 Jewish Resistance in Otwock. 14,000 Jews murdered. 1,000 Rembertow Jews murdered. Gerstein affords the world first hand evidence of Belzec Murder operation. Witnesses arrival of 6,000 Lvov Jews. Lvov Jews transported in 45 Cattle Cars.

Saturday August 19th. 1944 “..This human mass is heterogeneous. It is piles together here force violence this small patch of dirty ..humid ground ..forced to live in ..most humiliating conditions and to endure ..most brutal deprivations ..that all human passions ..weaknesses have unleashed themselves ..taking on beastly forms.” Hanna Levy-Hass.

August 20th.

1933 American Jewish Congress declares boycott against Nazi Germany.

1941 90 Jewish Children of Bjala-Zerkow are locked up in a building on the edge of Town.

Wednesday August 20th. 1941 “..these were children of Jews ..Jewesses ..already ..shot.” Josef Maria Reuss.

1942 Majority of Croatian Jews murdered Auschwitz. General Friedrich von Paulus’s 6th Army at Stalingrad. Gerstein witnesses gassing operation at Treblinka.

1943 3,000 Glebokie Jews murdered after Resistance.

1946 Goering returns to the witness stand.

1947 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 1 ends. Sixteen defendants are convicted of varying crimes, against Humanity. Seven are sentenced to death and Seven acquitted. Dr. Waldemar Hoven, the Chief Doctor of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp, and a defendant in the case, testifies at the Trial.

August 21st.

1941 Over 5 week period 9,012 Dunanberg Jewish Men, Women and Children will be murdered. 4,300 Jews in Paris sent to Drancy Transit Camp. Over 5 day period, more than 70,000 Jews will transit Drancy and toward Birkenau.

Thursday August 21st. 1941 “..primary importance ..not ..capture ..Moscow ..but ..Crimea.” Adolf Hitler.

1942 3,500 Jews from Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland, are murdered at Treblinka. The Jewish community at Ozorkow, Poland, is murdered.

1947 Military Tribunal I sentences sixteen Nazi doctors found guilty in the Doctors Trial. Seven doctors are sentenced to death.

August 22nd.

1939 Hitler’s speech on Living Space, ‘Lebensraum’ urges Wehrmacht Generals toward total eradication of the Polish People.

1941 Over 4 day period more than 1,900 Kreis Rasainiai Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. Remaining 90 Jewish Children of Bjala-Zerkow murdered. Jews murdered at Dunaburg. Jews murdered at Aglona, including Men, Women, Children, the sick and the infirm. Jasenovac Concentration Camp begins operations.

1942 Over 40,000 Lvov Jews murdered in under 2 weeks. 10,000 Wielun Jews murdered Chelmno. 10,000 Siedlce Jews murdered Treblinka. Losice Jewish Community murdered Treblinka.

August 23rd.

1939 Ribbentrop and Molotov, respective Foreign Ministers for Germany and Russia, sign the ‘Treaty of Nonaggression’.

1940 Czestochowa Ghetto, Poland sealed off.

1941 7,523 Panevezys Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered.

1942 17,000 Lutsk Jews murdered at Polanka Hill in a 4 day operation. von Paulus launches attack on Stalingrad.

1943 26,000 Bialystok Jews murdered in Auschwitz and Treblinka after week long action. Russians retake Kharkov. Some 14,000 Jews of Kharkov were murdered.

1944 Drancy liberated. Romania surrenders. Eichmann moves to deport all of Romanian Jewry. Some 469,632 Jews of Romania will be murdered.

August 24th.

1939 Pope Pius XII appeals for peace.

1941 Hitler calls a halt to present Euthanasia Program. Murder operations move into wider aspects of Einsatzgruppe actions and Death Camp capacity.

Sunday August 24th. 1941. “..aggressor retaliates by ..most frightful cruelties. As his Armies advance ..whole districts are being exterminated. Scores of 1,000’s ..literally scores of 1,000’s ..executions in cold blood are being perpetrated by ..German Police Troops upon ..Russian patriots who defend their native soil. Since ..Mongol invasions of Europe in ..16th. Century ..there has never been methodical ..merciless butchery on such a scale ..or approaching such a scale. And this is but ..beginning. Famine and pestilence have yet to follow in ..bloody ruts of Hitler’s tanks. We are in ..presence of a crime without a name. ” Winston Churchill.

1942 19,000 Kielce Jews murdered Treblinka in 4 day operation. 1,000 Zdunska Wola Jews murdered. Franz Paul Stangl becomes Treblinka Kommandant.

1943 Himmler appointed Minister of Interior.

1944 3,000 Jews Mielec of Labour Camp murdered. General Dietrich von Choltitz, German City Commandant surrenders Paris.

August 25th.

1933 Hitler now sought a wider emigration policy for the Jews of Germany. The Ha’avara Agreement Transfer of Jews from Germany to Palestine would be formally agreed between the German Ministry of Economy, and the Zionist Federation of Germany (die Zionistische Vereinigung fuer Deutschland)

1935 Pastor Martin Niemoeller an anti-Nazi minister, preaches that the Jews are ‘The Christ Killers’ and their history is both:-

Sunday August 25th. 1935 “..dark and sinister and under a curse for they brought ..Christ of God to ..cross but are also responsibility for ..blood of all ..righteous men who were ever murdered.” Martin Niemoeller.

1939 Anglo Polish Alliance Treaty of mutual assistance signed.

1940 Britain launches first air raid on Berlin.

1941 1,500 Tykocin Jews murdered. More than 2,100 Tykocin Jews will be murdered. 1,160 Obeliai Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. 8,000 Belgrade Jews deported to Topovske Supe and murdered.

1942 53,750 Warsaw Jews murdered at Treblinka in a 2 week period. 10,000 Miedzyrzec Jews murdered. Great aktion at Bochnia where 2,600 Jews are expelled to Belzec. More than 500 of Bochnia’s Jews, Children, the Old and the Infirm are murdered in nearby Bazkow Forest. Treblinka transports halted due to accumulation of un-buried and un-cremated corpses littering the area.

1944 Paris liberated. Romania declares War upon Germany.

August 26th.

1938 Office for Jewish Emigration, ‘Zentralstelle fur Judische Auswanderung’ established in Vienna. Decreed for the facilitating of Jewish emigration and comes under Adolf Eichmann jurisdiction.

1939 Hitler guarantees neutrality of Belgium. Hitler guarantees neutrality of Holland. Hitler guarantees neutrality of Luxembourg. Hitler guarantees neutrality of Sweden.

1941 Over 2,560 Zarasai Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. All 1,911 of Kaisiadorys’ Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. Over 2 day period 664 Seduva Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. Hitler flew from his Vinnitza HQ to von Kluge’s HQ at Brest-Litovsk.

1942 1,000 Belgian Jews deported East. 7,000 Jews arrested in Unoccupied France. 518 Parisian Jewish Children murdered Birkenau.

August 27th.

1938 General Ludwig Beck resigns as Chief of Staff.

1939 Ration Cards ‘Lebensmittelkarten’ issued. Jews restricted to 1,400/2,100 calories a week. Not equivalent to a daily need! Germany is on a War Footing!

1941 7,000 Jews murdered at Kamanets-Podolsk. All 1,078 of Prienai’s Jewish Men, Women and children murdered. 355 Joniskia Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. 212 Jews of Dagda and Kraslawa murdered.

1942 8,000 Wieliczka Jews murdered at Belzec. 6,000 Miedzyrzec Jews suffocated enroute to Treblinka. Liquidation of Zdunska Wola Ghetto completed.

1943 Bialystok Ghetto liquidation completed. Some 30,000 Jews have been murdered here.

1947 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 6, The I. G. Farben Case , begins. Twenty Four defendants, all of whom are involved with the I.G. Farben Group, are charged with plunder and spoliation of private property in the German occupied territories. They are also charged with various other war crimes.

August 28th.

1941 Entire Jewish Community of Kedainiai, some 2,201 Jews, Men, Women and Children are murdered. 1,349 Pasvalys Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. 1,000’s of Czyzewo-Szlachecki Jews murdered. 402 Wilkia Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered.

1942 14,000 Sarny Jews murdered. 10,000 Nowy Sacz Jews murdered at Belzec in 4 day operation. Rabbi Dr. Stephen S. Wise, World Jewish Congress President, (WJC), receives Riegner Cable.

1944 Slovak National Uprising begins.

August 29th.

1941 11,000 Hungarian Jews murdered at Kamanets-Podolsk. 3,782 Utena and Moletai Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. 784 Rumsiskis and Ziezmariai Jewish Men, Women and Children murdered. Some 100 Jews of Kherson were shot. Hitler is at von Runstedt’s HQ in Uman.

1942 All Olesko Jews murdered at Belzec. Jewish Question Serbia solved. 14,500 of 16,000 Jews murdered.

Sunday August 29th. 1943 “..two thirds and more ..Axis world’s Jewish population has been murdered ..foully ..unnaturally murdered.” Rabbi Dr. Stephen S. Wise.

August 30th.

1940 The Vienna Dictate gives Northern Transylvania to Hungary. Jewish position in Romania worsens. Racial laws in Romania adapted from the Nazi legislation.

1942 50,000 Lvov Jews murdered in 3 week period. Rabka’s entire Jewish Community murdered.

Wednesday August 30th. 1944 “..As for despising and humiliating ..Jews ..Nazi’s are relentless ..even though themselves ..must know ..their end is near. ” Hanna Levy-Hass.

1944 Units of 1st Waffen ss Panzer Division (Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler) Murdered Madmoiselle Maujean in front of her 5 Children in Tavaux. They set her alight and locked the Children in the cellar and poured petrol down into it. The 9 year old put out the flames, saving the 4 other Children and himself.

Wednesday August 30th. 1944 “..children who know no joy. Fear ..nothing but fear ..these poor little mortified creatures ..standing ..hours ..bodies filled with terror ..gaze fixed ..awaiting whatever might happen. They bury their heads in an old rag up against ..adults ..seeking shelter from ..cold and ..fear. ..their eyes remain wide open ..alarmed those of a hunted animal.” Hanna Levy-Hass.

1946 Testimony is completed in the Major War Criminals Trial. Defendants make their final statements.

August 31st.

1938 General Ludwig Beck conspires against Hitler.

1939 60 German Jewish Children escape to Britain. Buchenwald Concentration Camp has more than 8,500 inmates by the time Germany commences War. Sachsenhausen holds more than 8,000 prisoners. France opens its own Concentration Camp at Gurs.

1941 Over 160,000 Jews murdered in Bessarabia in an 8 week killing spree. Over 3,600 Vilna Jews murdered in Ponary Woods. Over 18 day period 233 Alytus Jews and other Jew s from local environs murdered. Kherson Ghetto, Ukraine established. Judenrate established in Kherson and Jews were forced to wear Star of David. 16,145 Jews had lived in Kherson as of 1939. This represented more than 16.5% of the Towns population.

1944 Russians capture Bucharest. Polish Committee of National Liberation issued a Decree on the Responsibility for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.

1946 Trials of the Major War Criminals ends.


Holocaust Posted on Fri, July 31, 2015 10:31:18

July 1st.

1933 The German government reiterates that Hitler still belongs to the Catholic Church and has no intention of leaving it.

1935 The Society for Research into the Teaching of Ancestral Heritage, ‘Ahnenerbe Forschungs und Lehrgemeinschaft’ founded. This will become an anti-Semitic undertaking, studying the racial history of the German people.

1937 Pastor Martin Niemoeller arrested over his opposition to Hitler.

1940 Bedzin, Poland Ghetto established. 30,000 Jews Enclosed.

1941 100’s of Plunge Jews are murdered. 100 Lyakhovichi Jews are murdered. Wehrmacht enters Riga.

1943 German Jews placed under Police jurisdiction.

1944 8,000 Kovno Jews murdered.

July 2nd.

1938 40,000 Austrian Jews are taken into ‘protective custody’.

1940 Luther circulates proposal on Madagascar.

1941 Heydrich gives carte blanche to his Higher SS and Police Fuhrer’s, HSSPF, to deal exclusively and systemically with the Jewish People. 800 Novo Selista Jews are murdered. 100’s of Kamenka’s Jews are Murdered. 100’s of Stryj Jews are Murdered. SS Standartenfuhrer Alfred Filbert’s Einsatzkommando ‘9’ sets about the murders of Vilna’s Jews. SS Standartenfuhrer Karl Jaeger’s Einsatzkommando ‘3’ has overall responsibility for murder duties in Lithuania.

1942 Heydrich expands upon Einsatz role to his HSSPF. New York Times reports upon Killing operations at Chelmno. Radical elements and Jewish Officials to be dealt a deadly blow. Entire Jewish Community Ropczyce murdered at Belzec. Berlin Jews deported to Theresienstadt.

1944 3,000 Jews murdered in Ponary Woods. More than 70,000 Jews will be murdered here in the pits at Ponary Woods. The Vilna Census showed 54,600 Jews living within its confines 1931. Few of Vilna’s Jews will have Survived what awaits them at Ponary Woods, more than 60,000 of Lithuanian Jewry.

1952 Jurgen Stroop hanged for his Crimes Against Humanity.

July 3rd.

1936 In assembly room of the League of Nations in Geneva, Stefan Lux, a German Jew, kills himself in protest at Hitler and Germany’s ill treatment of the Jews.

1941 4,000 Lvov Jews are murdered. 3,500 Zloczew Jews are murdered. 100’s of Drohobycz Jews are murdered. 100 Bialystok Jews are murdered. 100 Novogroduk Jews are murdered. Stalin issues scorched Earth policy.

1942 Sevastopol falls.

1944 Minsk liberated. More than 62,000 Minsk Jews were murdered. Few survived. French take Siena.

1947 Indictment filed in der Einsatzgruppe Case.

July 4th.

1934 Theodor Eicke establishes Inspectorate of Concentration Camps at Dachau.

1939 Jews cannot be employed in Government positions. German Jewry to be placed under Reich Association of Jews, ‘Reichsvereingung der Juden im Deutschland’ authority.

1941 5,000 Tarnopol Jews murdered. Over 2,000 Lutsk Jews murdered at Lubard Fortress. 463 Kovno Jewish Men and Women murdered at Fort VII. 100’s of Riga’s Jews are murdered. Forced into Great Choral Synagogue, Gogol Street, set alight with those rounded up still inside. 5 of the 6 other Riga Synagogues are set alight with their congregations locked inside. Nly Peitavas Street Synagogue survives. Jews of Schodnica Murdered. The Jewish Badge decree was issued to the Jews of Vilna, who were ordered to wear it.

Friday, 4th. July 1941 “..we are not ashamed of our badges. Let those be ashamed who have hung them on us.” Yitzhak Rudashevski.

1942 Wehrmacht are at the Don River.

1943 Battle for Kursk begins.

1944 2,800 Papa Jews to Auschwitz.

1946 42 Kielce Jews are murdered by local Poles, post Holocaust. More than 18,042 Jews of Kielce were murdered in total. Defense summations begin in the Major War Criminals Trial.

July 5th.

1941 Rudolf Schmundt, Hitler’s adjutant, reports to his Fuhrer that thousands of Russian Jews have already been murdered.

1943 Himmler orders Sobibor be made into Concentration Camp. Kursk offensive fails.

1944 Over 1,200 Sopron Jews to Auschwitz. Appeal by International Red Cross President, Professor Karl Burckhardt, for Admiral Horthy to cease Jewish deportations.

July 6th.

1938 Anti-Jewish limitations on their economic life promulgated. A Refugee Conference is convened at Evian-les-Bains, France. 29 of the 33 Nations invited turn up to meet and discuss the growing crisis for Jews under Hitler’s yoke! As if the Jews don’t feel isolated enough, or abandoned completely, Hitler has captured the mood of the World to their predicament. This is reflected in a News Paper article the day before the Evian Conference ends.

1941 3,000 Chernovtsy Jews are murdered. 2,514 Kovno Jews murdered at Fort VII. 600 Skalat Jews are murdered. Lvov Jews ordered to wear the Yellow Star. Bishop Clement August von Galen issued his missal protesting the T4 Euthanasia Programme. The Church is still silent over what is happening to the Jewish People.

1943 Over 2,400 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz.

1944 Both Moshe Shertok and Chaim Weizmann, President of World Zionist Organisation meet with Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Minister.

July 7th.

1941 2,000 Khotin Jews are murdered. 32 Marijampole Jews are murdered. More than 8,794 Marijampole Jews will be eventually murdered.

1942 14,000 Rzeszow Jews murdered at Belzec . 1,000 Rzeszow Jews murdered in the Rudna Forest. Dr. Irmfried Eberl, Treblinka’s Commandant, notifies Dr. Heinz Auerswald, the Commissioner of the Warsaw Ghetto, of his readiness to receive the Jews of Warsaw. Himmler conducts meeting on Sterilisation of Women inmates at Auschwitz.

1944 Hungarian government halts deportations. 438,000 Hungarian Jews have already been murdered in Birkenau.

1945 Robert Jackson visits Nuremberg, a City that was 91% destroyed by Allied bombs. He inspects the Palace of Justice and decides to recommend it as a site for the upcoming trials. The Soviets prefer that the trials take place in Berlin, within their zone of occupation.

July 8th.

1937 Werner Otto von Hentig of the German Foreign Office issues a memorandum to his superior, Ernst von Weizsaker, suggesting that poorer Jews should be expelled ahead of richer Jews in order to extort a greater levy from Germany’s more prosperous Jews!

1941 40 Przemysl Jews murdered, burned to Death in Synagogue. 14 Mariampole Jews murdered. Mass Murder of Jews begins in Ponary Woods. German forces enter Lipkany and many Jews were immediately Murdered. Baltic Jews forced to wear ‘Star of David,’ the Jewish Badge of Honour. Hitler declared that Goering’s Luftwaffe would reduce Moscow and Leningrad to rubble. This added to Hitler’s euphoria of the day, when he would be spared the necessary feeding of populations within 2 cities, so reduced to rubble, the Russian people would cease to exist.

1942 7,000 Lvov Jews are murdered at the Janowska Camp.

1943 Vilna Resistance Fighters blow up a Military Train.

1944 50,000 more Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in week long action. More than 488,000 Hungarian Jews already reached Auschwitz. 13,000 Debrecen Jews to Auschwitz in 5 day action. Kovno ghetto liquidated. Vilna approached by Russian forces. Russian Forces destroy German Army Group Centre.

July 9th.

1941 34 Wendziogala Jewish Men and Women murdered. 24 Kovno Jewish Men and Women murdered at Fort VII. British intelligence broke the ‘enigma’ code. Now, before Allied Nations lay the strategic values Hitler placed upon the advance ‘East’ and the ‘resettlement’ programme for the Jewish People encountered there.

1944 Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish Diplomat and emissary of King Gustav V, arrives in Budapest. Some 300,000 Hungarian Jews remain alive. 170,000 of these Jews still survive in Budapest. Allies take Caen.

July 10th.

1934 The Polish anti-Semitic organization ‘Oboz Narodowo-Radykalny’ is banned by Polish leader Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, three months after its formation.

1940 Collaborationist French Government is formed at Vichy. Battle of Britain begins.

1941 1,600 Jedwabne Jews, entire Jewish Population, burned to death by local Poles. Over 123 Vilna Jews murdered. Hitler’s forces race toward Kiev, whose Jews are to receive, ‘the worst blow.’ Order issued to murder all male Jews, aged 17 – 45, shot as plunderers.

1942 100 Jewish Women experimented upon at Auschwitz.

1943 5,000 Jews at Kamionka Strumilowa murdered. Allies land in Sicily.

1944 Russians are within 60mls. of Hitler’s Rastenberg, Wolf’s Lair Headquarters.

July 11th.

1936 Hitler agrees Austrian Sovereignty.

1941 7,800 Kovno Jews murdered. HSSPF Obergruppenfuhrer Erich von dem Bach-Zalewski issues an order that all Male Jews, 17 – 45 years of age, should be shot on grounds of ‘looting.’ 5,000 Ternopol Jews murdered in 7 day action. 100’s of Vilna’s Jews are murdered in Ponary Woods. Vitebsk Ghetto, Byelorussia established. 16,000 Jews Enclosed.

Friday July 11th. 1941 “..already know what was going on. ..3 pm ..large group of Jews ..taken ..300 people. ..hour later ..volleys began. Ten ..shot at a time.” Kazimierz Sakowicz.

1942 Treblinka ready for operations. 9,000 Salonika Jews detained. 2,000 are forced to labour for Wehrmacht. Nearly 44,000 Salonika Jews expelled to Auschwitz.

1944 Russians cross Lithuanian border. More than 135,000 Lithuanian Jews were murdered. Russians cross Latvian border. More than 85,000 Latvian Jews have been murdered. Barely 1% of Latvian Jews Survived.

July 12th.

1936 Prisoners and civilian workers begin to construct Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, at Oranienburg, 20 miles from Berlin.

1940 Hans Frank declares he has convinced Hitler to cease deportation of Jews to General Government.

1941 British Russian Mutual Aid Pact is signed in Moscow.

Saturday July 12th. 1941 “..death candidates assembled dig ..own graves. ..Valuables ..put into a pile. ..Six of us ..shoot them. ..a few bodies ..rearranged with a pickaxe. ..I came back dog tired.” SS Hauptscharfuhrer Felix Landau.

July 13th.

1942 Action against Rzeszow Jews complete, 22,000 were murdered Belzec. Action against Rowne Jews begins.

1943 Over 1,900 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz.

1944 Jewish partisans help liberate Vilna. More than 55,000 Vilna Jews were Murdered. 2,500 Survive.

July 14th.

1925 Allies commence withdrawal from Ruhr.

1933 Nazi Party becomes Germany’s only legally recognised political party. The Law Regarding Revocation of Naturalization and the Annulment of German Citizenship removes German citizenship from Eastern European Jews and Gypsies resident in Germany. The Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases decreed and euthanasia, for those declared ‘lebensunwertes Leben,’ of a ‘life unworthy of life’, will be murdered. The law is endorsed by the American Eugenics Society. Jews will be refused entry into Law Schools under Hitler’s personal wishes.

1938 Pope Pius XI is ‘politically’ displeased and shares a hope that Mussolini would not be inadvertently influenced by Hitler.

1941 21 Mariampole Jews murdered. Hitler issues War Directive No. 32a for the conduct of operations in Russia.

1942 Dutch Jews deported to Westerbork. Westerbork becomes the gateway to Auschwitz for the Dutch Jews. Przemysl Ghetto sealed.

July 15th.

1938 The Evian Conference ends. None of those present could resolve the major issue, to admit large numbers of Jewish refugees who are facing an increasing weight of abuse and isolation. After 10 days of deliberation, the Jews under direct threat from Hitler must feel abandoned.

1942 5,000 Rowne Jews murdered in 2 day action, murdered at Janowa Dolina. Over 25,000 Rowne Jews will be murdered. 1,000 Sasow Jews murdered. First deportation from Westerbork to Auschwitz.

1943 Wehrmacht fails at Kursk salient.

Saturday July 15th. 1944 “..In spite of everything I still believe ..people are really good at heart.” Anne Frank.

1947 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 7, The Hostage Case, begins. Twelve defendants, officers in the German Armed Forces are charged with the murders of 1,000’s of Albanian, Greek and Yugoslavian civilians. They are equally charged with the committal of acts of devastation in Norway and other countries. They are likewise charged with the drafting of orders which seek to deny POW’s their human rights rights and for the ordering of the slaughter of surrendered troops.

July 16th.

1937 Buchenwald concentration camp opens near Weimar and the first 300 prisoners arrive.

1940 Expulsion of Alsace Jews begins.

1941 Hitler holds meeting – the genesis of what must have been the early stages of what would become die Endlosung der Judenfrage, The Final Solution of the Jewish Question.

Wednesday July 16th. 1941 “..essential ..we do not proclaim our views ..before need for that ..main thing ..we ourselves know what we want. ..all necessary measures ..shooting ..resettlement ..we shall take them.” Adolf Hitler.

1942 13,000 German and Austrian Jews in Paris rounded up. Sent to Drancy Camp.

1943 Gestapo take Yitzhak Wittenberg from Vilna Ghetto Office. Wittenberg credited with assault upon Nazi Train, 8 days before. Wittenberg was freed by his own men. Forced to hand himself over, or look on as Nazi made the Ghetto Jews, collectively responsible.

1945 The Potsdam Conference held.

July 17th.

1941 1,200 Slonim Jews are Murdered. 6 Jews of Babtei murdered. Heydrich once more escalates the search for a final solution with an order to murder all captured Jewish Prisoners of War. Alfred Rosenberg appointed Reich Minister for the Eastern Occupied Territories.

1942 Himmler tours Auschwitz. Heydrich escalates the role foreseen for his Einsatz Kommandos to include ALL Jews.

July 18th.

1925 Hitler’s 1st. Volume of ‘Mein Kampf’ is published.

1940 Warsaw Jews barred from Public Parks and Benches.

1941 4,000 Lipkany Survivors expelled toward Transnistria. Many were Murdered en-route, few ever returned. 53 Mariampole Jewish Men and Women murdered.

1942 Entire Jewish Community Szarkowszczyna murdered.

1943 1,000 Paris Jews deported Drancy to Auschwitz.

Sunday, 18th. July 1943 “..How can I escape ..troubles of my people ..How can I avoid their anguish that is also mine.” Moshe Flinker.

1944 Americans at Saint-Lo.

July 19th.

1940 Zychlin Ghetto, Poland established. 3,200 Jews Enclosed. German Jews have phones confiscated. Britain rejects Hitler’s peace overture in Reichstag speech.

1941 19 Kovno Jewish Men and Women murdered at Fort VII. Hitler issues War Directive No. 33 for the conduct of operations in Russia. Hitler’s emphasis switches away from Moscow after Army Group South takes Smolensk. Seeming certainty of victory in Southern Sector.

1942 Drancy expelling its Jews toward Auschwitz.

Sunday July 19th. 1942 “..elimination of all Jews in Generalgouvernement by end of 1942.” Heinrich Himmler.

1943 Allies bomb Rome.

1944 Joel Brand’s mission, Goods for Blood, is announced to the British Press.

July 20th.

1933 Reich Concordat with Pope Pius XI and the Vatican, a treaty protecting Catholic rights in Germany. This gives Hitler ‘Political recognition’.

1934 SS is strengthened and becomes autonomous of the much weakened SA. SS overhaul the Camp system

1941 Minsk Ghetto established. Over 60,000 Jews are Enclosed. Minsk is One of the Nine Major Ghettoes Established.

1942 1,000 Kleck Jews murdered. Dr. Karl Gebhardt begins Sulfanilamide experiments at Ravensbrueck.

1943 Over 2,200 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz. 500 Czestochowa Jews murdered.

1944 Reuters reports upon the murders of 500,000 Jews at Auschwitz. 400,000 of these are Hungarian Jews! Attempt to assassinate Hitler fails.

July 21st.

1938 Jews in Germany to apply for identity cards.

1940 Hitler prepares attack on Russia.

1941 70 Panevezys Jewish Men and Women murdered. 30 Russians and 45 Jews of Minsk are murdered. Russians had refused to murder these Jews and paid the ultimate price for their humanitarian bravery. Majdanek Death Camp opens. Romania recovers Besserabia.

1942 Nieswiez Jews resist. 600 are killed. Entire Kleck Jewish Community murdered.

1943 Order to liquidate all Jewish Ghettoes given.

1944 Over 560 Belgian Jews to Auschwitz.

1945 Robert Jackson returns to Nuremberg with British and French representatives. They inspect possible housing accommodations.

July 22nd.

1941 1 Panevezys Jew murdered. Vichy begins expropriation of Jewish businesses. Hitler proclaims to the Croatian leader, Marshal Sladko Kvaternik, that victory in Russia would be accomplished by September. Suggests to Croatian leader the need to exterminate its own internal enemies. Hitler demands rear-Army areas are suppressed ruthlessly and with the harshest methods.

1942 SS Sturmbannfuhrer Hans Hofle informs Czerniakow of Warsaw Jewish deportation. First deportation of Warsaw’s Jews toward Treblinka begins.

1943 Americans take Palermo.

1944 Lvov liberated. More than 123,000 Lvov Jews were Murdered. On the eve of Liberation, 1,000 Jews of Majdanek are force marched out of the Camp. 800 of these reached Auschwitz.

July 23rd.

1940 Hitler visits Paris. First Jewish mentally ill murdered at Brandenburg Institute. Bishop Theophil Wurm, objects to ‘euthanasia’ project being conducted at Grafaneck.

1941 95 Kedainiai Jewish Men and Women murdered. Hitler issues War Directive No. 33a for the conduct of operations in Russia.

1942 Adam Czerniakow commits suicide. First arrival of Warsaw’s Jews at Treblinka. Mass gassings at Treblinka begin. Wehrmacht takes Rostov.

1944 1,700 Rhodes Jews to Auschwitz. Russians liberate Majdanek Death Camp. Red Cross visit Theresienstadt.

1965 The Chelmno Trial takes place, of former Camp personnel, in Bonn.

July 24th.

1941 3,000 Liepaja Jews murdered at Skeden. Kishinev Ghetto established. Brest-Litovsk surrenders.

1942 Entire Dereczyn Jewish Community 3,000 Jews murdered. 120 escaped to help form a Partisan group under Dr. Jechiel Atlas.

1944 Warsaw Jewish Camp in Ghetto evacuated.

July 25th.

1934 A Nazi Putsch in Austria fails. Austrian Prime Minister, Engelbert Dollfuss is murdered.

1938 Medical Certification of Jewish physicians cancelled.

1941 3,800 Kovno Jews murdered. SS Brigadefuhrer Erwin Schukltz and his EK 5 are at Zhitomir. 2,500 Zhitomir Jews are killed in those initial days. Operation Petliura, 100’s of Lvov’s Jews are murdered, 2,000 are arrested on this ‘Black Friday’. 103 Mariampole Jewish Men and Women murdered.

1943 Mussolini deposed.

1944 Remaining Jews of Kovno Ghetto evacuated. More than 34,700 Jews of Kovno were eventually murdered.

July 26th.

1934 von Papen becomes special envoy to Austria.

1939 Adolf Eichmann takes charge of Prague Emigration Office.

1941 Germans enter Stanislawow. Jewish Council immediately demanded in place. Judenrate Chairman is Israel Seibald.

1942 24 Jews from Luxemburg transported to Theresienstadt.

1944 3,000 Radom Jews to Auschwitz.

1946 The prosecution begins its summation in the Major War Criminals Trial.

July 27th.

1937 Trial of 5 Jews opens in Bamberg, Germany over alleged ‘ritual murder’.

1941 ‘Action Petliura’ 2,000 Lvov are murdered by local Ukrainians in 3 day killing spree. Over 100 Belgrade Jews are murdered at Tasmajdan Camp, by Wehrmacht troops. Heinrich Lohse issues guidelines on the treatment of Jews in Ostland.

July 28th.

1940 Hitler meets Slovakian leadership in Salzburg and urges a more radical solution to their Jewish Question.

1941 900 Vilkavisks Jews murdered. 249 Panevezys Jewish Men and Women murdered. 100’s of Drogobych Jews are Murdered. Jews of Kovno excluded from Parks and Public conveyances. Jews of Kovno not allowed to sit on benches. Jews of Kovno not allowed to walk on pavements. Murder of Russian POW’s at Smolensk

1942 156 Jews from Luxemburg to Theresienstadt. The Jewish Fighting Organization, ‘Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa,’ ZOB is founded in Warsaw.

Tuesday July 28th. 1942. “..Since July 22nd. ..train carrying 5,000 Jews ..daily from Warsaw to Treblinka. ..In addition ..a bi-weekly train carrying 5,000 Jews from Przemysl to Belzec.” Theodor Ganzenmueller.

1944 Warsaw to Kutno, First Major Death March.

July 29th.

1921 Hitler becomes Chairman NSDAP.

1941 4,000 Iasi Jews murdered. 2,000 Jews of Lvov murdered at Janow Forest as part of Operation Petliura. 254 Rasainiai Jews murdered. 40 Lodz Jewish mental patients murdered in nearby forest. Wehrmacht troops murder Jews in Belgrade.

1942 Extra food ration offered as incentive for Warsaw Jewish ‘resettlement.’

Wednesday July 29th. 1942 “..Nazis will not succeed in exterminating their victims.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

July 29th.

1944 1,300 Jews from Paris to Auschwitz.

July 30th.

1938 Henry Ford receives Grand Cross of the German Eagle, from Third Reich.

Sunday July 30th. 1939 “..No doubt Jews are not ..lovable people not care about them myself. ..not sufficient to explain ..pogrom.” Neville Chamberlain.

1941 27 Agriogala Jews murdered. Hitler issues War Directive No. 34 for the conduct of operations in Russia.

1944 Over 160 Jews from Toulouse to Auschwitz.

1946 The defense of the seven indicted Nazi organizations begins.

1948 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 6 ends. 13 defendants found guilty.

July 31st.

1919 Germany adopts Weimar constitution.

1932 Nazis secure 37.3% of the Election votes cast, winning 230 of the 608 seats in the Reichstag. They are now the Largest single Party.

1933 Approximately 30,000 people are by now interned in Nazi concentration camps.

1941 10,000 Kovno Jews are murdered. 10,000 Kishinev Jews are murdered. Over 2,500 Zhitomir Jews are murdered. 251 Utena Jewish Men and Women murdered. 13 Wendziogala Jews murdered. Dvinsk Ghetto established. Goering instructs Heydrich to ‘resettle’ all of European Jewry in a final resolve that is now meant to destroy all of the Jews of Europe, Men, Women and Children included. Hoess informed by Himmler that this programme, what Hitler has ordered is, ‘The Final Solution of the Jewish Question.’

Thursday July 31st. 1941 “..complete solution of ..Jewish question in ..German sphere of influence in Europe.” Hermann Goering.

1942 65,000 Warsaw Ghetto Jews murdered in Treblinka in 9 day period. 30,000 Minsk Jews murdered in 4 day action. Lodz Jewish Deaths are escalating at an alarming Daily Rate. Israel Lichtenstein becomes part of Emmanuel Ringelblum’s ‘Oneg Shabbat’, Joy of Sabbath. Plan is to remember and recall what happens to Warsaw Jewry. All will attempt to Record the crimes perpetrated against them.

Friday July 31st. 1942 “..At present ..both of us ..ready to meet ..death. I wish my little daughter to be remembered. Margalith ..20 months ..I don’t lament my own life nor that of my wife. I pity only little ..nice ..talented girl. She deserves to be remembered.” Israel Lichtenstein.

1943 1,000 Paris Jews deported Drancy to Auschwitz. Russians breach a gap, 500 miles into Wehrmacht rear.

1944 Half of Belgium’s Jewish Population had been murdered at Birkenau. 24,387 Belgian Jews murdered. Russian forces at Warsaw.

1948 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 10. 11 defendants found guilty. 1 defendant acquitted.


Holocaust Posted on Tue, June 30, 2015 10:02:13

June 1st.

1932 Franz von Papen appointed Chancellor.

1933 Germany introduces Law for Reduction of Unemployment, giving marriage loans to ‘worthy’ Germans.

1940 Tomaszow-Mazowiecki Ghetto, Poland established. 14,100 Jews Enclosed.

“..June 1942 ..entrusted by Gruppenfuhrer Mueller ..task of obliterating ..traces of executions carried out by ..Einsatzgruppe in the East.” Paul Blobel.

1942 2,000 Cracow Jews murdered at Belzec. Jews must wear ‘The Jewish Star’ in France and Holland.

Monday June 1st. 1942 “..two Jewish women ..mother and ..daughter ..gone ..from Rudki to Bodzentyn. ..Germans ..went into ..woods ..then shot them.” David Rubinowicz.

1943 Over 3,000 Dutch Jews murdered at Sobibor. Jewish Resistance mounts as Lvov Ghetto is liquidated. 3,000 killed. More than 20,000 Lvov Jews murdered. HSSPF Katzmann reported on Lvov’s attempt to resist.

Tuesday June 1st. 1943 “..Jews tried every means to evade evacuation. ..We were compelled act brutally. ..We had to blast and burn many houses.” Friedrich Katzmann.

1944 Joel Brand’s mission reaches Syria.

June 2nd.

1939 St. Louis reaches Cuba.

1941 Second ‘Statut des Juifs’ passed in France.

1942 3,000 Kobrin Jews murdered Bronna Gora.First deportations of German Jews to Theresienstadt. Viennese Jews deported to Minsk Ghetto.

Tuesday June 2nd. 1942 “..700,000 Jews killed in Poland.” BBC.

June 3rd.

1942 Breslau Jews fight back.

1946 General Alfred Jodl testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

June 4th.

1938 Sigmund Freud emigrates from Austria to England.

1940 Completion of Dunkirk evacuation. Germans occupy the Town.

1942 Heydrich dies. America declares war on Romania.

1944 Americans occupy Rome

June 5th.

1940 Battle for France begins.

1942 97,000 Jews murdered in mobile gassing vans, SS report declares. Breslau Jews end their resistance, 3,000 Murdered. Wehrmacht besiege Sevastopol.

1943 Over 1,200 Dutch Jews murdered at Sobibor.

1944 Joel Brand is in Aleppo.

1945 Allies section Germany and partition Berlin. Allies now Govern.

June 6th.

1933 In conference with senior officials, Hitler declares his ambitions and aims to re-Arm.

1940 Herbert Lange completes his action at Soldau with over 1,550 mental patients from the asylum ‘specially treated’, murdered in a euthanasia exercise.

1941 Commissar Order, ‘Kommissarbefehl,’ issued by Wehrmacht.

1942 Cracow Ghetto liquidated. 6,000 Jews murdered Belzec. 3,000 Biala Podlaska Jews murdered. Eichmann insists residents of a Coblenz mental institution join deportation to Lublin.

1943 1,000 Tluste Jews murdered. 1,000 Rohatyn Jews murdered.

1944 D-day landings, Allied invasion of Normandy. Joel Brand is arrested on British authority.

June 7th.

1942 Jews in Occupied France must wear Jewish Yellow Star.

1944 Joel Brand meets with Moshe Shertok, head of Palestine Jewish Agency Political Department. Jewish officials in Palestine now appraised of the threat toward Hungary’s Jews.

1951. Paul Blobel, Werner Braune, Erich Naumann, Otto Ohlendorf, Georg Schallermair and Hans Schmidt executed.

June 8th.

1940 Allied Evacuation of Dunkirk completed.

1942 7,000 Cracow Jews have been ‘resettled’ Belzec in week. Pilica Jewish Council urges escape. Pilica Jews resist. 3,000 Pilica Jews murdered Belzec.

1943 Over 5,000 Dutch Jews murdered at Sobibor. Over 800 Salonika Jews to Auschwitz.

1944 Joel Brand is moved to Haifa.

June 9th.

1933 Sole responsibility for NSDAP Political and Counter Intelligence under SD, ‘Sicherheitsdienst’ control.

1934 Security and Intelligence Service ‘Sicherheitsdienst’ or SD, of SS, is the sole intelligence service for the SS and Nazi Party. Poland, Romania and Russia agree to the integrity of their mutual borders.

1935 Anti-Jewish riots occur in Grodno, Poland.

1938 Munich Synagogue burnt down.

1942 Germans begin murders at Lidice. Reprisal for Heydrich’s assassination.

1944 Hannah Szenes arrested in Hungary

June 10th.

1940 Denmark and Norway defeated. Italy declares war on Britain and France.

1942 1,000 Prague Jews murdered East. Germans destroy Lidice. Wehrmacht commences Don Front Offensive.

1944 642 inhabitants of Oradour-sur-Glane, Men, Women and Children, were Murdered by a Waffen SS unit from 2nd. SS Panzer Division (Das Reich). The Community was forced into the local Church and incendiary devices were placed around the building! The Church was set alight and Those who sought to escape were machine gunned. In total, 190 Men, 247 Women and 205 of Their Children, all Innocent Civilians, were slaughtered.

1946 Arthur Seyss-Inquart testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

June 11th.

1933 Conference of Silesian Jewish organizations discusses safeguarding rights of German Jews.

1935 ‘Jews not welcome’ signs removed, temporarily.

1940 Bolimow Ghetto, Poland established. 4,000 Jews Enclosed.

1941 Hitler issues War Directive No. 32 for the conduct of operations in Russia.

1942 Eichmann plans deportations Belgian, French and Dutch Jews.

1943 Himmler orders the liquidation of all Ghettos in Poland.

June 12th.

1937 Reinhard Heydrich issues detention order for Race Violators, after due process.

1942 10,000 Tarnow Ghetto Jews murdered Belzec in 2 day period.

1944 Germany launches first V-1 rockets at England

June 13th.

1942 3,000 Theresienstadt Jews murdered.

June 14th.

1934 Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the Italian Dictator, meet in Venice over the coming two days, to discuss fate of Austria.

1938 Registration and Identification of Jewish industrial enterprises, their ‘aryanisation’ is decreed. Marked down, all enterprises are expropriated, and any financial transactions placed into blocked accounts. The wealth list of Jews to be officially held.

1940 Paris falls. First transports arrive at Auschwitz from Tarnow.

1941 Hay Action, ‘Heu Aktion’ decree issued by Alfred Rosenberg, demanding 40,000 to 50,000 Ten to Fourteen year olds for Forced Labour be brought to Germany from Eastern Territories

1942 Entire Dzisna Jewish Community murdered at Piaskowe Gora, 4,000 Jews over 2 day period.

1944 Jewish population of Corfu, 1,800 Jews to Auschwitz.

1944 Ribbentrop captured in Hamburg.

1946 Franz von Papen testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

June 15th.

1938 In an A-social Action, 1,500 Jews are rearrested and confined to Camps.

1940 Russians occupy Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

1942 1,800 Borki Jews murdered. Riga requires 2nd. gassing van. Eichmann forced to accede to Russian offensive transport demands.

June 16th.

1932 SA and SS ban lifted by Papen.

1933 Chaim Arlosoroff, a Zionist Labour leader, is murdered.

1940 Kutno Ghetto, Poland established. 7,500 Jews Enclosed. France seeks terms with Germany. Marshal Henri Philippe Petain becomes French Premier.

Monday June 16th. 1941 “..It must be seriously considered whether ..most humane solution is not to finish off ..Jews who are unable to work by means of a quickly working agent. In any event ..this would be more appropriate than to let them starve.” Rolf Heinz Hoeppner.

1944 Chelmno resumes its killing operations. 3,000 Lodz Jews ‘resettled,’ at Chelmno.

June 17th.

1934 von Papen denounces Nazi continuing revolution.

1936 Himmler appointed Chief of the German Police.

1939 St. Louis docks in Antwerp. Britain takes 287 Jewish passengers. France takes 224 Jewish passengers. Belgium takes 214 Jewish passengers. Holland takes 181 Jewish passengers. Only 6 managed to disembark in Cuba.

1940 Marshal Petain, France’s Head of State seeks peace.

1941 Heydrich briefs his Einsatzgruppe Commanders in Berlin, on The Final Solution of the Jewish Question, ‘die Endlosung der Judenfrage.’ Slovakian Governments offers all its Jews for Deportation.

June 18th.

1935 Anglo-German Naval Agreement allows for the expansion of the German Navy. That expansion only allows a German Navy up to 35% of British strength.

1940 Hitler discusses ‘Madagascar Plan’ with Mussolini.

1941 Germany signs friendship treaty with Turkey.

1942 German offensive impinges upon transport for Final Solution.

1944 Russians break through Mannerheim Line. Allies take Assisi.

June 19th.

1936 When Max Schmeling defeats Joe Louis as the World’s Heavyweight Boxing Champion it is seen as a propaganda coup for Hitler and his theory of German evolutionary racial dominance.

1942 Glebokie Jews resist. 2,500 murdered Borek Forest.

June 20th.

Monday June 20th. 1938 “..Twenty years ago we tried to save look at it. If we tried to save again would be just as bad. ..we have nothing to gain by entering a European conflict ..and ..everything to lose.” Hugh R Wilson.

Saturday June 20th. 1942. “..Germany longer persecuting ..Jews. It is systematically exterminating them.” OSS Report. (US Intelligence)

June 20th. 1943 2,000 Tarnopol Jews murdered. More than 10,815 Tarnopol Jews will be murdered.

June 21st.

Sunday June 21st. 1942 “..there is only ..small ..rapidly dwindling percentage left of ..24,000 Jews originally living in Kamenets Podolsky.” Fritz Jacob.

1943 Himmler orders liquidation of all Ghettos in occupied lands.

Monday June 21st. 1943 “..All ..Jews still .ghettos ..Ostland be shut in concentration camps. ..Inmates of ..Jewish ghettos ..not required are to be evacuated ..East.” Heinrich Himmler.

1946 Albert Speer testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

June 22nd.

1940 French Army surrenders. Petain signs armistice at Compiegne.

1941 Germany invades Russia in ‘Operation Barbarossa.’ Leningrad is fundamental to Hitler’s aspirations. Moscow and Ukraine remain secondary targets. Baltic States annexed to ‘Reichkommissariat Ostland.’ Four ‘Einsatzgruppe’ begin their mass murder campaign against the Jews, Soviet politicals and others deemed necessary for destruction.

Sunday June 22nd. 1941 “..New Lithuania will not give any Jew civil rights nor possibility of existence.” Lithuania Activist Front.

1942 First transports from Drancy to Auschwitz.

1944 1st. gassings at Ravensbrueck. 2,000 will be murdered by ‘Zyklon B.’ 700 Boryslaw Jews to Auschwitz.

June 23rd.

1941 Lithuanian convicts are photographed murdering Kovno’s Jews. 5 Drushkopol Jews murdered. Einsatzgruppe ‘aktionen’ has begun, with daily operational situation reports. Hitler leaves Berlin for the Wolfsschanze at Rastenburg, East Prussia.

1942 French Jews selected for gassing at Birkenau.

1944 More Lodz Ghetto Jews murdered Chelmno. New Russian Offensive starts.

June 24th.

1941 Wehrmacht occupies Kovno. Wehrmacht occupies Vilna. There are some 57,000 Jews Living in Vilna. Einsatz begin aktionen in Kovno.

1942 1,000’s of Lvov Jews murdered at Janowska and Piaski.

June 25th.

1938 Jewish Doctors only allowed to treat Jews.

1943 Czestochowa Ghetto liquidated. A further 1,000 Jews to Auschwitz.

June 26th.

1933 The Academy for German Law, ‘Akademie für Deutsches Recht’ is founded. Its task is to rewrite German Law, in its entirety, in accordance with the specifications of the NSDAP.

1935 Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases amended to provide for compulsory abortion of ‘unfit’ foetuses of up to 6 month gestation.

1936 Reinhard Heydrich appointed to head SS Security Service branch, ‘Sicherhietsdienst,’ SD.

1940 American Secretary of State seeks to prevent Jewish refugees entering the US.

Wednesday June 26th. 1940 “..delay ..effectively stop. ..put every obstacle in ..way ..postpone ..postpone ..postpone ..granting of visas.” Breckinridge Long.

1941 1,500 Kovno Jews murdered at Ninth Fort.

1943 2,000 Dabrowa Gornicza Jews deported to Auschwitz.

1944 Over 480 Fossoli Jews to Auschwitz.

1945 United Nations Charter Signed in San Francisco by 50 Nations. Robert Jackson departs Washington to meet with his Allied counterparts in London to discuss legal proceedings against Nazi officials. Numerous disagreements are discussed, including whether to use the adversarial system favoured by the Americans and British, or the inquisitive system favoured by the French and Soviets. For over 800 years, a declaration has been signed by various Countries on the need to punish those who commit atrocities in War. 23 Signatories agree to go forward with an International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

June 27th.

1933 Jews in London hold an anti-Nazi rally.

1941 800 Szulhof Jews are burned to death in their Synagogue by Wehrmacht troops. Wehrmacht troops photograph the ‘wooden club’ murders of Kovno’s Jews. What Stahlecker knows of these ‘aktionen’ is more widely dispersed than has ever been acknowledged. Dieter von Bischoffhausen, Staff Officer of Field Marshal Ritter von Leeb’s Army Group North, informs his immediate superiors. Both von Leeb and Commanding General of 16th. Army Ernst Busch are well informed of all these Kovno actions. Hungary enters the war.

1943 13,000 Lvov Jews murdered in a week long aktionen.

1944 Over 380,000 of Hungary’s Jews are already sent to Auschwitz. More than 250,000 of Hungary’s Jews have already been murdered at Auschwitz. Americans take Cherbourg.

June 28th.

1919 Germany signs Treaty of Versailles.

1933 In a speech to German newspaper publishers, Hitler describes the government’s new journalistic regulations.

1935 Paragraphs 175 and 175a of the criminal code are revised to criminalize all homosexual acts between men. The provision provided the police broader means for prosecuting homosexual men.

1940 Romania cedes Besserabia and Bukovina to Russia.

1941 5,000 Brest-Litovsk Jews were murdered. 1,500’s Iasi Jews murdered. More than 6,000 Jews of Iasi were eventually murdered.

“..10. all Jews.” Reinhard Heydrich.

1943 Four new crematoria completed at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

June 29th.

1939 440 Romani Women and their children arrive at Ravensbrueck.

1941 Einsatzgruppe ‘A’ acknowledges murder of 2,300 Kovno Jews by now. Massacre of Kovno Jews filmed.

1942 Slonim Jews resist.

1944 20,000 Jewish Women from Auschwitz to Stutthof. Hitler sacks two of his most competent Generals, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt.

June 30th.

1930 French troops withdraw from Rhineland.

1934 A supposed coup by the SA Leader Ernst Roehm is purged on the ‘Night of the Long Knives.’ Hundreds of SA are murdered and others of Hitler’s opponents are eliminated. Victims include Ernst Roehm chief of the SA, and Gregor Strasser, former Reich organization leader of the Nazi Party. The SS is now established as the hierarchical policing power. Nazi persecution of homosexuals begins in earnest.

1936 Polish Jews strike in protest against anti-Semitism.

1940 Wehrmacht troops occupy Channel Islands.

1941 11,000 Dvinsk Jews are Murdered. 300 Lutsk Jews murdered. 90 Dobromil Jews are Murdered. 300 Amsterdam Jews deported to Mauthausen.

1942 15,000 Slonim Jews are killed. 2nd. gas chamber functioning at Birkenau. Jewish schools in Germany closed.

Tuesday June 30th. 1942 “..More than 1,000,000 Jews Killed in Europe.” Daily Telegraph.

1943. SS Gruppenfuhrer Katzmann, the Higher SS and Police Fuhrer for Galicia sought to praise those who had undertaken the slaughter of innocent Jews as a manner of stress alleviation:

Wednesday June 30th. 1943. “..Despite ..extreme stress ..mood ..morale ..exceptionally good ..praiseworthy. a personal sense of duty ..every officer to overcome this pestilence.” SS Gruppenfuhrer Friedrich Katzmann.

1944 Over 1,100 Jews from Paris to Auschwitz. An appeal is made to British War Cabinet for the release of Joel Brand.


Holocaust Posted on Sun, May 31, 2015 11:07:34

May 1st.

1934 Der Sturmer becomes one of Germany’s most popular periodicals. Julius Streicher is its editor. Streicher regurgitates the ‘blood libel’ lie on his front cover. With it, The Blood Libel, or Ritual Murder Charge, stirs the antisemitic hatred of Der Sturmer’s readers, regurgitating the Middle Ages accusation of Jewish guilt in the ritual murder of Christians, especially their Children, and with the usage of their blood for Religious ritual purposes, such ignorance persisted. This all dates back to the Middle Ages, and even when the Catholic Church’s repudiation of the charge has not stemmed the flow of antisemitic hatred, the body blow to Jews, who have been violated in pogroms and with the widespread destruction of entire Jewish Communities, the lie persists! Also, and when we consider any aspect of The Blood Libel, we must regard it in light of Jewish Law, contained in Leviticus, that does not allow the consumption of any blood. Der Sturmer becomes one of Hitler’s favourite rags. Rudolf Hess creates the Racial Policy Office of the National Socialist German Workers Party, or ‘Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP.’

1940 Norway surrenders.

1941 Natzweiler Concentration Camp established. Gross Rosen Concentration Camp an independent camp established.

1942 Artur Greiser, Wartheland Gauleiter, sends a letter to Himmler which recognises the destruction of 100,000 Jews in Lodz region. 1,000 Dvinsk Jews are murdered. Some 12,200 Jews have been murdered here. All Slovak Jews expelled to Poland will see a fee of 500 Reichmarcs paid to Reich.

1943 2,500 Brody Jews murdered.

1945 Admiral Karl Doenitz heads German Government.

May 2nd.

1934 Congressman Louis T. McFadden delivers an antisemitic speech on the floor of the United States House of Representatives.

1941 At a meeting of Reich Secretaries, it was concluded that any territorial solution ‘East’ would not be feasible given the requirement for all produce and supplies for German growth.

1945 Russians occupy Berlin. Berlin surrenders. President Truman appoints Robert Jackson as chief U. S. counsel for the prosecution of Nazi war criminals.

May 3rd.

1935 Schacht subordinates all other tasks to that of Rearmament:

Friday May 3rd. 1935 “..fulfilment of ..programme for rearmament on a mass scale is ..basis of German policy ..everything else must be subordinate to this task.” Hjalmar Schacht.

1938 Flossenburg Concentration Camp established.

1939 Viacheslav Molotov replaces Maksim Litvinov as Russian Foreign Minister.

1942 More than 20,000 of Prague’s Jews have been ‘resettled.’

1945 17,247 Theresienstadt Jewish inmates handed over to Red Cross. Eichmann commando last seen at Alt Ausee, Salzkammergut.

1946 Walther Funk testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

May 4th.

1924 Nazis secure 6.4% of votes in ‘Reichstag’ Elections.

1942 Gassing selection begins at Birkenau and by completion, more than 1,100,000 Jews would be Murdered there.

1943 Over 1,100 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz and Sobibor.

May 5th.

Tuesday May 5th. 1942 “..there’s a good deal of mopping up taking place ..particularly amongst ..Jews. ..we just get on with it. That way we’ll all be home quicker.” Fritz Jacob.

1945 Mauthausen liberated. Wehrmacht surrenders in Denmark. Of 5,600 Danish Jews, most escaped. 116 Danish Jews were murdered. Wehrmacht surrenders in Holland. Some 106,000 Dutch Jews were murdered. Wehrmacht surrenders North Germany.

Saturday May 5th. 1945. “..word we indulged ourselves with in ..most secret corner of our being and feared to pronounce aloud. That sacred word ..contains so many beautiful ..unbelievable things ..liberty ..freedom…end of tyranny ..misery ..slavery..hunger. has come true. ..Peace.” Helga Weiss.

May 6th.

1933 The Institute of Sexual Studies in Berlin is destroyed by pro-Nazi students, over academic curiosity in the area of ‘homosexual behaviour.’

1940 Siedlice Ghetto, Poland established. 15,000 Jews Enclosed.

1945 Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering surrenders to the Allies. Goering is at first toasted with champagne, but later is transferred to Bad Mondorf in Luxembourg.

May 7th.

1943 1,000 Zagreb Jews to Auschwitz. Last 370 Nowogrodek Jews murdered.

1945 General Alfred Jodl signs Germany’s unconditional surrender at Reims. “1,000 year Reich” ends. Colonel General Alfred Jodl signs the terms of unconditional surrender for Germany in Rheims. World War II in Europe ends.

May 8th.

Thursday May 8th. 1941 “..General Komissare ..Estonia ..Latvia ..Lithuania will take measures to establish ..German Protectorate ..possible in ..future to annex these territories to ..German Reich. ..suitable elements among ..population must be assimilated ..undesireable elements exterminated.” Alfred Rosenberg.

1942 5,000 Lida Jews murdered,

1943 In the Warsaw Ghetto, the Headquarters of Jewish Resistance, 18 Mila Street, is surrounded and liquidated. Mordechai Anielewicz and 97 Resistance Fighters Died that Day.Their refusal to succumb to the Nazi brutality will point the way toward all future Jewish Persistence and Resistance! 2 managed to Survive. More than 50,000 Warsaw Jews have been murdered in recent months.

1945 Russians liberate Theresienstadt. More than 140,000 Jews have passed through the Camp. 90,000 Jews perished during, in or enroute to The Death Camps. More than 33,500 Jews from Theresienstadt have been murdered. 30,000 Jews were liberated. Victory in Europe, VE Day. There are still some 700,000 inmates in Concentration Camps at War’s end! More than 1,100,000 Russian Jews were murdered.

1946 Grand Admiral Karl Donitz testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

May 8th.

1947 Nuremberg Tribunal on ‘IG Farben’.

May 9th.

1918 Hitler awarded Regimental Diploma.

1942 Markuszow Jews resist and escape to Wola Forest.

1943 Over 600 Skalat Jews murdered. German surrender in Tunisia.

1944 Russians retake Sevastopol.

1945 Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel signs Unconditional German surrender. Some 171,000 Jews of Germany were murdered.

May 10th.

1933 Tens of thousands of Books are burned on the Unter den Linden, Berlin. More than 20,000 Books are burned opposite the University of Berlin. Books written by Jews, political dissidents, and others not approved by the state are Burned. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise addressed 100,000 people in Battery Park, Manhattan, New York, to protest Nazi persecution of the Jews!

Wednesday May 10th. 1933 “..Those who begin by burning Books end by burning People.” Heinrich Heine.

1940 Germany invades Belgium. Germany invades Holland. Germany invades France. Germany invades Luxembourg. Martin Luther appointed to Foreign Office Department, Deutschland. Chamberlain resigns as Britain’s Prime Minister. Churchill takes charge.

Friday May 10th. 1940 “..I felt as if I were walking with destiny ..that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trial.” Winston Churchill.

1941 Rudolf Hess lands in Scotland.

1942 1,000 Wolozyn Jews murdered.

1964 The Treblinka Monument is unveiled.

May 11th.

1943 Over 1,400 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz and Sobibor. Shmuel Zygielbojm commits suicide.

Tuesday May 11th. 1943 “..responsibility for ..crime of ..murder of ..whole Jewish nationality in Poland rests first of all on those who are carrying it out ..but indirectly it falls also upon ..whole of humanity ..peoples of ..Allied nations and on their governments ..who up to this day have not taken any real steps to halt this crime. By looking on passively upon this murder of defenceless millions of tortured children ..women and men they have become partners to ..responsibility…My friends in ..Warsaw ghetto fell. ..I did not succeed in dying ..same way or ..with them. ..I belong to them and ..mass graves there.” Shmuel Zygielbojm.

1944 Allied forces mount major offensive in central Italy.

1960 Adolf Eichmann, the Architect of The Holocaust slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, Men, Women and Their Children, is captured in Buenos Aires.

May 12th.

1935 Polish dictator Jozef Pilsudski dies. Anti-Jewish measures now escalate within Poland. The government and most Polish political parties will call for discrimination, economic boycott, expulsion, and physical violence against Jews. The Polish Catholic Church, most priests, the Catholic press, and schools will sanction discrimination and/or violence against the Jews.

1942 1,000’s Gabin Jews murdered Chelmno. 2,500 Ivye Jews murdered.

May 13th.

1943 1,000 Zagreb Jews to Auschwitz. Axis Forces North Africa, surrender.

May 14th.

1935 German edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion declared a forgery by Swiss Court in Bern.

1940 Dutch Army surrenders.

1941 4,000 Jews from Paris interned at Pithiviers. Romanian Jews forced to labour. Martin Bormann succeeds Hess.

1948 The establishment of the State of Israel. The loss to the state of Israel is measured in the 6,000,000 Jews murdered in The Holocaust.

May 15th.

1933 The Jews of Paris protest for two days over the campaign of anti-Jewish measures within Germany.

1939 900 women prisoners transferred from Lichtenburg Concentration Camp to newly established Ravensbrueck Camp. St. Louis leaves Hamburg for Cuba, with 734 Jewish refugees.

1940 1,000’s of Jewish refugees caught out by speed of German assault as Holland is overrun and surrenders.

1941 Biala Podlaska Jews murdered at Konskowola. Petain pledges cooperation with Germany.

1942 10,000 Lodz Ghetto Jews murdered Chelmno. Belzec reopens for mass murder. More of Izbica Lubelska’s Jews expelled to Belzec. Jewish Family Transports to Lublin from Slovakia commence. Russians counter at Kharkov.

1944 Over 2,500 Jews from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz. Over 870 Jews from Drancy deported to Kovno and Reval. Eichmann begins the deportation of Hungary’s Jews to Birkenau with the assistance of the Hungarian Gendarmerie.

May 16th.

1940 Nazis plan to eradicate Polish intellectuals.

1941 Danica Concentration Camp in operation. Others in Croatia:- Dakovo, Jadovno, Jasenovac where 4,000 Jewish Men are murdered, and Loborgrad where 4,000 Jewish Women are murdered. Petain approves collaboration with Hitler.

1942 4,500 Pabiance Jews murdered Chelmno.

1943 Last detail of the Warsaw Ghetto begins at 8:15pm with Synagogue being blown up. There remains but 8 buildings in the Ghetto, including the Dzielna Prison, now a Concentration area. The Rising is fully Suppressed. Tlomackie Street Synagogue set alight. Much of the Warsaw Ghetto goes up in flames. The Final Liquidation begins.

1944 2,500 Jews from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz. Over 500 Fossoli Jews to Auschwitz. Hungarian action in Birkenau begins.

May 17th.

1933 Petition handed to League of Nations by a Jewish Delegation protesting Germany’s anti-Jewish legislation.

1934 German Jews are no longer entitled to health insurance. At New York’s Madison Square Garden, thousands attend a pro-Nazi rally sponsored by the German-American Bund.

1939 Britain’s, MacDonald White Paper, sets seal on Jewish immigration of 50,000 into Palestine for coming 5 years.

1940 Germans occupy Brussels.

1943 395 Berlin Jews to Auschwitz. Ruhr Dams attacked by RAF

May 18th.

1940 Germans take Antwerp.

1942 New York Times carries certain facts of Jewish slaughter. 100,000 Jews murdered in Baltic States. 100,000 Jews murdered in Poland. 200,000 Jews murdered in Russia.

1943 Over 2,500 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz and Sobibor.

1944 2,500 Jews from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz. Polish Forces take Monte Cassino.

1953 YadVashem, The Holocaust Martyrs and Hero’s Remembrance Authority, established.

“..I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name which shall not be cut off.” Isaiah 56:5.

May 19th.

1940 Arthur Seyss Inquart appointed Reich Commissioner over Holland.

1943 Berlin declared ‘Judenrein.’

1944 Over 680 Dutch Jews deported to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. SK 1005 Exhumation at Ponary Woods ended.

May 20th.

1928 Nazis secure 2.5% of votes in Reichstag Elections, return 12 Deputies.

1938 Sudeten Germans seek German rule. Partial mobilisation in Czechoslovakia along German border.

1940 Auschwitz now functioning.

1941 Jews in France prohibited from trading, ownership of banks, hotels or restaurants denied them. A regulation, signed by SS Gruppenfuhrer Walther Schelenberg, prevents all future Jewish emigration from Belgium or France in line with Goering’s decree. Goering bans all future Jewish emigration.

Tuesday May 20th. 1941 “..doubtless and imminent final solution.” Hermann Goering.

1946 Grand Admiral Erich Raeder testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

May 21st.

1935 Hitler’s Reichstag speech on peace. Army Defense Law sees ‘Aryan heritage’ as a clear demand for military service. ‘Jews Not Wanted’ posters and signs spring up on restaurants, shops and at the entry point to villages. Schacht becomes Plenipotentiary General for a War Economy. The fullest exploitation of Lands, Goods, Valuables and possessions of all those declared alien to the Reich commences. This will lead to the depreciating wealth of the Jews move in direct contrast with the accumulation of Reich wealth. The policy of persecuting the Jews, and the larceny thus gained was a matter of principle in Economic circles. Plunder of all Jewish assets was a matter of decree.

1940 SS Sturmbannfuhrer Herbert Lange’s Sonderkommando begins its operations in Soldau.

“..special command being under my command for particular tasks was sent to Soldau during ..time from May 21st. to June 8th. 1940 in accord with ..RSHA and has evacuated 1,588 insane persons from ..transition camp during that time.” SS Gruppenfuhrer Jakob Sporrenberg

1942 3,000 Brzeziny Jews murdered in 3 day operation Chelmno. The I.G. Farben established factory at Auschwitz III Monowitz is in operation.

1943 1,000 Busk Jews murdered.

1945 Odilo Globocnik commits suicide in detention centre, Weissensee, Austria.

May 22nd.

1939 Germany and Italy sign ‘Pact of Steel’.

1941 Croatian Jews forced to wear yellow badges.

1943 1,000 Stryj Jews murdered.

May 23rd.

1939 Hitler prepared to attack Poland.

1942 4,000 Chelm Jews murdered Sobibor in 3 day operation. 2,000 Ozorkow Jews murdered Chelmno in 3 day operation. Entire Jewish Community Dolginovo murdered in 2 days. 100’s Wlodowa Jews murdered.

1945 Himmler Captured. Himmler Commits suicide. British tanks enter Flensburg, Germany. In Flensburg, the British take several of the Nazis that will be tried in the Major War Figures Trial, including Donitz, Jodl, Keitel, Rosenberg, and Speer.

1946 Baldur von Schirach testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

May 24th.

1943 Further rebellion strikes at the Bialystok Ghetto, where 15,000 Jews have already been removed to Treblinka. Protest by Sofia Jews saves over 19,000 of their number. Bulgarian Government scatters its Jews to avoid German resettlement.

1944 Oswald Pohl’s detailed report on the Hungarian ‘resettlement’ exercise reaches Himmler.

May 25th.

1940 Hitler receives Himmler memo on Jewish treatment ‘East’.

1943 Over 2,800 Dutch Jews to Auschwitz and Sobibor.

Tuesday 25th. May 1943 “..holiest thing in explains and defines all we ought to be we ought to conduct ourselves and what we ought to believe.” Moshe Flinker.

May 26th.

1940 Commencement of evacuation of 338,000 British and French troops from Dunkirk.

1942 Britain and Russia sign mutual assistance treaty.

May 27th.

1940. the Le Paradis Massacre against British Prisoners of War was conducted by 14th Company, 3rd. SS Panzer Division (Totenkopf). British Forces were in retreat toward Dunkirk. Troops from the 2nd Battalion, of the Royal Norfolk Regiment were defending a farmhouse surrounded by the Waffen SS task force. Without ammunition, the British Troops surrendered. 100 British Prisoners of War were Machine Gunned against a wall. Murdered!

1942 2,000 Zamosc Jews murdered Belzec. Heydrich target of assassination. Belgian Jews ordered to wear Yellow Star. Wehrmacht beat back Russians at Kharkov.

1943 3,000 Tluste Jews murdered. 2,500 Sokal Jews murdered.

1944 Two Jews, Arnost Rosin and Czezlaw Mardowicz escape from Auschwitz.

May 28th.

1937 Neville Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister in Britain.

1938 Boycott of Jewish businesses in Frankfurt.

1940 Belgium capitulates.

1942 6,000 Cracow Jews murdered Belzec.

1946 Fritz Sauckel testifies at his Nuremberg Trial.

May 29th.

1938 Hungary restricts rights of Jews.

1940 Slovak Government agrees to deport 120,000 Jews to Germany as Slave Labourers.

1942 3,000 Radziwillow Jews resist. 1,500 are killed. Vichy bans Jews from all Public places.

Monday May 29th. 1944 “..Do you know where ..Jews of Austria ..and of Germany ..Holland ..Czechoslovakia and France. Poland ..taken in cattle cars ..70 into each car. What happened to them I do not know ..I can only guess.” Eva Heyman.

1962 Eichmann’s appeal against his Death sentence is rejected.

May 30th.

1938 Hitler tells his Generals he is set to invade Czechoslovakia.

1942 1st. RAF 1,000 bomber raid, Cologne.

May 31st.

1935 Jews are banned from serving in the German Armed Forces.

1938 Decadent art banned in Germany.

1941 Heydrich and General Eduard Wagner, Wehrmacht Quartermaster, agree respective roles in Russia.

Wednesday May 31st. 1944 “..destruction of all roads leading from Hungary to Poland.” Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel.

A call for the destruction of the routes to and from Hungary and Auschwitz to be bombed was ignored. While there was no guarantee that this would have ceased the destructive ability of Auschwitz/Birkenau, it is obvious that the ability to operate at all, for whatever time span not allowed for the ‘resettlement’ operations, would have given Hitler a clear indication of what was known about his Final Solution. It might also have pre-empted the complete cessation of Auschwitz/Birkenau’s functioning in annihilation. History will never know if any Jews might have been saved by this effort. History though would be aware of the effort expended on behalf of these Jews of Europe, a predominantly Hungarian grouping by now. Who knows though, History could even find the answer as to why this alleviation for these Hungarian Jews was not even attempted?

1962 Adolf Eichmann is Hanged for his Crimes Against the Jews of Humanity!


Holocaust Posted on Thu, April 30, 2015 15:40:52

April 1st.

1924 Hitler sentenced to 5 years in jail.

1933 One Day Boycott of all Jewish shops and businesses in Germany ordered by Hitler. Jewish lawyers, doctors and Pharmacists are ‘Berufbeschrankung’, restricted and their practices are also boycotted. Jewish merchants are boycotted. Hitler orders the boycott limited to a single day. Jewish students were forbidden to attend schools and universities.

1934 Heinrich Himmler appointed head of the SS.

1935 Anti-Jewish legislation in the Saar region is passed. The Jehovah’s Witness organisation is banned because they refuse to swear allegiance to the state.

1940 China admits thousands of Jews to Shanghai.

1941 Cracow Jews barred from Public and Private Buses and Taxis.

1942 Over 900 Slovakian Jews deported to Auschwitz.

1945 Allies encircle Ruhr.

1946 Rudolf Hoess, the commandant at Auschwitz concentration camp, provides graphic testimony of mass executions at his camp. Joachim von Ribbentrop begins to testify at Nuremberg.

April 2nd.

1941 Pal Telecki, Hungary’s Premier, commits suicide rather than collaborate with Germany.

1942 1,000 Kolomyia Jews murdered at Belzec. Fritz Sauckel cuts across Auschwitz Labour Plans for its Jews.

1944 1,500 Athens Jews to Auschwitz. Russians on Romanian border.

1945 Hitler announces that world will be ‘eternally grateful’ for eradication of the Jewish People.

April 3rd.

1939 Hitler directive for seizure of Danzig, Poland.

1942 1,200 Tlumacz Jews murdered. Last Jews of Augsburg murdered at Belzec.

1944 Krummhuebel Conference of experts on Jewish Question.

April 4th.

1933 The Yellow Badge, Wear it with Pride, by Robert Weltsch is published. Excerpts appear in the German Jewish Review.

Thursday April. 4th. 1940, “..I learned ..Jews from various streets are being deported.” David Rubinowicz.

1942 1,500 Gorodenka Jews murdered.

1943 Over 4,000 Jews of Mikhailishki, Oszmiany and Soly are murdered in Ponary Woods.

Sunday April 4th. 1943 “ less than four hours ..2,500 people were murdered ..even more.” Kazimierz Sakowicz.

April 5th.

1938 Anti-Jewish riots spread across Poland.

1943 5,000 Zloczew Jews murdered. Over 10,586 Zloczew Jews will eventually be murdered. 4,000 Swieciany Jews are murdered in Ponary Woods.

1944 Over 650 Dutch Jews deported to Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Theresienstadt. Over 550 Fossoli Jews to Auschwitz. Joel Brand, accompanied by Rudolf Kasztner, meet with Eichmann to discuss ways of saving Hungary’s Jews. The Blood for Goods deal is sought! During height of Brand’s mission, 84,000 Hungarian Jews are ‘resettled’ to Auschwitz on a weekly basis. Wide-scale controversy surrounds this period, and will dog this particular attempt to deal with Eichmann in suspicion. Kasztner will eventually pay with his life for the accusation of collaborating with ‘Satan’. Previously, September 1941, Brand’s Wife’s Family had been deported to Kamanetz Podolsk and would have been murdered there except for Brand’s move to bribe a Hungarian official to bring them back. The rescue attempt, from the jaws of death formed the genesis of this newer attempt.

April 6th.

1941 Radom Ghetto established. 30,000 Jews Enclosed. Germany and her Axis allies invade Greece and Yugoslavia. Jews driven from their homes.

1943 Over 2,000 Dutch Jews from Westerbork Detention Camp are murdered in Sobibor. Of the over 34,000 Jews ‘resettled’ from Westerbork to Sobibor, barely 19 Survived.

1945 Evacuation of Buchenwald begins.

April 7th.

1933 Hitler decrees ‘Berufsbeamtengesetz’ Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. All Jews barred from the practice of law. All Jews barred from holding civil service jobs. All Jews barred from university positions. All Jews barred from all other state institutions. All Jews barred from membership in associations. All Jews barred from membership of societies. Exceptions are Jews who were World War I veterans and Heroes.

1939 Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan enter anti-Comintern Pact. Italy occupies Albania. Britain brings in conscription.

1943 700 Skalat Jews murdered. Chelmno Castle is blown up. ‘Sonderkommando 1005’ has commenced with its onerous duty here at Chelmno, to destroy the evidence of Hitler’s final solution. Blobel’s Sonderkommando then moves on to Belzec, and spends three months there.

1944 Two Jews, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler escape Auschwitz. The ‘Auschwitz Protocols,’ a detailed overview of operations at Auschwitz, by Vrba and Wetzler, is delivered to Jewish Leaders and subsequently, to the Allied Powers.

Friday, 7th. April 1944 “..millions of Jews ..captured ..who knows where they are. ..We have come ..from place where your brothers are. ..Two thousand years have we brought into this world children ..doomed to suffer.” Moshe Flinker.

April 8th.

1940 Katyn Forest massacre of 26,000 Polish Officers by Russian soldiers begins.

1941 Kielce Ghetto established. 27,000 Jews Enclosed.

1942 Crimea cleared of all Jews. Izbica Lubelska, becomes a transit ghetto as deportation action continues.

1947 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 4, The Oswald Pohl or Economic and Administrative Office, the WVHA Case begins. Oswald Pohl and seventeen other members of WVHA () charged with war crimes against POWs in concentration camps which WVHA controlled after spring of 1942.

April 9th.

1940 Czestochowa Ghetto, Poland established. 48,000 Jews Enclosed. Germany invades Denmark and Norway. Denmark capitulates after four hours.

1941 Germany occupies Salonika.

1943 1,700 Rudki Jews murdered. 500 Komarno Jews murdered.

1945 Mauthausen is evacuated. Over 38,000 Jews were murdered here. 10,000 in ‘gassing vans’ at Hartheim, in the Melk sub-Camp or in their own Gas Chamber.

1948 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 9, ends. All Twenty Four defendants are found guilty on one or more of the charges. Fourteen defendants are sentenced to death. Ten defendants have these sentences commuted later to varying terms of imprisonment.

April 10th.

1932 German Law requires that more than 50% of the vote is required for the elected Candidate to succeed. Rerun of presidential election Hitler increases his popular vote to over 36% of the votes cast. Hindenburg re-elected.

1939 Germany approves Anschluss in referendum.

1941 Croatia declares itself independent State.

1942 950 Kuty Jews murdered.

1943 Plans to resettle Jews of Warsaw Ghetto undertaken.

1944 Russians retake Besserabia. Some 148,000 Jews murdered here. Russians retake Bukovina. Some 62,000 Jews murdered here. Russians retake Odessa. Over 91,678 Odessa Jews had been murdered.

1945 15,000 Jews marched from Buchenwald.

1947 Military Tribunal II-A sentences twenty convicted defendants in the Einsatzgruppen Trial. Fourteen of the defendants, members of German mobile killing units, are sentenced to death.

1948 Sentence in der Einsatzgruppe Case is presented with the confirmation of the sentences passed in the United States Zone of Occupation by its Military Governor.

April 11th.

1933 German government begins racially based employment and economic sanctions against the Jews. The non-Aryan decree describes those who descend from Jewish Parents or Grandparents as non-Aryan. One Jewish Parent or Grandparent is enough to classify a person as non-Aryan. A descendant of a practising Jew is a non-Aryan. The Lutheran Church opposes this decree.

1942 3,000 Zamosc Jews murdered at Belzec.

1945 Americans liberate Buchenwald. Some 56,500 Jews murdered here. 15,000 Jews freed. Allies take Essen. American troops reach Elbe River.

1946 Kaletenbrunner testifies at Nuremberg.

1961 The Trial of Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem.

April 12th.

1940 Hans Frank demands Cracow ‘Judenfrei’ by November.

1941 Wehrmacht Troops enter Belgrade. Jewish shops and homes looted.

1945 Roosevelt dies. Harry Truman succeeds him.

April 13th.

1943 2,000 Buczacz Jews murdered. Over 1,200 Dutch Jews expelled from Westerbork Camp and are murdered in Sobibor. Katyn Massacre discovered.

1944 1,500 Jews transported from Paris to Auschwitz.

1945 Russian forces enter Vienna.

1949 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 11, The Ministries Case ends. 19 defendants found guilty

April 14th.

1932 SA and SS Banned.

1933 The National Political Educational Institute, ‘der Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalten’ are established as Nazi Party cadet training schools.

1934 A strong anti-Semitic group is formed in Poland called the ‘Oboze Narodovo Radzykalny,’ The Radical Nationalist Organization or ONR.

1941 Hungarian troops enter Yugoslavia. Jews are randomly shot. Croatia recognised as Fascist state by Germany and Italy .

1943 1,000 Sambor Jews murdered. Siedlice Ghetto Liquidated.

1944 First transport Athens Jews arrives at Auschwitz.

April 15th.

1938 In Dabrowa Tarnowska, Poland there is a pogrom which sees many Jews killed.

1939 Roosevelt presses Hitler to guarantee integrity of all national borders.

1941 15,000 of Lublin’s Jews ‘resettled’.

1944 Jewish revolt hampers action of ‘Sonderkommando 1005’ in their attempt to destroy the evidence in Ponary Woods. 25 Jews are murdered. The exhumation at Ponary Woods had continued from the November of 1943.

1945 British liberate Bergen-Belsen. 13,000 Dead lie as they fell. Amongst them is Anne and Margot Frank. 50,000 Jews murdered here. 40,000 are freed. Jews were dying at the rate of 4,500 per week. The toll for all who died here, is incalculable!

April 16th.

1941 Main Synagogue Sarajevo destroyed.

1942 Over past 4 weeks, Lublin Ghetto cleared to Belzec. Some 40,000 Lublin Jews have been murdered, in situ or in Belzec. A further 8,000 Jews from Lublin district murdered at Belzec. 36,000 Jews from Galicia had also been murdered here.

1943 Hitler briefs Hungarian Regent, Admiral Miklos von Nagybania Horthy on The Final Solution.

1944 Hungarian Government registers Jews. Hungarian Government confiscates Jewish property.

1945 Russian forces move on Berlin.

1947 Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess Hanged in Auschwitz 1 for his crimes against the Jews of Humanity. Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 2 ends. Erhard Milch is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for his crimes.

April 17th.

1943 SS Obergruppenfuhrer Jurgen Stroop arrives in the Warsaw Ghetto.

April 18th.

1939 Slovakia passes its own anti-Jewish legislation as defined by their Judaism religion.

1941 Yugoslavia surrenders.

1942 1,000 Theresienstadt Jews despatched to Sobibor. SS Haupsturmfuhrer Paul Franz Stangl is Kommandant at Sobibor. 52 Warsaw Ghetto Jews murdered.

1943 Over 3,400 Jaworow Jews murdered.

Tuesday April 18th. 1944 “..heard ..all would die in Poland.” Eva Heyman.

1946 Hans Frank testifies at Nuremberg.

April 19th.

1943 1,400 Brussels Jews to Auschwitz. Berlin over 900 Jews murdered in Sobibor. 800 Borszczow Jews murdered. Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Uprising begins. Remnants of Warsaw’s Jews, 70,000 Jews still alive. The Warsaw Ghetto’s final liquidation begins. Stroop leads the assault against the Jews of Warsaw in the early hours. Globocnik is on hand to assist in crushing remnants of Jewish Warsaw. Mark Lichtenbaum is the Chair of Warsaw Ghetto Judenrate before Final Liquidation.

1947 Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, Case Number 5, The Friedrich Flick Case begins. Six members of the Flick Concern, a group of industrial enterprises, including coal mines and steel works, are charged with the usage of Slave Labour for the enterprises and the utilisation of POWs. They are also charged with the deportation of people for that labour from all of the German occupied territories. They are further charged, on direction, of the plundering of privately owned property and the ‘Aryanization’ process of Jewish properties.

April 20th.

1889 Adolf Hitler was born.

1934 Himmler acting-Chief Prussian Gestapo.

1939 Economy and Administration Main Office, ‘Wirtschafts und Verwaltungshauptamt’, WVHA is to concern itself in all matters economic, especially financial management of Camp system.

1940 Hitler orders High Command of the Armed Forces, OKW, discharge Jews of mixed blood and Husbands of Jewish women.

1943 Over 1,100 Dutch Jews from Westerbork murdered Sobibor.

1944 Last 70 Jews assigned to ‘Sonderkommando 1005’ in Ponary murdered.

1945 American troops enter Nuremberg.

April 21st.

1933 Jewish ritual slaughter to be banned. Rudolf Hess created deputy Fuhrer NSDAP.

1938 German decree eliminates Jews from national economy, allows for seizure of Jewish assets.

1945 Ravensbrueck evacuated of its 15,000 inmates.

April 22nd.

1940 Odilo Globocnik, HSSPF for Lublin plans to use more Jewish forced labour.

1943 Stroop orders Warsaw Ghetto to be burned down. First Transport of Dutch Jews arrives at Theresienstadt.

1944 Russians cross Romanian border.

April 23rd.

1938 Jews in Vienna, rounded up on the Sabbath.

1940 Jews in Stutthof Camp murdered, forced to leap into open latrines, many drowned.

1943 Marek Lichtenbojm, Judenrat Chairman and his Deputies of the Warsaw Ghetto are executed.

Friday April 23rd. 1943 “..Great things are happening ..this action ..we have dared to take is of enormous value. ..Jewish self defense has become a fact.” Mordechai Anielewicz.

1945 33,000 Sachsenhausen inmates begin Death March. More than 35,000 Jews were murdered here. 3,000 Survivors after SS massacre. Russian forces stand before Berlin. Some Ravensbrueck inmates force marched to Schleswig. 7,000 Ravensbrueck Women inmates handed over to the Swedish Red Cross. Mauthausen opened to Red Cross.

April 24th.

1937 Pastor Martin Niemoeller preaches that Jesus being born a Jew was God’s mistake.

1938 German autonomy in Sudetenland called for. Registration of all Jewish property mandatory within Reich.

1941 Lublin ghetto sealed. Bulgaria occupies Thrace.

1942 German Jews not allowed on Public Transport.

1945 Himmler hands peace proposal to Count Folke Bernadotte. Bernadotte was Nephew of the King of Sweden and Vice-President of the Swedish Red Cross.

April 25th.

1933 The Law for the Prevention of Overcrowding in German Schools and Schools of Higher Education is established. This law fully restricts the enrolment of Jews into the Educational system.

1944 Eichmann elicits ‘Blood for Trucks’ deal with Reszo Kasztner and Hungarian Jewish Leadership.

1945 Himmler’s offer of surrender declined. American and Russian Troops meet at Torgau on the Elbe. United Nations talks in San Francisco.

April 26th.

1933 Hermann Goering establishes Geheime Staatspolizei, Gestapo as the Secret State Police. The Vaad, ‘Va’ad Le’umi,’ the National Committee of Palestinian Jews establish a method for the absorption of Jewish immigrants from Germany. Hitler meets with Bishop Berning and Monsignor Steinmann of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. Hitler explains his was the continuance of what the Church’s own 1,900 year policy toward the Jews. Hitler reminds the Church that it was they who regarded the Jews as dangerous and forced them into ghettos away from Christian areas. The Church describes this meeting as ‘cordial and to the point.’

1938 Registration of all Jewish real estate. Other assets exceeding 5,000 Marks, owned by Jews in Germany to be registered. Jewish property expropriated in Austria.

1942 Reichstag grants Hitler dictatorial powers.

1946 Julius Streicher testifies at Nuremberg.

April 27th.

1933 German government prohibits the practice of Jewish ritual slaughter of animals for meat.

1937 Hitler unleashes his Stukas on Guernica.

1939 Nonaggression pact with Poland revoked by Germany.

1940 Himmler directive establishes Auschwitz Concentration Camp. April 28th. 1939 Anglo German Naval Agreement withdrawn by Hitler.

1941 Wehrmacht enters Athens.

1942 1,000 Theresienstadt Jews deported to Izbica Lubelska.

1943 Over 2,000 Dutch Jews from Westerbork murdered Sobibor. Total solution of Amsterdam’s Jews abandoned.

April 28th.

1941 Field Marshal Walter von Brauchitsch, German Army Commander in Chief, issues directive for Wehrmacht co-operation with Heydrich’s units ‘East’.

1942 1,000’s of Radom’s Jews murdered in 10 day operation.

1943 Izbica Lubelska ‘Judenrein’.

1945 Dachau liberated. Some 35,000 Jews have been murdered here. Mussolini killed.

April 29th.

1938 Vilna, Poland a pogrom sees many Jews killed.

1942 100’s of Lodz Jews murdered Chelmno. Evidence of this Lodz ‘resettlement’ at Chelmno gets back to Lodz.

1943 The Polish Underground Newspaper reports the struggle for the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Thursday April 29th. 1943 “..strength of ..German military and police machine ..being weakened daily. This strength broke near Stalingrad ..had to retreat from Tunis now stands powerless before a group of Jews who defend themselves in ..ghetto.” Polska.

1944 3,000 Jews from Backa Topola to Auschwitz. Over 1,000 Jews from Paris to Auschwitz.

1945 Wehrmacht surrenders in Italy at Caserta. Allies enter Milan.

“…Centuries will pass ..but from ..rubble of our city ..our hatred of those who are to blame Jewry and its lackeys ..I have made it clear that if they treat ..nations of Europe as tools that may be bought and sold by these international swindlers for money and material support ..then that race ..Jewish race ..which is truly responsible for this murderous struggle ..shall bear ..consequences. ..Above all ..I oblige ..national leadership and its followers to observe ..racial laws scrupulously and subject ..poisoner of all nations Jewry merciless resistance.” Adolf Hitler.

April 30th.

1935 Jews cannot display German flag.

1939 Jewish tenancy no longer protected.

1940 Lodz Ghetto sealed. Over 205,000 Jews are now trapped. First crematorium at Sachsenhausen built.

1941 Croatia enacts own anti Jewish legislation. All Croatian Jews removed from public office. The Head of the Polish Government in Exile, General Sikorski issues a stark warning about the treatment of the Jewish population in Polish Ghettos.

Wednesday 30th. April 1941 “..Jewish population in ..Ghettos is condemned to death by starvation.” Wladyslaw Sikorski.

1942 1,200 Diatlovo Jews are murdered. Pinsk Ghetto established. 20,000 Enclosed.

1943 1,200 Wlodowa Jews murdered Sobibor. Some in transport attacked SS at Sobibor. Goebbels published details of Katyn Massacre. Martin Luther dispatched to Sachsenhausen.

Friday April 30th 1943 “..if by free choice he wishes to remain a Jew ..then he is a Jew.” Zelig Kalmanovich.

1945 Ravensbrueck liberated. 3,000 inmates still dying here. More than 132,000 Women had been interred. Hitler and his Wife, Eva Braun, commit suicide. Goebbels and his Wife poison their Children. Goebbels and Magda commit suicide.

“..hold a solemn requiem mass in memory of der Fuhrer.” Cardinal Bertram.

While the Cardinal remembers Hitler in our prayers, Lest we Forget, 50 to 70 Million People died as a consequence of what Hitler planned. Of that number, 6,000,000 Jews of Europe, Men, Women and Their Children were Murdered. It might be truer to state that Hitler’s lust for power was only exceeded by his hatred for The Jewish People and as such, all memory of Hitler is best shelved!

1946 Hjalmar Schact testifies at Nuremberg.

Always to Remember, Never to Forget!

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